Putting away the mind gem, Bai Ye's fingertips showed a touch of luster, and then clicked on Loki's forehead.

Suddenly, Loki found in panic that his mind seemed to have entered a powerful force, which directly swept into his head.

"what have you done."

Loki's eyes flashed with fear, and his mouth moved slightly, although he couldn't make a sound.

"Just check your memory."

Bai Ye glanced at Loki, then pulled his fingertips, and a clear white line was pulled out.

at the same time.

The surrounding space began to change, turning directly into mirrors, suspended directly around the two of them. There were many mirrors, and the number was innumerable. It is estimated that there are at least hundreds of mirrors. .

And these...Mirrors are like monitors, showing some pictures.

And these pictures, Loki is very familiar with because this is his memory.

"He can actually check my memory."

Seeing this scene, Loki's heart was full of fear, his eyes had no other color except... fear, and even his body trembled involuntarily, full of many means of fearing the white night, let Loki Ji, the god of tricks, felt a fear from the bottom of his heart. Even if he faced Thanos, he had never experienced this fear. Although he was afraid of Thanos, it would not make Loki tremble when he saw him. But this time , Loki was frightened, and regretted, he regretted very much, why did he come to provoke this terrible person.

Why do you want to provoke it? It’s not good to go back to God’s Domain and admit your mistakes. Although you may become a prisoner, at least…………I can live with peace of mind? Restless.

"It's interesting, the ebony throat actually came."

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a smile.

Looking at Loki's memory, I just want to see if there is any change. After all, his appearance will inevitably change these...... The plot changes, it is impossible to be the same as when he watched the movie before, Find it according to the plot.

As the saying goes, a single butterfly can cause a storm, and he, a super butterfly, may naturally make a big turbulence, but now the turbulence is not big, because only the ebony throat is added. A few years ago, the white night can be Hanging and beating the ebony throat, as for now, with the ebony throat in front of him, it is estimated that if he moves his fingers, this guy will explode.

"He actually knew Ebony Throat"

Loki was a little surprised, but when he thought of what Bai Ye said just now, Loki felt that he knew it was normal. After all, even Thanos knew about it, how could he not know about Thanos' right-hand man, Ebony Throat?

"Speaking of which, Loki, your luck is also bad. Thanos was knocked over by your father several times. As for this ebony throat, he was killed several times in seconds. If Thanos had not paid the price, he must have saved the ebony throat, this guy. already dead.


Bai Ye said indifferently upon hearing the words, Loki's eyes dimmed a little.

He believed these words, and based on Bai Ye's current ability, he believed that Ebony Maw came in person, and he was probably beaten by Bai Ye.

It's just that Loki can't figure it out, Bai Ye is just an ordinary person, why does he have such a powerful power.

This power, it is estimated that he and his adoptive father Odin are on the same level.

If Odin knew that Loki thought this way, he would have come over from the realm of the gods quickly, and directly hammer Loki, don't put gold on your father's face.

After reading Loki's memory, Bai Ye found that there was no other news except... an ebony throat. The plan was as he expected. Thanos wanted to get the universe cube through Loki. Then I want to use the energy of the universe cube to let the Qitarians descend on the earth, and the ebony throat joins the combat force, as the top combat force to prevent everything and the ebony throat will come, that's because of him, the guy Loki , after seeing that he killed his biological father in seconds, he felt that he was very dangerous, so he told Thanos, maybe after hearing the news, Wu Muhou remembered the humiliation that Bai Ye brought him back then, and then worked hard to destroy him. I recommend you to fight for yourself.

For all of this, Bai Ye is...it doesn't matter. After all, there is only one more ebony throat. With the strength of the ebony throat, even if there are ten 10s, it is useless. .

And when the ebony throat came over, it was estimated that he would be even more desperate.

: daily, evaluation ticket,.

Readers, let's have some flower evaluation tickets or something, there are really few Lu

Chapter 118 He is hundreds of times more dangerous than Loki [3]

Bai Ye took the Mind Stone and left without doing anything to Loki.

As for Loki, he was paralyzed, lying directly on the ground, murmuring in despair, "It's over, it's over."

The gem of the scepter was held, and Loki could almost foresee the anger of Thanos, and it was very likely that he would directly take out his anger and kill him directly. Even if Thanos didn't do anything, it is estimated that Thanos' horse boy would not be able to bear it. live.

After all, before the plan was successful, he directly lost his most important weapon.

Thinking of this, Loki felt a little numb in his scalp and felt that his life was gloomy. As for Bai Ye's actions, Loki couldn't raise a trace of resentment. Only heavy surrender.

Because the blow was so great that even Loki didn't notice the Hawkeyes, because Bai Ye was holding the Mind Stone, he returned to his status quo.

Hawkeye, who first recovered, was stunned for a moment, then winked at the surrounding agents.

Although they were a little confused at the beginning of the recovery, the agents came to their senses. As for Dr. Wig, he wanted to cry out, but he was quickly subdued by the agents. Slowly approached Loki.

For Loki, the culprit, Hawkeye doesn't want to give up all of this, and the arrival of Loki makes Hawkeye feel that this person who claims to be from God's Domain may know something they don't know, and even can help God Shield.


....solve the puzzle of the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Go on.

Under the situation that he was already close to Loki, Hawkeye immediately gave an order decisively, and several people rushed over to control Loki's limbs, so that Loki could not move.

At first, Loki struggled, but after being controlled, Loki became a little angry, but was directly suppressed by several people.

"Professor Vig, call Chief Nick Fury, ask him to bring someone over, and tell him we've got Loki."

"oh oh."

