"It's absolutely true."

"Okay, wait for me, I'll go over now."

After speaking, Nick Fury hung up the phone and arranged for the people below to prepare for the plane.

The research lab of the Cube is not near here.


Chapter 114 The Mutation of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube [4]

In a certain base, a helicopter flew over from a distance and landed directly on the square.

It didn't take long for Nick Fury to open the door and walked straight down to meet them, two S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s high-level agents came over "How is the situation."

Nick Fury looked at the two agents in front of him and said in a deep voice, "Director Nick, the situation is a little bad, we can't control the situation of the universe cube now."

Hearing this, Nick Fury frowned, and then walked towards the inside, while a male agent chatted while walking.

"In a few hours, Professor Wigg discovered a force from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"The Aviation Administration did not authorize the professor to test the universe Rubik's cube."

"He didn't test at all. He was not in the room at the time, and in other places, this energy was automatically emitted. After confirming that it was out of control, I asked people to prepare to evacuate."

"How long will it take to evacuate."

"It may take a while, there's more equipment here."

"That makes people hurry up and don't lose the research data and the universe Rubik's cube."

After saying this, the two separated directly, and Nick Fury walked towards the depths.


Nick Fury came to the depths of this laboratory.

Inside, a young researcher in a white coat, holding an instrument, was testing the cosmic Rubik's Cube in the middle, and every touch caused a spark.

And next to the researcher stood an old man with gray hair and this person was...Professor Wigg, the researcher in charge of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Can you tell me what's going on now?"

Nick Fury walked over and asked Professor Wigg.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is of great importance and involves many plans. If there is something wrong with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he, the director of the S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Sir, the current situation is very bad, the Universe Rubik's Cube has become violent for some unknown reason, this is the first time I have discovered this situation since I took over.

'"What if the power is unplugged"

"No, sir, the universe cube itself is an energy. Even if we unplug the power supply, it will still turn on automatically. We can't control him, and his energy peak is about to reach its peak."

"Isn't this our plan to make the cosmic cube energy reach the top, so as to absorb the power from the universe."

"This is no good sir, we're not ready, we're not ready, and if it does peak, things may happen that we can't control."

Professor Wigg's face was heavy, looking at Nick Fury and said in a deep voice.

If it is normal research and let the Cosmos Magic Cube arrive, maybe he will be very happy, after all, this is according to his plan, but it has reached the peak for no reason, he can't accept this, because it has exceeded his expectations.

"What about Agent Patton?


Nick Fury asked, in addition to...the normal guards, Nick Fury also arranged S.H.I.E.L.D.


....one of the top secret agents, Hawkeye Patton.

Hawkeye is an ordinary person, without any special ability, but the ability to aim is very terrifying.

"Eagle boy? He's staying up there."

Professor Wig pointed to the upper back.

There was a man with a golden head standing there, his eyes staring sharply below, as if he was taking everything below into his eyes.

Nick Fury nodded to Hawkeye.

Suddenly, Hawkeye jumped down and followed Nick Fury.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube is very important and cannot be lost, you should not leave his surroundings.

""Standing high in the sky can better monitor what's below."

Hearing this, Nick Fury didn't bother to struggle with these entanglements, and asked straight to the point, "What's the situation recently? Are there any...special people who entered here, causing an abnormality in the Cube of the Universe."

"That's not... No, no strangers have come in recently, and there is no major abnormality in the pedestrians. It may be because of the Universe Rubik's Cube itself."

"It's impossible, after studying the Rubik's Cube for so long, this is the first time such an anomaly has occurred.

"If there was no other reason, Nick Fury wouldn't believe it.

You know, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... I have been studying the universe Rubik's cube for decades, and it is basically stable, and there is no abnormality at all.

And now that there is an abnormality in the universe Rubik's cube, there is no other reason, how could Nick Fury believe and intuitively tell Nick Fury that there must be something in all this.

At the same time, a researcher suddenly shouted "Professor, the pulse is here again."

Hearing this sentence, Nick Fury and Hawkeye stopped immediately.

