Hearing this, Bai Ye's eyes flickered. This dress is a bit interesting. It can almost be said that owning this dress is equivalent to becoming a physique magician. You must know that physique magic is not... so easy to practice. The physical talent it requires is too important. Ordinarily, if you want to become an indestructible body of King Kong, it is estimated that at least....... a piece of clothing for decades is equivalent to the decades of hard work of a physique magician, I have to say this There is something in the tights.

"How long can the magic of this dress last?"

"Due to technical problems, it can only last for two hours. If you want to use it, you need to charge the magic crystal."

"Two hours is actually not bad."

Bai Ye nodded. Two hours is actually a long time. After all, having a piece of clothing is almost equal to having an experience card of a senior physique magician for two hours, which means you can become a strong man. , even if you have money you can't do it.

"However, the time is still too short. My assumption is that it will take at least two days. However, the problem of energy is now, so to reach that point, it is estimated that further research is required."

After Tony finished speaking, he immediately introduced something else to Bai Ye. "This is called the fan of the storm. As its name suggests, it carries a first-level wind magic, and its power is estimated to be comparable to that of a tornado, but this number of times is relatively small and can only be used three times. After three times, you need to find someone else to engrave magic, even if it is made of magic crystals, it is useless."

The fan of the storm is comparable to the power of a tornado. Although the number of times is not large, this weapon is quite terrifying. After all, it does not need to cost anything, and its lethality is more terrifying than missiles.

"This is called the Destroyer, and it carries powerful shattering magic. Even if it is vibranium, he has a chance to shatter it directly. It can almost be said that on the entire planet, except for the deep physique magician, any item can be shattered. can be shattered directly.

Even the vibrating metal can be destroyed, and it has to be injured a bit terrifying, you must know that it is the hardest metal.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Zhenjin is... invincible, after all, it has also been destroyed countless times.

However, in terms of destructive power, the violence may have a wide range, but the single destructive power of the destroyer is estimated to be the most powerful.

Basically, any objects and creatures are enveloped in his magic, directly.

"This bracelet, Venerable Bai Ye should be familiar with it. The effect of this thing is the same as the teleportation ring you gave me before."

"But I call it a teleportation bracelet. At the same time, his ability is not as extensive as that of Venerable Bai Ye. He can only teleport within [-] kilometers. If it exceeds, it will not work, and the number of times is only three times." This shield is called the Defender Shield, it has Wearing a very strong magic shield, it can resist missiles at will, but not many times, only three times."

"I haven't decided on the names of these three big knives, because they are only half-finished products."

In general, water, plus space ring and space backpack.

Tony has made a total of ten magic technologies, three of which are semi-finished products that have not yet been completed, and the rest are finished products, but need to be improved.

"You are indeed a genius."

After listening to it, Bai Ye couldn't help but praise.

These magical technology items have swings, some are weapons with terrifying offensive power, some are used for home travel, and some are... The defense is extremely terrifying and if one person has all of them Bai Ye couldn't believe these weapons because they were a little scary.

Think about it, wearing the God of King Kong, with the indestructible body of King Kong, the defense is amazing and terrifying, and at the same time the breaker is so strong, there is almost nothing that can stop this magic, in addition to this, there are also storm fans. Mass attack weapon.

The magic technology weapon that Tony made this time has produced almost all the things he needs.

Offensive and defensive unity.

Bai Ye figured it out. If these weapons are all installed on one person, it is estimated that Thor and the Hulk are a little bit tough, because the lethality of these things is really terrible, and even if they really can't be beaten, they can still escape. After all, teleportation The earring is activated, it is really about to teleport, you can't stop it, unless the entire space is frozen.

But there are only a few people on earth who possess this ability, and it can even be said that there is only one person.

And these...things are mass-produced, and they are directly armed in a unit. It is estimated that there is basically no problem in sweeping the earth.

However, although these things are very powerful, they also have great disadvantages.

The frequency of use is relatively rare, especially the shattering magic of the saboteur glove. Once it is gone, you need to re-engrave the magic. As for other magic crystals, magic crystals are not a problem. If you want to get this thing, you can also get it. a lot of.

"Thank you, Venerable White Night's compliment"

Tony laughed.

For these magical technologies, he still has a lot of confidence and pride at the same time.

Because of these things, it can completely change the whole world.

"By the way, Tony, these things are probably not your greatest achievements, right? Does your iron suit have no magic engraving?" Seeing these magical technologies in front of him, Bai Ye almost foresees the terrifying degree of Tony's Iron Man suit.

Most likely, most of the magic is installed in it.

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from Venerable White Night. I have indeed put these magics on the Iron Man suit, and they have also been optimized. The duration is much longer than these magic technologies."

Tony scratched his head and laughed.

With these magics, his steel battle suit has almost broken through several realms, and the enemies he used to fear can now be pinched to death.

: Ask for a monthly pass

Chapter 3: Guarding the Dimensional Dimension [[-]]

"Would you like to try it out"

Bai Ye looked at Tony and asked with a smile, seeing how confident Tony was, he wanted to see how strong Tony's Iron Man suit was after he had magic.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Tony's eyes were also eager to try.

Although all his steel suits have been upgraded, he has not really exerted his true strength It can be easily solved.

But now it's different, Bai Ye is present, his strength is unquestionable, although he knows that the steel battle suit is far from Bai Ye's opponent, but it is also a good choice to have a glimpse of the power of the steel battle suit.

And through the battle with Bai Ye, you may be able to find out some problems "Okay."

