"Director Nick, just that... yes.

' Several people stood up, and then someone looked at Nick Fury in shock.

The force just now was so terrifying that it smashed them away inexplicably, even though the location was not very good, they fell near the pile of garbage, and even a few people had a stench on their bodies.

"Hey, it's alright, let's go back.

Nick Fury sighed, then patted his body and got up.

Bai Ye has done it himself, obviously this is impossible.

At the same time, the braised egg was a little troubled, and it was originally intended to befriend Bai Ye.

It's better now, offended Bai Ye.

And he was also miserable, and was directly thrown into the garbage dump, it is estimated that S.H.I.E.L.D.


....for so many years, he is the worst S.H.I.E.L.D.


...the chief.


Chapter 110 The House That Heavenly Father Level Can't Break [4]

"But Director, it's too much for that guy to beat us directly."

There is an agent who is a little resentful, as S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s agent, although he has to hide many times, but Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., going there is not to be trembling and respected by others, basically no one dares to be unkind to them, and this time they were blasted out, and they were thrown into the garbage dump. This is simply for.. SHIELD.


.... provocation.

"It's nothing, it's okay if the person in the house doesn't do anything to us, and you are lucky that that person didn't do anything to us, otherwise, all of us would have to meet God, and the strength he just showed did not reach the Do you scare you here and there, where you were just now, don't you know?"

Hearing the agent's words, Nick Fury immediately sneered with a cold face.

These guys are really inconvenient, don't they know that some things can't be said, and some people can't be offended? S.H.I.E.L.D.


....What's wrong.

It is just an ordinary spy organization, and it is estimated that some ordinary people may be afraid of them, but in the face of a special existence like Bai Ye, even S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the country behind it came in person, and it didn't work.

It's okay to pray that others don't mess with them, and now I want to deal with Bai Ye directly.

Don't you want to die? "I know the director."

Hearing this, the agent immediately lowered his head and said in a deep voice that at first it was probably because he was thrown into the garbage dump.

He vaguely remembered that he said he was standing on the side of the road, and now he is in the garbage dump, and looking at the environment, it has almost nothing to do with where he was before.

That is to say, someone in the house uses a certain ability to cross the area and throw them directly here to gain space ability! "Just know, the people in the house can't offend, and tell the people below, don't have any Stay, if someone violates it, it will be dealt with as a defect."

After what happened just now, Nick Fury has calmed down and figured out how to find Bai Ye to get through Tony's relationship, which is an extremely stupid idea.

Because of the relationship between the previous levels, he didn't see clearly that it might be because Bai Ye borrowed the universe Rubik's Cube from him before, which made him feel that Bai Ye might be unhappy with Bai Ye, but he would definitely agree.

But now Nick Fury thinks about it, this idea is stupid, can Bai Ye be able to command them? As for the agent who came with him, hearing Fury's words, his heart suddenly jumped.

Defection handling, this crime is very serious, it means that you can go to see God.

................................. "These guys will forget who they are if they don't teach them a lesson."

Bai Ye clapped his hands, his face a little cold.

This guy, Braised Egg, used to look very smart, but now he is extremely stupid.

Asking him for magic technology, this is not stupid or something.

Although normally speaking, it's not wrong for Nick Fury to ask him to use Tony's magic technology, because from both sides, it seems that his relationship with Braised Egg has some communication, which seems to be better, and Tony's side is resisting if Braised eggs looking for Tony, then Tony will definitely refuse, after all, he is not interested in... SHIELD.


.... there is not much favoritism, plus the magic technology, Tony has been hiding research, not revealing it at all, and S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... If you find Tony and want magic technology directly, no one will have a good face for S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... After all, something that I had hidden for so long was discovered in vain. There is a feeling of being watched. This kind of feeling is probably not good for anyone, let alone a arrogant person like Tony. , is even more unacceptable.

But looking for Bai Ye is also stupid.

Because in Bai Ye's eyes, this kind of thing is just a small matter, there is no need to find him, it's just magic technology, it will appear one day sooner or later, what is the difference between one day later and one day later, of course, this is not the most important but because of his address It was exposed too quickly. He had just settled down and his address was exposed, which made Bai Ye very uncomfortable. After all, no one wanted to be monitored.

"It seems that you still need to put a few magic circles on the house."

Although the address was exposed, Bai Ye felt that it didn't matter. After all, there were not many people who threatened him on this earth, and there were no enemies, so the exposure was exposed.

But thinking about the possibility of being watched or something in the future, Bai Ye is not happy, although he can kill some people to shock, but there are still many people in this world who are not afraid of death, not only S.H.I.E.L.D.



