Never been hit.

'Is this guy still the same as before?' Bai Ye's mental power spread out, frantically searching for the traces of Setorak. Although he has a lot of data points, it is not enough. He still needs a lot of data points. Yes, what he needs to deduce, consumes too many data points.

After a while, Bai Ye's mental power floated in the void, and his expression was a little helpless, "This man is really gone, this kind of thing is too much... huh, don't you say hello when you leave?"

If Setorak heard Bai Ye's words, he would probably vomit blood in anger.

As one of the strongest people in the universe, the master of the crimson universe, and the enemy, it is not bad to be able to leave, and it would be too hard to take me seriously if you want me to say hello.

If you know, it is estimated that Setorak will break out again, and when it breaks out, Bai Ye is expected to be a burst of joy.

The burst is good, there are data points to absorb.

Just missing this thing.

As soon as Setorak left, he added the beholder's spiritual power that had been annihilated earlier.

For a moment, the surroundings fell into silence, a dead silence.

There is no light around, only darkness is left, and the darkness is invisible.

Bai Ye's spiritual power is like a ray of fire in the dark, weak, but it can illuminate the world in this darkness.

Kama Taj, the supreme mage's duty is very simple, that is to defend against the enemies from other dimensions.

There are many of these enemies, some are people from other time dimensions, some are enemies of a parallel world, and even some people from the future, but most of them are the devils from the hell plane. ............The power of the devil is so powerful that it cannot even be described as powerful before, it can only be said to be unfathomable.

The universe has become their food.

Just like the previous... Beholder, don't be afraid of Setorak, but he also devoured hundreds of terrifying existences in the universe.

As for Setorak, let alone a ruthless man who could kill even the Court of Life.

These... Demon God's strength is almost at the peak, and his strength is extremely terrifying. Compared with these people, the future Thanos is not a big threat.

Even if it is Thanos with infinite gloves, facing these people, it is estimated that he can only kill in seconds.

After all, the Infinity Gauntlet can only be used in the current universe, and if it leaves the current universe, its ability will be weakened.

But fortunately, because of the magic circle, plus these.... Once the devil leaves his universe, his strength will be greatly weakened, so for a long time, although the strength of the ancient one is not so terrifying , but with the blessing of the magic circle and the original time stone, it can also fight against these... The devil and the help of Bai Ye are even more relaxed.

However, these... enemies in different dimensions are not often there. Most of the time, there are no enemies, and in order to maintain the security of the dimension, both Gu Yi and Bai Ye need to Staying here, going through a long period of loneliness.

Because here, there is nothing, no concept of time, only endless darkness.

People are very lonely here.

Unbelievably lonely.

"It's a pity, those guys have all run away."

Bai Ye was a little disappointed in his heart. Although he used to be lonely and waited for a long time, because of his bad mouth, some demon gods often ran out to scold him, like Domamu, Setorac, and so on. ........... Demon gods will often run out. Since both sides can't help themselves, they will scolded and confronted on the side. At the same time, Bai Ye can also harvest data points, and at the same time, they can pass the time and let the This space has become: interesting. However, now Dormammu is almost indistinguishable from death. Although there is still the possibility of resurrection, the hope is very slim. , As for how many other demon gods... they were all shocked by Bai Ye's strength, and I'm not sure that they won't emerge.

"I heard you're boring."

At the same time, a seductive voice sounded, the voice was very small, but it could reverberate in the whole space, as if it had some magic power.

Hearing this, Bai Ye's face suddenly became: extremely serious, as if facing a great enemy, far less relaxed than facing Setorac.

"Mephisto, you are here."

As soon as these words came out, it was like an order calling for something.

A ray of red fire light rose, and in an instant, the entire fire light spread throughout the entire space, and an old man in a black suit walked slowly out of the darkness.

His face was very kind, with white hair, and the expression on his face looked very gentle and comfortable.

But the more he saw the old man approaching, the more solemn Bai Ye's face became.

Because this man is the king of the whole hell.

Satan Mephisto.

In the hell plane, Satan is not the name of a demon, he is a title and a representation of respect.

There has always been a throne in the hell plane, and the person who sits on it will be called Satan, known as the king of the devil.

A long time ago, this throne was empty, and no one dared to sit on it.

Beholders, such powerful demon gods as Setorak did not dare to sit on them.

Because they know that once they don't have strong strength, they will be torn apart by the rest of the demons. They don't have this confidence, because they feel that they can't survive the siege of the other demons.

But one day this throne, someone sat on it.

That... is... Mephisto.

The king of the whole hell plane, Mephisto, the lord of Satan.

Chapter 4 You are a very special existence [10/[-]]

"Long time no see, Master Bai Ye."

Mephisto's face was very peaceful, he looked at Bai Ye with a slight smile, and said.

His temperament is very gentle, as if he is an old man who has stepped into the old age. He has a kind of vicissitudes that look down on life and death. If it is not in this space, carrying the endless darkness, it is estimated that no matter who looks at it, he will feel This old man is nice.

In fact, this is also Mephisto's disguise. This Satan is not only powerful, but also very good at playing. He is a character with a full force and IQ.

