If it wasn't for Bai Ye's attack just now, maybe they would immediately be reduced to the puppets of Ebony Maw. It has to be said that the power of Ebony Maw at this time is a bit terrifying, which has exceeded Loki's imagination. But now there is a feeling of looking up at the mountains, the gap is too huge, making people feel small.

"Get out, don't come out.

Bai Ye's voice came, and the few people didn't say much, and quickly returned to the protective cover.

At the same time, Ebony Throat frowned, stared at Bai Ye, and sneered, "It seems that I underestimated you before, you do have some skills.


He didn't release his power for no reason just now, but wanted to use this power to instantly control everyone below him. In this way, it would be much easier to deal with Bai Ye.

After all, these people are also hostages or something, but he didn't expect Bai Ye to easily unlock his ability, and it was useless for any price.

"You have thick skin too"

Hearing this, Bai Ye chuckled and shook his head.

This guy is arrogant and cheeky. To be honest, people who don't know, think that Ebony is standing above, and that Bai Ye once lost to Ebony.

But there are a few people who know that the Ebony Classic was directly crushed by Bai Ye, and there was no chance to fight back.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Whose power did you draw from?"

Bai Ye sneered, his right hand stretched out directly, a kind of momentum rushed over the sky, and the vast power burst out in an instant, directly sweeping all around.

Clap la la.

The space began to produce ripples, like ocean waves, directly rolling up the vast power and slamming forward.

"Jie Jie! Although you do have some strength in Bai Ye, in the face of the power of Lord Demon God, your strength is like a humble fluorescent light facing the vast scorching sun."

Facing the overwhelming offensive in front of him, Ebony Maw didn't move at all, but instead looked at Bai Ye with a mocking look, as if saying, "You can't do it."

At the same time, I saw a vast energy erupting from the body of Ebony Maw, and the black black mist erupted, directly turning into a giant hand, directly across the space fluctuations around, directly ignoring Bai Ye's offensive, and directly towards Bai Ye catch.

I have to say that the reason why Ebony Mouth is confident is because the power it uses is also strong enough. The black smoke swept in directly, instantly suppressing the fluctuation of the surrounding space, tearing the space directly, so that the surrounding space could not get close to him at the same time, The big black hand directly crossed countless spaces and came to the front of Bai Ye.

"It's interesting, no wonder you're so confident.

The attack was intercepted, Bai Ye's face was very calm, and he didn't move at all. The attack just now was just a random blow, trying to test the strength of Ebony Maw.

It has to be said that Ebony Maw didn't know how to use that... Demon God's power, the quality is extremely objective, and it has never been a powerhouse at the level of a heavenly father, but has directly become a strength that can burst into a single universe level.

"Unfortunately, external forces are external forces after all."

Bai Ye took a step forward, and suddenly an astonishing power erupted, like an unparalleled overlord, with a supreme aura that shakes the sky and the earth, as if the god-king of the ancient times walked out, with a sacred inescapable... ......Invading Tianwei.


A roar sounded, and the big dark hand exploded directly. The entire space was like glass, and it exploded directly. The cracks were clearly visible and spread in all directions.

It seems that there is an invisible force that will directly tear the space apart.

"how can that be."

Ebony-throated face turned black, although the moves were the same, but the big hand just now had exploded nearly [-]% of his strength, but he was also disintegrated by Bai Ye.

This made Ebony Mow a little unacceptable. You must know that this force can even shred Thanos.

"Let me see whose strength you are drawing on."

At this time, Bai Ye had already crossed the space and came to the front of Ebony Maw. His right hand, like a white jade, stretched out directly. Ebony Maw's face turned black, and he shouted angrily, wanting to explode his power to kill Bai Ye. , He suddenly found that he couldn't move, as if there was an invisible shackle, directly and firmly leaning against his body, making his body seem to have lost the sense of "space blockade."

The ebony throat's pupils shrank, and his face changed slightly.

However, before he had time to wait for what he was thinking, Bai Ye's right hand directly penetrated his head, directly pinching his head, and at the same time a white light rose up, directly covering his head together.

"It turned out to be your power."

Bai Ye opened his right hand, and in the white light group, there was a smoke like a small insect, the shape was very strange, the insect had a big eye that was extremely incompatible with its own body.


