"Is this the power of a magician?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and many people's eyes widened directly, their faces were incredulous....

Although they knew that Bai Ye's power was terrifying, but after all, they had never seen Bai Ye's real shot, but now, what they saw with their own eyes directly overturned the world in their hearts.

Ordinary people have the ability to distort space, and they can distort space at will like a plaything in their hands.

"No wonder my father told me not to offend Bai Ye"


Thor swallowed his saliva and looked at the picture in front of him. His voice was trembling. There were actually quite a few strong men he met, but it was the first time he saw someone who could distort the entire space at will, and he could feel it. , This space seems to be where it was before, but it is actually in another space, and Bai Ye directly used a powerful space energy to directly transmit the surrounding people and the Qitarui people who are about to descend in the sky. space plane.

"Loki, it's fortunate that you came to apologize, otherwise, you might really die this time."

Thor looked at Loki, who was stunned and froze next to him, and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief, although some things that this guy Loki did made him dislike, but after all, it was his younger brother, and he didn't want to see his younger brother being "perhaps."

Loki was more than surprised. Although he refused to admit it, he also understood in his heart that if Thor hadn't dragged him here, even if his future plan succeeded and brought the Chitarians to the earth, they would have nothing to do with it. The odds of winning, it is estimated that they will follow the Qitarui people to become the target of Bai Ye, and they will be buried here directly.

at the same time.

The space door of the space cube finally opened.

The real face of the Qitarui people also appeared in front of everyone. It was an amazing picture. The densely packed space battleships were in the sky above the sky, as if locusts had invaded.

There is no doubt that this time the Qitarui people have spent their blood in order to attack the earth, and a large number of warships and armies have come one after another, intending to capture the earth and take back the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Everyone, you have also seen the opponent this time, the strength is very terrifying, you must not take it lightly, don't think that with magic technology, you can sweep everything, technology is an external force after all, and he can't be invincible, so you Be careful, don't get caught."

Captain America looked at the crowd around him, looked serious, and said in a deep voice.

Although he knew that these people in front of him were not ordinary people, he had experienced wars and he knew very well that no one could be despised, because despising others was likely to lead to death, so he wanted to remind them here.

At this time, Bai Ye suddenly said, "Come on."

As soon as this word comes out.

Like a signal, above the sky, endless warships fell one after another, falling towards them, endless cannonballs with firelight, just like the bright fireworks in the night sky, all falling, beautiful at the same time with endless danger.


Tony turned into a commander at this time, his eyes were firm, and he shouted angrily upwards.

During the speech, he turned into a phantom, heading towards the sky.

For a moment, he faced the numerous cannonballs, and the whole body of the battle suit was opened, which directly produced a golden light. Under the light, small magic circles lingered and directly covered his body. "All to me."

"Tony shouted angrily, and a mysterious force suddenly unfolded, and a wave of energy spread in all directions like a ripple, and everything shattered wherever it went, whether it was missiles, or Chitari rushing over. People burst open one after another, turning into gorgeous fireworks directly in the sky, very beautiful.

At the same time, an incomparably huge hurricane lifted up and turned into a tornado, directly rolling up the surrounding Chitauri offensive. Countless Chitauris were riding on small aircraft and were directly rolled up. , with a scream, lingering in the sky.

At this time, the magic technology developed by Tony began to show its power, and the large-scale magic that Kama Taj was familiar with unfolded directly, rushing directly towards the rushing Chitauri, instantly destroying the Chitauri formation. .

I saw a hurricane swept across the sky, endless thunder fell, and at the same time, it also brought a meteor shower, like a rain, it directly destroyed the rushing Qitarui people.

The weapons of the Qitarui people are also very good, with a lot of missiles shot over, but a golden shield directly intercepted all these missiles.

"Tony is indeed a genius."

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh.

The current situation is that they have an advantage, it can be said that they have a great advantage, but a few people have already caused a lot of damage to the Qitarui people. It is estimated that the dead people at least... . ...... Several thousand started.

