Chapter 5 Gu Yi: I'm used to it [10/[-]]

at this time.

In Bai Ye's mind, scenes flew by quickly, as if sitting in a train, and the scenes outside were almost invisible.

Of course, this is only for... ordinary people, for... Bai Ye, a top-notch magician, whose mental power is terrifying and terrifying, just by looking at it, you can completely remember the clear picture.

Bai Ye has to browse what happened on earth in two years. This kind of reading must be massive. After all, he is not really like the movie, he only has more than one hour, but nearly two years.

But there is acceleration, although a lot of time, plus he is in the long river of time and space, the time spent in real reality is actually not much, just like the Avengers III, Doctor Strange uses time back to understand the final outcome, in reality The time is not long, but in the realm of time, he has seen more than [-] million endings, which shows that the time between the two sides is not equal.

Two years is not a long time, and Bai Ye finished it quickly.

After he finished watching, the plot has quietly come to Thor's plot, and it is almost over from Thor, and now Loki is ready to send the Destroyer to the earth, ready to kill Thor.

According to the original plot, Thor estimated that because of the Destroyer, he broke through his own limits, broke Odin's magical bondage, returned to his original state, and even became stronger for Thor and Loki. Bai Ye is not very interested in brother, but he is....... very interested in... Odin's collection of ice boxes. It is estimated that it can provide him with a lot of data points. After all, this thing is the source of the Frost Giant's power, at least....... The energy level will not be too low, and it is also considered an artifact, It is estimated that it can provide a lot of data points and this plot is related to the future progress of the Avengers. According to the original book, after Loki was defeated, he took the cosmic cube to the tyrant, and the tyrant will give Loki the mind gem to help him.

The rest of the white nights don't care, but the soul gem, he does......have to care.

It's not like collecting Infinity Stones, but these gems are of great use to him.

Six Infinity Gems and Infinity Gloves is a very amazing artifact. With this thing, Thanos has directly become a multiverse level powerhouse from the Heavenly Father level. This shows that it is enough to show the horror of this thing, no need to pay. The price is too high, it can make people jump several realms before, but of course not everyone can use this thing.

If the physique and strength are not enough, forcibly use it, it will be like Tony of the Avengers IV, snap his fingers, and it will be straight.

The Infinite Gloves are powerful, but they are foreign objects after all. Bai Ye doesn't care much. He values ​​his own strength. After all, only his own strength is the real strength.

He still remembered a plot in the comics, Thanos of the Infinite Gloves wanted to challenge the Court of Life, but was instantly killed by the Court of Life, and the Infinity Stones instantly turned into waste, and the destruction power plummeted.

This is the disadvantage of using external force. If Thanos himself has that great strength, when facing the court of life, he will not be eliminated so quickly.

The Court of Life is powerful, but it is estimated that it will take a certain amount of time to destroy a multiverse-level powerhouse.

"If I go there now, there will be no guards here."

Bai Ye looked around, although a few people came over after Mephisto and then left, shocking many enemies of different dimensions, but if he left now, these...... .It is estimated that most people who are hidden will also pop up.

Although it is useless even if they come out, after all, they can't break the magic circle, but it will bring some trouble, such as spreading their own power or something. The power of the devil spreads out.

But he thought about it and wanted to leave, after all, the Ice Box is quite a good thing.

"Forget it, I'll leave a piece of mental power here. If someone destroys the mental power, then I can rush back as soon as possible."

After thinking for a moment, Bai Ye decided to leave a spiritual body in the dimension. This spiritual body has no thinking and can play something, but he can remind him that if someone comes over, he can rush over as soon as possible anyway... He tore The speed of the space splitting is very fast, almost in an instant, even if Mephisto comes, he can't do anything in an instant.

Having made a decision, Bai Ye instantly split one of the spirits to stay in the dimension and then the rest of the spirits returned to the earth.

At the moment when the spirit entered the body, Bai Ye opened his eyes instantly, and the black and white eyes showed a radiance directly.

Immediately, Bai Ye's mental power covered the entire Kama Taj, and found that it was as normal as ever, except... Gu Yi was teaching Diana magic, there was nothing wrong with the rest.

"time to go."

Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

Immediately, the space was directly torn apart, and the whole person directly passed through the door of space and disappeared in place.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Kama Taj, Diana stopped and looked to the other side.

"Don't look at it, this kid Bai Ye probably has something to do. He will leave for a while, and then he will come back."

"And you don't need to worry about this kid, there's no one on this planet that can match him."

Gu Yi looked calm and said lightly.

As an existence second only to Bai Ye, Gu Yi knew the moment Bai Ye left.

Gu Yi didn't ask why Bai Ye left. After all, it was estimated that there was something to leave in a hurry. As for the other dimension, it was estimated that Bai Ye's mental power was retained, so she didn't need to worry about anything. After all, this kind of thing was done by Bai Ye. After many times, she got used to it.

at the same time.

Somewhere on Earth, in a huge crater.

A blond man's face was flushed red, and he grabbed a hammer on the ground with both hands, as if he was picking up the hammer, but no matter how hard he tried, the hammer just didn't move.

