Seeing this scene, Wang couldn't help but sigh, "The strength of Venerable Bai Ye is getting stronger and stronger, and he can use space teleportation magic in a single thought.


Chapter 5 Magic Technology: Space Ring [[-]]

"Venerable Bai Ye, I really admire your space magic."

Tony looked at the familiar laboratory in front of him and couldn't help sighing.

In the past, I thought Bai Ye's space magic was powerful, but that was because he didn't touch magic. After he got in touch with magic, he really understood that Bai Ye's space magic was extremely terrifying.

At least...he can also use space magic, but he can't think of Bai Ye traversing anywhere he wants, so that there will be no mistakes.

You know, space magic is not... that easy to learn, and can't be used.

"It's just some little magic, don't worry about it, you can learn it in the future.

Tony smiled wryly, little magic can be learned after learning, what's more, it would be nice if it was really that easy.

It's not that he hasn't learned space magic, it's just too esoteric, let alone space teleportation magic, some simple space magic, he hasn't figured it out yet.

"By the way, call me Bai Ye in the future, don't bring any Venerable, it sounds weird."

"No, His Holiness is the symbol of Kama Taj, I have to say it."

For.. this, Tony is surprisingly serious.

It was as if asking him to call him Bai Ye and not bringing the Venerable with him was an insult to him.

Bai Ye looked strange, if it was someone in Kama Taj, he would....... I don't think it's anything, just Tony, how long have you been in Kama Taj?

"When you are in Kama Taj, you are bringing your venerable person. At other times: just the normal name."

"it is good.

"After hearing this, Tony thought for a moment and finally agreed.

If so, it seems to be possible.

Bai Ye ignored Tony and looked around. The laboratory in front of him was no different from an ordinary technology laboratory, but it was a bit big. Bai Ye estimated that it was the size of several basketball courts. At the same time, the entire space was very crowded. There is only one aisle, and the rest are all kinds of instruments.

After watching it for a while, Bai Ye lost interest, after all he didn't understand technology.

Immediately, he looked at Tony and asked, "Tell me, what magic stumped you and kept you from making progress for months."

Hearing this, Tony's face suddenly flashed with joy, and then he said, "Jarvis, open the third plan."

"Ok sir.

Jarvis' voice sounded, and instantly a blue screen appeared in front of Bai Ye and Tony.

On the screen, it is a scene of a house, and I am no stranger to this white night because he has lived here for a long time.

That's right, it's... New York Temple "Your Highness White Night, you should be familiar with... this"

"Of course not unfamiliar, aren't you a magician? How can you give me a holy scene?"

"Venerable Bai Ye, don't worry, this is not the point."

Tony said, and then swiped with his right hand, and Neil appeared in front of the two of them, "He is such a Venerable White Night, I heard Master Daniel say before that you once taught him a magic, which can be like a monitor. New York Temple."

"This is....Yes, but don't tell me, you have been researching this magic."

Bai Ye's expression was weird, of course he was not unfamiliar with this magic, the magic that was specially created in order to pull Daniel out to accompany him on vacation.

He didn't even take a name for this magic, because this magic is not very useful, it just turns the connection into a monitor, and can watch the room of the connection all the time. Everything that happened, everyone knew.

"I am indeed researching this magic. You should also know, Venerable White Night, that it is impossible to have a [-]-degree surveillance without blind spots, and even the surveillance of some secret places is very terrifying, but some powerful agents still rely on it. Go in with your own ingenuity.”

"Could it be that you want to learn this magic, and then apply it to you"

"I have this idea, in addition, I want to combine him with some technology. If I fuse this magic into a box, as long as people are bound together, if others leave the house, there will be thieves in the future. If this is the case, the owners of those houses can also know the first time, and if this thing is promoted, there will be much fewer thieves in the future.

"I've already thought of the name, so it's called the Magic Box," Tony explained.

Hearing this, Bai Ye's expression was very strange, although he knew that Tony had already started to cultivate both magic and technology.

It's just that he didn't expect that the magic technology that Tony couldn't figure out for a few months turned out to be this kind of home magic.

