Not to mention the phoenix, you can't find it, and it's hard to catch. After all, the strength is there, it is estimated that Setorak was enough in the past, and he is not enough now, maybe a flame passes, and he wants it.

"Wait a minute: The power of time and space has been successfully deduced. By the way, let's deduce the power of the phoenix to the level of a single universe. This ability is still very useful."

Thinking of the phoenix, Bai Ye instantly remembered that he still has the power of the phoenix, but the level is not high, nor is it very pure, and it cannot be absorbed as a special energy, which makes Bai Ye very normal. When he deduced the power of the phoenix, it was intended to use The power of the phoenix itself can see if it can increase the data points, but who knows, this method does not work at all, it seems that the special energy of his body is not within the absorption range of the system, although it is not in it, but the power of the phoenix is ​​useful for... Bai Ye Still big, especially if you get to the single-universe level.

Then it can help Bai Ye's strength reach a new level.

It is estimated that it can be improved by about two or three percent. In his realm, being able to improve by two or three layers is already an extremely terrifying improvement.

"Ding, congratulations on the successful deduction."

Time is long. After nearly an hour, the deduction of the power of time and space finally succeeded.


Chapter 106 Pigmen in the Hell Plane [5]

With the sound of the system prompt, Bai Ye closed his eyes very skillfully and followed, a familiar energy poured into his heart, spread directly to his whole body, and even his soul was covered.

In this one, an inexplicable force directly transformed his body and transformed his soul. In his spirit, he could clearly see that under this force, his soul gradually became clear. Up, even to condense into an entity, of course, this entity is not the kind of physical body, but the entity of the spiritual world.

It is a very difficult method to condense the soul into an entity. Even as the strongest mage, he has not succeeded in condensing the soul into an entity. Those who can achieve this state are only those...... .. Only the demon gods who devour souls all year round are possible, but because the souls they devour are too complicated, their entities are actually impurity.

He has seen Setorak's soul entity. At first glance, it looks like a huge soul of a mountain. He feels the past as if it were real, and even your spirit senses the past, giving you a feeling like a real touch with a hand. Same, very miraculous.

But because of the various souls that may be swallowed, although Setorak's soul is very huge, it is full of colorful, all colors, and looks very mixed.

But now, Bai Ye found that his soul gradually condensed into a solid body in the spiritual world, and at the same time, some impurities in his soul were also removed. Although the whole body did not look white, it looked much more comfortable, as if it was much cleaner. To further control the power of time and space, you must have a strong soul, and at the same time you need pure soul power, otherwise, it is estimated that it is difficult to control the power of time and space."

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye probably knows why the power of time and space has not been born, because the requirements he needs are too harsh. People who have reached the soul realm, but have not reached the same soul purity, but have soul purity. People, It is impossible to reach the realm of equal souls, because of these two realms, the power of time and space has not been excavated by people.

However, due to the Baiye system, as long as he deduces the result, he can get the result together, so even if he can't reach the realm of the soul and the purity of the soul, he can still control the power of time and space, that's because When the deduction was successful, his physique also changed.

"The power of time and space should continue to be excavated."

Feeling the change brought about by this energy, Bai Ye's heart is awe-inspiring.

He thought that the power of time and space had almost reached a very strong point, but the perception of the power of space and time came from his mind, and he really understood that the power of time and space he was controlling was a first glimpse of the door, but it was only a first glimpse of the door. , did not go too far.

According to the information in my mind, the power of time and space in the later period can be used to build a universe with one thought through other energy, and even a single thought can make countless people jump out of the long river of time and space, and become People who are not limited by time and space are the most terrifying. He can control all living beings in the long river of time and space, and directly control and change the long river of time and space at will without you even knowing it.

Just like the master of the long river at the same time, everything is under his control.

"Maybe if I reach the power of time and space in the Xiaocheng realm, I can achieve multiple levels, and it may not be impossible even at the level of the omnipotent universe, but it is estimated that it is an astronomical number to deduce the power of the Xiaocheng realm."