Hearing this, Professor Wig quickly took out his cell phone and made a call. Although he didn't know Nick Fury's cell phone number, he was a S.H.I.E.L.D.


...the agent's phone number, he still knows.

"Loki, you've been arrested."

Hawkeye stared at Loki, and said in a deep voice, "If that person hadn't shot, it's up to you to touch me too"

Loki's face was ugly, and he roared at Hawkeye.

This is simply a shame, if he is caught by Bai Ye or his elder brother, he would not... think it's nothing, after all, his skills are not as good as others, but he is caught by Hawkeye... ...... Ordinary human beings caught, it would be very embarrassing, after all, the strength of the two is not on the same level.

And if this news spreads to Divine Realm, he will also be scorned.

"Even if what you said is hysterical, it has changed that you are now caught by us."

As top agents, they are very calm and don't care what Loki said. Although they did take advantage of it, what does it matter? They are agents, as long as they complete the task , by any means.

at the same time.

On a tall building in the distance, Bai Ye looked at the scene below and couldn't help shaking his head, "Loki is indeed a bit of a waste. If Odin found out, he would probably explode."

Leaving this sentence, Bai Ye didn't bother to read it, so he directly opened the door of space and left the place.

At the same time, in a secret space, Nick Fury looked calm, and there was a figure in front of several monitors, and these people were Nick Fury's boss.

He is the highest-level figure in this country, and decides the direction of most of this country. "Chief Nick, you are playing with fire."

A cold voice came from the monitor.

Hearing this, Nick Fury's face didn't change, and he calmly replied, "Have you ever fought a real war, Mr. Senator?"

"Who are you, is God's Domain going to declare war on Earth? I remember that guy, not alone."

"No, our enemy this time is only Loki, and according to the information we got, Loki's brother Thor has no ill will towards us, and he is far away and can't help us, so only We can rely on ourselves.

""I think your energy should be anyway...the second stage, in this case, it will help our current situation."

"The second stage is still immature, and I don't think it can help us with our current situation. It may even lead to being enemies with other people, but it may cause even greater disasters for us."

Nick Fury replied.

In order to deal with the mysterious force, Nick Fury has designated many plans, one of which is the Avengers, an organization that assembles various strange heroes, although belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., but not much control over... heroes, and the other is... controlling these... heroes, but Nick Fury feels that their current plans are not Mature, if you want to control these... heroes, it's basically impossible, after all, they all have powers that ordinary people don't have.

"And I'm not trying to start the Avengers plan, I need to deal with the current plan, Mr. Senator."

"I've seen your list, but you control the world's most elite spy organization, but you hand over the fate of the earth to a few freaks. Do you think it's a little wrong?"

"I didn't hand over the fate of the earth to anyone, but we now need a team to deal with. Although each of them is in their own way, their personalities are not very good, and they may even get out of control, but they can help us now."

"Your idea is really good, but maybe you don't need so many people. We can approve you to find Bai Ye, Chief Nick. You should be familiar with this person."

Hearing this sentence, Nick Fury's face changed greatly, and he couldn't help scolding, "Mr. Congressman, I advise to give up this idea, the existence of Bai Ye is not something that anyone can touch, and his danger is hundreds of thousands more dangerous than Loki. times."

Nick Fury is really troubled, these guys are thinking about what Loki has not solved, and they want to provoke Bai Ye, don't you know how terrifying Bai Ye is? And according to his understanding of these people, if it is impossible to recruit Bai Ye, it is estimated that he wants to force If this happens, Nick Fury can almost imagine that all the high-level officials in this country will be replaced within a day.

:, evaluation vote, reward or something, if there is a monthly ticket, you can vote for one more

Chapter 119 The arrogance of ignorance [4]

Nick Fury said these words, and the faces of several high-level executives suddenly turned dark. They can't provoke on this earth. There are still people they can't provoke, not to mention, it's just one person, what's there to be afraid of.

"Director Nick, pay attention to your words."

A slightly fat male high-level man narrowed his eyes and looked at Nick Fury and said coldly.

There is no doubt that Nick Fury's words just now made him a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Congressman, my words may have been a bit extreme just now, but I don't think I said anything wrong.


Nick Fury's face darkened and he groaned.

Although these people are all his bosses, in order to stop these people from thinking crazy, he feels that he has to be tough once, otherwise, these guys really do stupid things and directly move Bai Ye, then the consequences will be unimaginable, Not to mention Loki, it is estimated that even if ten 10 Loki came over, it would not be as big of a threat as Bai Ye alone.

Because the more he understands Bai Ye's existence, the more he understands that at this moment on the planet, anyone can offend anyone, but only Bai Ye can't offend.

Otherwise, it is a dead end.

"According to the information you gave, Bai Ye is just a magician, maybe this is just a pretense, maybe he is just a mutant, just a mutant, it makes you not calm, Director Nick, I think you are right. Bai Ye is too afraid, even though his ability is very strong, he is only an ant in the face of the power of the country,"

A senior said coldly.

Obviously, Nick Fury's remarks just now made him feel very unhappy, and even couldn't hold his face.

"I think it's a bit exaggerated. If his threat is bigger than Loki, then we don't need to assemble the application team. It's better to invite Bai Ye directly, or even if we can invite him to become S.H.I.E.L.D.


... The people among them, Director Nick Fury, your Avengers alliance plan can also be held as scheduled, after all, with such a person in charge, I believe that none of the people in the Avengers list dare to resist."

If I can invite you, do I still need to talk to you here? Nick Fury can't help laughing and laughing, if Bai Ye is really as easy as they say, he won't be here with these...  ..what a push.

After all, Bai Ye's strength is there, as long as they can cooperate, wouldn't the Avengers in the list be easily captured?

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