Bai Ye stretched out his right hand, easily resisting Diana's attack, like a mountain, standing there firmly, and at the same time, the aftermath of the collision between the two shattered directly.

"If Diana has only this improvement, I can't help it.

"Bai Ye chuckled lightly.

Diana's expression was serious, and in a flash, her body adjusted, and her right leg was like a whip shadow, and she pulled it out towards Bai Ye.

However, all this was just useless work, Bai Ye tilted his head slightly and directly avoided Diana's attack.

"The speed is still too slow. If you are faster, you can hit me."

"It's definitely possible next time."

Diana shouted angrily and launched a violent attack directly at Bai Ye.

Fist and kung fu used all his strength, almost only some phantoms could be seen.

Boom boom boom.

The battle between the two is very terrifying, the speed is almost invisible to the naked eye, and only a trace of afterimage can be seen, as if it were formed around like a phantom. The cracks continued to spread, the big trees fell, and fell to the ground one after another, and even the smoke and dust were blown up by the aftermath of the two people and directly covered the surroundings.

And the battle sound produced by the battle between the two was even more terrifying, deafening, and turned around for a long time.

Meanwhile, below the forest, Hippolyta was patrolling with a group of Amazonian female warriors.

Beside her, it was the deafening voice of the Amazon's general Antiope, which suddenly shocked everyone.

"what's the sound"

Queen Hippolyta said in a deep voice, "I don't know, it's a bit like the sound of battle, maybe someone is fighting above."

After a moment of hesitation, Antiope said.

Although some do not believe that someone fighting in Amazon can make such a loud noise, this sound is really too loud, very much like someone fighting, resulting in the sound.

As a belligerent, Antiope was all too familiar with this voice.

"Go up and have a look."

Hippolyta's face was serious, her eyes were fixed upward, and the smoke was scattered.


Hearing the order, Antiope immediately greeted the soldiers behind and walked to the top, and this is where Bai Ye and Diana fought.

After the crowd arrived, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

The dazzling battle scene was reflected in front of everyone. This was a battle they had never seen before. "Just now, I seemed to see that it was Instructor Bai Ye and Princess Diana fighting."

A soldier hesitated for a moment, then said in a soft voice that Antiope did not speak, and glanced at Hippolyta beside him.

Not only did she see it, in fact, everyone with sharp eyes saw it, and the figure between the two fighting against each other was indeed Bai Ye and Diana.

At this moment, I saw Hippolyta's face suddenly gloomy, and his eyes were burning with raging fire: "Anteop, let them stop."

Hearing this sentence, Antiop did not hesitate at all, and rode directly over, scolding Bai Ye and Diana for stopping, and saw Antiop and Hippolyta behind him. .

Seeing this scene, Diana lowered her head slightly like a child who made a mistake.

"Queen Hippolyta asked you to come over."

Antiope glanced at Diana, and then his eyes fell deeply on Bai Ye's body, and then said.

The scene of the battle just now, she can see clearly, it is by no means that Amazon's warriors can compare, even she is not as good.


Chapter 2 Gods?That's just ants [[-]]


When Diana saw Hippolyta on the horse, her eyes evaded, as if she was a little girl who had done something bad.

Hippolyta did not look at Diana, but looked at Bai Ye.

"Queen Hippolyta, let's talk, just the two of us."

No wait: Queen Hippolyta spoke, and Bai Ye spoke first.

"it is good."

Hippolyta didn't talk nonsense, and let the people below leave, including Diana and Antiope.

In the jungle, Bai Ye and Hippolyta were left alone.

"What do you want to say, Mr. Bai Ye.

Hippolyta stared at the white night and said word by word.

For.. Bai Ye, these times, her heart is full of gratitude, after all, Bai Ye taught well, helped Amazon, and changed Amazon a lot.

However, seeing Bai Ye teaching Diana privately, she was instantly angry.

There is a kind of feeling of being challenged to authority, which is a little angry for a queen.

Bai Ye also had a headache. According to Diana's age, Queen Hippolyta should have allowed Diana to train long ago.

But for some reason, Hippolyta looked like 20 years old to Diana, and she still didn't allow Diana to train.

This is a bit weird, normally Diana should have been allowed by Hippolyta as a child.

"Queen Hippolyta, in fact, I have never understood why you allowed Diana to train. You must know that her talent is the strongest in the entire Paradise Island. If you compare all the talents in Paradise Island to a mountain, then all the talents in Paradise Island are like a mountain. People are all at the foot of the mountain, while Diana is on the top of the mountain. The two are indescribable, and the only person who can protect Paradise Island in the future is Diana. If you don't make Diana stronger, then you will kill Paradise Island in the end. hope."

Bai Ye looked serious and did not hesitate at all, staring at Queen Hippolyta and said.

Although he understands that Queen Hippolyta feels sorry for her daughter, but this is not a reason. If Diana was born in an ordinary or ordinary family, it would be a good thing, but Diana's identity is different, she is not ordinary A human being, but a creature with demigod bloodline, is inherently powerful, and restraining her growth is a wrong choice.

