"Members of Congress, Bai Ye's character is rather eccentric, and it is... best for us not to disturb him, and if you are invited, you don't have to think about it, he can't agree at all. At the same time, I advise you not to If you want to use the power of the country to move him, his power is enough to destroy the country in an instant."

Nick Fury explained.


"There is no other country in this world that can be compared."

"Director Nick, are you a little old too?

Are you afraid of...something?"

For.. Nick Fury............, the layers don't believe a single one.

If Bai Ye is really that strong, the people who are sitting here talking to Nick Fury might be these people, and the high-level positions have been sitting for a long time, making these people sit in the sky and watch the sky.

I always feel that no one in this world is more noble than them, and no one is stronger than them.

Even those...powerful mutants, although powerful, what use is it not afraid of their power and these....fear, all from the powerful country behind them.

"I don't know, ladies and gentlemen, if you know about the apocalypse."

Seeing these people still didn't believe it, it seemed that he wanted to provoke Bai Ye, Nick Fury had some headaches, so he could only move Apocalypse out.

"What do you want to say, Chief Nick."

Apocalypse and the others are no strangers. A few years ago, they wanted to destroy the whole world and become the master of the world, but for some unknown reason, after Apocalypse destroyed a city, he suddenly disappeared.

Could it be that at almost the same instant, several high-level executives thought of something and frowned.

"Does the apocalypse... have enough power to destroy us?" Nick Fury asked rhetorically. "Of course there is."

Although a few people are a little arrogant, but they have seen Tianqi's ability, if they want to destroy them, it is really possible. After all, Tianqi's ability is a bit against the sky, and it can destroy a city in an instant. This ability alone, they can't stop it.

"However, someone as powerful as Tian Qi was killed by Bai Ye in the end. In the battle between the two, Tian Qi was like a puppet, played by Bai Ye, in the palm of his hand."

"Members of the Congress, as strong as Apocalypse can't do anything in front of Bai Ye, what do you think we can do for... Bai Ye?"

"Do nothing. Although saying these words hurts a little bit, the truth is... In this way, if we really fight against Bai Ye, then we can only accept death in fear and can't do anything."

After saying these words, Nick Fury stared at these... arrogant congressmen, who said nothing without speaking, Nick Fury felt that these congressmen should also understand, who You can provoke, but who can't provoke.

Unsurprisingly, the MPs gave in.

"Cough, come according to your plan, the Avengers plan can be carried out, but first of all, we must ensure that they cannot have too much influence on the surrounding, and if they get out of control, they must immediately.


Hearing that Bai Ye was so terrifying, the executives could avoid the topic of Bai Ye and stop talking directly, but talked about Nick Fury's needs just now.

Hearing that these congressmen also gave in, Nick Fury was relieved to have Loki as his enemy, but he felt nothing, after all, there was a way to deal with it.

But facing the white night, he really couldn't think of any way.

In the end, Nick Fury got the approval, and his own Avengers plan can also be started.

Just after the meeting was over, Nick Fury walked out of the room and immediately received a call from an agent, "Chief Nick, Loki has been caught, and now he's in the headquarters."


Chapter 120 You Can Command, I Can Eat A Ton Of Shit [1/7]

"Loki was caught, how did he get caught."

Nick Fury was stunned. He had just applied to the top management to form an Avengers team to deal with Loki, and now he had just walked out of the room and told him that Loki had been caught.

What's the point, since Loki has been captured, what's the use of the Avengers squad he's going to form.

"Director Nick, this situation is a bit complicated. Why don't you come here, Director, but Hawkeye and Professor Wigg are back."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Nick Fury was non-stop and arranged transportation directly to the headquarters.

Loki was caught, this matter was too important to them, and he wanted to know immediately why Loki was caught.

According to their previous fight, Loki has the ability to control people. As long as ordinary people are touched by the scepter, they will become Loki's own subordinates. Basically, no one can enter Loki's body. Professor Wig is back, what's the matter? "Did someone shoot it?" Someone must have shot it, otherwise, they will rely on S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the agents at the headquarters will never be able to catch Loki, after all, Loki can get rid of S.H.I.E.L.D.


....a research distribution swaggering away, then it says, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s agents couldn't keep Loki at all and said that it was left by his own agents. Nick Fury couldn't believe it when he killed him. Nick Fury knew very well how many pounds and taels of his subordinates. It's not bad to deal with ordinary people. , It is of no use at all to deal with someone with strange abilities like Loki.

After a long time, Nick Fury hurried to S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... at the entrance of the headquarters At this time, someone was already waiting for him, "What is the situation, tell me quickly, I want the details."

Meet, Nick Fury asked straight to the point.

"Sir, according to the information I have now, it seems that Agent Patton and Professor Wigg broke free from Loki's control for some reason, and then grabbed Loki in one fell swoop"

"Is it that simple?"

Hearing this, Nick Fury stopped, so how could he believe in him? Several people broke loose from Loki's control and then grabbed it. How is this possible.

