The whole paradise island is filled with festive atmosphere.

In a dense forest, this is where Bai Ye and Diana often train. The banquet is very good, but the female soldiers are a bit scary, and Bai Ye’s attraction here is terrible, like the stars in the night sky, countless female soldiers came to toast, Caused long queues.

Bai Ye doesn't matter, after all, he has reached his realm, no poison can invade, and a mere bit of alcohol is useless at all, and it can only dissipate when it enters the stomach.

But Diana was afraid that Bai Ye would drink too much, so she ran away with Bai Ye in a hurry.

came here.

"Mr. Bai Ye, although I thank you today, I still want to say thank you. If it weren't for you, perhaps facing Ares, the paradise island would have disappeared long ago."

Sitting on the branch, Diana leaned against the body, looking at the stars in the distance, her eyes were a little blurred.

If it weren't for Bai Ye, her mother might not have allowed her to train so far, and it is estimated that she could only follow Antiope to train secretly.

If it weren't for Bai Ye, the strength of Paradise Island would not have become so strong. When the last time she encountered the outside world, it was estimated that the casualties would be very heavy. After all, she had also seen the power of the external weapons with her own eyes, and it was extremely terrifying. Not the existence they could contend with before.

"Don't underestimate yourself, you are extremely powerful, even without me, you can still defeat Ares."

Others may not know, but Bai Ye knows that the person who killed Ares in the original book is... Diana.

"Maybe, maybe I can beat Ares, but it's probably not as easy as the teacher's solution."

"By the way, teacher, will you stay on Paradise Island all the time?"

Diana got up and looked nervously at Bai Ye for so long. Bai Ye has taught her so much, and her feelings are completely different.

"I guess I'll be leaving tomorrow."

Bai Ye thought about it, he has been in this world for a long time, and it is time to go back.

After all, his home is not here, but in another world.

"Let's go tomorrow, can't Mr. Bai Ye be in such a hurry to postpone it for a few days?"

Diana was a little taken aback. Although she knew that Bai Ye would leave sooner or later, she did not expect that she would go so fast and leave tomorrow. It was too fast.

She thought that even if Bai Ye was going to leave, she would have to stay for a few months.

"A few days earlier and a few days later are almost the same, there is no difference."

Bai Ye stroked Diana's hair and said with a smile.

Although it is a little sad, there are so many perfect things in this world.

Diana bit her lip and did not speak, her eyes were a little sad.

The news that Bai Ye was going to leave did not spread, and only a few people knew about it.

the next day.

In the main hall, Bai Ye followed Hippolyta and the others to say goodbye.

Diana was standing beside Hippolyta, but her eyes were a little red, and she probably hadn't slept well yesterday.

"Okay, everyone, thank you for taking care of you during these hours, if there is a chance, let's meet.

: Bai Ye smiled at a few people and called out a call, which was considered farewell.

Immediately, the power of time and space spread, and a portal was opened.

Just when Bai Ye was about to go in, Diana suddenly rushed over and hugged Bai Ye, "Mr. Bai Ye, I'll go with you."

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, then looked at Hippolyta.

I saw Hippolyta smiled and said with a smile, "Mr. White Night, take Diana and leave together, Ares has been solved:, Paradise Island has nothing to worry about in the future, so Diana doesn't need to stay on the island all the time. Inside, and Paradise Island also needs someone to go out to meet, outside, Diana is a good choice."

Yan, Bai Ye smiled, "Let's go together then.

Immediately, Bai Ye took Diana and walked directly into the gate of time and space in front of the crowd of Hippolyta.

It didn't take long for the figure to dissipate, and the entire gate of time and space also disappeared directly.

Watching several people leave, Antiope looked at Hippolyta and said, "Actually, I have always wanted to know who Mr. Bai Ye is, and whether he is the one above."

Hippolyta shook her head, "Mr. White Night is just a human, without divinity, and you don't need to care where Mr. White Night comes from, as long as you know that he is our Amazon's friend, not to mention, without Mr. White Night, Amazon is estimated to die sooner or later. Bar."

: This is over, that's it for the time being, although the ending is a bit rushed

Chapter 5: White Night Return [[-]]

New Temple.

Daniel was cleaning as usual, although the temple itself was very clean, and with the magic of clarity, Daniel didn't need to clean it, but due to his habit, Daniel cleaned the temple every day.


At the same time, the door was opened, and Tony in a black suit came in, saw Daniel cleaning, and said hello, "Good morning, Mr. Daniel."

"Hello, Mr Tony.

Since becoming a member of Kama Taj, Tony often comes to the temple and passes Kama Taj through the teleportation array. Because the teleportation ring that Bai Ye gave him before was accidentally damaged by him, so he can't ignore the distance teleportation directly. Now, you can only go through the New York Temple. "Mr. Tony, how have you been studying magic lately."

Daniel laughed.

Because Tony comes here often, and Gu Yi may take care of Tony because of the white night, Daniel will chat with Tony, so the relationship between the two is actually quite good.

"Oh, don't talk about it, Mr. Daniel, I've been annoyed by a magic trick recently. I've been studying it for more than two months, but I haven't made any progress. If it wasn't for you, Mr. Daniel, I would have almost doubted the one I learned... Is magic really real?"

Speaking of magic, Tony had some headaches at the beginning of learning magic. He really showed his amazing talent. For magic, he was able to get started quickly, and his speed was almost as fast as Baiye.

For this reason, many people think that maybe Tony is the super genius of magic that appeared in Kama Taj, and it may reach the level of White Night in the future.