"Of course I know what you are talking about, but Diana is my daughter. As for my daughter, I naturally know in my heart that I don't need you, Mr. Bai Ye. I hope you can identify yourself."

Hearing Bai Ye's remarks, Hippolyta didn't hesitate, and directly came over.

Bai Ye sneered and said: "If you Diana is your daughter, you shouldn't restrict her from becoming stronger, but use more severe methods to train her. Only when she becomes stronger, she can protect herself. Become stronger, Ares attacked, what did Diana use to resist Ares, or do you think that people like Mason are enough?' Saying this, Bai Ye paused for a while, and said, "Don't joke, although the female warriors of the Amazons Although they are good, in the face of a god like Ares, they can't help him at all, they will only be crushed by Aris, and because Diana has not received training, there is no way to resist Ares. "

The legend of Ares is no secret, many people know it.

Hearing this, Hippolyta blushed and wanted to refute.

But she knew in her heart that Bai Ye's words were right. Although these soldiers in Paradise Island were good, facing the gods, it was just death.

"You don't understand Bai Ye, if Diana becomes stronger, the stronger Ares will feel towards her. Sooner or later, Ares will come to her door and kill Diana directly."

"So do you think that you can protect Paradise Island and Ares by restraining Diana's growth? Don't think too naive, you will find it here sooner or later with the ability of the gods"" "A day later is better than a day earlier, you I don't understand the power of Ares."

Hippolyta said in a low voice.

She is a person who has experienced the battle of gods. She has seen Ares kill countless gods with her own eyes. Those... gods are like ants in front of Ares, destroying the ancient world. was destroyed.

"One cannot give up resistance, you give up resistance and you are doomed to fail, Queen Hippolyta, you are smart, but you lose to fear."

"Only by giving up can people create miracles."

Bai Ye never thought that one day he would teach a person like this.

But there is really no way, although he can ignore it...

Hippolyta taught Diana directly, but after all, this is Diana's mother, so it's better to talk about it.

"Mr. Bai Ye, that's just your own idea. You haven't touched Ares, so you don't know the power of Ares. Only when you contact Ares will you understand that everything you do is useless. "

Hippolyta said in a deep voice that although she understood what Bai Ye said, the horror of Ares had become a nightmare for her, a nightmare she never wanted to remember.

"Is Ares strong? Don't think too highly of him."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, and then waved his right hand.

A scene appeared in front of the two of them.

That's the scene of White Night's fight against Dormammu.

Ordinary words, it is estimated that Hippolyta can't wake up, so he can only use other methods.

"Do you think Ares can be stronger than him? This person controls a dimensional dimension, which you can understand as a world."

Bai Ye said calmly.

At this time, Hippolyta looked at the scene in front of her, her mouth slightly open, and her face was full of shock.

The scene in front of her had a big impact on her. She actually saw Bai Ye wave his hand, the space collapsed, and that... powerful and invincible enemy was instantly destroyed.

This strength is many times stronger than the gods she has seen before.

"Who are you, you are not an ascetic at all.

"Seeing the scene before him, how could Hippolyta still believe that Bai Ye was an ascetic.

At least...she had never heard that the ascetic had the power to kill gods.

"You don't need to explore my origin, you just need to understand that I won't have any ill will towards you, and you should be glad that Diana was the one who rescued me in the first place. Otherwise, what consequences will there be? I have no idea."

"And don't think that gods are invincible. In my eyes, Ares can be crushed to death with one hand, just an ant."

Chapter 3, Unfathomable Strength [[-]]

Outside, Diana looked at Antiope and asked, "Antiop, mother shouldn't do something to Teacher Bai Ye."

With her mother's character in the past, it is estimated that if she knew that Bai Ye secretly taught her magic and the like, she would be furious.

Although this term is placed on his mother, it is somewhat inappropriate.

But in the past, Hippolyta was indeed a little terrified of... daughter's control, let's not put it bluntly.

Even Antiop, the Amazon general, and his own sister, Hippolyta, scolded him countless times.

Even in front of the Amazon female soldiers, he didn't give Antiope any face at all, and scolded him directly.

"I don't know that either.

Antiop hesitated for a while, she was really not sure, after all, although Hippolyta's character was good, she was a little irrational when faced with her daughter's problems.

"But Mr. Bai Ye is not an ordinary person, maybe he can talk to the Queen.

' After thinking about it, considering Bai Ye's various supernatural powers, and the fight between Diana and Bai Ye not long ago, Antiope felt that Bai Ye might have a bit of a possibility to communicate with Hippolyta.

After all, Bai Ye's strength is there, it will make Hippolyta understand that in this world only strength can last forever, without strength, no matter what you do, you will fail in the end, and blind protection is not a good strategy. Instead, it will harm Diana herself.

"Well, I think the teacher should also be able to talk to mother. Teacher Bai Ye is very knowledgeable and understands a lot of things."

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