"Sir, of course not. When they regained consciousness, Loki lay directly on the ground and couldn't move. It seemed that he was severely injured by someone, so he gave several agents a chance to Patton."

"What do you mean, did someone shoot Loki?"

"Yes, and we found that one of the gems in Loki's scepter was missing. That person's goal is estimated to be... the gem of the scepter, but who it is, we don't know for the time being. We asked Loki, and he didn't say anything. Who came out, seems to be very afraid of... that person."

Speaking of which, the agent's tone was heavy, and even the characters were terrified. It is conceivable how terrifying the mystery...they didn't know.

Soon, several people came to a room.

Inside, Loki was confined to one son. As for Hawkeye and Professor Wig, they were standing by, staring at Loki, and there were several agents beside him who kept asking Loki.


"Hello sir."

As soon as Nick Fury came in, there was no question mark in the room except for Loki who was stuck on the stool, and the rest of the people put down their things and looked at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury nodded, then walked to Hawkeye's side, "What happened and how did you catch Loki."

Hawkeye was also a little helpless, and said, "Speaking of which, it's a little strange, when we were awake, Loki was already lying on the ground, and the gem of his scepter was gone, it is estimated that someone took a fancy to him and took Loki by the way. Key is defeated."

"It's so easy, but who is the one who defeated Loki."

Nick Fury's eyebrows twitched, Loki's strength is unquestionable, very few people on this earth are his opponents, and he even thinks that even if Iron Man comes out, it may not be Loki's opponent "Is it him?"

Nick Fury thought to himself, he suddenly thought of a person, if it was that person, it would be extremely easy to punish Loki, and the only person on earth who could easily defeat Loki was that person, and the rest would not work.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury walked up to Loki.

Looking at Loki, he said, "We meet again, Divine Realm Loki."

"It turned out to be you, that bald head. I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect your life to be so good."

Loki raised his head slightly, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and then smiled.

He vaguely remembered giving Nick Fury a shot. According to human beings, he was basically killed by one shot, but Loki understood that he could become the head of an agent and had some strange abilities.

"You should be more concerned about yourself than me. I heard that the most important gem in your weapon was lost."

"And you were taught a lesson before you walked out of our door. To be honest, I think you are a little miserable."

To tell the truth, Loki was blocked, which was something Nick Fury didn't expect. According to his idea, Loki took Professor Hawkeye Wigg and left with the Cube. It is estimated that it will bring trouble to them soon. For this, Nick Fury He even wanted to form an Avengers team, but he didn't think that he had just been agreed to form an Avengers team, and Loki was beaten, and the most important weapon was gone.

"Hey, these are small things, it's just that I underestimate the enemy. Sooner or later, I will find my way back."

"And you don't think you can trap me in this place."

Loki sneered.

He was beaten before he even walked out of the door. It was really embarrassing, but Loki was notoriously thick-skinned. No matter how Nick Fury taunted, he was a little unhappy in his heart, but he still wouldn't show it on his face.

"It's true that you can't be trapped here, but I just want to tell you that the person who intercepted you was sent by me."

"Did you send it out? Don't put gold on your face. The identity of that person is on this planet, and no one can command it."

Loki sneered, he is not a fool, how could he be frightened by Nick Fury's poor conversation skills, and Nick Fury can really command the white night, he can eat a ton of shit, any shit.

: Thank you for your support all the time, I will try it every seven days and see if it works

Chapter 121 The Heart of the Universe [2/7]

"Director Nick, some things can't be said nonsense, although I was taught by that person, that's because I'm not as good as others, although I'm angry, but I'm very convinced, after all, I'm really not his opponent, but if he knows you say What do you think that person will think about this?"

Loki turned his back on the guest, sneered again and again, looked at Nick Fury, and turned back directly.

Even trying to threaten me like this would be too disrespectful to me, the god of tricks.

"Oh, Mr. Rocky, why are you nervous, I didn't say who it was."

Nick Fury subconsciously wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. If Bai Ye really knew that he was using his reputation to intimidate Loki, according to his understanding, it might have some unpredictable effects.

Now Nick Fury is keeping a distance from Bai Ye, hoping not to offend him, no matter what the problem, after all, Bai Ye's strength is there, and it is more terrifying than the threat of a nuclear bomb.

"Hey"' Loki sneered again and again, without answering, just too lazy to look at Nick Fury.

If you want to threaten me, if you want to lie to me, you have to use a smarter method.

Don't use this crude method, in the end it will not threaten me, but embarrass yourself.

In the end, no matter what Nick Fury said, Loki never revealed anything.

This made Nick Fury very uncomfortable, and he had no choice but to make his people watch Loki closely.

Watching Nick Fury go away, a gleam appeared in Loki's eyes, "Wait, I guess I'll be able to leave."

This kind of ordinary imprisonment, it is impossible to tie him, even the prison of God's Domain, can't trap him, let alone here.

the other side.

When Bai Ye came home, he comforted some Diana to sleep in her room.

Immediately, he sat on the sofa in the hall, playing with the Mind Gem in his right hand.

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