After a long time, Bai Ye slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, he could clearly see that a long river spanned the sky and could be clearly seen in the middle of the river. There were countless creatures swimming like fish.

This time the deduction really brought him a good income, just thinking about the number of ways in the future.

The night was a little helpless.

That's because he expects that the next time to deduce the power of time and space in the realm of Xiaocheng, it is estimated that it will take five hundred per second, or even thousands of data points.

What is this concept? [-] data points a minute, [-] million data points an hour.

And according to his current deduction situation, it will take at least two hours for the deduction to be successful, which would require 720 million data points, and the most important thing is that more than [-] million may not be successful.

This is terrifying, and it is estimated that he will need to work harder to obtain data points in the future.

'If it reaches the level of the multiverse, I will go to the hell plane, catch all those... demon gods, let them emit energy and absorb them into data points, and treat them as pets all the time absorbs data points.

"Bai Ye was ruthless in his heart, secretly planning.

Isn't it because of lack of data points? It's a big deal. He went to the hell plane and used those... demon gods as pigs to raise. Don't do anything every day, just provide me with energy all the time, although the quality is not as good as plugs. The people of Tolac, but at least....... the number is better, and the number has increased, and the data points are also extremely impressive. It may not be possible that tens of millions a day are not impossible. If he has reached the realm of Xiaocheng, wouldn't it be easy to catch those... Demon Gods with lower levels? Anyway... These guys have coveted them for so long, it's time to pay a little price .

to this.

Now, Bai Ye has another goal to be a pig breeder in the hell plane, and raise the demon gods in the hell plane as pigs.

"How about trying new abilities.


After thinking for a moment, Bai Ye calmed down, closed his eyes tightly, and his own power of time and space spread out instantly.

Almost instantly, everyone in New York felt a supreme power shrouded in their hearts as if: this power is... the supreme God, who can do anything, even many people, and prostrate directly. , issued his sincere cheers to the sky.

"This guy has improved again."

at the same time.

Kama Taj, Gu Yi put down the things in his hand, looked in the direction of Bai Ye, and sighed slightly in his heart.

Although she was used to the speed of Bai Ye's progress, even her heart was numb.

But seeing Bai Ye's realm rising to a new level today, Gu Yi didn't know what to say in his heart.

When, promotion is like not wanting money.

To know that she stopped at this state, it has been nearly two hundred years.

Chapter 107 The missing person is back [1]

"The monsters that are difficult to appear for hundreds of millions of years may be able to change the pattern of the earth in the future."

Gu Yi was silent in his heart, Bai Ye's realm improvement was really scary, he reached the level of Heavenly Father in three years, and broke through to the level of a single universe after countless years, and in the last one or two years, he has made a step forward in the single universe. It is estimated that In the realm of the multiverse, it is estimated that there is not much difference. If one day, Bai Ye breaks through to the level of the multiverse, Gu Yi will not be surprised.

Because she is already a little numb.

In this world, she has been with Bai Ye for the longest time, and she also watched Bai Ye climb up from a mortal person step by step, saying that it was a bit too much to climb up, and that it was almost the same as sitting on a rocket.

You must know that it took her hundreds of years to reach the realm of the heavenly father. Eternal, one of the five gods, once sighed. The talent of the ancient one is rare in hundreds of thousands of years. Time has broken through to the speed of a single universe in one fell swoop, and it is estimated that there will be only silence when eternity sees it.

Although there are many bigwigs in this universe, the survival time of these bigwigs is calculated according to ten thousand years, and there are not too many bigwigs calculated in billions of years. Most of them even survived when the universe just started. .

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, or even a thousand years, in their eyes, is like a day for ordinary people, and it has passed in a blink of an eye.

However, in their nearly one day, Bai Ye kept jumping the evolutionary level of the creatures, and the speed was so fast that if it were spread out, countless people would be amazed.