And all of this is caused by Tony's magic technology, some large-scale magic of the taboo level is unfolded, these... The Chitauri have no ability to resist at all, and are directly destroyed .


Chapter 132 A kick in the air, a miserable ebony throat [6/7]

"These magical technologies are really powerful, Tony is really amazing."

Hawkeye held a bow in his hand and pulled the bowstring in his right hand, and an energy bow and arrow was instantly generated.

Huh...! In his lifetime, the energy bows and arrows shot out, and instantly moved towards the violent explosion, which directly swept the Qitarui people around.

Seeing the effect of the magic bow in his hand, Hawkeye had to admire Tony's genius. The magic bow in front of him increased his combat effectiveness several times, even dozens of times.

At least....he was unable to achieve such terrifying lethality before, but now he can.

And he is more and more in love with this magic bow now, and even some don't want to give it back to Tony, because as an archer, a good bow is more important than anything else, not to mention the top archer like him, but in this way.

"Tony, he is known as the smartest person on this planet, can't he be a genius?" On the other side, the black widow leaned over and slammed towards the sky with a fan in her right hand. In an instant, a magic circle was created, and a violent gale blew up. At an extremely fast speed, it directly condensed into a hurricane that was visible to the naked eye, turned into a terrifying natural disaster, and swept everything directly, so that the surrounding Qitarians were absorbed in succession.

"This fight is really cool.

"Hawkeye said with a smile on his face, happily saying that the protective cover is open, there is no need to worry about the enemy's attack, but their magic technology can cause terrifying damage to the enemy, as if they have become standing in front of the front row, There is no need for the enemy's damage to him at all, as long as he is standing, he can output, and the people on the opposite side see the front row in front of him, their scalps tingle, because they can't move these people at all.

at the same time.

In the sky, in a huge battleship.

Ebony Maw and the leader of the Qitarui people stood in front, looking at the battle situation on the screen, their faces were extremely ugly. In this battle, their losses were too great. In only ten minutes, they lost nearly five points. one of the people.

The war has just started, they lost one-fifth of their combat power, and on the enemy's side, they don't even know who it is, and they haven't even heard a report stating that they have already killed the enemy. .

"We can't go on like this anymore, we must find ways to smash the tortoise shell below, otherwise, if we continue, our losses will only increase."

The leader of the Qitarians pointed to the magic circle unfolding on the screen. It could be seen that some of their artillery fire attacks were all eaten up by this protective cover, and they did not cause any damage to the protective cover. .

"And Loki has betrayed, this guy."

The leader of the Qitarui people stared at Loki inside the protective shield, his eyes burning with anger, they never thought that Loki would betray, this bereaved family, they were the ones who saved Loki in the beginning, if this guy hadn't already. just died.

"The shield must be opened, and Loki must too, allowing the betrayers to stay in this world."

"He has no right to life."

Ebony Maw's face was black, although his face was originally black, but it could be seen that at this moment, Ebony Maw's eyes were cold, and the killing intent pervaded, as if one after another could kill others.

"Loki is definitely going to kill, but what about this protective cover? If this protective cover is not opened, we will always be passive, and we don't know that the weapons that those guys got are infinitely powerful and extremely lethal."

The leader of the Qitarui said in a deep voice that if it was just the shield, he wouldn't worry too much. After all, the shield was only a matter of defense. As long as the attack didn't work, it was only a matter of time for them. The terrifying, random attack caused a large number of casualties to them, and this casualty was the biggest casualty they had suffered in the cosmos battle for so long.

At least....... The reason for such a large casualty is due to the ambush of Bai Ye and others. Without knowing any circumstances, he was directly taken to the mirror world by Bai Ye, plus there was no Bai Ye. After waiting for the information of others, the magic technology of several people was launched, and some taboo large-scale magic was directly spread, and bombarded them in an instant, causing them to suffer heavy casualties.

To put it bluntly, it all lies in their contempt and lack of sufficient intelligence, so the number of casualties is a bit terrifying. In fact, this is not to blame for them. After all, in the intelligence, there is a technology on the earth. Very ordinary civilization, there are no terrifying weapons, so they are so unscrupulous.

