Ebony Maw, a wizard, or a magician, is the right-hand man of Thanos. His strength is very terrifying, and there are even rumors that magic is no more terrifying than him in this world.

"Lord Thanos, I feel a little familiar with the name Earth. I seem to have heard it before, but I just forgot where I heard it."

"Of course we have heard of this name, and this person is probably familiar to you. At the same time, the powerful human being in Loki's air is probably... that guy."

"That guy" "A few years ago, you were defeated by a magician. You should not forget this person."

"white night!!!"

Hearing Thanos' words, Ebony Maw's face suddenly became ugly, and he gritted his teeth.

He will never forget the battle a few years ago, his confident magic became worthless in front of that person, and even he was directly crushed during the whole process, and there was no room for resistance.

If it is just a failure, although the ebony throat feels ashamed, it will not become like this.

Because after Bai Ye defeated him at the beginning, those words made Ebony-throated remember for a lifetime.

"The strength of the strongest magician in the universe really disappoints me, ebony throat."

Ebony throat still remembers that day, Bai Ye looked at him with a disappointed look on his face, so Ebony throat remembered for a lifetime and even wanted to take revenge on Bai Ye all the time.

He can accept his failure, but he can't accept being so ridiculed by Bai Ye.

"Lord Thanos, is Bai Ye really on Earth?"

"If it's true, Thanos, I also want to go to Earth together, this time I must kill Bai Ye."

Hearing that Bai Ye was on Earth, Ebony Maw immediately knelt down and said to Thanos.

It's not a matter of a day or two that he wants to kill Bai Ye, that's what he thinks about every day. As long as he has a plan to deal with Bai Ye, he will never give up.

Moreover, Chitarui's army, coupled with Loki, the scepter of Thanos, Ebony Maw feels that he can definitely kill Bai Ye. Although Bai Ye was strong at the beginning, he is not weak now. The reason why he was instantly defeated by Bai Ye was just too much. Just ignore it.

"If you want to go, just go and bring Bai Ye's head back to me."

Thanos............ didn't stop the ebony throat because he knew that at this time, if he didn't let the ebony throat pass, he would definitely become a heart disease of the ebony throat, and he also felt that with their current The plan is more than enough to deal with Bai Ye.


Chapter 112 The Reunion Begins [2]

The plan of Thanos is a good one. An army of a cosmic race, together with its own scepter and ebony throat, should not be too easy to deal with such an ordinary planet as the earth.

Even if the earth has a powerful mage like Bai Ye, it is still relatively simple, there may be some resistance, but it will not fail.

It's just that Thanos didn't know that Bai Ye was not the Bai Ye of the year. Back then, Bai Ye didn't even have the strength of the Heavenly Father, so he dared to ignore him and rushed directly into his base camp, directly beating Ebony Maw. It's not comparable back then, let alone beatings, Bai Ye is estimated that facing the ebony throat, he won't be interested at all, because he's too weak.

And Bai Ye didn't know, because of some things in the past, the plot began to change, and the ebony throat, which only appeared in the later period, now follows the helpers of Loki and Chitari.

Part of it may be because of the ebony throat, and part of it is estimated that Thanos also wants the ebony throat to supervise the army.

After all, the strength of ebony throat is there.

"Hopefully don't startle that person."

Thanos closed his eyes and thought to himself.

In the face of Bai Ye, Thanos doesn't have any feeling. He thinks he can deal with Bai Ye, but there is still a powerful existence on the earth, and that person's strength is estimated to be on par with him. In time, he may even be weaker, but fortunately, that person no longer pays attention to some things on the earth, and only pays attention to things related to other dimensions.

And what they are doing now is not to destroy the earth, but to take away the space Rubik's cube, which should not alarm that person.

In the dark mountain, Loki kept walking around with an anxious look on his face. He didn't know if the universe cube would impress Thanos, or even if Thanos would carry out his plan. I am confident, but still anxious.

After all, what if Thanos disagreed, meanwhile.

The door of space was opened, the leader of the Qitarians and Ebony Maw came out, and there was a lustrous scepter in Ebony Maw's hand. Seeing this scene, Loki's eyes flashed a lustre, Thanos's Scepter.


