The rest of the people had almost the same thoughts. When they saw Loki come to apologize in person, they could almost understand that this person in front of them was extremely terrifying. Although they didn’t know Bai Ye’s specific identity, it was enough to let them know that this person in front of them must be thousands of thousands of dollars. You can't offend, even the gods are afraid, how can mortals like them offend?

"My original decision was indeed a good one."

Nick Fury sighed in his heart, fortunately, those high-level executives were intercepted and they were not allowed to move Bai Ye, otherwise, it is estimated that those guys are kneeling here and apologizing to Bai Ye. Whether it is accepted or not is another matter.

After all, as far as he understands, Bai Ye's character is rather strange, if he offends him, he will die, and it is very difficult to change his tune.

"You two sit down, my relationship with your father is okay."

Bai Ye said to the two of them as to why the two came. He naturally knew that he had no grudges with Loki. To be honest, he was basically suppressing Loki. The soul gem of Loki's scepter, if you change it to someone else, you will basically swear a few words, after all, it was robbed.

That is, Bai Ye's identity was there, which caused Loki to panic, so as a victim, he came to apologize instead, because he didn't know, if Bai Ye's character was really like those...weird Like a strong man, what would happen if he killed him directly.

Although Bai Ye told them to sit down, Loki and Thor still did not leave, because they wanted to get Bai Ye's personal forgiveness, otherwise, he would not be at ease.

"Don't look at me like this, I don't care anymore when you apologize, sit down and wait: we still have something to talk about."

Bai Ye looked calm, watching the two of them say lightly and hearing these words, they finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then found a seat on the sofa to sit down.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the plan. Loki, come out and explain to them what you are going to do to give them some comfort."

Bai Ye looked at Loki and said softly.

"Master Bai Ye, what do you mean"

Loki was a little confused, what the plan was.

And listening to Bai Ye's tone, it seemed as if they were coming over a long time ago.

"Nothing else, you just have to say your own plan.

' Bai Ye looked calm and said lightly, "Loki, tell everyone what your plan is."

Thor winked at Loki. Although he didn't know what Bai Ye's plan was, he was not afraid of the Qitarians because of Bai Ye's plan. Besides, as Loki shook out his plan, it was useful for... Bai Ye's plan. , Loki has made up for it.

So Thor was a little anxious.

Thor can understand, and Loki can understand, just for a while... He suddenly understood what Bai Ye said: "Actually, my plan is not a big deal, it's very simple."

Speaking of which, Loki paused for a moment, looked around at everyone, and said in a deep voice, "I want to use the energy of the universe cube to directly open the door of space, and let the coalition forces I am joining forces come down, so as to achieve the effect of conquering the earth."

"What is your coalition called?"

Captain America asked, "The Chitarians, a race in the universe, you can understand as humans on Earth, but they look a little different, not very similar to your humans."

Loki explained "How strong they are."

At this time, Tony asked, he doesn't need to know anything else, he only needs to know the strength of the enemy, this is the most important.

Hearing this, Loki pondered for a moment, and said: "If we really want to compare, the Qitarui army is definitely better than the earth, after all, the level of technology they control is much stronger than the earth, but if other factors are added, the Zeta The Swiss are definitely not rivals.”

Having said this, Loki looked towards Bai Ye.

Not to mention the arrival of the Chitauri army, even if all the warships of Thanos behind the Chitauri came, it is estimated that they would not be the opponents of Baiye. After all, the power of the top powerhouses is too terrifying. Destroying a planet casually, don’t be too much. easy.

"Mage Bai Ye, what is your plan, can you tell us about it?"

Nick Fury hesitated for a moment, looked at Bai Ye and asked.

There is no doubt that now that Loki has surrendered, and the Cube has been recaptured, it can be said that their crisis has been lifted......, basically don't care about other things.

