Hearing this, the Chitauri people were a little scared, and then they didn't say anything, and acted directly. Among the Chitauri people, their leader's orders represent everything and are supreme.

So no one objected, and everyone started to act very quickly. Above the sky, there were flying machines all over the sky, and the densely packed Qitarians once covered them, but they could all avoid the position of Bai Ye and head towards the sky. Go in the direction of Tony and the others.

Bai Ye took a look and didn't care too much, he was in a busy time period and didn't have time to pay attention to other things.

What's more, the Chitauris can't threaten Tony and the others with their abilities. Although they won't destroy the Chitauris, it is still extremely easy to hold on for some time.

...... "These guys have acted, we have to do something."

Thor twisted his neck, looking at the densely packed Zitari army of locusts in the sky, showing a sneer.

"That must be something to do. Venerable Bai Ye has already solved the biggest threat, and the remaining Chitauri troops, then let us kill them."

Tony said in a deep voice, the Iron Man shield on his face was directly covered, and then he rushed out of the shield and walked directly towards the Chitauri.

"This guy is really impulsive, but I like it.

Thor laughed loudly, and directly threw out the Miaomiao hammer, and the whole person rushed out directly. Not long after, a dazzling thunder gushed out, slicing in the sky.

"Can't let: those people disturb the White Night Mage"

Captain America looked around, then his eyes fell on Bai Ye, and he said in a deep voice, "Although I don't know what Master Bai Ye is doing, it looks like he is very busy."

"Then we will be divided into two groups, one group will deal with the Chitarui people, and the other group will protect the White Night Mage, so that those... Chitaru people can't hinder the White Night Mage."

Dr Banner said.

"So decide."

Immediately following, there was hardly much discussion, the group directly separated, left the protective cover, each took their own tasks, and went to the place ahead very quickly, where only Loki and Nick Fury were left.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Nick Fury regretted a little, why did he come here, obviously he couldn't interfere.

"Loki, won't you come and help?"

Nick Fury looked at Loki next to him and asked.

Loki shrugged and said, "If I go over, you can't do anything, and don't you want someone to protect you? If someone sneaks in, do this, not to mention the universe cube is here."

"Why do I think that you stay here, but you want to secretly take the universe cube."

Nick Fury looked deeply at Loki.

Hearing this, Loki is.... It doesn't matter, and doesn't care whether Nick Fury believes it or not. "If I want to die, I might do it."


Chapter 138 The Fall of Ebony Throat [5]

"In our world, there is a saying in a country that people die for wealth and birds die for food. Do you think you are one of the people in this sentence?"

Nick Fury said quietly.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a man, I'm a god."

Loki's face was still extremely calm, and he was not moved by Nick Fury's repeated words.

In fact, he really didn't dare to do it anymore, after all, the ebony throat was pinched to death by Bai Ye in front of his eyes, and that kind of... the excitement brought by the picture made Loki not recover now.

However, he stayed here, simply because he didn't want to go out, because the Qitarui army was quite large. If he passed by with his strength, it might not be impossible for him to be killed by the chaotic army. After all, he was not Thor. The strength of the body is thick, and the strength is extremely terrifying. In addition, he is...... Really staying here because he wants to protect the universe Rubik's Cube.

As soon as he saw the Qitarui people going crazy, he came towards this side, and he guessed that the Qitarui people's thoughts must be to capture the universe Rubik's Cube, in order to protect the safety of the universe Rubik's cube, he stayed here.

Hearing this, Nick Fury's face froze, and after a while, he slowly said, "No wonder you are called the god of tricks, and your mouth is really good."

"You're not bad, old fox Nick Fury."

"You can call me old fox, my life is not as much as yours."

The corners of Nick Fury's mouth twitched, if someone called him that, he would....... it doesn't matter, after all, he is used to being called.

It's a little awkward for Loki to say it. After all, Loki has a long life and is estimated to be hundreds or even thousands of years old.

