Even the hammer that forgot to tell Bai Ye to stay still was at this moment, countless eyes fell on Bai Ye's figure, some people were worried, some hoped, and some were disdainful.

But basically everyone didn't return hope for Bai Ye's action because they couldn't get it, after all, countless people's attempts have been tried before.

at the same time.

Bai Ye touched the Meow Meow Hammer, and his face suddenly became: extremely strange.

Because he felt that this thing seemed a little light.

It should not be said that it is too light. It does not want to be a hammer forged from steel, but it is too light to be as light as plastic.

Without spending any energy, Bai Ye lifted the hammer easily.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened immediately.

Loki almost jumped up, his face extremely shocked.

As for Thor, seeing this scene, he is even more suspicious of life. As the master, he did not pick up the Miao Miao hammer, but Bai Ye, a stranger, picked it up easily.

"This thing is a little light."

The voice of Bai Ye came from the two brothers Thor and Loki, and they fell silent, feeling very uncomfortable.

: There are four more shifts, I will make it up tomorrow, I will definitely make it up, don't worry, Lu

Chapter 7 Thor's Desire [10/[-]]

"The material is good, it looks like it's forged from some kind of metal, but the weight is too light, and it's probably just some ordinary plastic."

Bai Ye muttered to himself, of course, these words were not for himself, but for the two brothers Loki and Thor outside.

At this time, the two brothers almost vomited blood in their hearts when they heard Bai Ye's words.

As the owner of the Miao Miao Hammer, he has some doubts about his life now. He didn't pick it up. Instead, he was picked up by a stranger who didn't know him. Although this stranger seemed to have some strength, he must know that this thing was picked up by him. His father was under magic, and his father was the god king Odin, the ruler of the realm of the gods, and a well-known existence in the entire universe.

Even if the stranger in front of him has some abilities, it is probably impossible to crack his father's magic.

Since it wasn't that magic was destroyed, there was only one possibility.

Meow Meow Hammer admitted Bai Ye.

And his Meow Meow Hammer has also changed hands.

"He actually picked it up, picked it up."

Thor was lost, his eyes were blank, as if he had suffered a severe blow, and the whole person looked stupid.

It has to be said that Bai Ye picked up the Miao Miao hammer, and the blow to him was actually quite big, it was estimated that the blow was even bigger than the blow thrown to the earth by his father.

After all, this thing is his symbol, symbolizing that he is the god of thunder in Asgard.

And now, Miao Miao Hammer has changed hands, and he is no longer Thor, and it is impossible to inherit the throne of Asgard.

It means that now he has no hope.

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible, why can a mere mortal get up Thor's Hammer."

Loki, who was far away in Asgard, was a little crazy now, as if he was stimulated by something.

The whole person is like a beast that has lost its mind, his eyes are red, and he is very manic.

He really couldn't accept it, even if he couldn't pick up the Meow Meow Hammer, he felt it was normal.

Even when Thor picked up the Meow Hammer and regained his strength, he was okay with it.

But he couldn't accept it, and the Meow Meow Hammer was picked up by an Earthman.

"This man must die, he must die."

Soon Loki calmed down and continued to command the Destroyer.

Although I don't know who picked up the Meow Meow Hammer, as long as I pick up this thing, then it's the original sin.

Night must die.

And he really can't accept that what he can't do, what Thor can't do, even let a mortal on earth do it.

This seems to be invisibly mocking them, mocking them...the gods.


With Loki's control, the Destroyer instantly burst into fear, and directly broke free from the scarlet chain. Then, his huge eyes instantly shot out two fiery lasers, which directly penetrated the sky, and the hot hot wind instantly swept toward the white night. All this happened very quickly, almost instantly, in one go, and there was almost no chance for people to react.

"Oops!!" When others saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed. They had experienced the power of the Destroyer's beam, and that kind of feeling should not be too much of a headache, the power is really great.

"Being able to break free from the scarlet chains, it seems that this Destroyer still has some abilities, but the power of Setorak is not... that simple."

Bai Ye glanced at the Destroyer, thinking in his heart.

At the same time, the surrounding space was like a horizontal plane, with astonishing ripples appearing, followed by countless red chains shooting out, some like a snake, directly binding the destroyer, some like a long spear, carrying The astonishing power directly penetrated the beam sent by the Destroyer.

And all of this happened in an instant.


Bai Ye spat out a word, his expression extremely calm.

As soon as these words came out, the red broken face was used for blood-colored rays of light. The entire destroyer was directly swallowed by these rays of light, as if encountering an unimaginable flame, and was directly burned by this force. The strands of molten iron fell to the ground, turning into a pool of black and ugly water marks.

"The Destroyer was actually destroyed."

The people who came to find Thor's Asgard, their eyes widened and looked forward with disbelief. You must know that the Destroyer is a forbidden weapon in Asgard. Because of the material, it is very difficult to destroy, and it is even rumored that someone once burned the destroyer at high temperature for three days and three nights without moving the material.

And now, Bai Ye's ability has directly melted the Destroyer, how could they not be surprised.

You must know that in their hearts, this matter is like something that cannot be accomplished, and now Bai Ye, a mortal on earth, has done it.