Just looking at the conversations between Bai Ye and Loki, it seems that Bai Ye and the others have plans to take action against the forces behind Loki. "It's not a big deal. They just want to defeat the forces behind Loki and let that... Zishu carefully It's just a matter of measure, don't worry, you don't have to fight, this is not your war."

Bai Ye took a sip of coffee and said lightly.

"Master Bai Ye, what you said is wrong. We all say that we are one, and we all say that they belong to the human beings of the earth. As long as there is a dangerous battle for the human beings on earth, we must join."

This was originally just what he wanted to do, so it didn't matter if Nick Fury and the others didn't do anything. At this time, Team America suddenly spoke up.

Hearing about human wars, he couldn't sit still, not because he was belligerent, but because he wanted to do something for justice.

"Mage Baiye, do you want to use the identity of Loki to let the people behind him come over, and then directly kill them?"

Nick Fury asked Bai Ye, looking at Nick Fury strangely, and said, "Otherwise do you think it's something?"

Having said that, for this sake, we must do something to the forces behind Loki.

Otherwise, why would Loki say so much.

"Cough cough."

Nick Fury looked a little embarrassed, and said softly: "This is my fault, but I want to ask Master Bai Ye, what if the army behind them descends, knowing that with their army descending, it will be difficult for the earth to be preserved. ."

Nick Fury's worry is not without reason. After all, the army came down and the artillery attacked without thinking. Some parts of the earth were attacked. Obviously, they will be covered. There will definitely be many casualties by then. After they came, it was absolutely impossible for them to cause any damage to the earth.

" Bai Ye said lightly.


Chapter 130 Counterattack [4/7]

"With the guarantee of Master Bai Ye, then I can rest assured that this time I will fight against S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... also join in, all follow the arrangements of the White Night Mage, as long as it can severely damage those aliens who intend to invade the earth."

With Bai Ye's assurance, Nick Fury's spirit has also changed, his expression is a little different from before, calculating everything like an old fox, but like a leader with warm passion.

Nick Fury has known for a long time that the earth is coveted by aliens outside the earth, and he has been thinking of ways all the time, but the technological level of the earth is too low, and there are few strong people, so there is no such thing at all. The method has no effect on the aliens.

In this regard, he felt that relying on most of the human beings would definitely not work, so his eyes were aimed at some people with strange abilities, such as Dr. Banner who can transform into the Hulk, or like Tony, who has profound wisdom and uses the help of Technology can be powerful.

He wanted to gather these people and form a team to fight the alien attack.

"Others don't need it. If you go, you will die, but you guys...the Avengers team can try it out. With Tony's magical technology... ...have some combat abilities, it's up to you whether you like it or not."

For... Nick Fury's remarks, Bai Ye's heart is.... I don't feel that there is much fluctuation, anyway... The plan is going on as before, and it really wants S.H.I.E.L.D. .


....'s agents have passed, and they are of no great use. They can only become cannon fodder.

On the contrary, the Avengers team can give it a try. After all, they have Tony's magic technology, and their own strength has also improved a lot. They can deal with those people. Of course, the main force is still relying on Bai Ye and Tony.

"I have no opinion on this, I will join."

Team America agreed immediately.

Promoting the so-called justice and dealing with evil have always been the standard in his life.

So, this time to deal with the Chitauri, the alien race that wants to invade the earth, he agreed without any hesitation.

"Then I have no opinion either."

"So do I."

"Since everyone has to go, then I will go too.

'The process was very smooth. Few people in the Avengers team refused, but they all agreed. Dr. Banner himself felt that it didn't matter. After all, he had nowhere to go. Good thing as for Hawkeye they are S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., now that their heads have given orders, how could they not go.

"Add me one, as an atonement for Loki."

Because of the big trouble that Loki caused, Thor felt that he couldn't leave just like this, and he also liked the earth very much and didn't want the earth to be destroyed, so he agreed to join this battle.

"Now that you all agree, let Loki continue, and make plans after that."