................................" Chitauri, put your strength up, why do you So weak."

In the air, Thor controlled the thunder, and the thick thunder fell from the sky, swept all around in an instant, devoured the surrounding Qitarians, and the thunder lingered, exuding a real thunder god, as if he had become a real god. , the momentum that swept all directions came crashing down.

"Electric control, your speed is too slow, I have already destroyed no less than a hundred aircraft.

At this moment, Tony rushed over from a distance, and one hand caught the Chitauri next to Thor who wanted to attack him.

Then he turned his head to look at Thor and laughed.

To be honest, the few of them are not very afraid of the current Chitauri. Although there are many Chitauris, there are not many people, or even none, who threaten them, so a few people let go and fight. , few Chitauris can stop them.

"I'm the god of thunder, called Thor, please be polite."

Thor twitched the corners of his mouth, smashed the Chitauri at will, and shouted angrily at Tony.

"It's almost the same, isn't Thor the power-controller? Is there something wrong?"

"Of course it's wrong."

Thor's chest raised a breath, what the hell, how could these two be the same, the name is different, okay?

"Then tell me, it's the same with me.


Thor was at a loss for words, it really doesn't seem like that... The difference, Thor, as the name suggests, is... the god who controls thunder, and isn't the person who controls electricity also the person who controls thunder "Anyway... I'm called Thor, if you're calling me Electrician, I see you hitting you once."

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of anything, so Thor could only threaten Tony.

"It's just that you are still far away. If you can kill more people than me, I will be your Thunder God in the future, how about that?"

"Are you sure"


"That's the agreement, if I surpass you, I will call you Iron Man from now on."

During the speech, Thor burst out with a terrifying aura, showered with thunder, arguing for the Qitarui army to rampage, like a... reckless bull, without thinking about anything else, rammed and said.

"It's way more than you think, electrician."

Tony shouted loudly, and the magic circle burst out in an instant, and terrifying magic swept out one after another, and instantly enveloped the army of the Qitarians with a roar, and countless aircraft fell one after another.

At this time, the Qitarui people are a little sad, these people don't take them seriously, they are still chatting during the war, and at the same time they can't help Tony and the others, so that they are both fearful and facing Tony. Man gnashing his teeth.

It has to be said that, with magic technology in hand, several members of the Avengers who were not very strong in the past have all exploded with unexpected power at this time, just like the Hulk wearing the God of King Kong and showering the attack of the Qitarui people. He didn't care about these attacks at all, he threw himself at it, and blew it up with one punch.

As for the Black Widows, all of them have their own shining points, and none of them have a huge advantage. Every time they make a move, many enemies fall.

However, although the strength of the few people is strong, the number of Qitarui people is still too large, and many fish that slip through the net rushed past the guards of the few people and went directly to the protective cover. Unfortunately, there is Loki sitting here, and a large number of Loki may be a little scared, but there are only a few, Loki calms down a lot, and the magic unfolds one by one, instantly defeating everyone.

at the same time.

When a few people were fighting you, the US team touched you and came to the bottom of Bai Ye's high sky, standing under Bai Ye in a defensive posture to see this scene, Bai Ye was a little speechless.

Does he still need someone to protect him? Immediately, Bai Ye's mental power spread, and the voice suddenly sounded in the minds of several members of the US team, "Let's go, there is no need for protection here, follow them to kill the enemy, but it is a good way out."

"White Night Mage, but you are here"

"Let's go, I don't need it here. In this space, no one can do anything to me, not to mention if someone can kill me, even if you are useless here, it is better to be a helper in the past."

"Well then, Master Bai Ye, be careful."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, the American team didn't insist anymore, and then turned around and joined Tony and the others directly.

Not long after the few people left, Bai Ye's left hand directly squeezed the soul of the ebony throat.

In this way, the cosmic powerhouse of the famous town, the ebony throat, was wiped out. "In order to kill me, you are really the beholder."

