"I do not quite understand what you mean."

Hearing this, Bai Ye waved his right hand, and the mirror in front of him suddenly shattered, and then he looked at Frigga and said lightly, "Ms. Frigga, as a witch, you should see your future."

"I do have this ability."

Frigg was silent for a moment, then said solemnly.

As Odin's wife, Frigga is often covered by Odin's light, and few people pay attention to Frigga. Li Jia, because this witch has extraordinary powers, such as a glimpse into the future.

In Avengers IV, Thor traveled to the past and met Frigga, who was about to be killed by the dark elves. Lei Shen wanted to change history and wanted Frigga to avoid the dark elves' killing, but Frigga stopped Thor. , because he saw the future, and at the same time saw the consequences of many things.

As for the future she saw, her own death was the best outcome, so Frigga knew she would die, but she was willing to die.

Because she knew that if she didn't die, it would bring more trouble to her son in the future.

"Since Lady Frigga knew she was going to die, would you change the whole thing?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Bai Ye's mouth, staring at Frigga, and asked rhetorically.

Hearing this, Frigga suddenly sank.


After a while, Frigga sighed and looked at the scene outside with some complexity, "I understand what you mean, Loki's appearance of death this time is the best result in the future. If it changes, Then the result will be bigger in the future, and you are correcting the result."

"It's not a witch, you are really smart. It's a pity that if your son Loki can learn half of your smartness, his future experience will not be so bad, but it's a pity that he only learned some skins from you."

Bai Ye sighed.

Loki has both IQ and talent, but unfortunately, he is a little smart, and I don't know if it is because of his cleverness that he is mistaken by cleverness, which makes him look very naive and a little stupid when he often does things.

If nothing else, letting the frost giant enter Asgard this time is also a very stupid performance of Loki.

If it wasn't for Loki, Asgard wouldn't have been hit hard.

Hearing Bai Ye's remarks, Frigga frowned. She really wanted to refute Bai Ye. After all, Bai Ye was talking ill of Loki, which made Frigga feel very uncomfortable.

"Mage Bai Ye, you haven't answered my question yet"

"Ms. Frigga, do you still need to answer this question? Isn't it obvious that Loki dies in an illusion, which is the best outcome. Of course, you have to hide Loki's death. If you tell Odin and the others, Loki is not dead, then everything before is useless, and it won't be long before you can see Loki."

Bai Ye said lightly.

"I'm very happy that Loki didn't die, but I still want to know why Mr. Bai Ye did this, and will this little thing cause a big disaster in the future?"

"The destruction of Asgard, I don't know if it is a big disaster."

"Of course."

Frigga said in a deep voice that Asgard has been destroyed, this is not a disaster, then for... she, there is no greater disaster.

After all, Asgard is her home.

"Since it's counted, then don't ask too much. It's not good for you to ask too much, and it's getting late, so I should go back."

Said, Bai Ye directly opened the door of space and was about to return to the earth. At this time, Frigga suddenly said, "Mage Bai Ye, although you have said so much, I still feel that you are not trying to return the trajectory of the universe to the right track. but for a purpose."

"Hahaha, you are very smart, you did guess it, I do have a purpose, but are these things important, at least... There is no harm to... you guys!"

Leaving these words, Bai Ye's figure disappeared directly.

Looking at the place where Bai Ye disappeared, Frigga's eyes narrowed and she took a deep breath.

Then he murmured, "No harm, what do you want to do, Master Bai Ye, do you intend to become the operator of the rules, or do you intend to replace the rules of the universe."

If it was Bai Ye, it would be even more sighing to hear Frigga's words.

He didn't reveal much at all, but Frigga guessed a lot.

Bai Ye's ambition is very big, he doesn't want to be a product under the rules, but wants to go beyond, and even become the rules that make everything.


Chapter 104 The End Without End [3]

The deep space, surrounded by a blank, nothing else.

At this time, the space was torn apart, and a figure walked out, wearing a golden monk's robe and a hat on his head, exuding a mysterious aura, which made people unforgettable at first sight.

And this person is Bai Ye.

"Frigga, what a terrible woman."

The white night is like a flat ground, sitting down directly in the air: At this time, he has just returned from Asgard.

Recalling the conversation with Frigga just now, Bai Ye admired Thor's mother, who is also Odin's wife, the witch Frigga.

