After Diana left, Bai Ye ripped apart the space and came to Kama Taj.

He went directly to Gu Yi.

Gu Yi looked at Bai Ye and felt helpless. Bai Ye had been looking for her a lot recently, but not so many times before.

"What's the matter this time?"

Gu Yi looked at Bai Ye and asked.

"Teacher, I want to see eternity."

Hearing this, Gu Yi frowned. Eternity exists, but she.... said to Bai Ye, but the two never talked, and this time Bai Ye found Eternity and let him Gu Yi was a little surprised.

After all, normally, there is no reason for Bai Ye to find Eternity.

After thinking for a while, Gu Yi asked, "What happened? You need to find the Eternal God.

"The beholder has invaded"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yi's face changed slightly.

As a person who has been guarding different dimensions all the year round, Gu Yi is very clear about what the name of the beholder represents. It is one of the best existences in the hell plane.

And the strength is unfathomable and extremely terrifying.

"When did this happen."

"It happened not long ago, I fought with Ebony throat and found that this guy had sacrificed his soul to the beholder, and then the beholder secretly transmitted his own power through him. No one in this world can beat the beholder, and even this piece of the universe may be swallowed up.

' Bai Ye said in a deep voice.

Fortunately, the guy with the ebony throat has always held a grudge because he was crushed by Bai Ye before. Otherwise, the beholder's plan might have succeeded.

Gu Yi also knew the importance of the matter, and did not refuse, but agreed directly.

"Wait a minute, I will contact Eternal God immediately."

Beholder invasion, this matter is beyond her personal ability, and it is not something she can solve at all.

After all, beings in the realm of the omnipotent universe are rare in the multiverse, almost all of them can be counted, and the beholder is also a notorious character in the hell plane.


Chapter 142 The plan to kill the beholder [4]

Gu Yi immediately sat down: The whole person was suspended in the air, his eyes were tightly closed, as if he was using some way to connect with one of the five gods, eternity.

The five gods basically represent the rules, but they themselves also have consciousness.

It seems that the goddess of death who represents death once wandered the entire universe, and the immortal physique of Thanos is... Death is cursed. Speaking of which, Thanos can have powerful abilities.

And the curse of death is also extremely weird, directly cursing Thanos can't die, basically it's not someone pinching the soul of Thanos, he almost has an immortal lifespan and physique.

The reason why Death did this seems to be because he didn't want to see Thanos, because the creatures in this universe will encounter death as soon as they die, and Thanos is a person who likes death very much, even reaching a It is extremely terrifying, it can be called Marvel's first dog licking, and there is even a plot in which a young Thanos travels through time and space and meets an old Thanos who has almost reached the extreme level of dog licking, and this young Thanos did not become a licking dog. , Seeing the old Thanos licking the dog, he was so angry that he killed the old Thanos directly.

And this death has a more interesting thing with Thanos. Deadpool seems to like death, and then Thanos worried that Deadpool took away death, and then gave Deadpool the same curse as him.

In this way, neither of the two can die, and at the same time, they cannot encounter death.


Not long after, a vast will suddenly descended, like the starry sky above the sky, mysterious and huge.

"whats the matter!"

Eternal's voice is very ethereal, can't hear feelings, and can't distinguish gender, in fact, to the point where gender or anything is not important, and they are rules, in fact, there is no distinction between men and women.

"Eternal God, my disciple Bai Ye has something to see you."

Gu Yi respected and said to the sky that although there was nothing above, Gu Yi knew that eternity had come.

"Oh, Bai Ye, what are you looking for me for?"

Hearing that Bai Ye was looking for him, Eternal was a little interested.

After all, it is still very concerned about Bai Ye, because Bai Ye has a probability of becoming their equal existence, and even surpasses them in ability, so Eternal is very concerned about Bai Ye.

"Today, I want to ask the Eternal God, whether the magic circle that defends the other dimension is completely damaged."

Having said this, Bai Ye paused for a moment, then waved his right hand, and a mirror appeared, which was the scene of him grabbing the ebony throat before.

"Not long ago, I met the soul avatar of the beholder, you should be familiar with this eternal god.

As soon as this word comes out.

Suddenly, there was a violent tremor all around, and the beholders would not be unfamiliar with them. When they set up a magic circle with the Life Court, it was to defend against these... Dimensional demons, after all, these... ........... The power of the devil is too terrifying, and it can threaten the safety of the universe at any time.

