Diana nodded and said with a smile, although she knew that there might be a conflict between the two, but Diana felt that there should be no problem with Bai Ye's understanding.

Antiope took a deep look at Diana, and it seemed that Bai Ye had taught Diana a lot of things during the year of getting along.

"Diana, I see that you fought against Mr. Bai Ye just now. Your strength is not on the same level as the female soldiers on the island. During this year, Mr. Bai Ye probably taught you a lot of things." Hearing this, Diana hesitated for a while. Yes, he whispered to Antiope, "Mr. Bai Ye has indeed taught a lot of magic, this kind of magic is very magical, I don't know how to tell you for a while, but there is a kind of magic that I have reached the point where Teacher Bai Ye said. the highest level.”

"What magic."

"It's just the physical magic that Teacher Bai Ye taught to the female soldiers below.

Hearing this sentence, Antiop suddenly couldn't calm down, and exclaimed, "Have you completely mastered that... magic?" "Hmm."

Hiss Antiope sucked in a breath of cold air, everyone in the magical paradise island of physique will be, but the more you know Antiope, the more shocked.

Because she has also learned this magic, one, let alone the highest realm, she has not even reached the realm of invulnerability, but although she has not reached it, her physique has also become extremely high, at least...... The knife and gun can only break open her skin, but can't penetrate too much but even so, she is the strongest person in the whole paradise island.

However, Diana actually reached the high realm Antiope expected in his heart. It is estimated that everyone on Paradise Island will be unable to do anything to Diana. After all, the highest realm of physique is somewhat invincible for warriors like them.

If you can't even break the defense, you don't have to think about defeating the enemy.

"Then Diana, how do you feel when you have reached this level, when you are fighting against Mr. Bai Ye?" Antiope's eyes flickered, Diana has reached the highest level, and you may be able to see the reality of Bai Ye.

Antiope has always been very interested in... Bai Ye's strength.

"This, this, it is estimated that it is the same as before. Teacher Bai Ye can beat me casually, and if he exerts all his strength, it is estimated that he can kill me in seconds."

Diana hesitated, and said softly.

Although it's a bit unbelievable, this is her intuitive feeling. Don't look at the heated fight between her and Bai Ye just now, but Diana herself knows that it's just Bai Ye playing with her. come out.

"It can kill you directly"

Antiope was a little unsure, "It can really kill me.

Teacher Bai Ye's strength is very strong, maybe we can't see it."

Diana said seriously.

Antiop was silent for a while, Diana was able to sweep across the entire Paradise Island, killing Diana in seconds in the white night.

So what kind of strength is Bai Ye? Antiope can't think of it, but he just knows that the entire Paradise Island plus Diana can't help Bai Ye. "Mr. Bai Ye, he is really a terrifying person, but fortunately he has no malice towards us. ."

Antiope was a little fortunate, but Bai Ye didn't have any ill will towards them at first.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Paradise Island has directly become the dust of history as early as a year ago.

"Mr. Bai Ye is a very kind person, basically he doesn't kill anyone."

Diana felt that Antiope had a different sense of... Bai Ye, so she explained, "Okay, I understand, I apologize."

Antiope laughed.

If Bai Ye's enemies heard this, they would probably jump out of the coffin.

What a joke if you don't kill people in the night.

At that time, when I was in Kama Taj, facing the attack of different dimensions, I didn't know how terrifying it was when Bai Ye was ruthless. Some weak dimensions were directly pushed out by Bai Ye, causing those... ......The people in the dimension didn't dare to speak out, and when they heard Bai Ye's name, they were all scared to pee.

Of course, Bai Ye has no interest in... ordinary people, he is just ruthless towards... enemies.

"Mr. Bai Ye and his mother are back."

Diana exclaimed.

pause time.

Antiope also looked over, and his expression was a little nervous.

She is the one who is most willing to make Diana stronger, and it can be said that if Bai Ye can persuade Hippolyta, Antiope will be very happy.

After Hippolyta came back, he got on the horse, glanced at Antiop, and then his eyes fell on Diana, "Diana, I will study with Mr. Bai Ye in the future, and you will work five times, ten times more than you are now. ."

"I will, mother."

Diana clenched her fists and said seriously.


Chapter 1 The gods are not terrible [[-]]

Diana got Hippolyta's approval, and from now on she no longer hides her training, but trains with the female soldiers of the Amazon.

However, due to the huge difference in levels, hundreds of female soldiers were able to move Diana, so in the end, Diana could only train herself, or be an instructor for the female soldiers, and at the same time follow Bai Ye to teach the Amazon female soldiers, and even Yu Amazon's generals also have to learn together, there is no way, their strength is not as good as others, her general wants to become stronger, and she has to train together obediently.

Since then, Diana has become the strongest person in the entire Amazon, admired by the Amazon female soldiers, and her status has grown by leaps and bounds.

When Hippolyta saw this scene, she realized in her heart that it was wrong, not right, to suppress Diana without training and not getting stronger.

Hippolyta also apologized to Diana for knowing her past mistakes.

Diana was a little confused at first. After all, her mother has always been very strong towards her, and she has never been soft on her, especially when it comes to training and getting stronger.

This also makes Diana more and more respectful for Bai Ye. Although she has always had other feelings for Bai Ye, this feeling has deepened.

Because Diana's strength is too strong, basically after she will teach the female soldiers about the experience of physical magic, the rest of the time will be in the same place to learn other magic with Bai Ye.

I have to say, Diana's talent is a bit terrifying, and she almost broke the record before Bai Ye. The few magics Bai Ye taught her, except...... Physique magic, other magics have already been introduced. Now, like the mirror world, although it is not as smooth and smooth as Bai Ye, it can still be displayed.

