Obviously, after hearing Bai Ye's explanation, Diana wanted to go out to the outside world to have a look. In fact, she had already gone out. After Bai Ye came, she wanted to go out and have a look, and often asked Bai Ye about the outside world.

"No, Mr. Bai Ye, that man fell into the sea and can't seem to get up. Will he die? Should we go and save him?"

Seeing that the pilot fell into the sea and did not appear, Diana was a little anxious.

Sure enough, he was still too kind, and he didn't worry about whether he was a bad person at all.

"it is good."

Bai Ye nodded, then took Diana's hand.

With a flash of light, Bai Ye and the two disappeared.

Immediately, they appeared on the coast and at this moment, Bai Ye took a step forward, his right hand slowly stretched out, the power of space spread, and a huge magic circle appeared, the entire sea level was directly separated, revealing a figure.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

Bai Ye gave a light drink, and a huge suction force was generated, and the figure in the sea was directly sucked over at an extremely fast speed.

It didn't take long for him to come directly to Bai Ye's hands.

"Sure enough, the plot is about to begin."

Looking at the person in his hand, Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

The man was Steve, a combat pilot and a spy.

And this person is also in the original book, with Diana, who is only the one who walked out of Paradise Island with Wonder Woman, and after going out at the same time, Diana encountered Amazon's long-standing heartache, Ares.

a deity.


Bai Ye slapped Steve on the back.

cough cough.

For a while, Steve coughed for a while, and straight out a few mouthfuls of seawater, while opening his eyes slightly.

"Who are you."

Seeing the two figures in front of him, a trace of panic appeared in Steve's eyes.

"Don't worry, we are not a country of hops"

Since normal country names cannot be written, aliases are used instead."

Hearing this sentence, Steve's pupils shrank, his heart trembled slightly, looking at Bai Ye with a smile on his face, he couldn't help but feel fear, as if his heart was completely seen by Bai Ye.

"What exactly do you know."

Steve took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"You don't need to pay attention to this, anyway... You only need to know that we are not your enemy."

Bai Ye said lightly.

I don't care if Steve feels a little bit sore. As a spy, he just escaped from the enemy's camp. On an isolated island, he met two inexplicable people, and one of the men seemed to know everything about him. Under this circumstance, this man told him not to care, so how could he not care? Diana on the side blinked and kept wandering between Bai Ye and Steve. After watching for a while, she lost interest and went straight Standing beside Bai Ye, leaning on Bai Ye's body.

Although I don't know what happened, it seems that Teacher Bai Ye knows everything, so the next thing, with the wisdom of Teacher Bai Ye, should be able to solve it perfectly.

If Bai Ye hadn't come, Diana might have been interested in... Steve, after all, this is someone from the outside world. But now that Bai Ye has appeared, Diana has lost interest in... outside people. , Bai Ye said that you can't be too intimate with other men. Diana has always kept it in her heart, so after watching it for a while, Diana lost interest.

Instead, she kind of wants to go back to training now.

It is Diana's current goal to become an existence that surpasses the gods in Teacher Bai Ye's mouth.

"The enemy is coming."

Bai Ye ignored Steve, but looked into the distance at the sea level.

At this time, the figure of the remote plane was looming, and at the same time, several naval warships were advancing.

These...should be the enemies who tracked Steve.

When these words fell, Steve panicked immediately, with a look of fear on his face, "They are catching up, and we don't think there is any hope of survival."

Steve's face was ashen, as if he had lost hope.

There are only the three of them on the island, so what would they do to face these... army, it's impossible to hide on the island" I'm really sorry, although I don't know who you are, it's all because of me I'm really sorry that you are in danger because of this."

Steve seemed to have some conscience, and when he knew the enemy was coming, he immediately apologized to the two of them.

at the same time.

Behind the three of them, a loud voice sounded.

Before long, the warriors of the Amazons also came.

Apparently, the people on the island noticed the warships outside, so they came in a hurry.

They are fast.

Before long, Antiope and Hippolyta came on horseback.

Came to the side of Bai Ye and others.

"The enemy is coming."

Antiope's tone was a little excited, and his eyes were eager to try.

Obviously, through these hours of study, the strength of Amazon's female soldiers made Antiope want to take a practical test to see how much he improved this time.

"Diana, Bai Ye, you take that person to the back and leave it to us."

Antiope quickly ordered, and then said to the female soldiers in the rear, "All the soldiers advance, and defeat the enemy who is in front of you."


Chapter 3: Words and Laws [[-]]

Bai Ye retreated to the rear, and he also wanted to see what the female soldiers of the Amazon had grown up to.

After all, during this year, he was the teacher of these female soldiers. Although he didn't have deep feelings, he wanted to see if the students under his command could break through the limit.