After Tony knew about it at first, he saw that his magical talent was so awesome, and he felt that it was possible, even surpassing Bai Ye, and he was not so excited. Now, study magic.

And after his hard work, his results are also very terrifying. In just a few months, he has mastered several magics, and his speed is so fast that he can rank in the top few of Kama Taj. However, soon the bottleneck came.

Not long ago, when Tony was studying space magic, he encountered an unprecedented bottleneck. No matter what he did, he couldn't break through, as if there was a dead end in front of him, especially after several months now, he found it. Many of Kama Taj's magicians who are proficient in space have not improved.

As for Gu Yi, he had no way to find it, because Gu Yi was relatively busy during this time, and he was all wandering in the sky, dealing with those... different-dimensional enemies, and he didn't have time to appear in Kama Taj.

"Mr. Tony, magic needs to be accumulated. As long as you calm down, you may have breakthroughs. It was the same for me at the beginning. As long as you calm down and focus on magic, although the progress is not fast, you can feel it every day."

Daniel said with a smile that Tony's troubles.... he understands very well, because he has experienced it.

After all, not everyone is a white night, and any magic can be mastered very quickly.

"By the way, Daniel, when was Venerable Bai Ye troubled by magic? I heard from people in Kama Taj that Kama Taj's magic was almost perfect within a few days after being seen by Venerable White Night. is in control.”

Tony said that Tony felt exaggerated when he thought of the news that Kama Taj's people said before.

After all, as long as you experience it yourself, you can understand the difficulty of magic, and it is very difficult to imagine.

Daniel touched his chin, thought for a moment, and shook his head, "As far as I know, this really doesn't exist. It seems that Master Bai Ye took a year or two to control all the magic of Kama Taj, and also created After a lot of magic, in the third year of entering Kama Taj, Master Bai Ye has the strength of the ancient one."

"At the beginning, Venerable Gu Yi came out to announce the news, and even wanted to directly locate Master Bai Ye as the descendant of Supreme Master, but Venerable Bai Ye refused."

Speaking of this, Daniel was a little surprised.

Rejecting the position of Supreme Mage, it is estimated that only Bai Ye can do it. You know, there are countless people fighting for this position, not to mention anything else, the other disciples of the ancient one are almost all staring at that position. After Bai Ye came, the strength showed. Appeared, almost everyone felt that Bai Ye must be the next Supreme Mage behind Gu Yi.

However, the big iron glasses, Bai Ye refused, do not need this position "I don't even want the position of the Supreme Mage, the Bai Ye is really scary." Tony smiled bitterly, even if it was him, it is estimated that he would not refuse the position of the Supreme Mage because of this position represents so many things.

Change to the ancient dynasty, that is the emperor's position.

"Mage Bai Ye probably has his own ideas, and with the strength of Mage Bai Ye, it doesn't matter if there is... the position of Supreme Mage."

Daniel smiled and said, "That's true."

Tony nodded. After coming to Kama Taj for so long, he also knew a lot of rumors about Bai Ye. The most powerful thing is... Bai Ye's strength. Now many people speculate that Bai Ye has surpassed Gu Yi and became Kama. Taj's strongest magician, although not the supreme mage, but similar to the supreme mage.

That's why many people call Bai Ye the Venerable, even if it's Tony, it's a kind of acknowledgment of strength.

"Okay, Master Daniel, I went to Kama Taj to learn magic, this time I must break through this magic."

Looking at the time, he found that it was not too early, Tony said hello, went up to start the teleportation array, and went to Kama Taj, "Good luck."

Daniel laughed.

at the same time.

A huge force suddenly descended, invisible fluctuations spread, and the entire space was blown up like a piece of paper, setting off waves of ripples.

Feeling this power, Daniel and Tony were both frightened.

Because this kind of power is too terrifying, they have never seen it before.

At the same time, they felt two auras suddenly descending, one of which they did not recognize but the other, they would never forget in this life.

Daniel and Tony looked at each other and said almost at the same time, "The Venerable White Night is back."

: I took a look at the number of rewards and flowers. As long as the number of flowers exceeds [-] or [-], and the number of rewards is [-], I will update it ten times. I hope everyone can fulfill me!!!!!!!! Let me struggle once.

Chapter 1 see the ancient one [[-]]


In the void, an inexplicable energy descended, and an invisible energy fluctuation passed through the space and spread directly to the earth. The entire earth's space seemed to be a horizontal plane, with ripples appearing.

"Bai Ye is back."

In the depths of Kama Taj, Gu Yi slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of essence flickered from his eyes.

As Bai Ye's teacher, Gu Yi is too sensitive to... Bai Ye's breath, and with this unique space energy breath, except... Bai Ye, no one can have "this kid" , where did this time go?"

Gu Yi frowned, at first she thought Bai Ye went to Earth to travel to relax, because Bai Ye often traveled around the world through space ability, maybe in the United States in the morning, and in other countries at noon.

But when they walked in the day and night, the fluctuations were a little big, and it almost shocked all the powerhouses on the earth. At that moment, they all felt an inexplicable oppression, the oppression from the depths of their souls.

And now, this feeling has appeared all at once.

"You have to ask him carefully."

Gu Yi's eyes flickered, and his spiritual power spread directly, and it was directly connected to Bai Ye's mind, "When you come back, come over to Kama Taj."

"it is good."

Hearing the familiar voice, Gu Yi's eyes flickered, not exploring the dimension of another dimension, but returned to the room where he lived, prepared tea, and waited for Bai Ye.


in a room.

Bai Ye took Diana's hand and slowly walked out of the gate of time and space.

"Is this where Teacher Bai Ye lives?"

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