The leader of the Qitarui people shouted at Loki, and then introduced Ebony-throated, "This lord, you should also know who it is." Of course I know, Lord Thanos' right-hand man, the Ebony-throated Archmage.

Of course, Loki couldn't be unaware of Thanos and Ebony Maw, because they had already met.

And Thanos and Ebony-throated have a great reputation in this universe, although the reputation is not very good.

"Loki, your voice, Lord Thanos, has been known. This is the scepter of Lord Thanos, which will grant you to enhance your power. You only need to be in the middle of the earth and take back the space Rubik's Cube."

"If the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in our hands, all your previous plans will be carried out as we said at the beginning, and will help you become the king of the earth and even Asgard."

Ebony-throated face was indifferent, staring at Loki and said lightly.

They had met Loki long ago. At that time, Thanos planned to give the scepter to Loki, but he hesitated for some reason, so the time was delayed a little, but it was nothing, because now he is back again It's time to start.

"I hope you don't disappoint that one's expectations, and don't try to use any conspiracy or tricks. If you have other thoughts, there will be no place for you in this universe, and the kingdom you want to be king will be wiped out. You will experience what it means to be unhappy, life is better than death.

A cold light flashed in Ebony Maw's eyes, staring at Loki and said lightly, Loki, the god of tricks, although very smart, but also easy to betray, Ebony Maw didn't plan to talk to Loki well, after all, for a person who is easy to betray Man, no living being has a good attitude.

Hearing this, Loki's face suddenly sank, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, but he bowed his head respectfully, "Loki, he will never rebel, if he rebels, let him handle it."

Although he was very uncomfortable with the threat of Ebony Maw, Loki also understood that now he needed the help of Thanos and their help in order to accomplish his goal, and he also knew that if he really betrayed, the words in Ebony Maw's mouth would The threat must become a reality.

After all, in this universe, no one does not tremble the existence of Thanos.

"I hope you do."

Ebony Throat glanced at Loki. He still doesn't believe this guy. Ebony Throat is very uncomfortable. After all, the title of God of Tricks is very uncomfortable, and Loki has many black spots. For.. Loki mentioned trust or something, but since Thanos ordered it, even if he really didn't like it, Ebony throat couldn't do anything about it.

"This is the scepter. Its energy will make you omnipotent on earth, even in the face of the person you said."

Ebony Maw handed the scepter to Loki, which was supposed to be for Thanos.

But Thanos didn't come, so it started with Ebony Throat.

It even started with the leader of the Chitauri, but since Ebony Maw is going to fight, naturally all rights belong to Ebony Maw.

Holding the scepter, Loki's face showed a look of surprise. He actually felt a mysterious energy pouring into his body, which made him feel omnipotent, as if anyone's spirit, heart, soul, He can control it.

"It's really good stuff.

' This feeling is really cool, so that an old fox like Loki couldn't hide the smile in his heart, and showed a happy smile directly.

Ebony throat was very indifferent to Loki's sudden smile.

Because he is so normal, following Thanos for so long, he has seen countless people show gaffe after getting the scepter, no matter what it is, they will gaffe.

Even him, it used to be so, so Loki would lose his temper, everything was expected by Ebony Throat.

Chapter 113 Weak and cautious [3]

"Why didn't you go with Loki, with your ability, go to Earth, maybe we don't need Loki anymore."

After Loki left, the leader of the Chitauri turned his head, looked at Ebony Throat and asked.

He didn't understand a little. With the strength of Ebony, if you follow Loki, it is a sure thing to capture the space cube. There are only a handful of people in the entire universe who are stronger than Ebony, and these people are definitely impossible on Earth. At this time, in the eyes of the Qitarui leader, the earth is just a low-level civilization planet. It was just luck that led to the cosmic Rubik's Cube being left there. At the same time, he felt that as long as their army came, the earth would only become a planet. The slaves under their gunfire have no chance of winning.

But to do all this, Loki, who must go to the earth, can use the power of the universe cube to open the door of space, so that they can send their army to the earth.

Just for... Loki, he still has some distrust, after all, Loki's reputation is outside, but if the ebony throat passes, all this will be different.

"I'm not suitable to go to Earth at this time. If I go to Earth with Loki, the moment I reach the Earth, my breath will be exposed, and our enemies will be aware of my intentions, and when the time comes, they will want the army to come to Earth, That's a very troublesome thing."