Chapter 136 The Demon God Who Destroyed Hundreds of Universes [3]

Gu Gu Gu looked at the scene in front of him, eagle eyes were more than surprised, and said to several people around, "Mage Bai Ye, is too powerful, is he still human? Even the gods in mythology are not as good as him?"

After watching the battle just now, this is Hawkeye's most intuitive feeling about Bai Ye. Because of the power that Bai Ye burst out, it is really shocking. A ray of breath that burst out makes Hawkeye tremble in his heart, almost Kneel down, because the pressure of the breath is too great, as if the high-level creatures face the low-level creatures, they have extraordinary suppressing power.

"I don't know much about this either, but at least...not an ordinary person, and I believe that he is even scarier than a god.

"Dr. Banner exhaled, his voice trembled with a touch of trembling. No matter how he recalled the battle just now, he only had shock and fear in his heart... The battle in this situation was simply too terrifying, it was a level of horror beyond words, even He guessed that if he joined that battle, even if he became a Hulk, he would be torn apart directly.

"God, I feel that it is an insult to describe him as a god."

The corners of Loki's mouth twitched, and he said bitterly that what he said was.... To be honest, because their side is called God's Domain, and the people inside are called gods, but compared with Bai Ye, that It's just a fake product, it doesn't look like a god at all, except... it can burst out a little special ability, and it's nothing like Bai Ye, maybe Odin back then can be compared with Bai Ye A comparison.

Thor patted Loki on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Fortunately, we ran back and apologized, otherwise, you kid will really die."

Although Loki has heard this sentence countless times, but every time it brings him a lot of senses, at least... This time he really feels fortunate that he really does not I can't believe it, if he hadn't been dragged back by Thor to apologize, if he really let Ebony Maw and the others come, how would he treat himself with Bai Ye's character and strength? I don't know what the situation is, but at least...... ...... life is estimated to be impossible to save.


Loki thought for a while, and watched Thor sincerely say thank you. If Thor hadn't run over, he would have died.

Hearing this sentence, Thor was stunned for a moment, then smirked and said, "Small things, you and I are brothers, naturally I can't watch you die."

Before seeing Thor's smile like this, Loki felt a little upset, but now he feels very warm.

We are brothers! Perhaps because of the escape from the catastrophe, Thor has a little more tolerance.

However, Thor's next sentence immediately brought Loki back to reality, and at the same time he was a little annoyed.

'However, you still have to go back with me to accept my father's trial. According to normal circumstances, it will take at least ten years in prison.

"Thor said suddenly, and Loki's face turned black, all the brotherhood, go to hell.

"The battle is over."

In vain, Tony's voice followed closely, everyone raised their heads, and suddenly saw Bai Ye squeezing the head of Ebony Maw with one hand, but this time they didn't see Zhiqing Ebony Maw's whole body being resurrected, as if it was really dead. Tilt up.

"I didn't think it was your strength."

Bai Ye's eyes were deep, and his tone was cold, and his right hand kept pinching the small bug with big eyes.

He is no stranger to the master of the ebony throat with the help of his strength, and he has even seen it some time ago.

That is the demon god of the hell plane, the beholder.

The terrifying demon god who once destroyed hundreds of universes has barely reached the level of the almighty universe.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that this waste has my power, and it can't help you, really waste.

At this moment, a sinister voice sounded.

I saw the big-eyed bug in the palm of my hand becoming active, obviously this is the beholder's voice.

"However, Bai Ye, you really made me think that a mere mortal can cultivate to such an extent through himself that he controls the power of space.

"Oh, I can still get your praise, I'm really surprised."

"Hehe, it's just a compliment. As long as you are a famous demon god in the hell plane, you can know your name. Although we all hate you very much, but for... your talent, it's...... ..I am extremely curious, how did you grow to this point in such a short period of time."

Although the beholder has only one eye, he can see clearly, his eyes began to deepen, as if he really didn't understand why Bai Ye was so strong.

"Want to know?"


The beholder is so true that he does not cover up his thoughts at all, but it is useless to cover up. They have reached the point where they all rely on their strength to speak, not to mention that this is just his avatar, and there is no need to cover up his thoughts or anything. A clone is doomed to die.