Eternal didn't answer, Gu Yi and Bai Ye stood there quietly and didn't say anything.

They are all waiting for an eternal answer.

After a while, the eternal voice sounded, "I just contacted the rest of the people and confirmed that there is nothing serious about the magic circle. The beholder has invaded. It is estimated that there is another way."

"You should also understand that the magic circle is not omnipotent after all, and it cannot completely resist the invasion of the almighty cosmos level creatures. Of course, even if the almighty cosmos level creatures invade, the magic circle will definitely be disturbed, and at the same time, it will also be punished by the law. Therefore, if the creatures of the basic almighty cosmos level want to invade, we will know as soon as possible."

"It's just that this time, we didn't know, that's because the beholder left a piece of soul in this universe, and at the cost of his own soul crushing, he directly deceived the sky and crossed the sea, and let a piece of his soul come to this world."

"But you don't need to worry, the soul fragments left by the beholder have been completely shattered by Bai Ye, so the beholder will have no chance to invade this world in the future, and he can't do anything in a short time. The price of smashing, even if it is that... level of life, it will be affected to some extent."

I have to say that the beholder is indeed a ruthless man. Because of Bai Ye's words, he directly paid the price of smashing his soul. He also planned to let his own soul come in here. At the same time, he planned everything secretly to make his soul clone stronger. In direct obliteration of the white night.

It's just that he didn't think about the relationship between ebony throat, which caused his plan to go bankrupt.

I have to say that the beholder's plan is actually perfect, but there is something wrong with the possessed person. Otherwise, if he really wants him to reach the multiverse level, then it is also an unbelievable threat to Bai Ye, after all, the multiverse level Once the powerhouse attacked, even if Bai Ye didn't die, he would be severely injured.

"Eternal God, is it possible for the beholder to enter this universe?" Gu Yi asked.

She is well aware of the dangers of beholders. Bai Ye can remove beholders, which is really good, but if you don't eradicate beholders, it will also be a threat in the future.

"You can rest assured, the beholder has no soul fragments left in this world. If he wants to come in, we will be aware of it immediately, no one can hide from us, and I will help you solve the rest of the people by the way. Soul Fragments."

After listening to Eternal Return, Bai Ye...I understand, it is basically impossible for beholders to sneak in, but it is also possible to come in, that is to come in hard, although It will cost a lot, but you can still enter this universe.

To put it bluntly, if the beholder is not removed, there is still a touch of danger.

"Eternal God, I want to discuss one thing with you, this thing, you will definitely be interested.

"Bai Ye looked up at the sky, grinned and said softly.

If there is a natural threat, then deal with it.

Bai Ye's life motto is only one sentence, that is, as long as the person who is dangerous to him, no matter who it is, must be solved, and at the same time, as long as the person who provokes him, it is the same.

"What's the matter, let's talk about "kill the beholder."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Chapter 143 Eternal Shock [1]

"You want to kill the beholder"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Eternal's voice was no longer elusive, but a touch of alarm was generated. Obviously, he was very shocked by the idea of ​​Bai Ye. You must know that beholders are not ordinary creatures. He is different from Dormammu. Comes out of the power of the multiverse level, and the beholder has the strength of the whole body Dormammu, and he is not as limited as Dormammu.

At the same time, the beholder is one of the few omnipotent cosmos-level powerhouses. At this level, almost all creatures can be counted. Even the five gods representing the rules are only at the multiverse level. It can be seen from this that it is enough to imagine. The difficulty of the omnipotent universe level, it is estimated that the court of life will take action, and maybe it will be able to compete with the beholder.

"You must think clearly, the beholder is not... an ordinary creature, even if I face the beholder, there is no chance, and you are only at the level of the single universe, perhaps relying on the power you generate, you may be able to compete with ordinary people. The powerhouses of the multiverse level are definitely not their opponents, and the powerhouses of the multiverse level, you can't deal with them, how confident do you have to deal with beholders?"

If you want to kill the beholder, it is impossible for Eternal to oppose it, and even very happy. The demon god of the hell plane has not challenged them once or twice, otherwise, they will not set up a magic circle in this universe, that is.. .Prevent the invasion of the hell plane.

