"you guessed right"

On the other side of the phone, Black Widow paused for a moment and said quickly, "According to the news I have received recently, Bai Ye has returned not long ago, and seems to have given Tony Stark a lot of advice, so now Tony Stark is there all day. In the laboratory, it seems to be researching something called magic technology. As for what it is, I know too well, but I heard that it is a weapon that integrates magic and technology. It has huge lethality. As for how powerful magic is Lethality, maybe you know better than me.

"And not long ago, that aura that shocked the world seemed to be... Bai Ye, according to the information I got, Bai Ye seemed to be stronger than before, so Commissioner Nick, I may want to remind you, Maybe you want to get in touch with Bai Ye, but it's best not to press him, or even try to force him, where Tony Stark is, the base camp of Earth magic, where they have abilities that we ordinary people can't imagine."

I don't know if it's because of Tony, Black Widow got a lot of information, or because of something else.

In this regard, after learning that Bai Ye was back, Black Widow notified Nick Fury as soon as possible.

But the words were full of worry, and it was precisely because she knew something that she understood what kind of power was hidden behind Bai Ye.

Hearing this, Nick Fury took a deep breath, and then his face changed: he became serious, his tone was very awe-inspiring, and he said in a deep voice, "These...I know all about it, Natasha, I will pay attention to these...., but you should not reveal your identity for the time being, and if the white night goes to Tony Stark, you will avoid it, otherwise, it will definitely cause Tony Stark Tucker's misunderstanding."

Of course, Nick Fury understood the meaning of Black Widow's words, and he never intended to force Bai Ye, or other ideas. In his heart, it was best to cooperate with Bai Ye, but at worst, he could not stand on the opposite side of Bai Ye because Having seen all the magic of Bai Ye, Nick Fury understands very well that Bai Ye is probably no different from the gods in mythology. Some powerful weapons they rely on may not be of any use to the existence of Bai Ye.

I know, although I know, the identity of Black Widow on Tony Stark's side must not be revealed, because it is related to many plans in the future.

"By the way, how much do you know about this magic technology?"

"I don't know much, but I only know some pieces of news. According to the information I got, Tony Stark combined magic and technology to create something called a space ring. I heard that it contains a small The space is as big as a basketball court, but this kind of thing seems to have restrictions, only magicians can use it, so Tony Stark has been overcoming this problem recently, but the return of Bai Ye seems to have made Tony overcome this problem, which may be very difficult. Soon this brand new space ring that does not require restrictions will be born."

Hearing these words, Nick Fury was stunned.

The space ring contains the space of a basketball court and can be carried around.

"Is the real or fake news accurate?" Hearing that Tony Stark was going to research the space ring, Nick Fury, the director of Braised Egg, was stunned.

You must know that this thing represents the meaning too, it not only means that the technology of the earth has entered the next level.

At the same time, if their agents have a space ring, then it will be easier to hide some secret operation weapons. Put the weapon directly in the space ring. If you want to act, you can grab it out in an instant, and you can instantly do a kind of surprise. state, or even a sudden attack, the probability of the completion of the Shield's agent operation will be much higher than before.

Therefore, Nick Fury immediately confirmed the news with Black Widow, if it was true.

Then you must have a good relationship with Tony Stark, it is best to get a batch of space rings because the convenience of this thing is too high, not only for their agents, but also for other aspects. The impact is very far-reaching .

"I can confirm this."

Black Widow is very sure, because the news came from Tony's mouth, "You continue to hide, don't reveal your identity, it's better to get some news about Tony Stark, as for the white night, I will Go over to meet him in person, and hope to befriend him."

"it is good."

The two immediately hung up the phone.

Nick Fury closed his eyes, lying directly on the sofa, thinking about the conversation between the two of them just now. This time there is too much news for him, the return of the white night, Tony Stark's new technology, although this space ring is not as good as some missiles Direct damage, but in the long run, the space ring is much more destructive than missiles.

After a while, Nick Fury asked the people below to prepare, and planned to go directly to the temple, find Bai Ye, and want to talk.

He didn't know Bai Ye's phone very much, so he had to go to the temple.

It was the only place he knew where White Night was.

However, when he went to the temple, Nick Fury did not find Bai Ye, but only bumped into Daniel who was guarding the temple.

But fortunately, through Daniel, Nick Fury learned where Bai Ye's current residence lives.

After all, Daniel has also met Nick Fury, so he knows Nick Fury's phone number.

at the same time.

After Bai Ye and Diana came back from shopping, I have to say that Tony is.... very attentive. He moved here with Xiao Hei, and the house has been cleaned and the furniture is ready. Now, as long as Bai Ye checked in with his bags, he didn't need anything else, but although it was very convenient, Diana felt that she still needed some spare things, so she took Bai Ye to go out to buy things, and Bai Ye also considered that Diana was unfamiliar with this world. , so take Diana around to get a rough idea of ​​the world.

In the future, it will be more convenient.

And just as Bai Ye sat down, there was a knock on the door, "Could it be Tony coming?"

There are only a few people who know where he lives, and the rest of the people who want to come over are estimated to be sent directly by space magic, and it is impossible to knock on the door.

However, Bai Ye opened the door and twitched his mouth slightly. He saw the strange and familiar Ludantou, "Director Ludan, your news is really well-informed. I just moved back, and you found me."

