Hearing Yongheng's agreement, Bai Ye was a little surprised when he directly asked about the start date. After all, the strengths of the two are not at the same level at all, and Yongheng has lived for so many years. Why is Bai Ye so confident in him? Understand.

Normally, if others knew what Bai Ye said, it would be either sarcasm or... sarcasm, just like the old fox in Mephisto's state of mind, he probably couldn't help but would sneer at Bai Ye.

After all, the gap between the single universe and the omnipotent universe, Mephisto, as a senior omniscient universe level, is well aware of it.

Not to mention anything else, if an omnipotent cosmos-level powerhouse really makes a move, no single-universal powerhouse can escape, and will be killed in one move.

Gu Yi also had an accident, the Eternal God actually agreed, why is this?

But when I thought that if it really went as planned, Bai Ye would have to face the beholder.

Suddenly, Gu Yi's face changed greatly, and he was a little flustered. There was no chance of winning in this battle.

"Since you dare to make a decision, then I naturally dare to believe it. After all, you belong to a very special existence in this universe, not to mention that you have made a decision, and you must have self-confidence. Otherwise, it is impossible to really If you want to deal with beholders, you should be very aware of the gap between the level of the omnipotent universe and the level of the single universe. Of course, I don't really believe that you can kill the beholder. After all, in this universe, there is no one who can be single. Cosmic level kills the almighty cosmic level"

Speaking of this, the eternal voice paused for a moment, "But these... are not reasons, mainly I choose to believe in you once, and bet once to kill the beholder"

Hearing this, Bai Ye smiled and said with a smile, "Besides, even if I lose, it won't affect you guys, but if you win, you can make a lot of money, right? situation."


Eternal replied slowly.

As Bai Ye said, for Eternal, there is no losing situation in this game, only big profits and no profits. After all, it doesn't need to pay anything, just wait for the result.

"Although I don't know what you think, I'm sure to win this game."

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth showed a slight arc, and his eyes showed a cold and stern look, and he firmly said that since no one can cross two realms to kill the enemy, from now on, the history of this universe will be rewritten.

"Hopefully as you wish."

Leaving this sentence, eternity leaves directly, and soon, Zhi, dissipates here.

Eternal does not ask when Bai Ye opens.

It feels that Bai Ye really wants to start, and it takes time to prepare, and Bai Ye really starts, so they will naturally be notified.

Eternal departure.

Gu suddenly woke up, looked at Bai Ye with a complicated look, bit his lip, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that the wings are hard, and I have to fly alone."

Gu Yi's mood is really complicated. That's because the situation is so complicated that she can't control it. Even if Bai Ye's strength has become stronger and stronger in the past, she can still control some situations, even in the face of Dormammu. But now, Gu Yi discovered that the situation was no longer allowed to be controlled by him. Whether it was Bai Ye, Eternal, or Beholder, the strength of several people was not comparable to her.

After all, the Heavenly Father level, in front of the powerhouse at the cosmos level, is really not enough to see.

"Teacher, there is nothing I can do about this. The beholder must be removed. If you let it go, it won't take long for the beholder to break through the magic circle."

Bai Ye looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice.

The reason why he wanted to do something to the beholder is actually that he can't do anything about it. If you give him a little more time, a few years at most, he doesn't need to be afraid of the beholder.

After all, at that time, he also had enough ways to kill the beholder directly.

It's just that the beholder is going to do whatever it takes to kill him now, and if he's sitting still, he's really going to die.

After all, beholders are notorious for being careful, and as long as he is staring at him, he will try his best to get rid of the creatures he doesn't like, no matter what method he uses, no matter what the cost.

The reason why this guy can destroy hundreds of universes is not because of his own strength. Of course, his strength is also partly due to his own insidiousness.

"I know that the beholder is a calamity, but do you have the confidence to deal with him now? The beholder is not... an ordinary demon, an almighty universe-level demon, and there are only a handful of them in the hell plane."

Gu Yi had a gloomy face and a heavy tone.

If it is Dormammu, Gu is not worried at all, because she believes in Bai Ye's strength, but this is a beholder, an almighty universe-level demon god, whose strength is unfathomable and cannot be compared with ordinary things.

"Teacher for so many years, you should know me. If I don't have full confidence, I will never do it."

Bai Ye turned around and turned his back to Gu Yi, and the voice came, "Also, the level of the omnipotent universe is only, it does not mean invincibility, not to mention that this guy's realm is not stable, so he may not have a chance"

After saying that, Bai Ye walked out directly.

