At this time, Bai Ye stepped on his footsteps, came to the front of the crowd, and immediately covered his mental power, directly modifying the memory of the two enemies and modifying them into good brothers.

At the same time, Bai Ye cast an illusion on the two of them, so that they could not see the silhouettes of the people around them.

"Brother, why are you here."

"This is what I want to ask. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Why don't we go out for a drink."

"Alright, this is a good decision, but this time you can't be fooled, you must drink to death before you can leave"

"Hehe, of course, I'm afraid you'll be drunk to death by me."

"Hey, I might be afraid of others when I drink, but I can't be afraid of you alone."

Immediately, the two hugged closely and walked over directly. If anyone knew the relationship between the two, their eyes might be frightened, because the two were mortal enemies, and basically they couldn't help but fight when they met. The kind that is absolutely impossible to forgive... But now, the two are reconciled as before, which is a bit incredible.

And this time, it was all because of Bai Ye, because he modified the memories of the two of them, and modified the memories of the two to be brothers for more than [-] years.

"It's not bad, let's call it the realm of the soul in the future."

Watching the two walk away, Bai Ye said lightly.

Immediately with a wave of the right hand, the two returned to their original places, and their memories were instantly modified.

Then Bai Ye left the place, everyone returned to normal, and began to beat up, and no one could stop it.


Chapter 124 You Underestimate the Heavenly Father-level Powerhouse [5/7]

Analyzing the Mind Gem has undoubtedly made his power a step forward. According to the concept of Infinity Gems, an extra 1 Infinity Gem will increase the strength of one level. If six are assembled, it will be even more powerful.

At that time, Bai Ye is estimated to have really broken through to the level of the multiverse, or even the most powerful one in the multiverse... It is almost at the level of the almighty universe, perhaps even stronger than the five gods. There is no way to rob him of his abilities, because he is beyond everything with the Infinity Stones.

After trying the power of the realm of the mind, Bai Ye didn't have much interest in it. Although this ability is good, I haven't had the chance to use it yet.

With the passage of time, Loki finally escaped from S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., and all this S.H.I.E.L.D.


....It wasn't clear at first, but it was only later that I realized that Loki had left.

At the same time, Loki also took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which led to Nick Fury having to start the plan of the Avengers team, but the assembly of the original Avengers, his plan went very smoothly, except... .. Except for Tony and Thor, the rest have found them one after another, and also joined the Avengers.

And this person is Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Hulk.

As for Tony, they explained it many times, but unfortunately they were all rejected. Even when Little Pepper was dispatched, it was still rejected. Maybe because of his addiction to technology, Tony was a bit tough in front of Little Pepper and started to take the initiative. .

Because Tony strongly refused several times, Pepper had no choice, and immediately stopped helping S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., because she knew that Tony was determined not to get involved in these things.

And Tony is the absolute core of Nick Fury's Avengers team. It can be said that others can not join, Tony must be brought in. In this regard, Nick Fury and the rest of the Avengers team discussed for a long time and finally there is no way , A few people decided to go together to see if they could pull Tony over by taking turns.

at the same time.

Tony's laboratory, on the upper floors of the Stark Tower.

Three figures stand in the center.

They are Pepper, Tony, and White Night.

Recently, Tony has studied another magic technology. He was too excited, so he called Bai Ye directly to have a look and see the achievements of his magic technology. As for Bai Ye, he also had something to ask Tony, so he came directly.

Three people stand in front of a steel battle suit.

With a smile on his face, Tony confidently said to Ye, "Venerable White Night, this is a long time to study the final Iron Man suit. This iron suit incorporates countless modern weapons and nearly fifteen kinds of magic. Inside, there are a few final versions of my steel battle suit. What do you think of this steel battle suit, and can it beat a parent-level powerhouse?

"Because of the contact with Kama Taj, Tony probably also knows some high-level differences.

For example, the Heavenly Father level, which he is very familiar with, because it is rumored that Venerable Ancient One and Bai Ye are... Heavenly Father, so Tony's research on...steel suits has always aimed at the Heavenly Father level.

"Defeat the Heavenly Father level, you don't have to think about this."

Bai Ye shook his head, although the Heavenly Father level is not too strong in the multiverse, but in this universe, the Heavenly Father level is still extremely terrifying. If nothing else, why will Thanos be able to run amok in the universe in the future, isn't it? Because of his strength and physique, his realm is directly similar to that of an ordinary Heavenly Father.

Tony, the Iron Man suit, has incorporated a lot of magic into it, but most of this magic is only one-time. It is difficult to defeat the Heavenly Father level. Basically, a powerhouse who has reached the Heavenly Father level will not be too bad physically. And the energy is not too bad, and although Tony's Iron Man suit is made of special metal, it is still very simple to destroy the iron suit.

"Impossible, according to my estimation, as long as the magic and technology inside work together, there is an [-]% probability of defeating a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse. This probability has been calculated millions of times. You can't go wrong."

Hearing that it was impossible, Tony didn't believe it. Although he was a magician, he still trusted some scientific operations.

A black line appeared on Bai Ye's head, and it was a bit too ambitious to want to defeat a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse even with this little magic.

"Your Heavenly Father-level data, from there."

Bai Ye asked, Heavenly Father-level powerhouses are extremely rare, there are only a handful of people who have appeared on the scene, and there is only one in the entire earth.

As for Odin's far away in the realm of the gods, it is impossible for Tony to get any data.

"I collected it from Venerable Bai Ye and Venerable Gu Yi."

