Tony rushed over, looked at Loki, blushed, and said in a deep voice.

Thor was very dissatisfied with his younger brother, because his thinking was too jumpy, and he didn't care about other people's feelings at all, and he was a little self-righteous.

It's okay for Thor not to say this. Speaking of this, he seems to have torn Loki's scar.

For a moment, Loki's face darkened, facing Thor without showing any weakness, and shouting, "That's your father and mother, not mine."

"And you know the truth, Odin told you, right?"

"What does it matter, we are all raised by him, we fight and grow together, isn't it all beautiful,"

Thor said with understanding.

"Of course it's not beautiful. I've always lived in your shadow. I'll never forget the horror you felt when you were thrown into the abyss."

Having said this, Loki paused for a moment, looked at Thor, and said in a deep voice, "I am the king, how could I be in the shadow of you all my life."

Although both of them are Odin's sons, for parents, there are some differences between biological and adopted ones, so when the two were growing up, Odin took care of Thor the most.

And Loki wanted to be the king of the gods since he was a child, but Odin only wanted Loki to be the king of the frost giants, and the gods Asgard let Thor ascend the throne. In this case, the two grew up as children. Because of this, the hatred between the two sides will collapse in the future.

It's just that Odin didn't expect that because Loki didn't understand his own life experience, his ambitions began to deteriorate, so he planned a plan to bring in the Frost Giants. In front of Odin, he killed the leader of the Frost Giants, his biological father, so that Odin could admit that he "thinks your king dreams, you want to rule here, don't you know what the earth is like?" Earth, you are killing yourself"

Thor said in a low voice.


Loki laughed, looked at Thor disdainfully, and said, "Seeking your own way, Thor, you are wrong, you never know my trump card, when I was exiled, I got the real power of the universe Rubik's Cube, and also I have come into contact with the real world, and the people in that world have the power to sweep the universe. As long as I can help them, then I will be able to control the realm of the gods and the earth. After that, I will be the king of everything.

"Although the gem of the scepter was stolen by Bai Ye, Loki still has confidence in the forces behind...

No matter how strong and invincible Bai Ye is, it is impossible to destroy the army of the Qitarui people, not to mention the fact that there is Ebony Maw, who must know that Ebony Maw is a well-known powerhouse in the universe.

And Bai Ye is only a native of the earth. Even if he has a strong power, so what? Could it be more powerful than the powerhouse of the universe, Ebony Mow? Yes, right when Bai Ye is bragging.

Hearing these words, Thor's face changed greatly, and there was some anger in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Loki felt happy in his heart and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Thor, although I hate you very much, but I have become the king of all this, and I will still keep you."

Thor didn't care about Loki's words, but looked at Loki and said in a deep voice, "Are you really crazy, thinking that someone who becomes Thanos can smash everything? Don't you know that our father Odin was defeated back then? Have you been to Thanos once?"

"That's just everything. Now Odin is old and weak, how can he be the opponent of Thanos."

Loki's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "Okay, we won't talk about this, but do you know the depth of the earth? My father once told me when I came here, you can do anything on earth, but only I can't provoke two people, one is called Gu Yi, and the other is called Bai Ye, especially Bai Ye, his strength has surpassed him when he was at his peak, and it is estimated that he can easily kill him when he was young."

"Do you think that the earth has such a strong man in charge, and with the power behind Thanos, you can do what the earth does to be the king of the earth, don't be delusional.

"Hearing these words, Loki's face stiffened and he swallowed, "Is he so scary?"



Chapter 128 Am I So Scary? 【2/7】

"He is so strong that even Odin, who was at his peak when he was young, can easily defeat him."

At this time, Loki was a little panicked. Although he was very angry when Bai Ye took away the gem of the scepter at the beginning, he was not afraid, because he just felt that Bai Ye's strength was strong, but he couldn't push everything horizontally.

What's more, with Ebony-throated and Chitarui standing behind them, there are so many people, he's not afraid of the white night.

It's just now that he is a little panicked, he knows how strong Bai Ye is, but he knows that Odin at his peak can definitely push the forces behind him.

Not to mention anything else, when Thanos came over, he led a group of troops, but he was eventually repelled by Odin. Is that because the soldiers of God's Domain were strong?


That's because Odin is too strong, and one person directly blocked most of Thanos' forces, and even Thanos was directly kicked by Odin like a ball.

After that battle, Odin became famous in the universe, and many people were afraid of God's Domain. At the same time, this battle also became a stain on Thanos' life.

"You won't provoke him, will you?"

Seeing Loki's panic-stricken face, his face turned pale, like a dead man, Thor's face changed greatly.

He knew Bai Ye's methods, but he didn't have much human affection to speak of, and when he came over, Odin repeatedly instructed that Bai Ye was ruthless, and if he offended him, he would surely die tragically.

