Speaking of which, Gu glanced at Bai Ye and said helplessly, "But compared to you, Tony still can't compare. He is a genius in the normal range, and you have already exceeded this range."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then smiled indifferently.

It's a bit surprising for Gu Yi's sudden compliment.

"Because of the strong recommendation, when Tony just came in Kama Taj, I paid close attention to him for a while. His talent and IQ are really amazing. He memorized the general principles of magic in three days, and half a month. He has been able to meditate and enhance his spiritual power. After three months, he can already use most of the low-level magic of Kama Taj, and at the same time has been suspected of some kind of high-level magic."

"After half a year, Tony is already a senior magician. He has been here for many years than Kama Taj, even more than ten years of magicians, and his proficiency in using magic is better than those of them, even with You have also started to create magic, but his accumulation is still too small, and the creation of magic has failed many times, and when there is no way to do it, he gave up."

"As of today...., he has been in Kama Taj for nearly [-] months in total. Tony Stark is already a senior great magician, and he is not far from the realm of the king. I guess the most. In a year or two, it will break through to the realm of the Dharma King."

Gu Yi's face was gentle, and he slowly said some things about Tony's joining Kama Taj.

Most tell the speed of his progress.

I have to say that Tony's talent is really good. He almost reached the realm of the king within four months of the year. You must know that in the entire Kama Taj, for nearly hundreds of years, there are not many magicians in the realm. Most of these people have been in Karma Taj for more than 100 years.

It is the elder of Kama Taj.

In the past, Mordo was considered one, but Mordo was already dead, so the realm of the magician in Kama Taj was actually quite simple, not counting the kings. .. the last realm of the Dharma Venerable, that is, the ancient one, the current state of the Dharma Venerable, was called the Supreme Master in the past, and it is the supreme symbol of the Kama Taj.

However, due to the appearance of Bai Ye, the strength is comparable to Gu Yi, so one more realm is added, called Dharma Venerable, and the Supreme Dharma Master is isolated, representing the symbol of the master of Kama Taj.

"In that case, it's very powerful. Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person."

Hearing these words, a smile appeared on Bai Ye's face. Sure enough, this guy Tony is very talented in magic.

It has only been more than a year, and he has almost reached the realm of Dharma King.

You must know that when Modu was called a genius, it took decades to break through to the realm of the king.

"But teacher, if it's just like this, it's not enough to say anything, at best it can only be said that his talent is very good.

"Bai Ye is a little puzzled, Tony's training speed is really amazing, but to be called someone who wants to reform the magic world, it's actually not that much.

After all, Tony's speed was not as fast as Bai Ye's.

"If it's just like this, of course it doesn't count. After all, the Pearl is in front, but that guy really did that thing just as you thought before."

Gu Yi looked at Bai Ye with a strange look on her face. She was a little surprised when she knew about it.

Tony actually did it.

"Are you talking about the fusion of technology and magic?" Bai Ye also quickly reacted. When Gu Yi took Tony, what he valued was... Tony is qualified as the best scientist on earth, and has The extremely strong magic talent considered that if Tony had a certain possibility to fuse these two things together, Bai Ye let Gu Yi accept it.


Gu nodded slightly.

Technology and magic are perfectly integrated. This idea was guessed a long time ago, and some achievements have been made, but after that, it became more and more difficult to integrate magic and technology, or even impossible to integrate. As a result, Kama Taj came to the back and gave up directly.

However, in this era, Tony Stark did it. He broke through this problem in a very short period of time, and made rapid progress. Maybe it won't take long for magic and technology to merge, and a new magic technology will be born.

It is for this reason that Gu Yi spoke of Tony Stark.

This person has achieved the reform of the magic world.

Become an innovator of magic and technology.

Chapter 4: This Magical White Night Created [[-]]

"It's really good that he can actually do this. Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person."

Bai Ye sighed a little, and it really was his good eyesight that he was able to dig out the hidden genius of Tony Stark.

If Tony knew that Bai Ye thought so, he would probably be angry and shameless.

What have you dug up? Didn't you agree to let me learn magic because I paid a big price in the first place? Gu Yi didn't answer, but continued to pour tea for the two of them.


Diana nodded slightly and quickly said thank you.

At the same time, she looked at Bai Ye and Gu Yi curiously. She couldn't understand the technology and magic reform in their conversation.

what are these.

As for the realm of the mage, she actually understood a little bit. Back then, Bai Ye told her.

According to the realm of the mage, she is now the realm of the great magician, and it is estimated that there is still a long distance from the realm of the king.

