Nick Fury looked at Loki and said solemnly.

"The ants under your feet have no enmity or enmity with you."

Loki replied indifferently, "What do you mean, want to trample us to death?"

"Actually, my arrival is very good news for you, I can lead you to a world without lies and freedom, where everyone can be satisfied, and it is a world of absolute peace.

""Peace in your mouth makes me think of antonyms."

As an old fox, how could Nick Fury believe Loki's one-sided words.

What's more, Loki looks like... the comer is not good, if there is no special purpose, Nick Fury will not believe that he is killed "Boss, Nick Fury is delaying time, this place will explode very soon, not going out. material, it may bury all of us in a few hundred meters of soil.”

At the same time, Hawkeye suddenly stood up and said to Loki.

"It's only a few minutes before it blows up completely, and if we don't leave sooner, we're all going to die."

At the same time, Professor Wig also came out and said.

After being controlled by the scepter, the two have become Loki's slaves, and everything will only think for Loki.

Hearing this, Loki showed a smile.

"You are very smart, but soon you will regret why you are so smart."

After finishing speaking, Loki directly commanded the accepted agent and shot Nick Fury directly.

At the same time, several people left directly with the box containing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

at the same time.

in a house in New York.

Bai Ye was lying on the sofa, holding potato chips in his hand, watching TV series happily.

Since he has been away for a long time, the dramas he followed before have been updated a lot. As for Diana in another room, Xiao Hei taught her some knowledge of the world.

After these days of teaching, Diana has gradually become familiar with this world. Although she is still not used to it, it is estimated that it will not be long before Diana can fully integrate into this world and become a member of this world.

"The universe cube is moving, it seems that Loki has come over."

Bai Ye put down the potato chips, and said to himself that the energy of the universe cube had been absorbed by him long ago, and only a 1-dimensional rough stone was left inside. As for the energy outside, Bai Ye filled it with space energy. The ability of some space, but it has no connection with the previous energy for a long time.

At the same time, after the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was attacked by Bai Ye, once there was any change, he could sense it himself.

Just now, there was a change in the universe Rubik's Cube, attracted by an inexplicable force, and directly opened the door of space. According to Bai Ye's understanding, it is obvious that this should be Loki's hand and according to Bai Ye's estimation, the plot of Fulianyi is also It's almost time to start.

"I don't know if the original Avengers can gather together this time."

The rest will join the Avengers, but Bai feels normal, after all, three of the first-generation Avengers are S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Yes, one is from God's Domain, and this time the enemy to deal with is Loki, that... is his younger brother, Thor will definitely not refuse, Hulk's words, more persuasion is probably fine, but only steel Tony Stark, the hero, may have some accidents. After all, the current Tony is not... the previous Tony, the current Tony is devoted to researching magic technology, how could he have the intention to join the Avengers, and at the same time he is interested in... S.H.I.E.L.D.


....haven't been very impressed.

"It's time to work, bring the original soul stone, and my plan can go further."

Bai Ye stretched his waist, ready to take action, and brought the soul gem over. For this day, he had waited for a long time.


Chapter 116 Giving you a chance is useless [1]

"Loki, this guy seems to have just got the universe Rubik's Cube."

Bai Ye waved his right hand, and a mirror appeared. The mirror was showing a group of Loki. At this time, Loki brought Hawkeye and a group of Professor Vig, who had just left the S.H.I.E.L.D.


The research base of .... was killed. It is estimated that the next step is to find a place to study the cosmic Rubik's Cube, and at the same time create a space gate that opens the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and bring all the army of the Qitarui people over. The gems are mine first.

"Bai Ye smiled, and then the space was torn apart, and the whole figure disappeared.

At this time, on a certain street, Loki was holding a box, and next to him stood Hawkeye and Professor Wig, and several people were trying to find a way to temporarily hide as one of the top secret agents. Hawkeye, after being controlled by the Mind Gem, quickly became Loki's pony, trying his best to help Loki. At this time, they almost found a hiding place, and only Hawkeye knows that place for the time being.

"There is someone ahead."

Hawkeye's eyesight is very good, and his eyes are extremely sharp, and he immediately saw a figure standing at the side dozens of meters ahead, as if he was waiting for them.

"Several people"

Loki asked.

"Just one person."

"It's just one person, why be afraid, if he dares to resist, he will be killed directly."

Hearing that it was just one person, Loki showed a smile and walked up calmly.

However, Professor Wig was behind him. Although he was not afraid of bullets.... But Professor Wig was not necessarily. After all, Professor Wig was just an ordinary person, and this The old guy is another important candidate for Loki to study the Rubik's Cube.

"It's you.

"After getting closer, Loki's face suddenly turned ugly. He will never forget this figure. If it wasn't for his intervention, perhaps the king of Asgard was... him.

"To take refuge in Thanos, Loki, you are really going back as you live. Don't you know that when Thanos wanted to attack Asgard, he was directly beaten back by your father?" Bai Ye raised his head slightly and looked in front of him. Loki, said softly.

Although he knew that Loki would take refuge in Thanos, even the scepter in Loki's hand, which was his goal this time, was given to Loki by Thanos.

But thinking of the time when Thanos was hammered by Odin, Bai Ye still felt a little funny.

"He's not a father!"

Loki's face darkened and he said through gritted teeth.