"I don't want to see you, Mephisto."

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and his gaze towards Mephisto was full of vigilance.

The old man in front of him is too dangerous, he is not as foolish as Seratok, but an extremely difficult character, and as he just said, he hardly wants to see the man in front of him because he is too dangerous. , but also too terrifying.

"Master Bai Ye, I'm not happy when you say that. We have met a few times, and you have absorbed my strength, and I have helped you, so you can be regarded as your friend."

"When friends meet, you face it with a cold face, which is a bit chilling."

Compared with Bai Ye's vigilance, Mephisto appeared to be more polite, and no matter whether it was his words or his gestures, people couldn't find faults.

And Mephisto looked like a gentleman, and he felt very comfortable all over.

"Then what do you want to do, come all the way from the hell plane, just to chat with me? If that's the case, it seems that I still have a lot of face in the hell plane, I can make you Satan Run here yourself."

Bai Ye's eyes flickered, looking at Mephisto, and said softly.

He has now made a plan to destroy his spiritual power by Mephisto.

It's just a mental force, nothing, he can recover at any time.

Mephisto waved his right hand, and a layer of ripples appeared in the surrounding space.

Almost in an instant, the originally pitch-black space turned into a room at an extremely terrifying speed, with quaint walls, dim yellow lights, and a neat tabletop.

This is an extremely ordinary western ancient room, which looks extremely comfortable and comfortable.

It has to be said that Mephisto's ability to change the world is extremely terrifying. The space outside this dimension can turn the surrounding into a room. The horror of the ability is unimaginable. A chair, sat on it, immediately picked up the red wine on the table, then filled two glasses, and then returned one glass to the opposite, then picked up a glass, and said to Bai Ye, "I have been looking for this red wine for a long time, and now I guess it is It is out of print on your earth, do you want to come and taste it.


"it is good."

Bai Ye didn't refuse. After all, if he refused, no one could guess what the old man was thinking. "No wonder that Seratok... the guy who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, it's normal for you to come."

Bai Ye opened a chair, said something to him, then picked up the wine glass and began to taste the red wine down his throat.


I don't drink red wine much in the white night, but I can taste it. The taste of this red wine is really good.

"The White Night Mage is a bit flattering me. The reason why Seratok left is that he is leaving, and we just missed it. I don't have the ability to make Seratok feel scared.

"Mephisto said lightly that although he sat on the satanic throne of hell, it did not mean that other demons would surrender to him.

After all, demon gods are notoriously unruly, and no one will obey, even if there is a threat to life, not to mention the top demon gods like Seratok.

"Okay, the king of hell, I have also drank your wine, you should answer my question, why are you here."

Bai Ye put down the wine glass, his expression returned to calm, stared at Mephisto, and said lightly.

"Don't be nervous, Master Bai Ye, I just sensed your breath and came over to chat with you, just like meeting friends.

Mephisto put down the wine glass gracefully and smiled slightly.

I have to say that his posture is really hard to pick out, as if he is like a real aristocrat of the coming year, with a British aristocratic gentleman style in his posture.

If it is said that this person is a demon or a demon, it is estimated that few people believe it.

"You are the most bizarre human being that I have seen in countless years. Whether it is the ancient one or other human beings, I can see through their hearts. Only yours, I can't see through at all."

"Bai Ye, you are a very special existence."

"You've had this with me many times, probably no less than ten times. To be honest, I don't like it very much."


"Why don't you ask the devils in the hell plane if they like to be followed by you?"

"Haha, Bai Ye, you are still as humorous as before."

There is basically only one reason why he wants to swallow you by being concerned by the devil, and there is no other reason, especially for the top devil like Mephisto. It is estimated that some top devils in hell will shudder and rush If you want to leave, you must know that Mephisto takes a fancy to a person, and the consequences in the future are not generally serious.

"Okay, since Master Bai Ye doesn't want to see me, then I won't stay here, I'll go first, but I'll say one more thing, Master Bai Ye."

"Actually, you don't need to regard me as an enemy, I have no interest in... destroying the world you live in.

"Whenever I come into contact with any demon god, I always say this. Of course, there are exceptions. Only the guy in Setorak is too arrogant and doesn't move. He wants to destroy the world or something."

"Hahaha, you are still as interesting as before. In the endless universe, the person who dares to say that about Setorak is probably the only one left."

Mephisto smiled, and then the figure gradually disappeared.

Immediately, the entire space returned to its previous appearance.

Endless darkness.

As soon as Mephisto left, Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief, this guy was really too terrifying, no matter what he faced, it made him feel like he was walking from the edge of life and death.

Maybe the origins of the demon gods who came this time are too great, and enemies from other dimensions, demon gods, etc., are afraid to come.

Before, Bai Ye could only stand alone on the edge of this dimension, enjoying the endless darkness, but Bai Ye was not too boring, because he used the power of time and space to see what happened to the earth when he left.

Through the long river of time and space, watching what happened on the earth in the past two years, it feels like watching a movie, although it is boring at times, but sometimes it is still very good, and the sense of watching is good.


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