On the other side of the man, a certain black mechanical body flew over at an extremely fast speed, "Damn, get up quickly.


Looking at the Destroyer behind him, Thor felt anxious in his heart.

He couldn't get his hammer out, and it was estimated that he was really killed by this destroyer.

Chapter 6 Damn, he picked it up [10/[-]]


The Destroyer's figure flashed and came to Thor in an instant, and kicked directly on Thor's stomach. Thor's face changed, and his stomach turned upside down, and a sense of nausea swept over him instantly.

The Destroyer's kick was so powerful that it directly kicked Thor out and flew upside down for dozens of meters, before hitting the ground directly before it could be stopped.


Seeing that Thor was shot and flew out, the crowd next to him instantly screamed nervously.

Among them, only Thor has the strength to intercept this terrifying robot in front of him.

If they are, it is estimated that once they pass, they will be destroyed by the destroyer in seconds.

Thor's face was covered in cold sweat, and he stood up with difficulty. After being blocked by Odin, he also lost his divine power. At the same time, his Thor's Hammer was indescribable, and his strength plummeted. Otherwise, he could still be with this destruction before. or fight for hundreds of rounds.


Tony's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of anger. If it was before, how could he have been beaten so badly.

at the same time.

A gap opened directly in the space, and a man in a golden robe walked out slowly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the man hissed for a while.

The current picture is somewhat beyond his expectations.

Seems like it's time for Thor to wake up.

"Looks like I'm here at the wrong time."

Looking at the surrounding scene, Bai Ye showed a smile, something meaningful.

"Who is this."

Seeing Bai Ye's sudden appearance, the people around were stunned. They actually saw someone walking out of the space, which was like a god-like ability.

"Be careful."

At this moment, a sharp-eyed woman couldn't help reminding Bai Ye because she saw the Destroyer suddenly turn her head and attack towards Bai Ye.

"The Crimson Chains of Setorak."

Bai Ye's expression was calm, and the surrounding space suddenly appeared with ripples, and countless red chains shot out from the space, like swimming snakes, instantly entangled the Destroyer and bound him deeply.

"He was actually bound, and what power is this chain?"

The crowd around them, seeing the scene in front of them, were immediately stunned.

The powerful and terrifying robot was subdued in an instant.

You know, just now this robot swept everything directly, whether it was the army or something else, it was swept directly when it encountered this thing, and even called Thor from the town directly here.

However, facing this mysterious man who suddenly appeared, he was instantly subdued.

"Is this still human?"

Some people exclaimed, not to mention the instant destruction of Bai Ye, and the red chains in front of them are enough to make them wonder if the man standing in front of them is a human being. "Maybe it's a mutant, this world is very, some human beings have special abilities, Maybe this man is... one of them,"

: A man who looks about fifty or sixty, 506,506 years old said in a deep voice.

Mutants are not a secret, and they are also a kind of public with special abilities, so there are not many people who know about them.

"A mutant? I'm not... a mutant, don't think too much."

Bai Ye glanced at it, and a few people not far away said lightly.

Having said that, these guys have a lot of life, they dare to chase here from the town, and they are not dead. He vaguely remembers that Thor awakened in a distant town, and then broke the seal of Odin. , thus summoning the Meow Hammer, and then directly blasting the Destroyer.

But now the scene seems to have changed.

But it doesn't matter anymore, with his existence, some butterfly effects are quite normal.

"Is this... Meow Meow Hammer?"

Bai Ye didn't look at the person next to him, his eyes fell directly on the Meow Hammer on the ground.

This thing is estimated to be an artifact that most Marvel fans are familiar with.

Represents Thor's powerful and iconic weapon.

Bai Ye reached out and directly held the handle of the Miao Miao hammer, as if to pick up the Miao Miao hammer "He wants to pick up that hammer"

Seeing that Bai Ye was going to take the Miao Miao hammer, the people around were a little surprised that the hammer had been here for a long time, for several months or even half a year.

But this thing seems to have an infinite weight, no one can lift it, no matter if it is a person or a large vehicle, there is no way to pull it.

"He probably just tried it, and he shouldn't be able to pick it up either. I don't know why this thing is, it's very heavy, and I can't pick it up without a special method."

The old man looked at Bai Ye and described in a deep voice.

During this time, many people tried to pick up the hammer, but no one succeeded.

at the same time.

In the realm of Asgard.

Loki was in a certain room, in front of him, there was a picture, and this picture was exactly the scene reflected by the eyes of the Earth Destroyer.

At this time, the picture shows that Bai Ye is trying to pick up the Miao Miao hammer.

Originally, Loki planned to control the Destroyer and let the Destroyer break free from the chains, but when he saw this scene, Loki stopped, and couldn't help but said disdainfully, "I don't know the mortals who are so high, how can you take the divine artifact? got up."

Loki has great confidence, because when he was on Earth, he wanted to pick it up too.

But it didn't work, no matter what method he used, brute force or magic, he never picked it up.

at the same time.

Thor also got up, and was stunned when he saw Bai Ye was about to pick up his hammer.

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