As soon as these words came out, Steve was a little surprised to see how it was possible for Bai Ye to end. The opponent on the field still had the strength to fight. If nothing else, the warships on the sea were a symbol of invincibility.

And the next moment, Steve saw the most terrifying scene in his life.

I saw that an unparalleled momentum was born from Bai Ye's body, and that momentum, like a god in mythology, made people feel fearful.


Word by word, follow the law.

As if the sound of glass-like shattering sounded, the space above the entire sea level cracked open, the warships and enemies burst open one after another, and the endless blood condensed into blood flowers in the air, beautiful and dangerous.

Chapter 4: Jiang Taigong's fishing wisher takes the bait [[-]]

A hall in the Amazon of Paradise Island.

Steve was tied directly in the center, surrounded by the Amazon crowd.

Above, Antiope and Hippolyta stood side by side, and beside them were... White Night and Diana.

Due to the birth of Bai Ye, the fiery war ended in an instant, and the speed was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even now, many people still have warnings.

And because of Bai Ye's intervention, Antiop, who died in the original book, didn't die either.

At the same time, although this battle was quite tragic, the number of deaths was not large, but there were a lot of injured people, most of which were casualties caused by the impact of the shells and the body-like bullets.

At this time, the battle was over, and Hippolyta and the others were interrogating Steve.

After all, this guy is the main culprit in attracting the enemy.

"Say, who are you."

Antiope stared at Steve with deep eyes and scolded.

If it weren't for this guy, the Amazons wouldn't have been in combat, and there wouldn't have been casualties.

"My name is Steve Trevor, a soldier from the US Empire, and now I belong to the Intelligence Bureau, I can only tell you this..."

Steve was tied by the mantra noose and said without changing his face.

But soon, Steve tried the power of the mantra lasso, and a burning sensation burned on his body, as if to destroy his body directly.

"It's a lasso of truth. As long as you tell the truth, it's fine. If you lie, it will end badly."

Antiop's eyes were cold, staring at Steve and said coldly that this guy dared to hide the truth, he really wanted to die."

Steve's eyes flickered, and he was thinking about how to hide his identity. However, this idea just appeared, and suddenly a burning sensation rose. Steve felt that he was in the furnace, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Well, let me tell the truth, I am a spy, a spy belonging to the Intelligence Bureau of the Sun Never Sets, in order to investigate the conspiracy of the country of hops. We learned earlier that the country of hops was once researching a A secret weapon that can destroy an entire region, or even an entire country, with just one person."

"For this mission, I infiltrated the enemy's army and became their soldier. Finally, not long ago, I discovered their secrets, and I also stole their research notes. When I went out, I was discovered by them, And then being hunted down here, the last thing is... as you know."

Speaking of this, Steve paused for a while and said excitedly, "If I can hand over Dr. Maru's notebook to the Intelligence Bureau, where the sun never sets, then we will save the lives of millions of people, and even end the present. of war, and all will be rescued."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Antiop looked at Hippolyta, with Hippo in Paradise Island, and ordered like this, but it was up to her to judge.

But this time, Hippolyta did not directly, but asked Bai Ye, "Mr. Bai Ye, what do you think of this."

This matter, obviously, is no longer an ordinary matter, it is about the lives of millions of people, and Hippolyta can't make a decision for a while.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to make a choice because of the lives of millions of people. Coupled with the terrifying strength just demonstrated by Bai Ye, Hippolyta felt that it was necessary to discuss it with Bai Ye.

"You can help him, and there is someone you've always wanted to find in the Empire where the sun never sets.

Compared to Dr. Maru's notes, Bai Ye.... I want to meet a certain officer who is now in the Empire where the sun never sets.

His identity is also a figure that Hippolyta and others have feared and feared for a long time.

The god Ares.

"Mr. Bai Ye, what you said!"

Hippolyta and Antiope asked Bai Ye at the same time.

"It's just... what you have in mind."

Bai Ye said lightly: "Leave this matter to me Diana, and you don't need to interfere with the rest.

In the end, after negotiation, Antiope and Hippolyta agreed to Bai Ye's idea to let Bai Ye and Diana take Steve to leave Paradise Island and go to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. The goal is to... end Dr. Maru's plan, plus Kill Ares.

Hippolyta, who was afraid of Ares, finally agreed because of the strength that Bai Ye showed and Diana's growing ability.

It may be because of trust in the powerful strength, plus Diana's own identity.

After the decision was made, the three of them did not hesitate.

Bai Ye directly activated the space teleportation magic, and from Paradise Island, in an instant, he came to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

When the sun never sets empire, Bai Ye and Diana separated.

