Such a strange name.

"Is that right?" Bai Ye accepted it leisurely, anyway... He has listened to it countless times, and it doesn't seem like a big deal.

"Master, aren't you worried that Tony needs to know that Ebony-throated is not a strong person?" Now that she said it, Black Widow didn't bother to explain anything, and asked Bai Ye naturally.

As for the rest of the people, they hesitated, but when they saw the question from Black Widow, their eyes immediately fell on Bai Ye.

"Ebony Maw is an extremely talented person. He has slaughtered countless races, and even destroyed a planet by himself. His strength should not be underestimated.

Thor said in a deep voice that when he heard these words, several people felt a little heavy in their hearts. Although a person who can destroy a planet, although he did not see Ebony Mow's shot, he could almost predict the horror of Ebony Mow.

"It's just destroying a planet, what's the big deal"

Compared with the dignifiedness of a few people, Bai Ye was... calmer.

"And Tony is not weak, not necessarily worse than the ebony throat, and at the same time I am here, the ebony throat can't help Tony."

As soon as these words came out, several people frowned, and they really didn't understand why Bai Ye was so confident.

Does Bai Ye really have the power to destroy all this?

However, Thor and Loki believed it. Because of what Odin said, they believed in Bai Ye's strength. After all, Odin at his peak, let alone the current army, even if it doubled several times, Odin could swept through it. As for White Night being stronger than Odin, that's even simpler.

at the same time.

Ebony Throat and Tony trembled together, and was kicked by Tony, Ebony Throat was furious, and rushed up to tremble with Tony.

I have to say that although the ebony throat is nothing to Bai Ye, for others, the strength of the ebony throat is still extremely terrifying.

Tony's whole body's magic technology was turned on, and the ebony throat was helpless, and some were even suppressed by the ebony throat.

"Jarvis, have you analyzed the strength of this guy?" Tony avoided the attack of the ebony throat, turned his body, and left in the distance. At the same time, he asked Jarvis that he was now analyzing the strength of the ebony throat and flaw.

"Sir, we haven't analyzed it yet. With our current state, we can't see too many flaws."

"Is the difference that big?"

Tony doesn't believe it, you must know that he has great confidence in... his own magic technology.

He even threatened to defeat the Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, but now, if even a being like Ebony Maw can't be defeated, then what will be used to defeat the Heavenly-father-level powerhouse in the future?

You must know that Ebony Maw is far from the powerhouse at the Heavenly Father level.

"Sir, according to my analysis, we really can't see our odds of winning. Our odds are only 3%. We have found three [-] flaws now, which may be useful."

Between the words, in front of Tony, there were three flaws in the ebony throat, two in his hands and one in his chest.

"Three 3 flaws are enough, Jarvis Destroyer is ready."

Tony sneered, then took control of the steel battle suit, directly avoiding the attack of Ebony Maw, then switched positions, accelerated directly, directly broke the speed of sound, and instantly came to Ebony Maw's face "Innocent."

Ebony throat sneered, and waved his right hand, and instantly a repulsive force was generated, and the terrifying repulsive force instantly bombarded Tony out.

Immediately following Ebony Throat, it came to Tony in an instant, as if withered wood's arm stretched out directly and grabbed towards his helmet.

"court death."

Seeing this scene, Tony almost laughed out loud, he was trying to get close to the ebony throat, and now the ebony throat came to the door by himself.

"Jarvis, saboteur starts."

"Ok sir."

Almost in an instant, Tony's hands produced a white light, a terrifying force spurted out, and instantly swept towards Ebony Throat. Humans are just, why do they possess such powerful shattering magic?

"The shattering magic of the destroyer in Tony's hands was not engraved by the senior magician of Kama Taj, but engraved by Bai Ye himself, and its power can be said to be more than ten times that of the other destroyers.


A roar was generated, a huge explosion sounded all around, and the air waves spread all around, and the ebony throat body was directly blown open, turned into flesh and blood, and spread directly in the air.


Chapter 134 The body of a mortal, comparable to the gods [1]


A dull, astonishing explosion sounded, and the ebony throat exploded directly in front of everyone, like an inflated balloon, the body exploded directly, the flesh and blood turned into pieces, and floated in the air, the strong smell of blood carrying the smell of gunpowder, directly into the air.

"Ebony Throat is actually dead."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Loki's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.......

You know, that... is the Ebony Mow. It once destroyed countless races, and its hands are stained with the blood of countless living beings. In the universe, the name of Ebony Mow can make countless people feel terrified and face a terrified cosmos powerhouse. what.

And now this powerhouse whose fame has swept the universe was actually killed by a human being. Although it was only through the means of external force, it was amazing enough. After all, a large part of this kind of thing was developed by him.

"It's dead, how is this possible?"

Loki's face was pale, and he couldn't accept the facts in front of him.

If he was killed by Bai Ye, he would....... he felt nothing, after all, the strength was there, but Tony was not... Bai Ye, and Loki always felt that Tony was not too strong, he It was easy to deal with Tony, but now the ebony throat he feared like a tiger died in front of him, and it was Tony who killed him.

An ordinary human being.

"The body of a mortal is comparable to that of a god, no wonder my father told me that the earth should not be underestimated... It is indeed a bit scary.

"Looking at the scene in front of him, Thor's face was a little complicated, and his expression was a little dazed. He thought of what Odin told him when he was coming to Earth, and at first he didn't feel anything about those words, but Now that is perfectly fulfilled.

On the earth, not only Bai Ye is invincible, but other people have great potential.

And in front of him, Tony, who defeated the ebony throat, is... one of them.

