"You do have some abilities. It is the strongest human being that I have encountered over the years. It is a pity that there is a gap between gods and mortals that is difficult to bridge."

Ares smiled coldly, turned his body, and came to Bai Ye at a very fast speed, the weapon in his hand condensed and slashed directly towards Bai Ye.

"It's a coincidence, I think the gods are even more useless."

Bai Ye smiled lightly, grabbed his right hand directly, did not dodge directly, wanted to block Ares' attack directly with his fleshly body. Seeing this scene, Aerith was surprised and delighted, and felt insulted at the same time.


I saw him shouting, the sword swept away, and fell directly towards Bai Ye.


The two collided together, and suddenly an invisible wave spurted out, dispersing in all directions.


Under Ares' unbelievable gaze, Bai Ye broke Ares' weapon directly, "Is this the power of a god? It's weaker than some humans I have encountered. even weaker."

Bai Ye sighed, his right foot turned into a whip shadow, and he kicked Ares directly in the stomach.

Ares's face suddenly sank, his stomach turned upside down, and the whole person flew out directly.

"how can that be."

Ares was a little suspicious of life, and he was not suppressed in the face of mortals, but was counter-suppressed.

"If you only have this strength, don't come out and be ashamed, or say that your gods are weak.

Just like the whispers of the god of death, Bai Ye's voice suddenly sounded, and Ares's face changed.

However, no matter how it changed, Bai Ye's attack was still very real on Ares.

Bang Ares seemed to be kicked by a football, but was kicked out by Bai Ye again, and flew upside down for hundreds of meters, hitting the ground hard, and finally stopped.

"Damn mortal, you made the most regretful choice in your life, accept the punishment of the gods."

Ares stood up, a divine power rose from his body, and endless flames spread out, directly condensing into a phantom.

This phantom was incomparably huge, about ten meters high, and it looked exactly like Ares.

Just seeing this phantom, Bai Ye's face is a little strange, this thing is a little familiar.

The seventy-seventh chapter is full of cards [1]

"Gods are invincible.

Ares shouted loudly, and the black figure behind him swelled rapidly, turning directly into a giant hundreds of meters long, standing directly behind Ares, as if the god Titan in the myth came out with an irresistible Imposing manner, as if everything in the world is going to be crushed by him.

"Although I don't know how you got this ability."

Ares stared at Bai Ye and sneered, "But there is a world of difference between gods and mortals, and no matter what you do, you can't bridge the gap."


Ares shouted angrily, the giant behind him stretched out his right hand, and the giant palm that covered the sky turned out, covering the surroundings directly, as if to crush all of this and control everything in his hands, as if all around became his toy.

And the most terrifying thing is that the giant palm turned into the sky, and the space began to annihilate, just like glass, which directly produced cracks.

"Nice ability."

Seeing this scene, a flash of light appeared in Bai Ye's eyes. No wonder he was jealous of Zeus and others. Although Ares, the god of war, was hated by others, his strength was really good, at least...... Now it seems to be stronger than Apocalypse more.

You know, when Bai Ye faced Ares just now, he almost doubted whether Apocalypse could hang Ares. Now it seems that it does not exist. If it is in this form, Apocalypse is estimated to be hanged by Ares. .

But stronger than Tianqi, it can't prove anything.

"Gap, the gap is a group of frogs in the bottom of the well, insects hiding in the sky, open your eyes and look elsewhere, don't really think that you are invincible, in the eyes of some people, you are no different from the mortals in your eyes.

"And, who says mortals can't surpass gods?"

"I'm sorry, I've killed all the gods and I don't know how many."

Bai Ye sneered and scolded that at that moment, countless magic circles appeared in front of Bai Ye, and the complicated lines were deeply imprinted on the space, exuding dazzling brilliance, which was immortal brilliance.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

Ares sneered again and again, how could it believe that the ghosts of Bai Ye in this world have perished, but most of them died in the hands of the gods themselves, or died for other reasons. No mortals have killed the gods, and even more Not to mention mass killings.

Moreover, it is a gap that cannot be crossed no matter what you do with God. This is a rule that has been established in the laws of the world from tens of thousands of years ago.

Boom boom boom.

The two collided, instantly producing an astonishing explosion, and the violent aftermath of the battle condensed directly into a tornado, swept away frantically towards the surroundings.

If it weren't for the mirror world here, but the real Earth, under it, it is estimated that everything in a radius of several kilometers would be annihilated.

You must know that Ares has now used his trump card. As one of the top gods, his combat power is unbelievable, and Bai Ye's right hand is a single universe level, and his strength is not.

"No, I have to go back a little bit."

Feeling the aftermath of the surrounding, Diana's face changed greatly, she turned around quickly, and she could only stop after retreating several thousand meters.

Here, she has seen what happened above, but there is magic, but....... can observe.

At this time, in her mirror magic, Bai Ye and Ares were in full swing, and various abilities shot out, and the aftermath of the lasing ability converged into amazing waves around, roaring explosions. , like fireworks, constantly exploding.

"Aris is so strong."

Diana looked at the scene in front of her and swallowed her saliva. At present, it seems that Ares's strength is as rumored as it is, so terrifying, her strength is extremely terrifying, and even Diana suspects that if she joins the battle now, it will not be long. Both can be beaten by Ares, and the level of strength of the two does not seem to be the same level.

Unless, her divine power can be used, otherwise Ares, who is very capable of dealing with it, "But Teacher Bai Ye is still strong.

Although Ares looks invincible, Diana has nothing to worry about because in terms of the battle situation, Bai Ye has an absolute advantage. Although Ares has a fierce offensive, he is beaten back by Bai Ye every time, and even now Ares There are many scars, and Bai Ye is unscathed. Ares has never entered Bai Ye's side at all, and he has not even been injured once.

