Tony stood in front, looked ahead, and said meaningfully.

The US team may be a little confused, but Tony has been in Kama Taj for so long, and he knows some of Bai Ye's character, so he can easily guess the reason why Bai Ye let them leave.

at the same time.

In the sky, Bai Ye is like a god, stepping on the sky, walking step by step, every step, the momentum above the sky is a little heavier, as if a mountain is coming, directly suppressing the Quartet, sweeping thousands of pounds.


I saw Bai Ye slowly stretch out his white jade-like right hand and press it slightly toward the front.

Boom boom boom.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful force descended, swept directly around, covering this space.

Accompanied by a deafening sound, the entire space collapsed immediately, and immediately broke open, revealing a hole that was as dark as night, and a terrifying swallowing force was suddenly generated, just like a black hole, directly absorbing all the Qitarui people into it. , No matter what they do, they cannot resist this terrifying natural ability.

"Damn, what kind of power is this.

"Could it be that this person caused all this?"

"We shouldn't have attacked Earth in the first place.

' With the voice of remorse, the Qitarui people in the entire space were directly absorbed by the huge black hole, whether it was a warship or other things, they entered the belly of the black hole one after another.

It didn't take long for everything to calm down, and the surroundings returned to an empty state, and there was no trace of the Chitauri left.

If it weren't for the people who stayed here, there would be no way to know that a shocking war broke out here.


Chapter 140 The Living God [2]

in a room.

Nick Fury, Captain America, Hawkeye and the others were sitting on the sofa with expressions of escaping the catastrophe. After Bai Ye killed the Chitauris directly, he left directly. As for Tony, he drove them away directly. And Thor escorted Loki back to the realm of the gods.

And these people, all returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., as for the Hulk Dr. Banner and Tony mixed up, because Dr. Banner is also a person with strong research ability, so Tony deliberately left Tony.

"This time, if it wasn't for Master Bai Ye, this war would be unimaginable.

Thinking of the heavy battle just now, the American team breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that there was such a powerful person on the earth, if it wasn't for him, maybe they all became corpses, lying directly on the earth, and It is very possible that the earth was directly destroyed by the Chitauri.

"Sir, that... What is the origin of Master Bai Ye, even if he is called a god with his ability, it is not too much."

Hawkeye looked up at Nick Fury opposite, and couldn't help asking.

He has been curious about Bai Ye's identity for a long time, but for some reason, he is not easy to ask. After all, as a senior agent, he still knows some things. If the people above them don't tell them, they can't ask them , because something may happen.

Hearing Hawkeye's remarks, Captain America also directly chopped over and asked, "To be honest, sir, I'm also a little curious.

Hearing this, Nick Fury was a little helpless, although he expected Hawkeye to ask questions.

It's just that he doesn't know how to answer them.

Could it be that he told Hawkeye that he didn't know Bai Ye's identity. In fact, he really didn't know much about Bai Ye's identity. He only knew that Bai Ye was an extremely terrifying magician. Knowing but now he knows, Bai Ye definitely has the ability to destroy the entire earth.

After all, he saw the power that just erupted from the ebony throat. It was definitely not something that people on earth could resist. After all, the space was almost crushed by the ebony throat. Resist, but even so, the terror is like an ebony throat, all solved by Bai Ye.

It can be seen that the level of terror in Bai Ye is estimated to be a height that none of them could have predicted.

"I don't know Bai Ye's identity very well, but I only know that he is a magician."

Facing the expectant eyes of several people, Nick Fury answered helplessly.

He really didn't know Bai Ye's identity. To be honest, seeing today's picture, he suspected that Bai Ye was a god.

After all, the real gods, such as Thor and the others, appear to be the same as mortals in front of Bai Ye.

"Director Nick, you don't know either"

Captain America is a little stunned. You must know that Nick Fury is the director of God. It is known as the most elite secret service organization on earth, and it has the secrets that know [-]% of the world.

"Of course I don't know. With the ability of the White Night Mage, we can explore there. Natasha should be very clear about this.

Nick Fury said.

"Director Nick is right, I've been in contact with Bai Ye, this person is extremely terrifying, he has almost omnipotent abilities, and I don't think we should be so curious, otherwise it may bring some unbelievable s consequence."

Black Widow hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "Omniscient and omnipotent, is Master Bai Ye so terrifying?" "Isn't this similar to God?"

Hearing these words, Hawkeye couldn't help but exclaimed, "He is... the living God."

Nick Fury said such a meaningful sentence, and as soon as the words came out, everyone was silent.

Because there seems to be nothing wrong with this sentence.

Bai Ye's ability is indeed somewhat like a living God, at least......they have never seen God's true appearance, but Bai Ye's posture is not weaker than the God recorded in mythology .

.................................Dominion, Asgard.

In the hall, Odin sits on the throne, while Thor and Loki are in the center below.

"Loki, you deny the guilt."

Odin was expressionless, staring at Loki below, and said coldly.