Somewhat beyond his expectations, "This magic is actually not difficult. Forget it, it is difficult to explain in words. I will use my spiritual power to pass it on to you."

A brilliance appeared in Bai Ye's fingers, and he tapped it directly on Tony's forehead. Tony's eyes flickered, and he felt a mysterious data pouring into his mind. As long as he thought about it, he could come up with this magic at the first time and get it. Magic data, the difficulties that have always puzzled him are instantly resolved.

After a while, after absorbing the information in his mind, Tony took a deep breath, looked at Bai Ye, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Venerable Bai Ye, I understand everything, it won't be long before this magic box can created."

If Bai Ye wasn't here, he would need to entertain Tony, and now he would like to start acting, and now he is a little eager to try.

"This little thing, by the way, I heard Venerable Gu Yi say that you have recently created a batch of magic technology, I don't know if there are any... results, introduce it to me, I'm a little curious about... these things, not necessarily I can give you some advice."

When Bai Ye heard the words, Tony was overjoyed and said excitedly, "This is my honor, Venerable Bai Ye, I have produced almost a dozen types of magic technology, but most of them are semi-finished products, not finished products."

"But there is one thing that I am most satisfied with.

' With that, Tony instructed Jarvis, "Jarvis, take out the ring number one."

"good sir"

After a while, the wall in front opened directly, and a mechanical arm took out a box from it.

With the opening of the box, a ring appeared in front of the two of them. The ring was not very beautiful, but rather unpretentious, it looked like an ordinary steel ring.

Tony took the ring to Bai Ye and said with a smile, "Mage Bai Ye, you can sense the ring with your mental power."

Seeing this, Bai Ye's mental power was enveloped in the ring instantly and a new world opened up. It was a space without anything. Although it was not big, only a few square meters, it was indeed space. This was a space ring!

Chapter 1: Tony Stark's Magical Road [[-]]

"The space ring is indeed a good magic technology, but it is also limited and requires mental power to sense it."

Bai Ye put down the space ring, shook his head and said that he could create a space ring in a short time. This surprised Bai Ye, but it was expected. At the same time, this is not an innovative technology. There are also space rings in Kama Taj, and The range is much larger than Tony's, but the number is relatively rare.

In addition, Kama Taj also has many other magical technologies, such as the hanging ring, or the teleportation ring he gave Tony before, which are all magical technologies.

"You are right, this space ring is not really innovative. It has great limitations. It is only suitable for use by magicians. If it is given to other people, it is estimated that only a very small number of people can use it. Therefore, for this thing, I have created a similar space magic technology, this item does not require mental power."

Tony waved his right hand, Jarvis controlled the robotic arm and came out with a dark blue backpack.

This backpack is not big, it just looks like a normal school bag" This is called a space backpack, it can hold the size of a basketball court, and it does not require any mental power, just open the back, you can use it, and I set a mental Magic, if you want to take something from it, you just need to move your mind and you can take it out."

Tony threw the space backpack to Bai Ye. This space backpack is the best magic technology he has recently combined technology and magic with, and it has a certain degree of convenience.

Even when he incarnated as Iron Man several times, he would carry an iron suit in his backpack to prevent accidents.

Bai Ye took over the backpack, opened it directly, and looked at the backpack for a while.... It's really good, no matter how you open it, or the space is better than the space ring, the only thing that is lacking It's that this thing is a bit big, and it doesn't have the convenience of a space ring. After all, the space ring only needs to be worn on the hand, and the space backpack needs to be carried. In a sense, the space ring is easy to hide, but the space backpack is not enough.

Bai Ye put down the space backpack and said: "If you can combine the characteristics of the space backpack and the space ring, then your space magic technology is a successful step."

Both items are actually good, but each has its own flaws.

Tony said helplessly: "Venerable White Night, I have considered this question many times, and I have also discussed with many elders of Kama Taj, but have not found a good solution, but a few months ago, we found a solution. The method, but this method has not been cracked yet, and it has not yet succeeded.”

"What can I do, let's talk about it."

