The Mind Gem is covered in yellow, like a yellow diamond. It shows splendid brilliance in all directions. It is very beautiful. Regardless of his ability, even if it is sold as an ordinary gem, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of people will flock to it, because this thing is a bit big. , and it is very dazzling, generally rich people like this kind of things, shiny gold.

"System, work, deduce the mind and play with the mind gem. Bai Ye's heart calls out the infinite gem of the system, which has only one use for him, deduces his ability through the system, and then turns it into his own ability. It can be said that he himself has become a The infinity gem, like the space gem and the time gem are... so the ability of the two gems merges into time and space.. a new type of power is born, but still he has the ability of two gems and now if there are other three 3 gems In his hand, Bai Ye can use the power of six Infinity Gems without even needing Infinity Gloves, and with a snap of his fingers, half of the universe disappears.

"Ding, the deduction of the Mind Gem begins, fifty data points per second, do you want to confirm."


Bai Ye didn't even think about it directly. Although fifty o'clock in a second is still very expensive, compared to his plan, all of this is nothing. It's not good to earn it back after the mere fifty o'clock in a second. There is also a huge hell plane in the back as his trunk.

If there are no more data points, then go to the plane of hell and kill those demon gods like pigs.

"Space gem, time gem, mind gem, now I have the power of three gems, and I still have the power of three gems. At that time, maybe I can deduce the heart of the universe."

The Infinity Stone is an artifact for many people, but for Bai Ye, the Infinity Stone is like a tool to improve the plan in his heart.

According to his expectations, six Infinity Stones, plus a broken cosmic will, may be able to deduce the real cosmic heart, making him the master of the cosmic heart, or even put it another way, the cosmic heart has become his ability.

Once the deduction is successful, not to mention the life court at that time, even if it is a transcendent, he may not be afraid.

As for Mephisto.... The Demon God can't be his opponent. "The Infinity Stone is not in a hurry, but the broken will of the universe may have to be carefully calculated."

Bai Ye touched his chin and secretly said in his heart.

Sooner or later, he can collect the Infinity Stones. After all, these gems have some whereabouts. It is easy to collect them, but the will of the universe is a little more difficult. This thing is not like the Infinity Stones.

The will of the universe is different. This thing has no substance. It is like the rules of a world and requires a very special method to contact it.

And not every universe produces a cosmic will.

Just like this universe, although there are many multiverses, it is very difficult to obtain the will of the universe.

At least...he knows that although the beholder has destroyed hundreds of universes, he still hasn't encountered the will of the universe, and the same is true of Setorak. Through the will of the universe, even after the destruction of the universe, they still did not meet.

"Maybe this small universe will not give birth to the cosmic will, or that there is only one cosmic will in this universe, then it is the supreme existence in Marvel, he represents the entire Marvel universe, and it is the rule in the entire Marvel universe. Masters everything in Marvel.

"If there is only one cosmic will in the Marvel universe, then I think the idea of ​​deducing the cosmic heart is a bit of a waste. If it doesn't work, I have to change the method, or I can go to another world.

Bai Ye suddenly thought that he still has a way to go out of the Marvel Universe.

If there is really only one will of the universe, then it is absolutely impossible for him to obtain the will of the universe, at least...... In the Marvel universe, but if you go to other worlds, it may be somewhat Possibilities aside, in some extremely small worlds, there must be a cosmic will, even if the strength is weaker than him. After all, different worlds have different powers, and the cosmic will is not really strong. Invincible.


Chapter 122 That guy is a weirdo [3/7]

"If you have time, you can go to other worlds to see if you can get a ray of cosmic will."

The will of the universe is related to his future evolution. This must be obtained. After all, if the heart of the universe is deduced, in the entire Marvel universe, his strength may be weaker than Chao Chao and the two guys, and may even be stronger than Chao Chao. even stronger.

Therefore, he must obtain the will of the universe, but it is not now. After all, he is still early. He has not obtained the six 66 Infinity Stones, and he does not have enough data points. If he wants to deduce the heart of the universe, Bai Ye has to estimate. Now, it is estimated that there is no preparation for [-] million, and it is estimated that it is not realistic.

Therefore, for data points, he must and also need to obtain a little "universal will, data points, if there is a chance, maybe he can capture a demon in the hell plane to be my data point supplier."