If you want to say she is strong, she is....... she has no ability, even worse than some ordinary mutants, but if you say she is not good, it is impossible.

Frigga is strong in wisdom, not in strength.

Although Bai Ye felt many times that if Loki or Thor were half as smart as Frigga, it is estimated that the achievements of the two would not be as low as in the future, and it may not be impossible to reach his current state.

But this wisdom is something that sometimes you can't learn, it all depends on your own experience.

"I don't know how many... data points this thing can bring me."

Bai Ye's right hand flashed, and a delicate blue box appeared in his hand. The box was quite large, estimated to be about the size of two or three palms. Freeze around.

The box of ice, the treasure of the ice giant, it is said that it can increase the power of the ice giant by several times.

"System, work, absorb this thing."

After looking at the box of ice for a while, Bai Ye said silently in his heart.

This thing doesn't have much effect on him. At his level, it is difficult for ordinary treasures to improve his strength. Unless it is converted into data points, it may be somewhat useful. As for other ice boxes, there is no such ability. Along with Bai Ye's cry, a phagocytic force was generated in the sky, and the ice box rose directly. With the naked eye, one after another ice blue energy rose from the ice box and was directly absorbed into the sky.

This process didn't take long, about five or six minutes, the energy of the Ice Box was absorbed and the entire box fell directly to the ground with a click, and the fragments scattered like glass.

With a wave of Bai Ye's right hand, a crack in the space opened not far away, and a suction force directly absorbed the fragments of the Ice Box, which was the treasure of this ice giant.

The rubbish is absorbed by space cracks.

Packing up all this, Bai Ye asked, "How many... data points."

"Ding, get a total of 542"

"Not bad, more than half a million."

Hearing this, Bai Ye showed a smile and said lightly that more than [-] data points, although not as much as what he got before, but not bad, after all, more than [-] is not... so easy to absorb, he used to absorb some The energy of the demon gods, sometimes absorbed for a few days without a hundred thousand, of course, the existence of Setorak is a wonderful thing. The strength of these demon gods is one of the best in the entire Marvel universe. The quality of the energy is terrifying and scary. The data points will be huge.

But most of the other demon gods are Heavenly Fathers, around the level of the single universe: even the level of the multiverse is very rare, otherwise, the existence of Dormammu would not be a big worry for them.

"System, how many... data points do I have now."

"Ding, 58"

Soon, the system gave the answer, a total of more than five million data points.

"More than five million, it's already so much without knowing it. It seems that there are quite a lot of things collected during this period of time."

Bai Ye recalled that at the beginning, Apocalypse gave him nearly one million data to deduce the power of time and space, but this quickly returned most of it through the universe Rubik's Cube, and then Ares accumulated countless years of data points brought by the fire of extinction The most benefit is more than [-] million, and then... the million of Setorak, plus the more than [-] of the current box of ice, add up to about [-] million, nearly [-] million data Click on this data point, if Bai Ye was an unbelievable amount before, you must know that when he wanted to obtain the data point, he could only absorb the energy emitted by the enemies of the dimension, but the enemies of the dimension were not... often, and some The energy of the enemy cannot be absorbed, and only the energy of some demons is barely qualified.

Even so, during the ten years, he did not absorb many data points. He died because he provoked Setorak, so this guy often ran over to break through the magic circle, and left a lot of data points, but even so, he absorbed all of them. , it doesn't add up as much as it does now.

There are more than five million data points, and one million can already deduce the power of time and space.

Bai Ye is very much looking forward to how the road of over five million data points can be deduced. "Perhaps these five million data points can be used to deduce the multiverse-level road. As for the almighty universe level, it is estimated that it is impossible. already."

This is just a guess of Bai Ye, with nearly [-] million data points. If he can deduce some powerful abilities, it is not impossible to break through the multiverse level, but don't think about the almighty universe level. This level is not like the rest. Realm, reaching the level of the omnipotent universe, is the real detachment of ordinary creatures. Of course, it is not like the transcendence of this world, but it has evolved from the level of life to the highest level, which is the level of the omnipotent universe. In the Marvel universe, reaching the level of the omnipotent universe There are only a handful of living beings, and almost all of them can be counted. The three beholders he saw before, Setorak and Hell Satan, are of the omnipotent cosmos level. Torak is definitely the top king of the omnipotent universe level, and it is estimated that the court of life is very difficult for them to face.

The Almighty Universe level is definitely Bai Ye's goal, but it is definitely not the end.