Of course, if you are not guilty, then there is no problem, after all, the strong do not have so much time.


Loki stammered when he spoke for the first time, he really didn't know how to answer Thor that he was offended, and he was indeed offended.

Because it seems to have threatened Bai Ye.

"Tell me, have you offended Bai Ye? If you really offended, we will immediately go over and admit your mistake. Maybe we can spare your life. Otherwise, no one in this world can protect you, not even Thanos."

Thor was a little nervous, grabbed Loki's hands, and shouted loudly.

If you offend Bai Ye, you will really die.

Not to mention Odin, even if Odin and Thanos combined, they are not Bai Ye's opponents.

Moreover, according to this situation, if Bai Ye made a move, Thanos probably wouldn't dare to make a move, and the whole person just ran away, how could Paul Loki be?

"It's not an offense, so I threatened him with a few words."

Loki's eyes dodged, and he lowered his head and said in a low voice.

To be honest, because of Thor's words, Loki was very panicked, because for the first time he felt the threat of death.

Even if he was exiled, he didn't feel that way.

"Go, take the universe cube and apologize to him."

Thor didn't even think about it, he directly grabbed Loki's hand, ready to leave here and look for Bai Ye's trace.

He really couldn't wait, because Bai Ye's strength was too terrifying, so he had to panic.

After all, Loki is his only brother, but not his own.

But in his heart he always kept Loki his own younger brother.

"Then let's go get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube first.

Loki didn't refuse either. For the first time, he listened to Thor's words and left obediently.

at the same time.

On the upper floors of Stark Tower, everyone sat on the sofa chatting, and there were other people beside them who were familiar with their newly acquired equipment.

Meanwhile, Nick Fury's phone rings.

"Are you sure it's true,"

When he answered the phone, Nick Fury was shocked.

Hearing this voice, the rest of the people looked over.

"Okay, I see, bring them over to Stark Tower."

Soon Nick Fury hung up the phone, then looked strangely, looked at Bai Ye and said, "Just got the information, Thor of God's Domain brought Loki here, but the target is not us, but Bai Ye."

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

It turned out to be the same as what Bai Ye said, someone would bring Loki over, "It's really three hours 3."

Hawkeye looked at the time, and it was not much different from the three hours 3 that Bai Ye said, only about ten minutes. It was estimated that after the two of them arrived, it would be almost three hours 3 .

"Mage Bai Ye, it's a bit powerful."

Dr. Banner really couldn't think of any other words, and he could only sigh that it was amazing. After all, in this situation, it was almost magical.

The rest of the people also nodded, and even Team America couldn't admire them from the bottom of their hearts, after all, Bai Ye's prediction was somewhat accurate.

Compared with the others, Tony is... calmer. After all, he knows more things. He knows that Bai Ye and Gu Yi have the ability to peep into the future, so he knows these... ..., not surprising.

"Tony, wait a minute: our people will bring Loki and the others over, and you will let the people down below make it easier."

Nick Fury says "no problem"

About ten minutes passed.

A group of S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s agent, brought Thor and Loki to the top floor.

As soon as the two came in, their eyes were locked on Bai Ye's body for the first time, and he ignored the others directly.

I saw Thor pulling Loki, who lowered his head, and came directly to Bai Ye, "Mage Bai Ye, I represent Asgard in the domain of God, I apologize for what Loki has done, I hope you can forgive me."

After finishing speaking, Tony pulled Loki and whispered to him, "Hurry up and apologize to Master Bai Ye, I don't want to live anymore."

Hearing this, Loki panicked, then lowered his head and said to Bai Ye, "Mage Bai Ye, I'm really sorry...

Seeing this scene, everyone's face showed astonishment.

The people from God's Domain came specifically to apologize to Bai Ye.

You know this is the realm of the gods.

It represents the place where the gods in mythology live, and these two people are undoubtedly gods.

The gods apologized to mortals, which is something that has never happened in history.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the others looking at Bai Ye also changed.

At first, I might think that Bai Ye has magical abilities, but it is similar to them, but now.

He has already regarded Bai Ye as a very terrifying person, and secretly decided in his heart that he must not offend him.

At this time, Bai Ye put down the coffee and said lightly, "Am I so scary? You all look at me with such eyes."

Chapter 129 Passive to Active [3/7]

“Not too scary”

Regarding Bai Ye's remarks, Tony's silent spit in his heart can make the gods of the Divine Realm come to apologize in person, and this matter is enough to explain the horror of Bai Ye.

You must know that when Loki came down, he was not afraid of the sky.

And now.

The whole person was frightened and trembling all over, like a wronged little daughter-in-law, looking at Bai Ye's eyes full of fear, for fear that others would not know, he was extremely afraid of Bai Ye.

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