Therefore, Gu Yi felt that Bai Ye was regarded as a monster that has been difficult for hundreds of millions of years in this universe, and it was not too much.

"Diana, I don't teach you much. I have already told you what I can say. When you go back, think for yourself and think about it. If you don't understand, you can come to Kama Taj to find me."

Gu Yi shifted his gaze, landed on Diana, and said softly.

I have to say that Diana's talent also made Gu Yi sigh a little surprised, because the talent is somewhat good, although it is far less than Bai Ye, but after so many years in Kama Taj, Diana's talent is enough to rank in the top three.

Even Gu Yi felt that if Diana continued to practice, perhaps the Heavenly Father level might not be her end, and the single-universe level might not be impossible.

Diana bowed her head respectfully to Gu Yi and said, "Diana will definitely practice more when she goes back."

During this period of time, Gu Yi has done his utmost to Diana, and basically pointed out some problems in his practice to Diana.

Even Diana can clearly feel that the improvement of her own strength, although not exaggerated, has increased by nearly five layers: This is the effect that Diana's previous practice in Amazon may not be able to achieve. what.

So Diana is very grateful to Gu Yi, and at the same time respects Gu Yi, she almost treats Gu Yi as her own teacher.

"Just remember, after so long, it's time for me to change shifts with Bai Ye, wait: Bai Ye will come here.

"While speaking, Gu Yi opened the door of space.


The figure of Bai Ye appeared on the spot.

"Master Bai Ye.

Seeing Bai Ye's figure, Diana was overjoyed, she walked over and hugged Diana directly.

"Long time no see, Diana."

Bai Ye stroked Diana's hair, then smiled: "Just in time to take you to see our new home, that guy Tony should have the house ready."

Before, he entrusted Tony to help him build the house, and now, Tony estimates that it is almost done.

After all, it's been more than a month, and if it's not done, it's like hitting someone in the white night.

Immediately, the two went to the laboratory to find Tony. This guy was researching some new magic technology and heard Bai Ye wanted the key. Tony immediately put down what was in his hand and contacted the person below to bring the key.

Although the house Tony bought was not near the temple, it was not too far away. In fact, for Bai Ye, it was the same there. After all, with his ability, he could teleport to it at will.

There is nothing inconvenient at all.




The Director's Office, Director Braised Egg, and Nick Fury is looking at the files as usual.

Just then, the phone on the desk rang.

Nick Fury glanced at the phone, it was from Black Widow "What's the matter, Natasha."

Nick Fury's voice was neither salty nor flat, as calm as ever.

""Nick Fury, I just got a message, which is probably very important to you."

Hearing this, Nick Fury was instantly refreshed. As a black widow, if it is not an important matter, it is basically impossible to say such a thing. After all, the level of contact is different, and there must be some factors that may affect the Aegis. Bureau.


.... things that make Black Widow so cautiously "Please say."

"A missing person has returned."

Hearing this, Nick Fury frowned, thinking about the meaning of Black Widow, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... There are many people who follow, and many people have mysteriously disappeared, and they have been unable to find them for a long time.

"Is it the Xiong Kingdom agent who disappeared three years ago or the Xiong Kingdom arms dealer who mysteriously disappeared two years ago?"

These two people are known to Nick Fury, because they were very dangerous to the situation at the time, and one of them was in control of the nuclear bomb of the Bear Country.

Seeing that Nick Fury hadn't come back, Black Widow couldn't help laughing and said, "Director Nick, you've been calculating for so long, and you haven't figured it out yet. You should know that I'm on a mission there now."

"Tony Stark, I know this, but then again, does Tony Stark have news during this time.

' Nick Fury replied subconsciously.

Immediately after, a flash of light flashed in his mind, Nick Fury seemed to think of something, and blurted out "Is it possible, is Bai Ye back?":, evaluation ticket, reward or something, Lu

Chapter 108 Chief Braised Egg [2]

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