"The Almighty Universe"

Hearing this sentence, Gu Yi's mouth twitched and shook his head involuntarily. She really didn't know how to say this as a student.

This is self-confidence or arrogance, but hearing Bai Ye's words, although my heart is still full of worry, my heart is much more stable.

Because as Bai Ye said, it is absolutely impossible for him to do things that he is not sure about, because he is a very rational person, not an impulsive person, and he often has calculations in his heart for some actions.

"Hopefully, it will really succeed at that time,"

Gu Yi sighed slightly, her heart was very complicated, but she.... really wanted to help Bai Ye, after all Bai Ye was her favorite student, but she also understood that with her strength, It is almost unrealistic to want to help Bai Ye. After all, the level of strength is not on the same plane.

Chapter 145 Not in the Time [3]

Deep in the universe, in a deep space.

This place is not in the dimension, the surrounding is pitch black, without a trace of light, as if the place where darkness was born, there is only pitch darkness, accompanied by dead silence.

At this moment, a ray of light rose, and a group of white rays of light like fireworks shone directly in this space, but although the rays of light were shining, facing the darkness that covered the sky and the sun, the rays of light were a little weak, like It's candlelight at night.

Not long after, an ethereal voice sounded, "I have promised Bai Ye that I will help him and eradicate the beholder."

As soon as these words came out, it seemed as if ripples were set off, and a few lights began to appear around slowly.

"Eternal, you are a bit sloppy like this. Although Bai Ye is surprised by his talent, he has no chance of surviving in the face of the beholder."

A sound full of dead silence resounded, lingering in the space.

The owner of the voice couldn't figure out why Eternal had to agree to Bai Ye's conditions. He had to know the Almighty Cosmos level, but he could destroy their existence. Although the Beholder is not a senior Almighty Cosmos rank, he has stepped into that realm.

What's more, Bai Ye is only a single universe, and Eternity is a multiverse. Even if the two are combined, there is no possibility of defeating the beholder.

"This is not necessarily the case, it's just a gamble. If Bai Ye can really kill the beholder, then I will make a lot of money. If I can't kill it, then it's good that it never happened, and I don't need to do it myself."

Eternal voice is ethereal, still as calm as before, without a trace of emotion, just like a program.

"If you don't take action, Bai Ye has no hope. He is dying. It's a pity."

A dead voice sounded, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

In its heart, although Bai Ye has an extraordinary talent, he is the most terrifying genius since the birth of this universe, but he is too impulsive. How could a person at the level of a single universe have a chance to defeat the beholder.

"Death, this is not necessarily. I know a little bit about Bai Ye's understanding. Although this person is not very old, only in his twenties, he is very intelligent. Many times, some actions have already been designed, not to mention. When Bai Ye defeated Dormammu, he had just stepped into the single universe level."

Soon, another voice sounded.

"Infinite, Bai Ye's wisdom is indeed a horizontal gap between a single universe and an almighty universe. Don't you and I still understand? If it's really that easy to kill, how did the fallen almighty universe-level creatures die in this area? , you and I still don't know."

Having said this, Death paused for a while, and said, "I admit that Bai Ye is extraordinary, but I don't think he has the ability to kill the beholder, not to mention that he intends to do it alone, which seems too arrogant, almighty cosmic level. Are the creatures like ordinary people as long as they are talented enough to defeat them with skills?”

As soon as these words came out, Eternity and Infinite fell silent. Yes, how easy is it to kill a creature of the omnipotent cosmos level? If it is really that easy, the Hell Demon can't be so rampant, and as a rule One, several people are very clear about the difficulty of reaching the level of the omnipotent universe. It is really only in the trillion worlds that one can appear, and it will take an unimaginably long time to do so. If the level of the omnipotent universe is so easy to achieve, they cannot limit it In this realm, of course, because of their own heel problems, it is more difficult than ordinary creatures to break through the realm, but at least... There is a chance, but after so many years, Only the youngest among them...there is hope.

After a while, Yong Yong spoke slowly, his tone was calm, and he couldn't hear a trace of emotion, "I also don't believe that he has that ability, but it's fine to try, if he really has the ability, we don't mind dating him. Well, after all, to be able to achieve this level, it means that this person's future achievements are not weaker than Mephisto and the others."

