Nick Fury was a little embarrassed because he didn't expect White Night to be there.

As for Black Widow, it's even more embarrassing.

"Let's sit together."

Bai Ye didn't bother to pay attention to them, just like the owner here, let them sit down: As for Tony shrugging, it doesn't matter.

Afterwards, several people sat down one after another:.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Bai Ye saw the Hulk and Captain America. The two of them looked a little curious and looked around.

Keke Nick Fury coughed for a while, looked at Tony seriously, and said, "Mr. Tony, we're here this time, I guess you don't have to guess what we're here for."

Tony put down the coffee and said lightly: "Isn't that what you want me to join, the Avengers team?" "It is indeed this, Mr. Tony, we are now facing a very dangerous enemy, his strength is very terrifying, very It may lead to the destruction of the entire earth, and you have a powerful force, if you can join us, we will unite together, and we will have a few more chances of winning against the enemy."

Captain America was surprised and answered directly, looking seriously at Tony's repeated objections, somewhat incomprehensible and a little annoyed at the same time.

However, it seemed that something was wrong with what he said just now. Captain America immediately apologized and said, 'I may have said something heavy just now, I hope Mr. Tony doesn't care, but we need your strength very much. If we work together, we will definitely be able to defeat the enemy. .

"The rest didn't speak, but Team America has spoken out their hearts. Whether Tony agrees or not is up to him.

"I agreed."

Tony agreed without much consideration.

"Really, Mr. Tony."

Hearing this sentence, Nick Fury stood up immediately, his expression calm and not afraid, full of surprises.


Chapter 126 Don't worry, he will come back by himself [7/7]

"Are you sure, Mr. Tony."

Captain America said in surprise.


Tony replied indifferently that he also had his own thoughts. When he knew that aliens were going to invade the earth, he immediately thought of his magic technology. If he used his magic technology for these people, would it improve? Their strength, or whether they will have a good effect on the rest of the enemies, these are the data he needs. His magic technology has indeed been researched, but there is no clear data, which makes Tony a headache, but in front of him There are a few people with good physique and strength, and they are not bad in the face of the enemy. They can be used for what he needs to collect data. He needs to collect some drawbacks of his own magic technology, and there are some areas that need to be strengthened.

"Thank you, Mr. Tony, and you will be proud of your decision in the future."

Captain America smiled, looked at Tony and said that Tony shrugged, a little indifferent, not necessarily proud.

As for the rest, they also breathed a sigh of relief, especially Nick Fury.

Although there are many people in his Avengers plan, many people can be replaced, but only Tony can't, because Tony has magic, and also has the most advanced technology, when these two things are... They need not to mention the rumor that Tony has also developed magical technology, such a mysterious weapon.

"Tony, that person is called Dr. Banner, he has a good IQ, you can cooperate with him, maybe you can study some good things.

At this moment, Bai Ye said to Tony.

As soon as these words came out, Dr. Banner, who was sitting on the sofa, was stunned.

The rest of the people looked over.

"Dr. Banner?"

Tony knows that Bai Ye has some magical abilities, can see through the future, and know some things in the future "Hello, Dr. Banner, my name is Tony Stark, in the future we will be... a team, if something happens, in the future We communicate well."

Tony thought for a moment, then got up directly, came to Dr. Banner, and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Tony."

Although a little confused, Dr. Banner quickly responded, got up to shake hands, and then sat down:.

"Who is this man?"

Captain America glanced at Bai Ye and thought to himself.

Bai Ye has a slender body and a gentle demeanor, like a modest gentleman, without any threat, but he intuitively feels that this person in front of Captain America is very dangerous, not as simple as it seems. Slapped the US team, this person doesn't seem to be a threat, this is the biggest threat.

"Since I have joined your common defense, then I will not hide my clumsiness. I will give you some props to enhance yourselves."


Tony snapped his fingers, the surrounding walls were opened, and a dozen or so mechanical hands came to the crowd with a prop each.

And these... are... Tony's magic technology. After showing it to Bai Ye last time, he studied magic technology again.

"These things are called magic technology, don't look at them all look bad, but each has a good ability.

Tony walked to a tights and introduced, "For example, this thing, he has a magic on the outside, which can make the person wearing this tights invulnerable, can defend against bullets, and even missiles."

Can resist missiles Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

"Tony, are you sure you can withstand missiles?"

Nick Fury couldn't help asking.

Although he knew that Tony created magic technology, he only knew a few things, and he didn't know much about the rest. "This is just my expectation, but I don't know if it can be done. I haven't tried it. If you want to try it, you can. Let people try it, but there is no problem with resisting bullets, any bullet in this world will do.


He really hasn't tried missiles, but he has tried bullets, and it can withstand any bullet, even the kind of armor-piercing bullet that can penetrate Tucker.