After thinking about it, Tony agreed directly, and then greeted Jarvis, "Jarvis, take out my newest suit" "Sir.

' Jarvis's voice sounded, and the wall was opened, and a brand new steel battle suit was quickly assembled. The color remained the same, mainly red, but the place of the hands was different from the previous one. A pair of unusually large arms.

'Mirror world.

"Seeing that Tony was ready, Bai Ye opened the mirror world directly, and the world began to turn upside down.

"Be careful, Venerable Bai Ye."

Tony snorted softly, and a spark erupted from the soles of his feet. Suddenly, Tony rushed over and bombarded Bai Ye. However, at that moment, Bai Ye's figure appeared directly in front of Tony's eyes, and then a foot fell. boom.

With a bang, Tony was kicked out.

However, in mid-air, relying on the excellent characteristics of the steel battle suit, he quickly adjusted his body, and the whole person flew directly.

Immediately, he rushed over again.

But this time the speed was much faster before, directly breaking the speed of sound.

In this small space, I came directly in front of Bai Ye, "Smashing Magic."

Tony gave a low voice in his heart, his hands showed a touch of luster, and two magic circles appeared in an instant, and a horrified aura began to spread, and instantly grabbed Bai Ye's body.

Seeing the smashing magic swept in, Bai Ye did not retreat, a lustre appeared on the corner of his mouth, the power of time and space spread, and gathered in his hands.

Immediately, the entire magic was crushed and exploded, causing a storm, as if a hurricane came, blowing Tony out.

Tony, who fell to the ground, struggled to get up, and his eyes were horrified, "The smashing magic has been crushed, how is this possible, is Venerable White Night's body still a normal person?" Tony was very puzzled, even with this extremely powerful metal , In the face of smashing magic, it can only be turned into pieces. It can almost be said that Tony has tested many hard objects, but none of them have not persisted.

But now, the smashing magic has no effect on... Bai Ye, and even smashed it directly with the flesh.

This is so special, Tony doubts life.

If he didn't know Bai Ye's strength, he almost thought, how could Bai Ye have such terrifying power if it is possible that the demon gods and mortals disguised in other dimensions could possess such terrifying power.

"Tony, is your magic technology all that powerful?"

asked the night.

Tony smiled bitterly, it's just not good for you, if it's for the rest of the people, it's probably scared to death.


Tony got up and commanded the new steel battle suit to fight against Bai Ye for a while. Unfortunately, no matter what magic it was, it was broken one by one by Bai Ye, and even he couldn't do anything about Bai Ye. This made Tony even more suspicious of life, and he almost I wonder if my magic technology has failed.

What's so special, even if they are not against the opponent, they can't be so weak.

This is no longer a problem of weakness, almost the same as when he saw Bai Ye, he was directly crushed, as if a high-level creature was looking down on a low-level creature.

"Venerable Bai Ye, you are too powerful, let's not fight, let's continue, I guess I'm.... I feel that I have failed."

Tony was lying on the ground with a wry smile and shouldn't be fighting Bai Ye, it was too bullying.

Hearing this, Bai Ye unlocked the mirror world and the two returned to the laboratory.

He walked over, pulled Tony up, and said with a smile, "Actually, your magic technology is not bad. If you continue to develop it, it may not be able to threaten me, but it still depends on your own development, but don't let magic fall. Magic technology, although it is a combination of two fields, but magic is the root:."

Hearing this, Tony nodded, "I know that magic is the source of power for magic technology. If magic is not good, no matter how strong magic technology is, it will be difficult to exert its power."

"It's good if you understand, it's getting late, I've finished reading your stuff, and I should go back."

"Are you going back to Kama Taj together?"

"No, now I have some inspiration to create a new magic arc technology."

"Then let me go alone."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, then seemed to think of something, and said to Tony, "By the way, help me arrange a new residence in New York, the house is almost the same as the one in the temple, it doesn't matter where it is."

After that, Bai Ye didn't have to wait for Tony to reply, he just tore open the space crack and went back.

Tony didn't ask too much, and directly arranged for Jarvis to arrange "Jarvis, according to what Venerable White Night said, find a house that suits his heart, and buy him for me no matter how much money it costs."

as the richest man.

Money is the last thing he lacks.

And it seems that Bai Ye has a lot of money with him.

at the same time.

Bai Ye returned to Kama Taj, the room where he had tea with Gu Yi before.

As soon as he comes back.

Gu Yi looked over and said, "Bai Ye, Diana's talent is good, but the road is a bit crooked. I need to help her adjust it. During this time, the different-dimensional dimension is left to you to maintain."

Leaving this sentence, Gu Yi left with Diana.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye, who had just returned, was a little stunned. What was the situation?

: It's normal. Give me all the monthly passes. By the way, the flowers are only [-]. The number of people who will be rewarded is enough. As long as there are [-] more flowers, the tenth update will start tomorrow... Lu

Chapter 4 The ruler of the old days [[-]]

"Do you maintain a different dimension?"

Looking at the empty house, Bai Ye opened the space and came to a strange space.

He sat there directly, the whole person was suspended in mid-air, the spirit spread directly, and the whole person's soul left the body.

Dimensional dimension, he has done this kind of thing countless times, in Kama Taj.

Kama Taj's responsibility is to defend against enemies from other dimensions, it can also be said to defend against enemies from other universes. After all, other dimensions basically represent people from other universes, such as Dormammu... The ruler of the dark dimension, he is also a relatively common enemy, because the dark dimension is relatively close to the universe, so he often wants to come over to do things, and wants to use the earth as the entrance: to directly swallow the entire universe.

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