Ebony-throated glanced at the leader of the Qitarui people, walked around, looked calm, and said slowly that he.... really wanted to go with Loki, but he understood that at this time he was still Not the time.

Although his strength has increased now, when he thinks of the terrifying strength of Bai Ye back then, he still has no confidence in his heart, after all, Bai Ye used to be the man who brought him nightmares.

left a deep shadow on him.

And although he has the scepter of Thanos, he may not be afraid of Bai Ye, but if he wants to kill Bai Ye, it may be difficult, but if Chitarui's army comes, then he is [-]% sure that he will attack Bai Ye. kill.

Ebony Maw is a very calm person, in order to perfectly kill Bai Ye, so that Bai Ye has no chance of escaping, he would rather raise the assurance of killing to the highest level and be foolproof.

"It's just a mere earth human, why should you feel jealous"

The leader of the Chitauri didn't understand, although Loki's description showed that the Earthman was very strong.

But to be able to get there, is it stronger than the ebony throat, stronger than their leader Thanos?" However, he didn't know, it was indeed stronger than the ebony throat and the tyrant in his heart.

"It's just a human being, how could it make me jealous? I'm doing this just to make Thanos' plan perfect, and it must be foolproof. If my actions now lead to the disappearance of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, you and I can't afford it. this responsibility.

Ebony-throated glanced at the Qitarui, then snorted coldly, and then disappeared.

Jealousy is indeed jealous, after all, how did Bai Ye push him horizontally back then, even if Ebony Maw's strength is now enhanced, he still has no confidence in his heart.

And for... a human being afraid, for... Ebony-throated, this is a shameful thing, can't be spread, he didn't say too much about it, as for Bai Ye, he didn't tell the leader of the Qitarui people.

Because it was his secret, the secret he said.

"Weak and cautious."

Seeing Ebony Mow leave, the leader of the Qitarians sneered. He really couldn't understand Ebony Mow's fear, after all, in his heart, the earth could be destroyed at will.

However, Ebony Mow is the right-hand man of Thanos after all, and the leader of the Qitarui did not dare to say anything in front of Ebony Mow, he could only talk behind his back.



..., the Director's Office.

Nick Fury was lying on the chair with a sad face, because of the previous incident, the relationship with Bai Ye deteriorated, which made Nick Fury very troubled.

You must know that it was extremely difficult to establish this relationship with Bai Ye at the beginning, thinking about using it for important things, but now their relationship has become rigid, and even Nick Fury dare not disturb Bai Ye.

For fear that Bai Ye is angry, after all, through some information, he has learned about Bai Ye and the forces behind Bai Ye.

Kama Taj, the base camp of magicians in the whole earth, almost [-]% of the magicians are from Kama Taj.

If that's the case, Nick Fury.... thinks nothing, because a club for a little special ability person will not make him feel any fear but before, he has seen white night The ability, coupled with the knowledge of... Apocalypse, made Nick Fury terrified.

You must know that Apocalypse is the first mutant. Most of the gods recorded in the history of myths are Apocalypse, such as Yahweh....... The top gods are actually from the white night. Incarnate.

Through understanding, Nick Fury got a very terrifying thing. If Apocalypse hadn't been stopped by the white night, he might have become the king of this world with Apocalypse's ability, just like thousands of years ago, he ruled the entire earth, and no one can any threat to him.

However, such a terrifying person was hanged and beaten by Bai Ye. This is the simplest concept. Apocalypse can rule the world, then Bai Ye can also be just that Bai Ye is not like Apocalypse and wants to rule the world. Although Bai Ye is not like Apocalypse. But as a top powerhouse, he is very indifferent to life, and coupled with Bai Ye's strength, Nick Fury is worried that if Bai Ye's relationship is made too rigid, it may not be possible for Bai Ye to kill them in the future.

After all, no one can guess the thoughts of the strong.

In this regard, Nick Fury has been thinking about it, if he can get back on good terms with Bai Ye.

Jingle Bell.

At the same time, a bell rang, it was the mobile phone on the table "What's the matter."

"Director, I just got the news that the research on the Rubik's Cube has made progress."

Hearing this sentence, Nick Fury immediately stood up and said, "Is it true?"

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