Although the demand for data points is massive, Bai Ye still has some certainty. The demons in the hell plane are too big, and their power belongs to the special energy required for data points. If he can absorb some demon gods, he may be able to supplement it. Of course, it would be even better if it were the guys from Setorak.

After all, those guys have some amazing energy.

"Maybe let the teacher help me pay attention to whether there is... a suitable demon.

"Thinking of this, Bai Ye tears the space directly.

In an instant, he came to the space where Kama Taj guarded the different dimension.

"whats the matter."

Gu Yi was like, sitting on the high ground on the ground, and opened his eyes at the moment when the white night came.

"It's not really that big of a deal."

Bai Ye scratched his head and said: "I just want the teacher to pay attention to the attacks of the demon gods in the dimension. If it is the kind of... weaker than the demon gods of the same realm as Dormammu, tell me that they are of some use to me.

"Do you want to kill them?"

Killing Demon Gods, Bai Ye and Gu Yi have done a lot in the past, a Demon God lower than Heavenly Father's level, once they come over, they will encounter Bai Ye and Gu Yi's cooperation and be killed in one fell swoop.

However, this situation did not last long, because there were a lot of kills, and some demon gods on the hell plane were dissatisfied, so in the end, the two stopped, but sometimes they would make a move.

"Almost, I've been studying the power of the Demon God recently. If the plan goes well, I should be able to study it to counteract these... Demon God's magic."

Bai Ye is naturally impossible to speak his heart out, the devil is only a source of energy for him, but because of the system, he naturally cannot tell Gu, and can only cover it up with magic.

And he's not afraid of Gu Yi's discovery, because he does cultivate magic now, and he has researched a few.

To counter the magic of the devil, her eyes lit up when she heard this sentence. In her heart, Bai Ye's creation was really good. In the past, she could often create good magic, such as some magic that absorbed the power of the devil and turned it into her own use, and this This kind of magic doesn't do much damage to... itself, almost zero.

"I will pay attention to this. If there is a suitable demon god, I will notify you, but you have to be careful. Mephisto and the others are probably still staring outside. Recently, I have seen many powerful demon gods come here, but When they saw it was me, they left, but....... Setorak was cursing, did you provoke him again?

"Speaking of this, there is a strangeness in Gu's eyes. She and Setorak are also acquaintances, and they have met dozens of times, but every time they meet, Setorak is very cold, very suitable for strong. The identity of the demon god, but only when he is with Bai Ye, Setorak is easy to lose his temper.

Often scolding, people who don't know it thinks it's a demon gangster, without the mentality of a strong man.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's just that the guy was a little scolded, so I scolded him: but that guy ran back, maybe after he went back, he thought about it and felt angry but ran back again."

"To be honest, that guy is also a weirdo, and he can't help it after being scolded a few times."

Bai Ye spit out that although his mouth fragrant skills are a bit powerful, Setorak can be so angry that his spiritual body can be exploded. .........Started at the cosmic level.

"You, you, in the future, it's better to scold that guy less, it's a bit of a waste of time, it's better to spend a little more time and practice magic."

Gu Yi looked at Bai Ye and said angrily.

Bai Ye is her best disciple. In her heart, Bai Ye is good at everything, whether it is talent, strength, or even xinxing. It's just that sometimes he doesn't live like a senior magician. Enough calm, but a bit like an ordinary person.

Although it is said that the life is very real, Gu Yi feels that Bai Ye can calm down after the day.

"I know this, and I will plan it in the future."

Leaving this sentence, Bai Ye directly tore the space and ran away.

He had almost anticipated Gu Yi's incessant teaching.

This teaching has been going on for several years.

Bai Ye's ears were calloused.

"This guy."

Seeing Bai Ye running away, Gu Yi couldn't help laughing and crying.

Immediately, she didn't think about it, she started to cultivate. Since her disciple has already broken through the realm first, she has to keep up with it.

Bai Ye had just returned to the room when the familiar prompt sounded.

"Ding, the deduction was successful."

At that moment, the familiar energy poured into his heart, constantly transforming his body, and at the same time, a paragraph of experience poured into his mind, that is the ability to control the soul gem, and everything turned into himself.

It was as if he had been through it all.

Moreover, Bai Ye found that after this acceptance, he found that his spiritual body had become: much more solidified, and far more sensitive than before, not to mention anything else.