Hearing that it can withstand any bullet, several people gasped, because this is already very awesome, because there are some bullets in this world that even body armor can't stop.

And the most important thing is that wearing this dress, no matter if any bullets come, the person wearing the dress will be unharmed.

This alone is enough to drive countless people crazy.

"You two discuss it, and whoever wants it, take it."

Tony was not stingy, and directly asked a few people to prepare to give it a try.

Several people discussed it, and finally Black Widow took it.

Hulk and Captain America both have strong physiques, so they don't need this stuff very much. As for the physique of Black Widow, it's not enough, so they really need this stuff.

"This thing is called the Destroyer, and there is an extremely terrifying destruction magic in it, which can crush a steel plate with a thickness of ten meters directly."

Tony pointed to a glove on the side and explained that this thing is engraved with an extremely terrifying shattering magic, not to mention the ten-meter-thick steel plate, it is estimated that it can be doubled again, you read that right, the ten-meter-thick steel plate.

Hear Tony's introduction.

Nick Fury and the others were silent for a while, and casually blasted a ten-meter-thick steel plate, what kind of concept was that?

At least......they can't think of it, but they......understand one thing, if this kind of magic technology is circulated, it is estimated that the whole world will Heaven has changed.

But at this time, instead of thinking about the world, they were thinking about the troubles caused by Loki. At the same time, they thought that if this thing is really what Tony said, maybe their chances of winning against Loki will be doubled. .

"Mr. Tony, you are a genius."

Dr. Banner couldn't help sighing.

These...weird magical technologies, he had never thought about them, let alone created them.

Now Dr. Banner is admiring Tony from the bottom of his heart: "It's just a genius, I've heard it too many times."

Tony raised his eyebrows lightly, not at all modest.

In the end, according to Tony's introduction, several people took the magic technology that suits them one after another. Although they don't know the effect, but according to Tony's words, their strength can at least be doubled...... .

Against Loki, it is estimated that there are many odds of winning.

Afterwards, several people discussed how to deal with Loki. After all, Loki ran away, and they couldn't find Loki, which made their plan very troublesome.

"Don't worry, that guy will come back to us obediently."

Compared with the anxiety of several people, Bai Ye said very calmly.

: It's already [-]th watch, please ask for a monthly ticket for flowers or something, the flowers are still a few thousand to [-], everyone put in more effort, and directly broke the [-] flowers, I will continue to watch [-] watch a day

Chapter 127 Loki You Are Dead [1/7]

"He will come back, Master Bai Ye, do you know anything?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Nick Fury seemed to have thought of something, looked at Bai Ye and asked.

He had always guessed that Loki should have been defeated by Bai Ye, so Hawkeye and the others had a chance to capture Bai Ye, otherwise, under normal circumstances, with Hawkeye, they would not be able to help Loki at all.

Hearing Nick Fury's words, the rest of the people also looked over, but Black Widow and Tony...know some basics of Bai Ye, as for Dr. Banner and Captain America So clear.

After all, they don't know much about .. other things, and as for Team America, it has only recently woken up.

"I do know something, don't worry, just wait, someone will bring Loki over, and it will probably be your helper."

Bai Ye's expression was calm, his eyes were deep, and he said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't figure it out, because they knew too well what Bai Ye was referring to, but one thing was certain, Bai Ye must have a plan that they didn't have.

"Since Venerable Bai Ye said so, then let's wait here. It just so happens that you can also use these weapons to practice your skills and familiarize yourself with it. Don't let our plan fail because you can't."

Others may not know, but as a member of Kama Taj, Tony knows a lot of things. He guesses that Bai Ye has glimpsed the future and knows some things that will happen in the future.

So he was not in a hurry. After letting the others practice their hands, Tony looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Master Bai Ye, how long will it take them to come."

"Three hours 3, get ready."

"it is good."

at the same time.

On Earth, on some unknown mountain.

"Cosmic Cube, where Loki is."

Thor grabbed Loki's collar, stared at Loki stubbornly, and asked in a deep voice.

"Hey, my brother, why be so fierce, we rarely meet."

Compared to Thor's resentful appearance, Loki seemed more relaxed, as if he didn't care about Thor's anger at all, with a smile on his face, showing no trace of tension.

Hearing this, Thor's eyes flashed with anger, and he threw Loki out.


With a dull streak, Loki smashed directly on the wall of the mountain, setting off a puff of smoke.

"You're still so impulsive, and shouldn't you thank me? If it wasn't for me, Odin wouldn't have sent you to Earth."

"You are too embarrassed to mention this. At the beginning, the Rainbow Bridge will not be destroyed. At the same time, do you know that because of the death, the entire Divine Realm has been in mourning for several days, and even our relatives are mourning every day."

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