When they heard that Bai Ye was going to Asgard, several people instantly became nervous. They had to know that with Bai Ye's strength passing through Asgard, they could not guarantee that anyone could stop Bai Ye, unless the god king Odin was sleeping from deep sleep. wake up.

"Speaking of which, I've helped you in the past. I'm very interested in... Frost Giant's Ice Box"

Hearing that he was heading for the Ice Box, since there was some hesitation in his eyes.

If it is true as Bai Ye said, perhaps taking Bai Ye over and helping Asgard, after all, the Frost Giant is now scourges Asgard, if Bai Ye intervenes, they will have a top-notch combat power on their side. With the Frost Giant, he also has a bit of combat power.

But they didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, after all, the Rainbow Bridge was not something they could manage.

"Mr. Bai Ye, if you want to go, when Thor wakes up, you can ask him, these things, we can't control them."

In the end, several people did not dare to refuse Bai Ye, so they could only throw this question to Thor.

Let Thor decide for himself.


Bai Ye responded, and then looked at the Miaomiao hammer in his hand, and then it was still on the ground. This thing was not very useful to him. The reason why he wanted to pick it up was just to see Odin's magic, the ghost knew that he would take it directly When I got up, I couldn't even use the means to analyze magic.

According to the setting, Odin's magic is that only people who are absolutely righteous can pick up the Meow Meow Hammer. For this, Bai Ye is a bit strange... Although he guards the dimension, The invaders of the other dimensions of the defender can be regarded as a person who has achieved justice, but it is estimated that absolute justice has not yet arrived.

But when I think of Captain America's actions in Team America III, and Team America can also pick up the Meow Meow Hammer, Bai Ye feels...it's quite normal.

Maybe the absolute justice that Miao Miao Hammer recognizes is not the kind that people see... Absolute justice, who may be righteous, is considered a kind of white night guarding the enemies of other dimensions for so many years, and he can be regarded as a righteous person. Although this thing is Kama Taj's mission, but after all, it is done, and there is also a heart that is not, so maybe this is the reason that Bai Ye can pick up the Meow Meow Hammer.

Of course, it may not be for this reason, it may be that Odin's magic is ineffective for Bai Ye. After all, Bai Ye's strength level is stronger than Odin's, so it is normal for magic to be useless to him.

About twenty minutes passed.

Thor, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up and shouted at the same time. The Meow Meow Hammer instantly rose from the ground and was directly caught by Thor. Almost at the same time, the entire sky changed rapidly, the clear sky turned into dark clouds, and the endless thunder snakes during the haunting period.

Thor is back.

Immediately, Thor returned, and the rest of Asgard explained it to Thor, and gave the reason why Bai Ye wanted to go to Asgard with them. Thor hesitated for a moment, and then agreed.

Then, several people took the Rainbow Bridge, disappeared directly from the earth, passed the Rainbow Bridge, and came to Asgard.


Chapter 100 You Are Worse Than Apocalypse [9/10]

with the transition of space.

Everyone instantly came from the earth to Asgard, the realm of the gods.

I have to say that the Rainbow Bridge is a very good thing. It can jump directly across a galaxy, and it doesn't take long. I have to say that the ability of this space teleportation has reached an extremely advanced level.


As soon as he returned to Asgard and saw Heimdall who was seriously injured, he couldn't help but speak.

He ran over and helped Heimdall up.

"I'm fine, you guys hurry up and stop Loki, he came with the enemy.

"Heimdall's golden eyes are a little broken, and his breath is very weak. It seems that the injuries from the attack before are not small.

Even Heimdall didn't pay attention to the passing white night.

"You take Heimdall for treatment, and I'll go to Loki."

Thor put down Heimdall, his face covered with frost, and said coldly.

What Loki did recently made him angry, and he really didn't understand why Loki betrayed him.

"I'll take you there."

Bai Ye put a hand on Thor's shoulder at that moment, and the two figures disappeared instantly.

next moment.

The two came to Odin's sleeping bedroom.

At this time, Odin was asleep on the bed, with a protective cover covering it, and Thor's mother stood aside with a blade in hand.

In front of Thor's mother, Frigga, stood Loki and his biological father, the leader of the Frost Giants.

"Thor, you actually came back, damn it."

Seeing Bai Ye and Thor suddenly come out, Loki's face changed greatly, staring at them, gnashing his teeth.

He never imagined that all his plans would fail, that he could not prevent Thor from coming back, and looking at the Meow Meow Hammer in his hand, Loki understood that... the first warrior of the Gods Domain, Thor, is back.

If Thor comes back, Loki will be a little surprised, but generally he won't feel anything, because he will come back when he comes back, the big deal is that he defeats Thor once, has the Ice Box, and has enough strength to defeat Thor.

But the timing of Thor's return was wrong, and the plan now is the end. He is going to sneak attack on the frost giant in front of him, that is, his biological father.

Although he knew that he was not Odin's biological son, Loki didn't mind at all. He didn't have the same plan as the current plan. To really kill Asgar, he planned to kill himself in front of Odin and Frigga. In front of the Frost Giant, he told Odin that Loki was no worse than anyone else, and even with the blood of the Frost Giant, he was still from Asgard.

This idea is actually quite naive and stupid. It took so long to plan and cause countless casualties, just for this proof.

I have to say, this plan is really stupid.

Compared with Loki's nervousness, his biological father showed a smile, "Odin's son originally planned to go to Earth to kill you, but you are back now, so that Odin can see with his own eyes that his son died in the In front of him, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man, Odin probably liked this matter very much.