"Let them come back quickly, the enemy has guns and cannonballs, these soldiers will only die if they pass by, and the opposite side has the best machinery in the world, the power is very terrifying, not comparable to ordinary bows and arrows and swords. ."

Steve was taken aback when he saw Amazon's female soldiers rushing over.

Although the number of female soldiers is quite large, and there are cavalry, but in this world, after the guns came out, the fighting method of war has been completely different. It will not rely on the number of people as before, but on the weapons in hand. .

Firearms break the balance of everything, it is not an illusion that it can be one to ten, or even one to a hundred.

"The firearm you mentioned, Mr. Bai Ye said, but Mr. Bai Ye said that firearms are not invincible, and Amazon's soldiers are not ordinary soldiers."

Compared to Steve's panic, Diana was very calm.

A long time ago, Bai Ye talked about the issue of firearms and showed the power of firearms at the same time, so Diana had some understanding and they had also tried to be attacked by firearms. Although they could not perfectly resist bullets, they would not be directly hit. They will die if hit, and sometimes even bullets can't penetrate their skin.

Bai Ye did not speak, his eyes fell on the front, and the battle was about to break out.

The female soldiers have a lot of physique magic, probably because of their physique, they are much better than ordinary people, but it is still somewhat impossible to win from here without injury.

After all, bullets are not ordinary swords.

However, there is no such thing as a complete victory in the war, and with the enhancement of these time physiques, these female soldiers even swelled the entire Paradise Island. This battle may make them sober.


Along with that, a sound of bullets being fired sounded.

The battle between the two sides has officially started.

I saw that the bullets flashed sparks and shot forward at a speed invisible to the naked eye. Almost in an instant, it was like rain falling, and the bullets tilted down one after another, heading towards the Amazon female soldiers advancing forward.


Almost instantly, several female soldiers fell from their horses, but they were not dead, but their faces were pale, and the bullets did not directly penetrate their bodies, but stayed in their bodies.

The battlefield was changing in an instant. A few female soldiers from the Amazon just fell off their horses. Not long after that, arrows rained. If you get hit by a bullet, you might not die.

But those soldiers with guns are just ordinary people, and they are hit in the key: there is basically no room for survival.

Bang bang gun forest blocks the rain, artillery fire roars.

In an instant, a small battlefield formed around, hundreds of people were here, and it didn't take long for the blood to flow, corpses everywhere, and almost the entire coast was covered in blood.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I also want to enter the battlefield."

Seeing this scene, Diana couldn't help but ask Bai Ye, "Go.

Said the night.

As soon as these words came out, Diana burst out like an arrow from the string, like a ray of light, instantly joined the battlefield, Diana, who had a golden body that was indestructible, was simply invincible, and directly pushed the surrounding enemies horizontally.

"Is this human?"

Steve's mouth is wide open, his expression is full of shock, this is unbelievable, breaking the limit of human beings, no, this is not the limit of human beings, this is superman or monster.

With Diana's help, the battlefield was instantly opened, and the female soldiers of Paradise Island seemed to have aroused morale, aggressive, like a... giant beast that directly pushed the enemy horizontally, and even many of the enemies had just landed. Many female soldiers have passed by, and the sword is summoned.

Under the cold light, the heads fell directly.

"Mr. Bai Ye, maybe you are right. I shouldn't have suppressed Diana in the first place. She will become the patron saint of the entire paradise island."

Hippolyta stood beside Bai Ye, looked at the brave Diana in front of her, and said in a deep voice.

She could see that if it wasn't for Diana's participation, it would be really hard to say whether the two sides would win or lose.

"It's not the problem now, it's just that the female soldiers are still too weak in the face of the normal forces of the outside world. Although their physique is good, facing these guns, their arrogant physique is not invincible."

Bai Ye said calmly.

Physique magic, although it can block bullets in the later stage, but now the female soldiers have not reached that level, so if they are hit by bullets, there is still a certain risk of death.

Steve said hello in one mind, where is the elite army with firearms going to be defeated by a group that seems to be just an ancient tribe.

Moreover, with the assistance of the artillery shells of the warships, with such an advantage, they still can't win, and Steve is most surprised by Diana.

Because, it's really scary, and the bullets hit her, like a stone hitting steel, and she couldn't break the defense. In fact, the one who owns the firearm still has an advantage, but after Diana joined, These......advantages are gone.

"Perhaps, Paradise Island can't be closed anymore"

Hippolyta's expression was serious. She could see that the outside world was not what it used to be. They possessed extremely terrifying weapons. The power of these weapons was so terrifying that they were not comparable to ordinary swords.

"It is indeed time to connect to the outside world.

' Bai Ye smiled lightly, and then said: "But this battle should be over, and it's almost there."

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