I saw that the magic power of Bai Ye poured out, and dozens of magic circles appeared in an instant, and they rose when they saw the wind, directly shrouding the whole house.

"It's almost the same with these magic circles."

Bai Ye clapped his hands and said with satisfaction that these magic circles are different from those of the temple, and can defend against any kind of creatures at the Heavenly Father level, and there are cameras and other things here, unless there is a strong breakthrough beyond the Heavenly Father level. , it is possible to peep the house.

But there are only a handful of powerhouses at the single-universe level, at least...... There are not many people in this world, so it is basically impossible to break through this house in the future.

It can be regarded as a real copper wall.

"Diana, it is estimated that no one will be able to break through the defensive formation of this house in the future. Even if the nuclear bomb falls, it is estimated that it is impossible."

Bai Ye smiled and said "nuclear bomb" to Diana next to him

Diana looked puzzled.

Seeing this, Bai Ye only remembered, it seems that Diana still doesn't know enough about the outside world, and she didn't know a lot of news. After thinking about it, Bai Ye said, "You can understand Ares' attack, range and attack power. Maybe similar to him."

Although Ares is strong, it may be slightly inferior to the coverage and power of nuclear bombs.

Chapter 111 The Killing Intent of Ebony Throat [1]

deep in the universe.

In a deep space, the place is dark, starlight is dotted, with a faint light, in a dark mountain below, a purple figure in armor is sitting on the throne, his eyes are indifferent only With a majesty, like a natural emperor, it makes people tremble and fear.

And beside him stood several creatures dressed in strange clothes, some of them looked like aliens-11, and their faces were strange, but each of these creatures had a power that made people unable to move their eyes.

At this time, under everyone's body, a man in black and silver armor was half-kneeling, and a tall purple figure in front of him said, "Dear Thanos, we have reached the whereabouts of the universe Rubik's Cube, and he is far away from the universe. Among the earth, where the power of the creatures is weak, there is nothing to be afraid of, we can personally crush it and send a cosmic fleet there.

"And according to the Prince Loki who recently joined Asgard, the creatures of the earth are only the low-level technology of the controller, and there is no other power."

After speaking, the man raised his head, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which represents the source of power, is a well-known existence in the entire universe.

At the same time, he also has another... level name, the original stone of space.

One of the six Infinity Stones in the universe.

And collecting the Infinity Stones is the long-cherished wish of the person in front of him, to successfully collect six Infinity Stones, so as to achieve the effect of ruling the universe.

After all, the fusion of the six Infinity Gems and the Infinity Gloves can destroy half of the people in the universe with a snap of a finger. This magical ability is something that no creature in the entire universe possesses.

"Cosmic Cube."

Thanos' eyes flickered, others might not know it, but he knew the true origin of the universe Rubik's Cube.

That is the carrier of the original space stone.

"Send an army to take the Cosmic Rubik's Cube back from the hands of humans on Earth, no matter what the cost."

The tyrant didn't hesitate and gave the order directly.

Infinity Stones, that is the most important part of his plan, and it cannot be lost.

And according to the technology of the earth, if the army of Chitarui's people passes by, they can directly crush it.

"I will definitely not live up to the expectations of Lord Thanos, but when I came, Loki once said that there was a very powerful human being in the earth, and he instantly killed the leader of the frost giant in front of him, so he thought Get some help."

The leader of the Qitarui people seemed to have thought of something, then lowered his head and replied respectfully.

"Oh, if you can kill the leader of the frost giants in seconds, then you do have some strength. It's normal that you can't deal with Loki's ability...."

"I lent him my scepter, and with the power, it is enough to deal with the earthlings in his mouth."

Thanos waved his right hand, and the scepter in his hand flew out instantly, straight in front of the leader of the Tarui people, "Thank you, Lord Thanos, I believe that I will not fail. When the time comes, the universe Rubik's cube will be presented to Thanos by myself. in front of the adults."

Seeing the scepter in front of him, Qitarui Rongrong suddenly showed a touch of ecstasy.

The scepter of Thanos has a background, and has very terrifying energy, and if this thing is handed over to Loki to play like this, the power of this scepter is even more powerful in the hands of living beings.

In this regard, if Loki has this scepter, then their plan is doomed to fail. As long as the door of space is opened, their army will pour down, not to mention the strong human beings, even if all human beings resist. any effect.

"Go down.

Hearing Thanos' expulsion order, the leader of the Chitauri bowed his head and left respectfully.

After he left, there was some hesitation in the eyes of a fish-headed creature standing next to Thanos, hesitating to speak, as if to say something to Thanos, but not quite sure "Ebony, what do you want to say, Even if you say."

Soon, Thanos discovered the condition of Ebony Throat and asked aloud.

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