But who knows, Tony has developed such a terrifying magic technology, which can accommodate some forbidden magic.

"If you don't try the track cannon, I don't believe this shield really protects against everything."

The leader of the Qitarui people said in a deep voice that the star-track cannon is so powerful that it once even penetrated a planet. However, the energy required for such a cannon is astonishing. Even in his battleship, it can only be fired once. There is not much energy left.

But if he can penetrate that protective cover, or directly kill the enemy in front of him, these...it may not be worth it, after all, he can see that these people in front of him are probably ...the strongest group of people in the earth, as long as they are killed, the earth is like a bag, you can grab whatever you want.

"No, you give the order first, let the people below stop and come back directly. As for the following things, let me do it."

Ebony throat looked cold, and his eyes fell on the screen, that clearly visible figure.

He will never forget the figure of that person, the person who once shamed him.

"it is good."

The leader of the Qitarui people hesitated for a moment, and agreed with Ebony Maw's opinion. The Star Track Cannon requires a lot of energy, and now is not the time to use it, and if Ebony Maw can open the protective cover, then it is worth it. If it can't be turned on, it's not impossible to use the track cannon.

As the order fell, the originally dense army turned around and went back. Due to the distance, the magic technology of several people could not help these people.

At this time, a dark figure like an alien fell directly from the battleship and walked towards the few people in Bai Ye.

"Who is this guy"

Captain America looked at Loki and asked.

"This person is called Ebony Maw, the right-hand man of Thanos, and the most powerful person in this group of troops."

Loki said truthfully.

At this time, Ebony Maw was standing high in the sky, staring indifferently at the crowd below, and said in a cold voice, "Get out in the white night."

As soon as the voice fell, a figure rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

Then Ebony Maw was kicked directly in the face, the whole person turned into an afterimage, and flew out into the distance, flying for nearly a few hundred meters before stopping in mid-air, "I don't need Venerable Bai Ye to shoot, I'll do it. ."

Tony floated high in the sky, as if the God of War looked at the ebony throat and said coldly.

Chapter 133 The Ebony Throat Was Exploded [7/7]

"Wow, Tony is handsome."

Black Widow exclaimed.

"Indeed, my blood boiled when I saw it, I wish I could go and kick it myself."

Captain America thought about it for a while, and also agreed that he had to say, Ebony Mow just came to declare war with an excellent attitude, and it looked very good to attract hatred, but it was only three seconds after pretending to force, and he was directly kicked by Tony. , and he was kicked in the face, directly causing his face to lose.

As the saying goes, you don't beat people in the face, although I don't know the rules of aliens, but it is estimated that it is a shame to kick a foot in the face no matter where you are.

"Tony's kick is really handsome."

Bai Ye said lightly. Hearing this sentence, the corners of everyone's mouth twitched, not because of Bai Ye's words.

But they actually saw that Bai Ye had transformed a sofa out of nowhere, sitting directly on the sofa, and holding an ice cream in his hand, his expression was extremely leisurely.

People who didn't know thought that Bai Ye was on vacation.

You know, now is a war about the earth, and Bai Ye is actually at the front of the battlefield, sitting on the sofa, eating ice cream, watching a play "Master Bai Ye, you are like this."

Black Widow is a little powerless to complain "Yo, back to S.H.I.E.L.D.


You dare to call me by my name, shouldn't you call me that... title?" Bai Ye glanced at Black Widow with a leisurely expression, and said lightly, "Call me" Hearing this, Nick Fury was a little puzzled , and then his expression became strange. If he guessed correctly, Black Widow only used one name for Bai Ye, and that name was quite embarrassing.

"Natasha, do you know the White Night Mage?"

Hawkeye and Dr. Banner looked at Black Widow with some doubts.

Even Team America looked over, but they had never heard of the connection between Black Widow and White Night.

Seeing everyone's eyes gathered, Black Widow looked at Bai Ye, gritted her teeth, and said in a deep voice, "Master!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

They have thought about the various titles of Bai Ye and Black Widow, but the only thing they didn't think of was this master.

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