"You'll know when you die."

Bai Ye sneered, and then said in his heart, "System, work, let Lao Tzu absorb all this guy.

Although it is only a clone, the power contained in this clone should not be underestimated, at least...... It starts with hundreds of thousands of data points.

Hearing Bai Ye's order, suddenly, a terrifying phagocytic force was generated, which directly sucked the little bug in Bai Ye's palm. "Damn, what kind of power is this, my energy will flow amazingly."

The beholder's voice was a little panicked, because this was the first time he had sensed such a thing. Although many people had absorbed his power, he could feel it, and he could even use that power to directly seize the body. Just facing the system, the beholder finds that his power seems to have entered a black hole, and he has no sense of power at all.

While absorbing the power of the beholder, Bai Ye was not in a hurry. He directly opened the soul of Ebony Maw through magic, and directly glimpsed the depths of his memory. Although Ebony Maw was crushed by Bai Ye, his soul was indeed captured by Bai Ye. The throat can't do much, but for... white night, there is still some use.

Chapter 137 If I want to die, I just do it [4]

Bai Ye pulled his right hand, and the light group in the palm of his palm was directly torn open, divided into two halves, and turned into two light groups with different shapes.

At this time, the light groups on both sides made different voices, "Let go of me Bai Ye, if you kill me, Lord Thanos will definitely not let you go."

The voice of the ebony throat was full of trembling, this time he really felt the threat of his life, there is no doubt that his current name is in the hands of Bai Ye, as long as Bai Ye is willing, he can kill him at any time.

And his background beholder was controlled by Bai Ye again, and he couldn't fight against Bai Ye at all, so he could only move out Thanos, hoping that Thanos could shock Bai Ye.

Originally, the soul of Ebony Maw should have been absorbed by the beholder, but for some unknown reason, his soul still exists here.

"The realm of the mind."

Bai Ye was too lazy to pay attention to Ebony Maw, and directly opened the ability of the Mind Gem. His spiritual power was unparalleled. He was very reckless and directly invaded into Ebony Maw's soul, and directly decomposed his soul. At that moment, Ebony Maw's soul disintegrated and turned into one after another. Like a movie, it is directly reflected in front of the white night.

Those are the memories of Ebony Maw, all the memories from his birth to the present, some memories may have been forgotten by Ebony Maw, but they are still imprinted in his mind.

The lifespan of ebony throat is very long, it is estimated that at least....... With a beginning of tens of thousands of years, in such a long time, the storage capacity of memory is also extremely amazing. Start from the beginning, but choose the best memory for a period of time. According to his understanding, Ebony Maw has never taken refuge in the Demon God, or there is no data to show that Ebony Maw is in contact with the beholder, and he has recently attacked the beholder, then It is very likely that the beholder has come into contact with Ebony Throat during this period of time.

The time gap should not be too long, and if you had contacted it early, according to the character of Ebony Muzzle, with such a powerful power, it would have replaced Thanos long ago. You must know that Ebony Mow can burst out of a nearly single universe just now. Energy, this kind of strength is definitely not comparable to the current Thanos.

"My lord, what should we do now, Lord Ebony-throated seems to have encountered an accident now."

Among the chief warships of the Chitauri, a Chitauri looked panic and said to their leader.

Although they didn't intervene, the battle scene just now had scared countless Chitarians.

After all, that kind of power is definitely not something they can resist. No matter how many people they have, they will only die if they rush over. There are even many Chitarians who want to leave directly and not fight this war.

Because they know that with the suppression of the white night, their battle is doomed to lose, and there is no room for victory.

"Send someone over to capture the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, then start the space jump and leave here directly.

The leader of the Qitarui people, with a serious expression, accepted the order to the side next to him.

He also understands that staying here is just to die, and he doesn't know why Bai Ye hasn't done anything to him, but in the future, Bai Ye will definitely not let them go, it's better to take advantage of this free time.

The reason why they directly left here to capture the Cosmos Rubik's Cube is because they have no way to leave here, only the ability of the Cosmos Cube is interesting and possible, just leave here, no, they can only wait to die" But my lord.

"No, but, immediately send someone to take the universe over, no matter what the cost, otherwise, all of us will die here.

' the leader of the Chitauri roared at his men below.

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