You must know that mirror magic changes the world, this kind of space magic is not so easy to learn.

This requires enough wisdom and spiritual power to control.

at this time.

on the cliff.

Diana lay on the ground, panting and said, "Mr. Bai Ye, how strong are you, why have I become stronger countless times, when I fight with you, I feel the same way, did you not even show half of your strength? ."

Diana really had to be convinced, every time her strength improved to a certain extent, but facing Bai Ye, just like when she just learned magic, she couldn't help Bai Ye, and even Bai Ye became more and more at ease, but only mentioned playing. Interested, she couldn't move Bai Ye at all.

This made Diana a little suspicious of life. If it wasn't for being the strongest in the Amazon on Paradise Island and being recognized by everyone, Diana felt that she had never become stronger, but became weaker.

There was even an explosion of the power within the body, that is, divine power, which was directly resolved by turning his hands in the white night.

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye's eyes were a little strange.

Half the strength of the little girl, one-tenth of your teacher's strength and 10% of the strength has not been exerted.

From the heavenly father level to the single universe level, it is only a difference in realm, but the difference between the two is like the difference between heaven and earth, which is the evolution of a living being towards a higher level, and it is not comparable, nor is it ten to one hundred. The difference is the difference from ten to ten thousand, or even one hundred thousand, and the difference in strength is huge.

Not to mention Diana, even if it is the peak of the sky, Bai Ye can handle it with ease. After all, he has the power of time and space, and he is not an ordinary powerhouse of a single universe.

"Diana, do you think I've used half of my strength now?" Bai Ye asked.

Diana thought about it for a while, and finally said frustratedly: "I don't think so."

"If you don't have half of it, then it's [-] percent. If you don't even have [-] percent, Mr. Bai Ye, then you're too scary. Are you really human?"

Bai Ye smiled without saying a word, just looking at Diana's faint smile and looking at Bai Ye's smile, Diana suddenly became silent.

Don't look at it, maybe Bai Ye really didn't use [-]% of her strength against her.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I suspect that you are not a human, but a god, maybe even a powerful god comparable to Zeus. In other words, teacher Bai Ye, are you a god, or are you... a god disguised for the purpose of Let's make Amazon stronger."

Diana has this idea, and the Amazon of Paradise Island has always been in contact with the gods of this world. It can be said that Paradise Island is a small force of the gods of this world in the world. Although it is not strong, it has a lot of origins.

Like Diana... the daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus.

"God, why do you think I am a god."

"Because you are very strong, so strong that it makes people desperate. Only gods can make people feel this way. After all, aren't gods omnipotent?"

Diana thought for a while and said that everyone in the Amazon has been instilled with the idea that gods are very terrifying since childhood, so there is nothing else, so Diana didn't think about anything else, only this.

"Diana, this world is very big, it's not what you think it is now. Although the gods are strong, they are not omnipotent. As far as the gods you mentioned, I guess I can kill a lot of them in seconds."

Bai Ye thought about it, although the power of the two worlds is different, but with his strength, it is not a problem to kill the gods in seconds. After all, no matter in Marvel or Marvel, the gods in the myth are not the strongest existence.

Most of the powerful beings represent the rules, like Marvel's five gods, the court of life, etc..., these... The gods similar to the laws are almost immortal Immortality, of course, it is not that they are truly immortal, there is still a way to obliterate them.

And not to mention the gods in the Olympics, if you really want to say the strongest, even Zeus can't rank.

"Second to kill a large piece of gods"

Diana opened her mouth slightly, her expression full of shock.

The gods represent the supremacy in Paradise Island, and Bai Ye can kill a large area in seconds. Although the cultural indoctrination of Paradise Island has always made Diana feel a little unbelievable, but when she thinks of Bai Ye's mysterious and unpredictable.

In my heart, I felt that this might be true.

"God, if you are afraid of it, it is... invincible. If you are not afraid of it, he is actually no different from ordinary people, only slightly stronger, and your talent has the ability to surpass the so-called gods."

"Really, Mr. Bai Ye, I can surpass the gods."


Hearing this sentence, Diana immediately became excited, stood up directly, and said, "Then let's continue training, Teacher Bai Ye."

"Then go on."

Bai Ye stroked Diana's hair.

At this time, Diana's face was slightly red, her eyes turned, and she looked into the distance, a little shy.

At this moment, Diana saw that there was a magical thing in the outside world, and it fell down, a bit like the one that fell in the white night, but it was not as spectacular as the one that fell in the white night.

"Mr. Bai Ye, something seems to have fallen on the coast."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye looked towards the seaside, his eyes twinkling.

It looks like the drama is about to start.

Chapter 2: Enemy Attack [[-]]

"Mr. Bai Ye, that... what is it? It doesn't seem to fall directly from the sky like you, but it looks like a tool, and there seem to be people on it."

After this period of study, Diana's potential has been developed. Although it has been a long period of time, she can directly peep into the distant scene through some magic. Although it is not clear, she can see a scene like Big Bird's tool was burning with flames, and its tail fell directly, and a person jumped down above.

"That's an airplane, a technology created by humans. You can understand it as a tool that can fly in the sky with human beings who have little ability."

Bai Ye explained.

Paradise Island has always been isolated from the world. Although the people who stay here in the Amazon are immortal, but because it has been closed for too long, Paradise Island has always been ignorant of many things in the outside world.

However, with the explosion of technology, the cavalry has long been eliminated, and it has become an era of bullets.

"What is an airplane, but it can make ordinary people soar in the sky. This kind of tool is very powerful. Has the outside world developed these things all the time? Diana's face is full of curiosity, and her eyes are full of expectations for... the outside world.

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