When the Director of Braised Egg heard this, Nick Fury looked at Bai Ye angrily. What kind of ghost name is this? Although his head is a little dark and round, it doesn't look like Braised Egg.

Chapter 109 The Worst S.H.I.E.L.D. Director in History [3]

"whats the matter."

Bai Ye sat on the sofa and looked at Nick Fury angrily. This forced news was also accurate. Like a dog that smelled shit, he quickly found it.

You know, he took over the house, it is estimated that he did not even have two hours.

"This is your coffee."

At this time, Diana came over with coffee, put the coffee in front of the two, and then sat down beside Bai Ye.

"This one is."

Seeing Diana, Nick Fury frowned. The next thing he was going to talk about was very important, and he didn't really want to be known.

"This is my wife."

Bai Ye took a sip of coffee and said lightly when she heard this sentence, Diana's cheeks suddenly covered with a blush, like a red apple, she looked shy and pleasant, but she did not deny it, after all, it didn't matter, how could she follow Bai Ye came here from another world.

"Master Bai Ye, this is a great blessing to be able to marry such a wife."

Hearing this, Nick Fury showed a smile and said lightly that he knew that Diana was Bai Ye's wife, so his previous thoughts were gone.

After all, his wife is the closest person to a man. If he had a bad tone, he would really drive Diana away. According to what he knew about Bai Ye, it would be a little easier to push him away.

And to be the wife of a character like Bai Ye, Nick Fury felt that there must be other merits, and he might also be a powerful person. As for ordinary people, Nick Fury felt that it was impossible.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, I will have a rest later."

Bai Ye glared at Nick Fury and said angrily that this is too long-winded, come over and say nothing, just say something off topic.

For Bai Ye's scolding, Nick Fury smiled awkwardly. He had no other thoughts in his mind. He didn't dare to offend Bai Ye, so he quickly said, "In fact, there is nothing else, but I haven't seen Master Bai Ye for a long time, so it's strange. I miss it, so I came here to talk to Master Bai Ye."

"Talk to Heart"


Bai Ye sneered, looked at Nick Fury, and said, "Director Braised Egg, if you really want to talk, then you can go now, I have nothing to talk to you about.


Talk about it, what a joke.

As the saying goes, there is nothing without going to the Three Treasures Palace.

If the egg is marinated at this moment, if nothing happens, it is definitely impossible to come here, and it is still in such a hurry.

And Bai Ye didn't have the habit of talking to men.

"Master Bai Ye, can you not call me Braised Egg in the future?"

Nick Fury has a black line on his face, what is the name of the braised egg.

At the same time, the eyes he saw made him dare not be at Dobibi, and he said quickly, "Actually, there is nothing, I just want to know if Master Bai Ye knows about magic technology."

After speaking, Nick Fury sighed in his heart that Bai Ye was still the same as before, inhumane.

"You know a lot of things, why do you want to get this thing?" Looking at Nick Fury, Bai Ye laughed playfully at S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Knowing magic technology, Bai Ye is actually not very surprised, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s agents still have two brushes, as long as Tony reveals a little bit of news to others, he will definitely be caught by S.H.I.E.L.D.


....perceived that, after all, Tony was beaten by S.H.I.E.L.D.


....people with a foundation, countless agents are paying attention.

However, what do these things have to do with Bai Ye?

"To be honest with the White Night Mage, we really want to get a batch of magic technology. Of course, this is not free, but paid. As long as the White Night Mage can discuss with Tony Stark, as long as the price is not too high, we can buy it."

The idea was dismantled, and Nick Fury had no expression on his face, as if he had known it for a long time.

After all, when he came, he had made a plan.

So, there seems to be no big difference between knowing and not knowing.

"If you want magic technology, just go with Tony Stark, why do you come to me?"

"I didn't create this thing. I can't limit Tony Stark. If you want to get it, go to him."



....Contact Tony, Bai Ye has no such interest.

Not to mention Nick Fury's sudden attack, Bai Ye was very upset.

And the magic technology has always been in charge of Tony. It can be said that everything about magic technology is... except for those magicians who helped Tony cast magic on some things, magic technology and others It doesn't matter. Although he asked Tony for magic technology, Tony will definitely not refuse, but he has no reason to get it, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... If you want this stuff, it has nothing to do with him.

And the white night is...it's funny, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....these people are not looking for Tony, they are looking for him.

Could it be that he is better at talking than Tony, "Mage of the White Night, you may not know that Tony is against our S.H.I.E.L.D.


There are some small misunderstandings, so if we contact Tony, we will definitely refuse, and we can only entrust you with this."

"It's no use looking for me, I don't have that interest, and if you only have this thing today, you can get out."

Bai Ye glanced at Nick Fury and said indifferently.

"Mage Baiye, our relationship with Tony is a bit stiff, so there's nothing we can do..." Before he finished speaking, Nick Fury suddenly felt a force bombarding him directly, and his eyes suddenly darkened, and at the same time he faintly heard A voice said, "You are also looking for me for these little things, it seems that I am too good to talk, so you misunderstand.

"Almost an instant.

On a certain street, the space was suddenly opened, and several people in black clothes blasted out.

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