Tony explained: "The Venerable Bai Ye should also know that the convenience of the space ring is unquestionable, but it requires mental power, which causes the space ring to have some flaws, but the space back: the bag is different, he does not need this ability, But the convenience is not enough. In this regard, I have considered that if I add a spiritual magic to the space, one that allows ordinary people without spiritual power to control the space ring, then the two will be integrated into the flaws of the space ring. It's gone, and it has truly achieved a magical technology with a space reserve."

"But as soon as we found this spiritual magic, but later I learned through Daniel that he has a kind of magic that can turn the temple into his clone. At that time, I suddenly felt that if Daniel's... magic was attached In the space ring, then my previous magic will be solved."

"However, this magic is a bit difficult. I have studied it for a long time and have no clue until your return, Venerable Bai Ye, but the information you gave me just now made me no longer in trouble. It is estimated that you will give me some time, soon, A real space ring will appear.

Hearing Tony's explanation, Bai Ye didn't expect that a simple spiritual magic could stop Iron Man Tony Stark for so long.

Bai Ye raised his right hand, and the space ring rose, floating in front of him. "Actually, it doesn't need to be that complicated. You just need to set a spiritual binding magic on it."

Saying that, the magic power poured out of Bai Ye's body, and a magic circle appeared in an instant, floating directly in the space ring, and instantly poured into the ring.

The light disappeared, and the ring returned to normal. Bai Ye threw the ring to Tony and said with a smile, "I set a soul binding magic on it. As long as he binds the master, the ring does not need mental power, and the owner of the ring also You can put things into the ring anytime and anywhere, and you can also take it out directly.”

"And Tony, your thinking has gone wrong. In fact, you don't need to think so complicated. Remember the little black artificial intelligence you gave me when you went to the temple?"

Tony stroked the space ring, and suddenly a ray of light rose, and Tony subconsciously touched it with one hand.

Suddenly, the light soared, turning into a beam of light that reflected on Tony's forehead. At the same time, Tony found that he could sense everything about the space ring. Thinking of this, Tony looked at the space backpack, and reached out directly, thinking to recycle in his heart. In time, the entire space backpack disappeared, directly entering his space ring.

"It turned out to be a success."

Tony was stunned and stunned, this technique had stopped him for months, and he had no clue.

Unexpectedly, it was broken as soon as the white night came.

The speed was so fast that Tony was only left shocked.

"Thank you, Venerable Bai Ye, you are really amazing."

Tony was so excited that his excited body trembled involuntarily.

"By the way, Venerable Bai Ye, the magic you just realised was that..." Although he was very excited, Tony did not forget the business. "This magic, you should have learned it, most of Kama Taj's people can, one was refining it before. When using magic instruments, soul binding magic is often used, and its effect is similar to that of artificial intelligence binding.

"I never learned this"

Tony stood there a little embarrassed. Although he has a good talent, Kama Taj has too many types of magic, and he did not want to be involved in many magics.

And what Bai Ye is saying now is... one of whom he is not suspected of.

"I'll teach you later, but your magic technology isn't the only thing you have now."

"Of course not, there are other categories of magic, Venerable White Night, I can introduce it to you now."


Chapter 2 Iron Man with magic is a bit invincible [[-]]

"Jarvis, take out all my magic technology products and let Venerable White Night pass by."

Tony clapped his hands, a smile appeared on his face, and he smiled very confidently. Obviously, he was very confident in the magic technology he was researching during this time.

"Ok sir.

Hearing the order, Jarvis replied habitually. Immediately, the surrounding scene began to change. The white walls blocked the opening, and the robotic arms stretched in and took out all the items inside.

There are eight in total.

A sexy tights in forgiveness, a white fan, a mechanical steel arm, a mechanical bracelet, a blue shield, a bit like Captain America.

Other than that, the other three are big knives of different colors.

Eight items, under the control of the robotic arm, took Bai Ye and Tony in front of them. Seeing these items, Tony pointed to the tights and introduced, "This is called the God of King Kong, and it carries Kama Taj, an ascetic. Wearing this dress is like possessing the ascetic's indestructible body, invulnerable to swords and guns, even if the armor-piercing bullets that can penetrate the tank will not have any effect on him, it is estimated that the explosion of the missile may Some damage to him."

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