During the speech, the Frost Giant shot instantly, and the ice that was frozen into the bone marrow spread, and swept the surrounding in an instant, plunged the surrounding into a world of ice, and the surrounding of the room was covered with frost, making the whole room seem to be deep in the ice cellar. It seems that the temperature in the whole space is terrifyingly low.

For the Frost Giant, it is the best thing to be able to directly kill Thor in front of Odin, the biggest enemy. He knows that although Odin is asleep, he still has feelings for the outside world.

So if Thor is dead, Odin will know for sure.

Thinking of Thor's death and Odin's grief-stricken look, the frost giant's heart surged with joy.

It is the most beautiful thing in life to make the enemy suffer.


Loki's eyes changed. Because Bai Ye and Thor came too suddenly, he was not prepared at all. If he knew something, he might be able to hide it, but now the guy in front of him suddenly made a move. If it is not solved as soon as possible, sooner or later Affects Odin.

Without thinking much, Loki grabbed his scepter instantly, the magic power poured out, and the scepter instantly shot a beam of light, which directly bombarded the Frost Giant at the same time.

Bai Ye stopped Thor, the whole person took a step directly, stretched out his right hand, instantly turned into a giant palm, and swept away towards the frost giant, the white jade-like palm, like a white jade, swept away directly, the huge The coercion swept out in an instant, and wherever it went, it seemed to carry a magic power, causing the surrounding energy to dissipate directly.

At this time, Loki's sudden attack suddenly stiffened the face of the Frost Giant who was laughing wildly, and the whole person flew out. At this time, Bai Ye's attack just came over and grabbed the Frost Giant directly.

"Damn, damn, who are you, what kind of power are you."

The moment he was caught by Bai Ye, the Frost Giant's complexion changed drastically, his pupils shrank, and a terrified face appeared on his face. He found that he couldn't move, as if his strength was limited, or even wiped out, unable to move. Driven by a trace of his own strength, even a trace of strength is useless, as if the whole person is directly paralyzed.

He has never felt this kind of feeling since his birth. Even when facing Odin, he did not want such a strong sense of powerlessness. Although he lost to Odin, when Odin solved him, he also paid A great price.

But it's different now. Now he feels like an ant, and the white night is like a firmament. The ants look up at the sky, leaving only a sense of insignificance.

"You're too weak, and you will even lose your Apocalypse."

Bai Ye looked at the frost giant in his hand and said with some disappointment.

Although his goal is the Frost Box, he still wants to look forward to the strength of the Frost Giant. After all, the person who could have Odin pay the price to catch it, has a Heavenly Father-level strength.

But when he was really caught, Bai Ye found out that this guy is really weak. It is estimated that he doesn't even have the general strength of Tianqi. It's no wonder that he was killed by Loki in the movie.

Chapter 101 Odin Don't Pretend To Sleep [10/10]

"Just like you, you still want to rule the world, and you are arrogant."

Bai Ye sneered, and then with a slight force on his right hand, the giant power instantly crushed the frost giant.


A roar sounded, the frost giant died instantly, and a flame burned in the air, directly burning all the blood corpses of the frost giant.

Not long after, the frost giant didn't even have a corpse, and was directly burned by the power of the phoenix and turned into a part of nature.


Thor's eyes widened, he couldn't...... looked at Bai Ye confidently.

Although he knew that Bai Ye's strength was very strong, what the hell was an instant killing of the Frost Giant.

You must know that the strength of the Frost Giant can be ranked among the Nine Kingdoms, but now it was easily killed by Bai Ye.

This made Thor a little unacceptable.

"Is this person still human?"

Thor couldn't help asking himself.

Whether it's Bai Ye's strength, or anything else, it seems to be a little out of touch with humans. . . .

You know, if human beings are so strong, they need them....... God has a fart.

And no matter how you look at it, Bai Ye, the "human"

It's more powerful than these...Gods.

"Don't think about it, I'm human, and I've only lived for twenty years."

Bai Ye said lightly, as if looking at Thor.

It's okay not to say it, but Tolton was taken aback when he said it.

"You can hear my heart."

"Nonsense, your face almost says what you mean, and it's not normal for you to understand what's in your heart? I remember that Ms. Frigga was a wizard."

Bai Ye said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Frigga was silent for a moment, looked at Bai Ye, and said seriously, "I am indeed a wizard, but I didn't teach my son or wizard anything related."

"Then Thor is really a bit of a waste. He is often with you. Even if you don't teach much...you can know some things about wizards."

Frigga was silent.

She didn't know how to answer Bai Ye because what Bai Ye said was the truth. Although she didn't teach Thor anything about wizards, she still revealed some wizard abilities when they were often together, so Thor didn't know. This guy can't remember things in his head, that's all.

Bai Ye's eyes fell on Loki, his expression was calm, and he said, "Loki, the god of tricks, hand over the box of ice, this thing should be in your hands."

Hearing this sentence, Loki's eyes flashed, and he said, "This thing, when I entered Asgard, I already handed over the person I just killed, and I don't know where it is."

The Ice Box is of great use to him. Although Bai Ye looks a bit powerful, Loki still doesn't want to hand it over. After all, this thing is for people of their bloodline. If it is a normal plot, Loki may not like this thing. , but now with the appearance of Bai Ye, Loki has to pay attention to the Ice Box.

"If you don't want to die, hand it over, and don't be clever, play magic in front of me, you're still a little tender."

Bai Ye flicked slightly towards a corner, and suddenly a beam of light shot out, hitting the invisible Loki directly.

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