His end point is that there is no end point, but it is still far away.

"This period of time is used to calculate your own abilities and deduce your own path. It's just that you can have some free time recently.

"Bai Ye's eyes were tightly closed, and a huge spiritual force spewed out instantly, like a starry sky map, constantly unfolding and closing.

Chapter 105 The realm of the power of time and space [4]

"The realm formed by my space-time power can only cover the size of a city at most. If I deduce it later, one or two hundred data points may be raised to the size of a country or a planet. If the power of space-time is as big as a country, If I can cover the entire earth, then I can basically be called invincible on the earth."

His golden finger is actually quite simple, that is... simply deducing things to the extreme, it can also be called upgrading or evolution. For example, his power of time and space may be the only one in the whole Marvel, but it is not It's not that there is no room for improvement in its power of time and space. It's just like the scope of his time and space domain. He can only cover the city of New York at most. In the eyes of ordinary people, when they reach their realm, it is very normal for a battle to spread to a planet, and even a battle spanning countless dimensions is extremely normal. It's not that Dormammu is more confident and despised him, so that they can approach Dormammu at a short distance, otherwise, with Dormammu's control of the dark dimension, if he knows his ability in the space-time domain, he can instantly pull the card. A distance of millions of kilometers and this is just an ordinary ability to reach the level of cosmic power.

"System, continue to deduce the power of time and space."

After thinking about it, Bai Ye still intends to evolve the power of time and space one step further. He has a lot of abilities, and it can even be said to be scary. In addition to... ordinary magic, some demon powers are also powerful. Or the power of the phoenix, he also has the strongest power that exists in the universe, but the strongest power in his body is the power of time and space. Forming a space can isolate the induction of other spaces. This ability alone is enough to be called terrifying, because he has a huge lethality to demon gods. Although demon gods are powerful, but their source of power comes from in their own domain.

For example, although Mephisto is extremely powerful, if he leaves the hell plane, his power will decline. Like Dormammu, if he is in the dark dimension, his strength can reach the level of the multiverse, but after leaving , It is estimated that it is the strength of a single universe level.

Rather than saying that the planes they rule are the source of their power, it is better to say that the power of these planes enhances their strength, and even crossing a large realm is extremely easy.

But once there is no sense of the respective planes, the terror of the Demon God will also drop a lot, so when Bai Ye was able to annihilate Dormammu, most of it was due to the space-time domain.

"Ding the power of time and space evolution deduction has begun, two hundred data points per second, are you sure?

"Soon, the system's response sounded.


Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye sucked in a peculiar two hundred points per second. The data points required for this are extremely terrifying. You must know that the power of time and space is only one hundred points per second when it was deduced, and this turned out to be the original one. Twice, not too scary at all.

According to this calculation, it is estimated that more than five million data points will not last for a few hours.


After thinking for a while, Bai Ye gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

Two hundred points in one second is two hundred points, and the more expensive it is, it can only mean that the power behind the power of time and space is getting more and more terrifying.

If it costs two or three million, it is not necessarily a bad thing to be able to deduce the power of time and space to a higher realm.

After all, the improvement of strength lies in oneself, not like the infinite gloves. Once there is no such thing, the strength of the whole person will be gone, and the limit of the infinite gloves is also great, just like the court of life, if you want to abolish the infinite gloves It's a word thing.

He vaguely remembered that in the comics, the tyrant of the Infinity Gloves challenged the Court of Life, and then was directly dropped by the Court of Life. In one sentence, the six Infinity Gems of the Infinity Gauntlet vanished into ashes.

Therefore, it is useless to rely on external forces to say that you are truly powerful.

After all, the external force is somewhat restrictive.

"I don't know how long this deduction will take."

Although he was prepared, Bai Ye felt a little distressed when he thought of two hundred data points per second.

After all, data points are not very easy to deal with. If you can catch Setorak, you may not need data points. After all, it is possible to continuously provide energy or to catch Phoenix, as one of the rules of the universe. One of the supreme beings, the quality of the Phoenix's power is not too good. Even a person like Qin Ge Lei who has a certain amount of energy can give it a lot of data points. If it is a pure-bred Phoenix, it is estimated to be higher, maybe more than Setorac. The power of the phoenix is ​​still terrifying, but thinking of the identity of the phoenix, Bai Ye sighed in his heart, this is a bit of a daydream.

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