"Who is this man?"

Ares is full of fear, no matter the mysterious flame, the devouring power behind, and the power of space now, none of them show the horror of the power controlled by Bai Ye, any one can almost destroy it.

This is also the first time that Ares has experienced such a big difference in strength since he became victorious for so long.

"He didn't use all his strength just now, he was just warming up."

The more he thought about it, the more desperate Ares became, because he found that, in retrospect, he didn't even want to force out Bai Ye's true strength.

It is estimated that this is not the real strength of Bai Ye now.

The power of time and space spread, and it was impossible for Ares to escape from here.

Unless someone can defeat the mirror world and thus defeat Bai Ye, it is possible to rescue Ares, but this is impossible, not to mention that the mirror world belongs to a small fulcrum of space, and it takes a long time to find the entrance to the mirror world. , plus Bai Ye's strength is there, trying to rescue Ares is basically unrealistic.

After about half an hour.

Under the devouring of the two forces, Ares' biggest trump card, the world-annihilating fire, was directly swallowed up, and there was nothing left.

At this time, in an open space, only the old face of Ares was seen with despair.

Due to being fixed there by the space, Ares wanted to speak very much, but there was no way.

Seeing that there was no fire to destroy the world, Bai Ye's face showed a touch of disappointment and then commanded the power of the phoenix to swallow Ares directly. Not long after, Ares turned into dust and dissipated around.

"System, how many... data points have been obtained.


When Ares died, Bai Ye couldn't wait.

This time, he swallowed the so-called fire of world extinction, but he swallowed a lot, for nearly half an hour.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 352 data points."

The system prompt sounded slowly.

Hearing this voice, Bai Ye was stunned.

It was three million.

This is so rich.

Although Ares has a bad reputation, he is also a good person, and he just brings it to the door, and he also brings so many gifts.

At this time, hearing a large number of data points, Bai Ye silently sent Ares a good person card.

If Ares knew about it, he would probably be half dead again.

Chapter 3 The Fall of the God of War, Amazon's Carnival [[-]]

"More than [-] million data points, this time travel is not a loss."

Bai Ye shook his head with a smile on his face. He originally planned to test the ability of the power of time and space, but he didn't expect to stray into the world, and casually obtained more than three million data points. If this is placed in the Marvel world, I want to get it It's not an easy thing to do so much.

And his data points, he did not get more than one million at a time.

This time was the first time, and it was three million, which tripled directly.

There were so many that even Bai Ye was stunned.

You must know that his ability to absorb Apocalypse for thousands of years is only [-], while Qin Ge Lei's phoenix power seems to be only [-] to [-] when he runs away once.

And Ares's fire of extinction seems to be several times that of Apocalypse and nearly ten times that of Qin.

That is to say, several apocalypse need to appear, and Qin Ge Lei needs to go berserk ten times.

Think about the objectivity of this data point.

Of course, he can get so much. According to what Ares said before his death, Bai Ye speculated that this guy has been cholera in the earth for so many years, and it is estimated that he has basically hidden all the negative emotions he has collected, and has never used it at all. Even the last time he faced Zeus, it was probably useless, maybe he planned to use this world-annihilating fire for another... plan, such as promotion to a higher realm is not necessarily.

But these... all have passed, anyway... Ares is dead, all the calculations are gone, and it has completely become history.

"Mr. Bai Ye, you are really amazing!!!"

As soon as Ares died, Diana at the far end hurried over very fast, only seeing an afterimage passing by, Diana came to Bai Ye to hear the words, a smile appeared on Bai Ye's face, pinched Diana He said with a smile, "I've said it before, there is nothing terrible about gods, gods like Ares, I can kill them at will, you didn't believe it before, how about it, this time I saw it with my own eyes, I believe Yet"

"I believe, why don't you believe me, Mr. Bai Ye said that you are the most powerful."

Diana nodded frantically and said happily: 'Even Zeus, the king of the gods, is not as powerful as you.

"I have to say, Diana's words made Bai Ye feel very comfortable.

Because Zeus's status in Paradise Island is very high, basically representing the supremacy, Diana praised him, and even Zeus stepped down, what does this mean.

He completely replaced Zeus and became the most respected person in his heart.

And Zeus was Diana's father, although Diana probably didn't know it, but Bai Ye knew it.

Anyway... there is a very comfortable feeling in my heart, although Bai Ye's mood has gradually calmed down, there is still a trace of ripples appearing.