It's just that Bai Ye's current strength, in the eyes of Eternal, is not enough to join forces with them to kill the beholder. He doesn't need to ask, he knows what Bai Ye is thinking, nothing more than... want to join forces with them and directly kill Kill the beholder.

It is only a powerhouse of the omnipotent cosmos level, it is only so easy to kill, not to mention that Bai Ye is only a single cosmos level, and there is a difference of two realms. You must know that one big realm is deadly, let alone two big realms.

"I naturally have my own way, and I don't need you to deal with the beholder with me. I just need you to intercept the demon gods in the hell plane. You should be able to do this."

Eternal guessed that Bai Ye wanted him to be his helper, but never thought that Bai Ye never planned to let Eternal or the other five gods deal with the beholder with him. He just wanted the five gods to intercept the demon gods in the hell plane.

After all, if he fights with the beholder, and if the demon god in the hell plane intervenes, then Bai Ye will be in trouble. Although he has a way to kill the beholder, he has no way to face the attacks of other demons. The battle will definitely attract countless demon gods to come. Mephisto and Setorak will definitely come, and even the eternal hider in the hell plane may come here. You must know that these people are not ordinary. The person who is almost standing at the top of the Marvel plane, a peak blow can destroy the existence of a universe at will.

"It's as simple as intercepting the devil in the hell plane"

"Don't you need us here to help you, beholder?"

The eternal voice was full of surprise. It didn't understand why he was confident and faced the beholder alone.

You know, that... is the beholder, the creature standing at the top, overlooking almost the entire hell plane, and even the universe with no less than the entire universe has been destroyed by the beholder.

If the destructive power of the beholder is astounding, compared with the demon gods such as Setorak.......the destructive power is unparalleled in the world, the destructive power of the beholder is actually nothing, but his ability is difficult Tang ah, has an incomparably powerful space ability, and even the five gods represent the infinity of space. They are full of praise for the space ability of the beholder, because the ability of the beholder is no less than its own.

There were demon gods who wanted to kill the beholder at the beginning, but unfortunately, under the senior ability of the beholder, those people traveled through hundreds of spatial dimensions, and after all, they couldn't find the beholder, so there was no way to destroy the beholder.

" don't need it, all you need to do is to help those who stop the hell plane, and you should also understand that if the war between me and the beholder spreads out, You should know better than me what the devil in the hell plane will look like."

Bai Ye's expression was very confident, and he was not moved by the words of eternity. Although he has not reached the multiverse level, he is not far from the multiverse level.

He is only one step away, as long as he crosses the past, his life level will jump to a whole new level.

Moreover, Bai Ye has an [-]% success rate in dealing with beholders. Although it is at the omnipotent cosmos level, the realm of beholders is not very stable, and he has just stepped into this realm.

That's why Bai Ye has self-confidence. If the beholder has stepped into the omnipotent universe level like Setorak for a long time, he probably has no idea. After all, it can stabilize that realm, which is not something Bai Ye can deal with now.

Eternal did not answer, as if thinking, or thinking with others.

As for Gu Yi, listening to the conversation between the two sides, he was immediately stunned.

Multiverse level Omniverse level.

Damn, the concept of this conversation spans a bit of a field.

Although she knew the difference between the realms in the future, it was just that Gu Yi never thought that her student, not long after, actually wanted to kill the beholder at the omnipotent cosmos level.

You have to know that Bai Ye has really stepped into the practice, and it has only been less than ten years. This kind of time is only a blink of an eye for other strong people, just like Odin. Don't look at him now that he is dying, in fact, Odin Ding has lived for [-] years, and these [-] years, not to mention the multiverse, in the current universe, [-] years are nothing, and some of the ultimate powerhouses have even lived since the birth of the universe. .

"When are you going to start?"

After half a sound, the eternal voice sounded once, obviously a little moved.

If you can kill the beholder, it's actually a good thing for them. After all, they don't have a good impression of the beholder. After all, the beholder has provoked them countless times, and even almost treated them a few times. Hands-on, so to kill beholders, they are in favor.

What's more, they are not shot, they only need to intercept the powerhouses of the hell plane. This kind of thing should not be too simple.


Chapter 144 The Almighty Universe Is Not Invincible [2]

"You believe me so much that you agreed."

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