"Tony actually killed Ebony Throat, isn't that the end of this fight.

"After the black widow was shocked, she seemed to have thought of something, and said to the surrounding crowd that the ebony throat was the pillar of the opposite side this time, and it could be said that it was their hole card, and now the Qitarui people's hole card was torn by Tony, It can almost be said that they became the winner. After all, the war is not about the number of people, and there are many factors to consider. If nothing else, in front of the two armies, Tony blasted the ebony throat, which is equivalent to directly injuring the opposing army, making The morale on the other side plummeted.

"more or less."

Captain America also didn't react a little bit, looked in a trance, and said in surprise, "Tony, it's really amazing, he can really kill Ebony Maw."

"A remarkable man indeed."

Nick Fury on the side looked complicated, and also said in agreement.

"Fortunately, this is the engraved magic of Venerable Bai Ye, otherwise, it would be really dangerous once."

Tony looked around, panting and sweating.

I have to say that it was just now. If it weren't for the fact that the two hand patterns on his steel battle suit were engraved with shattering magic, and it was still the shattering of the white night, if it was someone else, it might not be his victory.

Although he has killed Ebony Maw now, but a large part of the reason is because of Baiye's Broken Rubik's Cube. Although magic technology is convenient, it also has a drawback, that is, it depends on the magic level of magic technology. If the magic power is a little weak, Then in the face of a powerful enemy, the advantages of magic technology will be lost.

"Magic technology is still immature and needs to be upgraded in the future, and Venerable Bai Ye is indeed right. Judging from my current results, it is still wishful thinking to destroy the powerhouse at the Heavenly Father level.

"After the ebony throat battle, Tony also realized his own shortcomings. Although the magic technology is good and very convenient, it is also very restrictive. Just keep researching.

However, because he killed Ebony Maw, Tony was extremely excited. After all, according to Loki's information, Ebony Maw is a well-known powerhouse in the universe, and his reputation is not ordinary.

"Tony, come back."

Just when Tony was about to continue the attack, planning to pursue the victory and attack the Chitauri, a familiar voice rang in his ear, and Tony was stunned when he heard this voice, because it was the voice of Bai Ye.

call out...!.

Without any hesitation, Tony turned around and went back in the direction of Bai Ye.

"Want to run? It's naive."

At this moment, a cold, resentful voice sounded, followed by a dark energy sweeping across the sky, covering the sky, as if to render this piece of sky into a dark night, entering into the dark night.

This change was very fast, and almost instantly caught everyone by surprise. At the same time, above the sky, a large palm composed of black energies grabbed towards the bottom, and the goal was to take Tony.

The speed of the big hand is very fast, almost running through the entire space, directly in front of Tony "What ability is this."

Tony's face changed greatly, and the battlefield was changing rapidly, but the changes were so fast now that even if he had Jarvis, he didn't notice it for the first time.

"Tony be careful."

Seeing the giant hand coming from the air, the Hawkeyes couldn't help exclaiming.

His eyes are full of worry, and the excitement of just killing Ebony Maw has no "crossing the line!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded, as if the gods had come into the world, and the words followed, and a gigantic energy swept out, turning into a sharp sword light, and slashed straight ahead.


In an instant, the dark thug was cut off, and Tony took this time period and returned directly to the protective cover.

at the same time.

Above the sky, something changed, the endless darkness retracted and turned into a figure.

And this figure is the ebony throat that was just blown up by Tony, but his temperament has undergone some changes. Although he looked ugly before, he has an aloof temperament and is easy to recognize. Now the black energy body is lingering all over the ebony throat, like a demon from hell, full of ferocity.

"You do have some skills that can push me to this point, but none of this can change the outcome of your death. You should be proud of being buried under my power."

The ebony throat is like a demon, standing in the sky, the black airflow around it rotates, looking down directly at the people below, and said coldly.

After speaking, Ebony-throated's eyes fell on Bai Ye, who was gradually walking by in the crowd, his eyes flashed, and a stern look appeared, and he shouted, "Bai Ye!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye stopped, his face was calm, without any change, he still licked a piece of ice cream on his mouth, and said lightly, "I thought you got some power, it turned out that you sacrificed your soul to the devil."

Chapter 135 The Mysterious Demon God [2]

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were a little shaken, and the eyes looking at the ebony throat were also a little weird.

No wonder this guy has changed. It turned out that he sacrificed his soul to the devil, and gained power.

However, Ebony Maw didn't care at all, and instead a sinister smile appeared on his face, "What about the sacrifice of my soul to the great demon god, that's my honor, as long as I can get the supreme power, as long as I wait to kill you, It's all worth it to stomp you underfoot."

Ebony throat uses a burst of energy in his body. The black energy is like black smoke, spreading directly from his body. In an instant, it covers the entire sky and shrouds the surrounding in darkness. At the same time, these... ......There is an inexplicable power in the black mist, as if a demon is whispering, with seductive words, which can stun everyone.

At this moment, the eagle-eyed people looked in a daze, and a red texture in their eyes climbed up, gradually eroding the color in his eyes, as if they were about to surrender, "Humph."

At the same time, a cold snort sounded, directly resounding in the hearts of everyone, the thunder bursts, deafening, and instantly a few people woke up, suddenly a little fortunate.

"Damn, what ability did this guy use, and even I was recruited."

Thor held Thor's Hammer, looked at the far end of the ebony throat, his eyes were angry, and he said solemnly.

It was a shame to be fooled by his strength.

"This guy has become stronger, and his strength is not at the same level as before."

Loki's face was serious and he said in a deep voice.

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