Tony scratched his head and answered truthfully:"

However, Venerable Bai Ye took less action, and most of them were based on the information of Venerable Ancient One."

"Oh, sure enough."

Bai Ye sighed and rolled his eyes at Tony, "You don't think that some shots in Teacher Kama Tajji Guyi are her full strength, right?"

"Of course it's impossible, I have increased the strength of the ancient one tenfold."

Tony said, how could he be so naive, taking Gu Yi's battles at Kama Taj as everything, maybe double it.

And he thinks it should be almost tenfold.

"Is it ten times?" "Uh, isn't it enough for Venerable Bai Ye to be ten times? I think it's almost the same. No matter how strong the Heavenly Father level is, it is impossible to be so strong. Ten times it can almost destroy it. the whole planet."

"You need to double it tenfold. You underestimate the powerhouses of the Heavenly Father level. Don't look at Teacher Gu Yi's frequent shots. It's just her distraction. It's estimated that even her [-]%% of her strength has not been exerted. Come out, and even if everyone in Kama Taj joins together to deal with Teacher Gu Yi, it is estimated that they will be killed by the teacher in an instant."

"Is it that terrifying, including Venerable Bai Ye, can everything be instantly eliminated?"

Tony took a breath, he really never thought that Gu Yi's strength could be so powerful.

After all, Kama Taj also has many senior wizards, and their strength is extremely terrifying. "Of course there is no me."

Bai Ye glanced at Tony, thinking what.

Chapter 125 I agree [6/7]

"Don't even think about the Heavenly Father level, reaching that level is not something that some magic and technology can make up for."

"And your magic talent is not low. Although I don't object to your research on the integration of magic and technology, I still think that your own magic should not be left behind, and your own strength is really strong."

"And to say something ugly, just like your Iron Man suit, if you meet a real Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, you can only last ten strokes and ten strokes at most, and it is estimated that you will be wiped out."

Bai Ye saw that Tony was a little swollen, probably because of the success of magic technology, and his own magic talent was not low, so he felt a little complacent, but thinking that Tony was going to defeat the powerhouse of the Heavenly Father, Bai Ye still felt a little funny.

A powerhouse at the Heavenly Father level, that is considered a powerhouse in the entire universe, how could it be possible to break through the boundaries of powerhouses with a mere amount of magic.

"Venerable Bai Ye, is it that exaggerated?"

Tony opened his mouth slightly, and his expression was a little stiff. Although he might know that he was not a Heavenly Father-level opponent, but ten moves and ten moves were terminated, the gap was too big.

"Exaggeration is not an exaggeration. If you encounter a strong person like Teacher Gu Yi... Heavenly Father level, you should be serious at least....... One move can make you a second, so don't be too much. Complacency, the level of a powerhouse at the Heavenly Father level is not something that can be researched by some data.”

Bai Ye is merciless and directly attacked, Tony's talent is still good, if he can study it seriously, it is not impossible to manufacture technology that defeats the Heavenly Father level in the future, but Tony is not qualified now.

"Then what level of power can I deal with as a steel battle suit, can those below the Heavenly Father be okay?"

"Well, I'm not too sure about this, but you can give it a try. It's estimated that it won't be long before a strong person who is not at the level of Heavenly Father will invade the earth. You can give it a try when the time comes."

Bai Ye touched his chin and said lightly that he came to find Tony. It is also because of this reason that it is estimated that it will not be long before Loki will bring Qitarui and Ebony to Earth, just for Tony to try and see his magic What level has the technology reached?

"Venerable White Night, are you talking about Loki?"

Hearing this, Tony suddenly thought that S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... people have always let him join, an organization called the Avengers, it seems that it is to deal with a certain alien.

However, Tony refused because he was studying in the final period.

He only remembered when Bai Ye proposed today that aliens are coming to invade the earth.

"Almost, but that guy is not the ultimate enemy, he is the introduction to summon the rest of the aliens."

Speaking of which, Bai Ye showed a smile, looked at Tony and said, "The alien's strength is not weak, do you have ... confidence to defeat him?"

"What level does his strength reach?"

"It's incomparable to Heavenly Father's level, and it is considered an extremely powerful existence in the universe. You may be able to see something when you play against him."

"That's it."

Hearing this, Tony touched his chin, thought for a moment, and finally decided, "Then follow Venerable Bai Ye, just as I also lack an opponent to try my magic technology."

Tony also had a headache when he got up. Although his magic technology was created, no one tried it.

Although some magicians of Kama Taj can be used as a reference, but everyone is devoted to the study of magic, they rarely have time to come out as a test for Tony, and Tony does not dare to call those magicians over as experimental subjects. The status of the people is different.

Kama Taj's senior magician is definitely not good. As for the outside world, there are not enough strong people, so Tony has been worried that there is not a very good strong person to test for him. As for Gu Yi and Bai Ye, his own magic technology is very good. Strong, but not in his plan, because it is too strong, it is estimated that with a little force, his magic technology will collapse directly, not to mention that both of them are proficient in magic, his magic is useful to... others, but For Bai Ye and Gu Yi, don't think about it, it's useless at all.

"Tony, there are people from S.H.I.E.L.D. outside, and there are quite a few, do you want to meet."

At this time, Little Chili got news from outside.

Tony looked at the white night.

Bai Ye shrugged and said, "Let's meet, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Then listen to Venerable Bai Ye."

Tony said.

Nick Fury then came in with the four existing Avengers.

"You're here too, Master Bai Ye."

As soon as Nick Fury came in, the faces of Black Widow and Nick Fury stiffened.

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