Even if his spiritual body coverage has doubled directly.

Chapter 123 The Realm of the Mind [4/7]

"It's interesting, no wonder it's called the Mind Gem."

After half a sound, Bai Ye slowly opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed from his eyes.

The ability to get the Mind Gem this time is a bit good, but it's actually not a rare ability. It's a bit similar to the soul magic he learned before. It can peep into other people's minds, and even modify other people's memories invisibly, and even reverse a person. soul thinking.

Even directly control a person, so that he can obey you from the heart, but it will not damage the person's spirit and maintain his personal thinking, but it seems that he has been given an order in his heart to obey a person unconditionally.

In fact, there are some mutants who have this kind of ability. If you grant it, you have similar power. With a huge mental power, you can spy on other people's spirits at will, and even delete other people's memories. It can be said that it is like a cheating device.

The ability granted by the mind gem is not unique, but it has an advantage that other creatures do not have, that is, strength. If the spiritual power granted can be shielded by spiritual voyeurism, making the granted ability useless, and the ability of the mind gem is only That's awesome, even if you're wearing something that shields your spirit, as long as Bai Ye wants to control that person, it's easy and you don't need any trouble.

And this is... the place where the Mind Gem is superior to others. If the given Spirit Level is Level [-], then Bai Ye, who gets the Mind Gem, will have to start at Level [-], or even Level [-].

And after this fusion of abilities, Bai Ye felt that maybe he didn't need to think about the past when facing Mephisto, so he was so vigilant.

Mephisto is strong and true, but his strongest point is his mouth.

The most powerful man in the legend.

Mephisto once said a few words to Odin's brother, and then made Odin's brother Orochi go berserk, almost causing a lot of disaster.

It can be said that Mephisto's... mouth can tell the dead to live, the living are very normal, and the language ability is very terrifying, and the reason for such horror comes from his own spiritual power.

As for Bai Ye, who possesses spiritual power, it can almost be said that even if his real body faces Mephisto, he directly blocks Mephisto's spiritual power, and he will not be bewitched like others.

"Try this ability."

Bai Ye was a little excited after obtaining the ability of the Mind Gem, and wanted to try it out. How about this ability.

Immediately, Bai Ye closed his eyes, and his own mental power exploded instantly, directly sweeping the entire city, shrouding the entire city in his mental power, "Damn Hank, I will make you look good tomorrow."

"Jack, why did you leave me, it's just to break up with my ex-boyfriend. After this time, we'll be cut in two, and the day after tomorrow, our marriage will have a perfect start.

"Jason is so handsome, but I don't know if he will like me. What if I confess to him tomorrow and he rejects me."

"The price of beef has gone up again, I guess I can only eat it this month, hey."


At that moment, countless thoughts, as if they had found the source, poured into Bai Ye's mind one after another.

In this astonishing message, Bai Ye's mental power was amazing enough, but he couldn't bear it.

Although it was a little unbearable at first, Bai Ye quickly calmed down. Although it was not very relaxing, he could clearly hear the voices of the souls from the entire city.

Peeping into the mind, no matter whether you have... consciousness, as long as you have something in your mind, Bai Ye can hear it immediately. It can be said that this ability is a bit terrifying. The conspiracy that was in mind will be gone.

"This is a bit scary, but... what the hell is a breakup cannon?"

Bai Ye was a little stunned. It was the first time I saw someone's heart, and I encountered such a bizarre thing. Isn't this a green tea bitch? I'm about to get married, and I have to break up with my ex-boyfriend, and keep saying that this is the end, it's simple.

Bai Ye was a little frightened by these three views.

After listening to it for a while, it was all non-nutritious things, and Bai Ye blocked it directly. Although this ability is a bit powerful, the range that can be heard is a bit large, which is a bit troublesome. After all, there are too many people's voices that can be heard. It's like there are countless people talking in your ear, and it's not too noisy.

After shielding other people's new students, Bai Ye thought for a moment, then tore through the space and came to a dark corner of the city, where two groups of people were fighting, probably some kind of society, or something black, let's fight.

The moment Bai Ye appeared, his mental power instantly covered him, and he whispered, "Stop."

Almost instantly, the surrounding crowd stopped instantly, and everyone stood there like dolls.

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