"I got rid of the Destroyer, it's probably a bit difficult for Thor to wake up."

Bai Ye frowned as he looked at Thor, lost in the distance, without any energy.

The Destroyer in the original book was indeed an important item that awakened Thor.

And now, when Thor saw the Meow Meow Hammer being picked up, and the Destroyer was dropped by Bai Ye, he didn't have any anger in his heart. Thor can no longer exist.

This is a very dangerous time for Thor.

Bai Ye thought about it, and it was better to wake this guy up, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to go to Asgard, and he wouldn't be able to get the Ice Box at the same time.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

A huge suction force was generated, like a bottomless pit, directly sucking the things in front of him, and at the same time there was Thor, a decadent man, even if he was sucked over, Thor was still indifferent.

"Do you want to pick up this thing?"

Bai Ye held the Meow Meow Hammer and looked at Thor with a calm face.

As soon as these words came out, Thor's companions raised their voices and looked at Thor nervously.

They know how much the Meow Meow Hammer means to Thor. Although it doesn't mean that Meow Meow is equal to everything of Thor, it is actually not much different. For Thor at this time, Meow Meow Hammer It is... the source of most of his strength, and the pillar that has always supported him.

Thor raised his head and looked at the Miaomiao hammer in Bai Ye's hands, with a glint in his eyes. This hammer used to be something he played with casually, but now it's not his, he has been denied by Miaomiao.

Thinking of this, Thor's eyes suddenly dimmed, but he was unwilling to change the owner of Meow Meow Hammer again.

After a while, a hoarse voice came from Thor's mouth, "Think."

"It doesn't seem to give up. Since I want to help you, but whether you can pick it up or not depends on your good fortune."

Between the words, Bai Ye stretched out a finger and lightly tapped Thor's forehead.

In an instant, a vast spiritual force poured out, and Thor only felt the darkness in front of him, and the whole person closed his eyes directly.

Chapter 8 Coming to God's Domain [10/[-]]

"What did you do to him?"

I saw Thor suddenly closed his eyes and fell directly there.

For a while, Thor's companions couldn't sit still. They had to know that Thor was the king in their hearts. If something happened to Thor, they probably wanted to die. Moreover, when Thor died, he would return to Although Asgard is not guilty of death, it is estimated that the punishment will not fall.

"It's just a small trial. If he can't even pass this thing, it's probably impossible for him to become Thor in the future."

Bai Ye glanced at everyone, his face was calm, and he said lightly.

He just built a spiritual trial field for Thor, where Thor will go through countless trials. The purpose of these trials is very simple, so that he can get With Meow Meow Hammer, as long as that requirement is met, then this spiritual trial ground will disappear, and Thor will naturally be able to wake up. If Thor can't pass all the time, then there is no other way but to wait for death.

According to Bai Ye's thoughts, Thor should be able to break free very quickly. Although Thor is a bit of a big man, he is very impulsive, but his will is still very firm. In addition, he is simply a reckless person, if he has enough experience , he....... The small problems will disappear, and the whole person will become: mature.

"You know Thor's identity"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed, you must know that Asgard basically has no contact with the earth, and the identity of Thor is estimated to be unknown on earth, and they have not said it, how does the man in front of him know? .

And seeing the strength just demonstrated by Bai Ye, several people couldn't help swallowing, the earth seems to be not as simple as they imagined.

Is this really just a world of mortals? Although they have not fought against each other, they know that once they fight against Bai Ye, it is estimated that they will be killed in an instant. Like the God King Odin, there was only a trembling feeling left in his heart.

"It's just a little thing, don't worry about it."

Bai Ye waved his hands, indicating that they should not make a fuss.

Hearing these words, the rest of the people had black lines on their faces.

Is it still a small thing? Know that they used to think that no one on Earth knew who they were.

"Dear sir, I wonder if you can tell me your name."

Seeing that Bai Ye didn't say anything, a few people didn't dare to force it, but the name was said first. If you come to Earth in the future, try to avoid this person as much as possible, so it is estimated that there will be a lot less trouble.

"white night."

Bai Ye replied.

It doesn't matter what the name is, it will let people know.

"Mr. Bai Ye, thank you for your assistance just now. If it weren't for you, we might be in danger. I thank you on behalf of Asgard."

Several Asgardian warriors bowed to the white night and thanked them very sincerely.

Although these people acted a little recklessly, they were still grateful. They knew very well that if the white night had not come suddenly, with the power of the Destroyer, it is estimated that all of them would be wiped out, even if the Destroyer could be destroyed. , they are estimated that the casualties will be very large.

And the arrival of Bai Ye has left them with no casualties, and it is almost a life-saving grace to get no major losses, so several people thank Bai Ye from the bottom of their hearts, and now although they don't know what Bai Ye did to... Thor, But listening to the words just now, it is estimated that it is good for Thor, it seems that he wants Thor to wake up and be able to control Thor's hammer.

"Don't thank me, wait: I need to go to Asgard with you, it's just a matter of convenience.

""Mr. White Night, you are going to Asgard, I don't know if you can tell me the reason for going, because Asgard is basically not open to outsiders."

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