At the same time, the two returned to the front of the universe cube.

Looking at the universe cube in front of him, Hawkeye touched his chin and said, "Sir, is the problem not with us, but somewhere else?"

"Not our problem"

"That's right, sir, is the universe cube a door to the universe? If it's true, it may be open on both sides, maybe someone just opened the door at the other end,"

As soon as these words fell, Nick Fury frowned.

He was about to say something for a while.

The Rubik's Cube generated a burst of energy, and the huge energy radiance covered the surroundings, shrouding the surroundings in a hazy blue light.

at the same time.

A blue beam of light shot out from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, hitting directly in the air, followed by a hazy blue beam of light that condensed directly into a silhouette.

The moment this figure appeared, an energy aftermath was immediately generated, swept away towards the surroundings, as if an incomparably powerful storm blew away the surroundings directly, and even someone was directly blown up and smashed to the ground.

It didn't take long for a figure to kneel directly on the ground. He was wearing weird clothes, his hair was dark, his eyes were bright, he was holding a scepter in his hand, and he looked around with deep eyes.

And this person is Loki, the god of tricks who disappeared in Asgard.

If Thor, the god of thunder, was here, he would probably be overjoyed to see Loki.

Because he thought Loki was dead.

But at this time, Nick Fury and Hawkeye were not very happy when they saw Loki.

After all, this person appears to be an enemy.

Chapter 115 Soul Gem [5]

"Sure enough."

Loki looked at the scene around him with some confusion, and then laughed in his heart, because he saw a blue crystal not far away.

That's his goal, the cosmic cube.

"Sir, please put down the spear.

' At this moment, Nick Fury looked at Loki, and said in a deep voice, Loki didn't think much, just waved the scepter in his hand, and suddenly a beam shot out, landing directly in a far corner, and suddenly A spark of death was aroused.

at the same time.

Seeing that Loki made his move, the surrounding agents also started to take out the firearms and fired at Loki.


Due to the system, although I was shot, it didn't cause much damage to Loki, but it was quite painful. I didn't think much about it. Loki waved his scepter once, and it didn't take long for countless beams to burst. It shot out, the surrounding instruments fell one after another, countless machines fell, and countless sparks were smashed.

Before long, there was chaos all around.

At this moment, Hawkeye wanted to resist, but Loki saw it first and rushed over, and the scepter was directly fixed on his chest.

The mind gem on the scepter suddenly exuded a burst of energy, which directly swept Hawkeye's mind and covered his spiritual power.

In an instant, Hawkeye was controlled and became Loki's subordinate.

This is the ability of the mind gem, through the energy of the gem, it can hypnotize other people and make others become their subordinates.

At this time, Nick Fury was very clever. Seeing that the opportunity was not good, he hurriedly took a box and was about to take the universe cube and run away. Unfortunately, he wanted to hold the universe cube. Loki noticed.

"I need this thing, if you don't want to die then let it go."

"There's no need to be so nervous."

"Sorry, it's necessary, I came all the way here just for this thing, and I'll be very troubled if you take it away.

"Speaking of this, Loki paused for a moment and continued, "My name is Loki, I come from the realm of the gods, and I have a great mission that you can't understand."

As soon as these words came out, Nick Fury frowned and the identity of this mysterious person seemed a bit strange, and according to Loki, the realm of the gods may be from a certain race of aliens in the universe! Nick Fury is no stranger, because He had been in contact with aliens a long time ago.

"Loki, are you Thor's friend?"

At this time, when he heard that Loki came from God's Domain, Professor Wig, who was beside him, seemed to remember something and got up and said.

Professor Wig also came into contact with Thor, the god of thunder. When Thor was confused, it was...they were with them.

So I also know something about Thor's origins.

Loki glanced at Professor Wig, and immediately shot the scepter, instantly controlling the old guy Professor Wig. He had met, and when Thor came to the earth, he had also secretly visited the earth, and at the same time knew some things about Thor.

"We have no enmity or enmity with you, why do you have to make the relationship so stiff."

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