Bai Ye looked at Loki with a calm expression. Hearing the words, Loki looked a little flustered, and quickly said, "The only goal of the Chitarui invasion of the earth is to capture the universe Rubik's Cube and dedicate it to the person behind them, a man named Thanos. Man, Thanos is a very powerful man, he is domineering in the universe, destroying many planets, this man needs your attention, if this time is good, Thanos may strike in the future."

Loki specially reminded everyone, and then continued to say, " Thanos is their leader, but this time he will not shoot, this time there are only two aspects, one is the army of the Qitarui people, and the other is called Ebony Maw. This person is the confidant of Thanos and is extremely powerful, you should pay attention to this person."

"Ebony throat is handed over to me, as for the Qitarui people, I will leave it to you." Tony took the lead and reserved the opponent's position because he had told him before Bai Ye, the strength of Ebony throat is good, maybe he can test his current latest generation The case of steel.

"We're fine."

Since Tony has made a reservation, they can't say anything, and Tony, who can create such terrifying magic technology, must be extremely terrifying. Regarding this, Tony has no great opinion on... Ebony throat. .

In the end, with Loki's constant explanations, everyone has a new understanding of the enemy.

At the same time, Bai Ye also explained his plan to a few people. His plan was actually quite simple. It was just to open the door of space through the universe Rubik's Cube and let the army of Ebony Maw and Qitarui descend. Defeat the Chitauris in the shortest time. If it was before, neither Captain America nor Tony would agree to such a plan. After all, this plan is a bit rough, and they have so few people, only a few people, but they are faced with a race. Army, isn't this a death sentence? But now, with the blessing of Tony's magic technology, and Bai Ye's presence at the back, they are not worried at all about these issues.

Because through understanding, they know the terrifying level of Bai Ye's strength, especially Tony. After staying in Kama Taj for so long, he also roughly understands the depth of Bai Ye's strength, which is definitely not something the Chitarians can deal with.

In this way, after a few people's discussions, Dr. Banner and Tony began to study the universe Rubik's Cube, to study the ability to open a large number of space doors at the fastest speed.

The joining time of two top scientists was very short, and the research was completed in almost a day.

.................................At this time, on the rooftop of the Stark Tower, everyone Assembled, everyone seemed to be waiting for something on the rooftop "White Night Mage, are we going to start?" Dr. Banner held an instrument, and in the center of the instrument, there was a 1 azure square, and this is. ..Cosmic Rubik's Cube and this instrument is also an instrument that activates the ability of the Universe Rubik's Cube.

"let's start."

Bai Ye replied.

Hearing this, Dr. Banner directly activated the instrument.

At that moment, the cosmic Rubik's Cube radiated a huge amount of energy, which directly turned into a blue beam of light that shot straight into the sky and ran through the sky. Wonderful change.

Before long, the entire sky began to change, and blurred figures appeared.

The Chitauri have begun to descend.

Chapter 131 The Power of Magic Technology [5/7]

"Is this the Chitauri? Kind of scary."

Seeing the gigantic behemoths that appeared faintly above the sky, almost in their minds, an incomparably gigantic warship and an incomparably powerful army had been constructed outside.

Thinking of this, the faces of the US team suddenly became serious. If the army on the opposite side really came down, with the current technology of the earth, there might really be no way.

Because technology is not one level at all.

"The next step is to rely on Master Bai Ye."

The eyes of several members of the US team suddenly turned to Bai Ye ahead.

In this war, although I don’t know the final winner, but in the end, whether it is a winner or a loser, if these ...... troops come to the earth, it will definitely cause heavy damage to the entire city below. .

"Mirror Space."

Bai Ye raised his right hand, and a powerful momentum rose, pierced through the sky, and rolled away in all directions.

At that moment, in front of everyone, the space changed, and strange inversions began to occur around it, as if it was like a ball, it was inverted directly in the opposite direction.

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