Only after the failure of the plan, Loki and the others did not have a good impression. Although they still admitted them in their hearts, they were not forgiving and would not admit to Odin and the others. "You are right to say so, after all, Odin is not your biological son. "

Speaking of which, Bai Ye seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Loki with a smile, "Speaking of which, I'm yours.

After all, your biological father was crushed to death by my own hands."

"court death."

Loki roared angrily, and immediately instructed the person who accepted him to attack Bai Ye.

huh huh huh.

Hawkeye opened the box in an instant, a bow and arrow appeared, he quickly pulled the bow and shot an arrow toward Bai Ye, this was not an ordinary arrow, but a mysterious explosive that would cause a violent explosion if caught.

And Loki was not idle either, the scepter in his hand was swung out, and a blue light beam shot out, like a laser across the night sky instantly.

"You dare to use this little trick in front of me.

' Bai Ye sneered and didn't move, but the space in front of him seemed to have a magic power.

In an instant, these attacks were directly stagnant in front of Bai Ye, followed by a roar, many attacks exploded one after another.

Seeing this scene, Loki's face turned black, then he turned around and disappeared in place.

As for the Hawkeyes, they are still there: launching attacks, but their attacks are destined to be useless, like children playing a house, they can't cause any harm to Bai Ye.

"Don't you just want to control me? Come and I'll give you a chance, come out."

Bai Ye said indifferently, and then rubbed his right hand towards the side.

Loki fell directly from the air, as if a powerful force directly tore him apart.

"This guy is really tough."

Loki's face turned black. He had faced many people, but Bai Ye was the only one who had a deep memory on him. Even Thanos didn't give him such a feeling. Thanos was domineering and unparalleled. But Bai Ye is mysterious and unpredictable, as if his life is seized by Bai Ye all the time, and there is no room for him to play at all.

"Come on, don't you want to control me through Thanos' scepter? I'll give you a chance."

Bai Ye chuckled and grabbed Loki directly, even without Loki coming over, he straightened his chest and motioned for Loki to do it.


Loki swallowed his saliva. Now he is only one step away from Bai Ye. As long as he raises his hand slightly, the scepter in his hand can touch Bai Ye. He doesn't even need any other action. He can control Bai Ye. Thinking of Bai Ye's terrifying strength, Loki's eyes are a little hot. If he can control Bai Ye, let alone Earth and God's Domain, even in the face of Thanos, he may have the power to fight and even he may be able to surpass it. Odin, who became the most terrifying person in the history of God's Domain, expanded the territory of God's Domain to other galaxies, and even conquered the entire universe is not necessarily impossible.

"How do you know that this scepter belongs to Thanos? According to the current technology of the earth, there is no way to access news outside the universe."

"Do I still need to know about this thing? Back then, I beat Thanos,"

Bai Ye showed a sneer, it wasn't him who bragged, he once traveled in the universe and met Thanos on the way, Ebony Maw made a move on him, and then was directly subdued by him. As for Thanos, if he didn't have a soul gem, He was also pressed and beaten by him, but he used the Mind Gem behind to let Bai Ye leave. Otherwise, it is estimated that there would be nothing to do with Thanos.

"I believe you are a ghost."

At the same time, Loki gave a cold drink, raised his hand instantly, the scepter was directly fixed on Bai Ye's chest, and the mind gem at the top suddenly exuded an inexplicable power.

Seeing this scene, Loki showed a triumphant smile, his plan was successful, and Bai Ye was controlled by him.

But soon, he raised his head, and his face froze when he saw Bai Ye's application.

Because he saw Bai Ye smiling at him.

: Today's update may be a little late, but there will be no less updates. The daily five-shift guarantee is guaranteed, and I am asking for a wave of flowers and rewards.

Chapter 117 So hi, it seems to have reached the pinnacle of life [2]

"Hey, do you feel that you have reached the pinnacle of your life, do you feel that you have controlled me, and then you can conquer the earth, conquer the realm of the gods as you wish, and even destroy a group of Thanos and become the overlord of the universe.

Bai Ye looked at Loki with a smile.

What Loki thinks, Bai Ye does not need to activate spiritual magic, he can guess it.

This guy is an ambitious person, and he is also very smart, but the use of this kind of smartness is not very good.

Loki's face froze, basically he was guessed right by Bai Ye, and he did have this idea just now.

It's just that after being told by Bai Ye now, even though Loki is a bit cheeky, he can't stand it, and he feels very ashamed, although not to the point where he wants to dig and don't want to see people.

"Why, this scepter is useless to you."

Loki said in a low voice.

He really couldn't figure it out, Thanos relied on this scepter, but he has been making waves in the universe for many years, and even some enemies who are not weaker than Thanos have been recruited because of this scepter.

So Loki thinks that as long as he touches Bai Ye, he can basically control Bai Ye. "This thing is indeed somewhat invincible, but it depends on who is using it. If you give it to the people in Setorak, maybe it will be a little bit better for me. Use, don't think about it, even if Thanos comes, it's useless, it's also a dead product."

In front of Loki's eyes, Bai Ye raised his head and plucked the gem on the scepter directly. Loki wanted to stop it, but found that he couldn't move, as if something was restraining him, preventing him from moving. It's set right there.

"I wonder if anyone other than...the Chitauris will take action this time."

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