"Okay, Ares is dead, I'm going to go back and report to your mothers, so that they can rest assured, there is no need to worry about Ares or something."

Between words, Bai Ye waved his right hand.


The space is like a mirror, split open.

With a bang, it exploded directly, and then the stars moved.

The two returned to the original restaurant, but it was different from before, both of them were sitting.

Back at the restaurant, Bai Ye and Diana did not stop, but left directly.

When the two left, the waiter in the restaurant was a little surprised, because Bai Ye hadn't finished their food yet, and the rest were busy with other things.

However, they do not know that in this place, there is such a god buried here.

Leaving the restaurant, Bai Ye and Diana did not leave directly.

Instead, I found Dr. Maru and killed him, but this white night...forgot, but Diana remembered it, probably because it was Steve's words, which were related to hundreds of people. Wan's survival, so that she still remembers Dr. Maru.

The death of Ares and the demise of Dr. Maru also mean that her plan has completely collapsed, and her research data has also been destroyed by Bai Ye and others. It is estimated that it is impossible to restart the plan.

After everything was done, the two of them did not stop, and directly activated the space magic.

Back to Paradise Island Amazon.

The light flashed, and the two suddenly descended.

Suddenly, the entire Paradise Island Amazon boiled, "Instructor White Night and Diana are back, they are back."

"I remember that it wasn't long before Instructor Bai Ye and Princess Diana left. Is it a failure?" "You are stupid, you must have succeeded, otherwise, with Princess Diana's character unsuccessful, can you come back?"

"But it's too fast, after all, I remember they just left not long ago."

"I don't know about this either. I guess Instructor Bai Ye is more powerful."

The female soldiers in Paradise Island are full of curiosity about the return of the two.

After all, not long after the two left, they came back.

Did he successfully kill Ares, or did he not find it.

"We successfully completed our mission, Ares is dead."

Diana looked at the excited female soldiers in front of her and said with a smile. After a while, the space became quiet. The next moment, a violent noise resounded throughout Paradise Island.

This news soon reached the ears of both Hippolyta.

But they just learned that Bai Ye and Diana came over.

"I heard that you have killed Ares"

Hippolyta looked nervous, looking at the two people in front of her, her tone was full of trembling, and her face was incredulous... I can't believe this is incredible.

Let all the gods not be able to....... Naihe's victory was solved by them, and the speed of the solution was so fast that even Zeus couldn't do it, after all Zeus had no way to kill Ares, otherwise Ares would have died long ago.

"Yes mother, Ares is dead. I saw with my own eyes Ares was burned into smoke by Teacher Bai Ye, and there was nothing left."

Diana nodded and said with a smile.

She knew that Ares had always been a big worry for her mother. Because of Ares, Hippolyta had always been worried about this, and now that Ares died, her mother's worries could be touched. The stone in your heart can also rest assured.


Chapter 4 Abducting Wonder Woman [[-]]

"Good good."

Hippolyta's eyes shone with dazzling brilliance, her expression was excited, her face was full of smiles, she looked at Bai Ye and Diana, and said three good words in a row.

She didn't expect that Bai Ye and Diana could really kill Ares, and it was still so fast.

Although she knew that Diana and Bai Ye were very strong, especially Bai Ye, the strength was unfathomable, and she couldn't imagine it at all.

But in her heart, she felt that Bai Ye did not have a good chance of winning against Ares: after all, the scene of Ares killing all gods was vivid in her mind.

It is definitely an unbelievable enemy, and its strength is terrifying to the extreme.

"Antiop, send orders to prepare a banquet."

"Celebrate the death of the evil god Ares and bring the world back to light."

When Ares died, Hippolyta felt a lot more relieved, and directly let the people below start the banquet.

Get ready for a carnival, a carnival unique to Amazon.


Antiope didn't question it either, and after hearing the order, he went straight to get people to prepare.

Afterwards, Hippolyta followed Bai Ye and Diana to chat mostly wondering how Ares died.

Through some of Diana's descriptions, Hippolyta learned some details.

It turned out to be exactly what Bai Ye said at the time.

He wants to kill the gods, as simple as killing a dog, and he can do it casually.

Several people chatted for a long time, probably for more than two hours.

And the chat was very happy, the atmosphere was laughter, it was very good.

Immediately, the carnival of the banquet began.

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