For his adopted son, Odin is really helpless.

I thought that Loki was going to die, but I never thought that he was not dead, but was alive and alive, so Odin saw that his heart almost exploded. You must know that they all thought that Loki was dead, and the entire God Realm fell into grief for several days. time, and not even a trial for Loki's crimes.


Loki pursed his lips and answered indifferently whether he would admit his guilt or not. The result in the future would not be the same. It was just that one of the charges might be easier and the other might be more serious. In this regard, since the result was the same, Loki didn't bother to speak up and directly Accept it and accept the punishment.

After all, he can't do much now. With Odin in charge, even if he wants to escape, it is almost impossible.

Hearing Loki confessed his guilt, Thor and Odin were a little surprised to know that Loki was notoriously tough, and with what happened some time ago, Loki should not be very good at confessing his guilt.

"Since you have pleaded guilty, then you should go to the prison to reflect, and come out when you really understand.

Now that Loki has confessed his guilt, Odin didn't want to say anything more, and let him take Loki and throw him into prison, so that he could enjoy the feeling of being a prisoner.

"Thor, did something happen on this trip to Earth?"

After they took Loki away, Odin frowned and asked Thor.

Loki is a bit abnormal. If it is not confirmed that it is Loki, Odin feels that the person in front of him is not the real Loki, maybe someone else is disguised.

Thor hesitated for a moment, and then briefly explained to Odin some of the things that happened on Earth. He didn't really believe what he said, but basically some of the processes were clearly explained, especially the Chitauri, Ebony Throat, and others. These important parts of the night.

Thor Du said it very clearly, especially when Bai Ye defeated Ebony Maw, Thor's voice was still full of shock, and obviously he hadn't recollected it from it.

Chapter 141 See Eternal [3]

"He really broke through"

After hearing what Thor said, Odin sighed.

Although he felt that Bai Ye had broken through and reached the power level of the cosmos, but after all, he did not fight, and Bai Ye did not reveal much breath, so he was not very sure, but after hearing everything Thor told, he finally Make sure that Bai Ye really broke through.

"Father, what did you mean by breakthrough?"

Thor was a little puzzled, "Nothing, you will know all this later, and I still say that, try to have a good relationship with Bai Ye and don't offend him.

' Odin's eyes flickered, staring at Thor, and slowly said that his words were already entrusted. Although he didn't say it explicitly, the meaning was obvious. Odin wanted Thor to hug Bai Ye's thigh. Later, he is not afraid of someone coming to harm Bai Ye, after all, the talent and strength are there, it is destined that Bai Ye's achievements in the future will not be low, it should be said that the achievements will break through the sky, after all, Bai Ye's achievements are not low now.

Odin is too old, he has a hunch that his life is coming to an end, that's why he is talking now.

As for whether Thor can understand, that is one thing, but Odin's understanding of... Thor may not understand now, but sooner or later.

After the battle, Bai Ye didn't stop, took everyone out of the mirror world, then tore the space and returned home.

When Bai Ye came back, he saw Diana sitting on the sofa.

Apparently during her absence, Diana had been sitting on the sofa, worried.

Diana was relieved when she saw Bai Ye came back safely, as if something heavy had fallen, and her heart was full of relief.

"Welcome back.

"Why haven't you slept yet? When I left just now, didn't you say you were going to sleep?" Bai Ye walked over, pulled Diana into his arms, leaned directly against Diana's ear, and said softly. "I'm a little worried about you, so I can't sleep."

Diana whispered.

"And you also know my physique, even if you don't sleep for a week, it's fine, so you don't need to worry about me.

"Fool, I'm not worried about your physique."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, everything is over, let's go back and rest, just because you are disobedient, I will teach you a good lesson."

As soon as these words came out, Diana's face was immediately covered with a red circle, just like a red apple, red and extremely cute.

However, when she thought of the previous experience on her forehead, Diana's feet felt a little weak.

Without him, I can't stand it.

Bai Ye took Diana back to the room.

The night was silent and silent.

The next day, early morning.

Diana has been adapting well recently, basically everything in this world will be available, and she is becoming more and more like a modern person, and her behavior makes it impossible to pick out a single fault.

At the same time, Diana also learned a good breakfast, although not as good as some chefs, but the taste is not bad.

"Bai Ye, I'm leaving"


After the two of them had breakfast, Diana packed up some things, then took the bag, opened the door and left.

In order to adapt to modern life, Diana deliberately found a job, but Bai Ye is familiar with the company because he is also one of the shareholders.

To tell the truth, according to their identities, they don't need to work at all.

But after all, life still has to go on, Bai Ye can be a salted fish watching dramas all day in the past, but Diana is not a person who can be idle, so Bai Ye did not stop her.

What's more, Diana has a good job, it's a fulfilling life, and she can also learn something.

After all, when he is here, Tony estimates that he will also teach Diana something about technology. Maybe with Diana's intelligence, he may become the second person who is similar to Tony, who combines technology and magic.

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