In fact, this is also very against the sky. After all, Bai Ye taught her magic. Although the teaching was very good, the accumulation of countless magic that a magician needs, these things cannot be learned in Bai Ye.

It can only be learned in Kama Taj, the magic temple on earth.

Because here, with all the magic of the earth, with the experience of countless ancestors, in the best place in this magic environment, the understanding of magic will gradually become clearer.

"By the way, teacher, is that kid Tony stumped by some kind of magic? When I came over with him, the guy seemed to have said that there was a magic that stumped him for several months, and it seemed that he had not made any progress. What is this? one thing."

Logically speaking, Tony's talent is so good, basically, it is difficult for some magic to not progress for several months, and even if it is not possible, a few months are enough to achieve a certain progress.

"You've seen it before, this kid has a big heart."

Gu Yi sold a pass, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said.

Seeing Gu Yi's mysterious appearance, Bai Ye felt a little itchy in his heart.

Although he can see these things through time and space magic, it is obviously overkill, after all, Tony is in Kama Taj.

And even to see time and space, it takes time.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye felt that he would go to Tony and ask.

After all, seeing is believing, seeing with both eyes, and seeing everything clearly, you will understand.

"Then I'll go there"

"Diana, stay with my teacher for a while. If you don't understand anything about magic, you can ask her. She is proficient in any magic principle here."

Leaving this sentence, Bai Ye's figure turned around and disappeared directly in place.

As soon as Bai Ye left, Diana suddenly became nervous.

Although from the conversation just now, I know that Gu Yi has a very gentle personality, but the people he faces are different.

Because in Diana's mind, Gu Yi, like her parents, made her feel like a little daughter-in-law facing her parents.

"Diana, don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person."

Seeing Diana's embarrassed look, Gu Yi couldn't help laughing.

Only from staying at Kama Taj, I have rarely seen someone as nervous as Diana is now, and the meaning of nervousness is different. "Okay, Venerable Old One."

Diana took a deep breath, her heart suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on her face, but there was some tension in her eyes.

"I'll see if you cast the magic that Bai Ye taught you."

Gu Yi didn't care and said softly.

If you want to teach a person's magic, then you must understand the depth of the person's magic, so that you can have a good guide.

Hearing this, Diana looked at the surrounding scene with a hesitant expression on her face.

This room is a bit small, and there are quite a lot of things, if those magics are really displayed.

This room will be somewhat... damaged, but soon, Diana discovered a familiar scene.

The surrounding scene began to reverse, as if it was turned over by some force "mirror world."

Seeing this scene, Diana didn't hesitate in her heart, she opened up and closed, and directly cast the magic she learned.

at the same time.

In a library in Kama Taj.

Tony wore glasses and was browsing with a heavy book.

And beside him stood a man who was sorting out the bookshelves around him. This man was called Wang, and he was the manager here, and he was also Doctor Strange's assistant in the future.

Just at this time.

A ray of light flashed, and a figure appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing the figure in front of him, Wang immediately put down the things in his hand, looked respectful, and said to Bai Ye, "Sir Bai Ye."

Although the king's status is not low in Kama Taj, otherwise, it is impossible to become Doctor Strange's assistant.

But facing Bai Ye, Wang has no temper, because he is a fan of Bai Ye.

"Long time no see, King."

Bai Ye greeted him with a smile, Wang is a Chinese, and he came from almost the same place as him.

Immediately, Bai Ye's eyes fell on Tony.

"Tony, come here, I have something to do with you.

. "

Venerable Bai Ye has something to do with me! Although Tony was a little puzzled, he put down the book in his hand, stood up directly, and came to Bai Ye.

"I heard that you don't understand about... a magic recently. I just came back. I can tell you something."

When he said this, Tony was ecstatic.

At the same time, the king on the side also reminded, "Tony, the magic you were confused before was created by... Venerable White Night, others may not be able to explain your difficulties, but Venerable White Night certainly can.

Hear that White Night is the creator.

pause time.

Tony felt a good news coming.

Because of the problems he was puzzled by, all of them could be easily solved in front of Bai Ye.

If even the creator does not understand, it is estimated that no one in this world can help him.

"Venerable Bai Ye, I do have something that I don't understand, but I can't explain it here. I have to go back to my laboratory to explain it."

Tony thought about it and said.

Hearing this, Bai Ye's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "No problem, I'll take you back now."

Between words, Bai Ye put a hand on Tony's body for almost an instant.

The two figures disappeared in place.

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