At this time, in a restaurant, Bai Ye and Diana are eating in the Empire of the Sun: "Mr. Bai Ye, don't I want to find Ares?"

Diana was eating, looking at Bai Ye with some puzzlement.

After they separated from Steve, Diana thought Bai Ye would take her directly to Ares.

But I didn't expect that Bai Ye didn't do that, but came to a restaurant for the first time, started ordering, and started eating. Although the outside world has always been curious about... But now Diana doesn't have the heart to explore all this, and I want to get rid of Ares as soon as possible.

"Diana, have you ever heard a story?" "What story."

"Jiang Taigong fishing."

"I've heard this story. Teacher Bai Ye told you before that Jiang Taigong was hooked by a fishing volunteer, but does this have anything to do with finding Ares?"

"Yes, we are now... Jiang Taigong, Ares is... that fish willing to take the bait."

Bai Ye wiped his mouth, looked to the side of the door, and said softly, "Look at that fish."

As soon as these words came out, the door was suddenly pushed open.

An old man who appeared to be fifty or sixty, 506,506 years old, wearing a black suit, walked out of the door slowly.


Chapter 5 Ares, you are a little weak [[-]]


Bai Ye snapped his fingers, the world began to turn upside down, and everything changed directly to the opposite.

mirror world.

At this time, in this world, only Bai Ye, Diana and the old man who just came in through the door, namely Ares.

"Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteer took the bait... I understand, Bai Ye teacher, you are fishing Ares."

After thinking for a while, Diana finally understood what Bai Ye had just said.

He knew that Ares would take the initiative to look for them, so Bai Ye would wait here, because even if they didn't deliberately look for Ares, Ares would still be able to find them.

"But why does Ares look so old? He seems to be quite weak."

Diana looked at the old man in front of her, without any imposing manner, no different from ordinary people.

"It's just a disguise."

Bai Ye said lightly, "Aris, do you want to hide your identity?"

"Or, ask me to call you Sir Patrick"

As soon as these words came out, Ares lowered his head, then slowly took off his hat, showing a peaceful smile, "Who are you and why can you recognize me?"

Speaking of which, Ares looked at the scene in front of him with a look of horror in his eyes. "Also, I have never heard of anyone on earth who can change the space at will."

So far, Ares really doesn't understand why his identity is exposed, and the ability of the mirror world makes Ares quite amazed.

Because of the power of space, it is difficult for even a god to possess it, let alone someone like Bai Ye, who can randomly pull three people into a space world.

This ability is simply unprecedented.

"There are so many things you don't know, there's no need to be so surprised. Although the frog at the bottom of the well can't see the bigger world, this is not a sad thing, but a good thing."

Bai Ye said lightly, "What a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth."

Ares's face suddenly became gloomy, and a black divine power rose from his body, like a black mist, directly lingering on his body, with an evil aura.

If you don't know, you will think that the person in front of you is a demon, not a god in legend.

At the same time, Ares' suit burned and turned into a suit of armor in an instant, and the helmet on his face only exposed his eyes.

"I don't know who you are, but you did the stupidest thing, and that is to bring the daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta here."

Ares, who has completed the transformation, changed his temperament, and a terrifying aura rose up, pressing down on the world, as if the previous omnipotent god of war had returned.

Boom boom boom.

At the same time, an aura that was even more terrifying than Ares suddenly rose up and directly enveloped the entire space. Under this aura, everything was suppressed, as if his master controlled the master of this world.


There was a roar, the battle of momentum, A received the loss, was directly knocked out by Bai Ye's momentum, and flew upside down for several hundred meters before slowly stopping.

"What is it for you, you're sure to win, could it be your... father?" Bai Ye said coldly with a sneer on his face.

Ares's face is ugly, he actually lost the battle of momentum, if he lost to other gods, he would... feel normal, after all, he has not recovered for a long time, but he is losing now It was given to a human being, not a god, and he couldn't feel the breath of any god in Bai Ye's body.

There is no doubt that Bai Ye is... an ordinary person, not a god. At the same time, Ares has doubts in his heart, when will ordinary human beings have such strength, and can stand shoulder to shoulder with gods with the body of mortals.

Even beyond the gods.

"Diana, back up a bit, leave this to me"

Bai Ye turned his head and whispered to Diana that he originally planned to let Diana deal with Ares, but now that Bai Ye has changed his mind, he will meet Ares in person for a while.

I want to try it out, what kind of skills does this so-called God of War have?

"it is good."

Diana didn't hesitate too much, then got up and walked towards the rear. After about a thousand meters, she finally stopped.

At the same time, she waved her right hand, and a mirror appeared in front of her.

In the mirror, this is the confrontation between Bai Ye and Ares.

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