"Aris is going to lose."

At this time, on the mirror, Ares was defeated once, his body hit the ground, and his armor fell off a lot, and above him, Bai Ye was like, standing on the ground on the ground, like a god, divine power like a prison , sacred not to be... a minor offense.

On the contrary, Ares is like a down-and-out person, with a weak aura and no invincible appearance at all.

"Although your back burst is good, but for me, you are still too weak. If you want to kill me, Ares, you are not qualified to do so, unless you call your... daddy over, there may still be some possibilities. ."

Bai Ye looked at Ares and sneered.

"Don't be too arrogant."

Ares roared, and a black flame rose in his body, "This is what you forced me to do, the fire that destroys the world, gathers all the negative emotions in the whole world, the grief of war, the death of relatives, the hatred for the enemy... , everything is condensed here, under this power, let alone you, even all beings, the universe, and the earth will be annihilated."

Ares was covered with black flames, revealing only a pair of eyes of hatred, "No one can stop the fire of the world, you can die under this flame in Baiye, you are also worth it, this is the first time I use such power, This is my strongest strength as a god of war, and it has gathered strength for countless years."

As soon as these words came out, black flames swept all around, as if it was like flowing darkness, swallowing everything up, instead of burning it, swallowing it directly, it was a bit like a black hole.

"Is this interesting?" Bai Ye smiled when he saw the black flame in front of him. "But after using this ability, it is estimated that your death is not far away."

Ares looked condensed, and then said in a deep voice, "As long as you can die, it doesn't matter, mortals don't want to surpass the gods, you will never be possible."

"Hehe, the frog at the bottom of the well."

Bai Ye snorted coldly, this Ares is too arrogant, he has already lost completely, but he never admits it in his heart, which is simply unreasonable.

At the same time, a red flame rose from Bai Ye's body, and a sharp phoenix roar could be faintly heard.

As soon as this voice came out, an incomparably noble aura emerged out of thin air, directly crushing everything "Phoenix Fire.


Chapter 2 Good Man Kaares 【[-]】

As soon as the power of the phoenix came out, the surging flames rose rapidly, and when they saw the wind, they rose, and instantly wrapped around Ares's so-called "world-destroying fire", like a tarsus maggot, directly swallowing the world-destroying fire.

The Phoenix Force is one of the strongest forces in the universe. This force is not an ordinary force, but an emotional force in the universe. To the big one, the Phoenix Force can almost represent a certain law in the universe. Like the five gods, there is one law in control, but it has no fixed shape, so it is rarely captured by people.

And the source of power of Ares' fire of extinction is also the birth of the emotions of living beings, but its power is negative emotions, not all emotions, and the power of the phoenix is ​​different, it represents all.

So whether it is positive or negative, it is the source of the power of the phoenix.

In this regard, as soon as the power of the phoenix came out, the so-called fire of Ares, like a cat seeing a mouse, was devoured wildly, and there was no chance to resist at all, "How is this possible!!!"

Ares, who was surrounded by the fire of the world, was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, and the whole person was stunned there.

He had hidden the background for countless years, but was easily resolved by Bai Ye.

And it doesn't need any means, just a special kind of flame.

Ares has some doubts about life. Is this special white night really a mortal? He has never seen that... A mortal person has such power, terrifying flame, and terrifying space control ability.

What's so special, these abilities together, even his father, the king of the gods, Zeus, doesn't have such ability? "No, in addition to... this flame, there is also a power."

Suddenly, Ares felt something was wrong, because in addition to being absorbed by the power of the Phoenix, Ares also had a terrifying phagocytic power that was absorbing its power.

Ares's eyes flickered, his face gloomy, staring at Bai Ye and said, "Who are you, you are definitely not a mortal."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows lightly: "It doesn't mean anything, a genuine ordinary person."

After that, Bai Ye was too lazy to look at Ares.

Anyway... this guy is dead.

At this time, Bai Ye said to the system in his heart, "Intensify your efforts and absorb these forces."

The power of the phoenix, which represents emotional power, can be converted into data points, so the world-annihilating fire born of negative emotions should be ok, and the world-annihilating fire that Ares has accumulated for so long, it is estimated that there is a lot of background, and the quality may be better than that. It's not as good as the data points absorbed from Qin Grey's runaway, but I can't stand the volume.

So after resisting it with the power of the phoenix, Bai Ye hurriedly made the system start to absorb the fire of world extinction. Sure enough, this idea was right, and world extinction is also a kind of special energy, which can be converted into data points.

"No, I can't be so terrified in Ares's heart, the power of the Phoenix combined with the system is so terrifying, it almost breaks down the whole person.

If he doesn't stop Bai Ye, it is estimated that he can only be swallowed alive by Bai Ye.

Being swallowed up as nourishment is more painful than being killed.

"Something has to be done."

Ares was sure that the fire of the world condensed countless sharp arrows, shot towards the white night, and the arrows rained, covering the entire space in an instant. "Stay there, don't move."

With a wave of Bai Ye's right hand, the power of time and space spread, and the entire space was directly solidified. In an instant, on Ares' side, the space solidified, and the sharp arrow formed by the world-annihilating fire in the sky stopped directly there, not moving at all.

But it didn't take long for these... The fire that destroyed the world dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was swallowed by the system.

"I can't even move."

Ares' eyes widened, he couldn't move at all now, as if he was being held there by a mysterious force.

No matter what method he uses, it is the same, even if it is a world-annihilating fire that can devour space, it is useless.

It was as if he had now lost his power and had become a mortal.

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