Chapter 139 End [1]

"The beholder, it's...a good plan."

Bai Ye's face was a little gloomy, and he didn't have the memory of looking at the ebony throat. He didn't know that the beholder had invaded this aspect of the universe a long time ago, and he also got the ebony throat as his carrier. The strength is not long, otherwise, if you wait a few years, or even decades, the ebony throat can burst into the strength of the multiverse.

But now, due to the arrival of Ebony Maw, it has been pinched to death by Bai Ye, and the Beholder's plan has also come to nothing, unable to truly transmit power.

'Just why, the power of the beholder can be transmitted down, is there a problem with the magic circle?' This side of the universe has not been ravaged by the demon gods of the hell plane. Even the powerhouses of this world can't do anything about this magic circle, so this side of the universe is fairly safe.

If it weren't for the existence of this magic circle, it is estimated that the demon gods of the hell plane would have come down long ago. At that time, this universe is estimated to be the same as the previous multiverse, and it will become the food of the demon gods.

"The beholder is...a little cautious, but after scolding him a few times, he paid a big price and must come here.

The beholder's careful thinking was somewhat beyond Bai Ye's expectations. Because of the magic circle, the demon god basically couldn't come to this side of the universe, but it was not impossible to come. There is also a way to get in, but the power will be weakened, and it may even pay a large price, and you will not get much benefit from coming to this side of the world, so the demon gods as powerful as Setorak will basically not come. It's too expensive to come here.

Even the top demon god Setorak, under the multiple insults of Bai Ye, did not have the will to pay the price, because once he really did that, his strength would be damaged, and other demon gods would definitely pay attention. It's not impossible to be swallowed up by the other demon gods. After all, the demon gods in the hell plane can't wait to swallow everyone. There are no so-called friends or the like, only enemies.

Originally, Bai Ye felt that if he scolded and scolded, it was impossible for a demon to come, but he did not expect that he would encounter a hard stubble. This beholder really paid a big price, and directly let his soul descend as a fulcrum, and came to this place. One world.

Originally, he planned to slowly transport his own strength, and then restore it to about the strength of the multiverse level. When he directly attacked Bai Ye and swallowed it up, the world just didn't expect that Ebony Maw waited for a powerful force, and for a while... I couldn't help it, I wanted to fight with Bai Ye, but the strength was still too weak, and it was directly crushed by Bai Ye.

It is estimated that at this time, the beholder knows that his plan has failed, and he is irritable. He can't wait to catch the ebony throat and torture it for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the soul of the ebony throat has been crushed by Bai Ye, and it is impossible to resurrect.

"This beholder, we must find a way to get rid of it."

Bai Ye's eyebrows wrinkled, this time the beholder, let Bai Ye wake up, not all demon gods are like Setorak, or some of the careful demon gods are extremely crazy.

For example, the beholder this time.

Although the reminder reminds me, but Bai Ye... wants to get rid of the beholder directly. Once he gets rid of the beholder, it will be a shock to the hell plane in the future. Big trouble.

After all, there is an almighty universe-level demon god who keeps staring at your back, and no one will feel comfortable.

Although the beholder was a little traumatized this time, the dead camel was bigger than the horse. If he wanted to get rid of the beholder, he still had to think long and hard. After all, he was an all-around cosmos-level demon god, how could it be the kind of Apocalypse... The colors are comparable.

"It's time for this war to end."

Bai Ye's eyes swept across, staring at everything in front of him, and slowly said, "You all step back."

At the same time, a cold voice sounded in all Tony's ears.

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then without thinking too much, they pushed it away and returned to the magic shield.

"Did you hear that too?"

Thor looked at the American team and asked.

"I heard it, it should have been the voice of Master Bai Ye."

Captain America nodded, the voice was a bit loud, and it was instantly clear to several people, plus their trust in Bai Ye, so they left without thinking too much.

"Venerable Bai Ye, I'm about to take action. I think this war is over."

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