"If you fail, what will you do? According to the beholder's character, he will not let you go."

"If I fail, I fail. Even if the beholder comes to me, I'm not afraid of him. Even if he kills me, I can be resurrected in the future. It's just resurrection again and again. How many times have you and I experienced it? Is this thing still repelling? I am not an ordinary creature."

The five gods represent the rules of the universe, but they do not mean that they are invincible, or even that they cannot die, or even represent the death of the source of life. They have also been killed by people, but because of the rules, they They cannot be killed. As long as they are erased, the universe will restart directly, and they will be restored again and again. If you really want to kill them, unless you erase their existence from time and space, it is like a program. You can delete them. But erasing, you also need to start from the root, otherwise, they will not die.

Or, find Transcendence and.

These two guys can really wipe out the five great gods, but these two guys have always been dragons, and it would take terrifying luck to see them.

"And Eternal is willing to take a gamble. That's why he and I discovered the peculiarity of Bai Ye, so I want to gamble with him. After all, this is not a big loss for us."

"You might as well talk about the peculiarities. If it can attract me, I can also bet on Bai Ye, as you said, anyway... it's just rebirth again and again, it's no big deal."

Hearing the words of Infinite, death has come to the spirit, which can make both of them feel a strange existence, but not much.

Even after getting along for so long, I have never heard of a single person talking about death, let alone two people, for this gamble with almost no chance of winning, they even took a gamble.

Soon, an infinite voice sounded: "When Bai Ye broke through to the realm of the single universe, I joined Eternal and went to the long river of time and space to investigate Bai Ye's footsteps, and wanted to see clearly his past life and future, but.

""Just what"

"We have discovered one thing, in the long river of time and space, no matter the past, present, or future, we can't find the breath of Bai Ye, as if this person does not exist in this world, and has become a real detachment, free from the long river of time and space.

":, evaluation ticket Lu

Chapter 146 Scarlet Witch [4]

"What's wrong with not being in years."

The voice of death carried a touch of shock, obviously unbelievable.

Because there are only a handful of living beings who can truly transcend the years in the multiverse, one, the transcendent is one, and there is one under all things, and the rest, whether it is Mephisto or the rest, are immersed in the long river of time and space. , cannot be surpassed, stay in it forever, although it is difficult to probe into their future because of the problem of strength, but they are indeed in time and space, if a fish in the long river, it is just these...... .the fish may be a little bigger.

"It's really not inside. I guessed with Eternal. The reason why Bai Ye is not inside is probably because he has created a new power, the power of time and space. , and after knowing these news, we re-examined the potential of Bai Ye, perhaps the realm we have been longing for, in the future, may just be the beginning."

The voice of the infinite is very calm, but the heart of death is a little unsettled.

Because it can't calm down a little, detached from the long river of time and space, there are only three 3's who can do this kind of ability.

And these three people, in this universe, almost represent invincibility!

Obviously, Eternity and Infinite knew all of this and saw the potential of Baiye's invincibility, so they chose to believe in this seemingly impossible thing.

To be honest, if it weren't for this matter, based on the incalculable experience of the two of them, it would be impossible to spend the night, because normally, this kind of action is... a manifestation of madness.

The single universe wants to kill the powerhouse of the almighty universe, this is not crazy or something.

"No wonder, no wonder."

Death said several times in a row, and then said in a deep voice, "It turns out that you value his potential, since you have all gambled, I don't mind betting too.

' After sighing a few words, death resolutely followed the decision of the infinite and the eternal. After all, if the owner of the white night has such a potential, then it is not realistic to die easily, even the white night that the beholder cannot kill, and if he kills Immortal Bai Ye, with Bai Ye's talent, will kill the beholder sooner or later.

So from the perspective of death now, maybe Bai Ye may not be able to kill the beholder at this stage, but sooner or later, he will be able to kill him, so if he can help Bai Ye at a time, if Bai Ye grows up in the future, it will also help them a little anyway. .As Eternal said, they are not a loss, just a gamble with little chance of winning, without paying too much price.

"You have to think about it. If you really fail, you will suffer shame for a while in the future."

Eternal said lightly, 'It's just death, if I'm afraid of my own name, then I don't need to be the source of death.

"Death is... very peaceful.

As the root cause of the death of all things, it would be very embarrassing and shameful to be killed by someone, but these... all of them don't matter.

If this so-called shame can gain its future breakthrough, it might be a good thing.

You must know that there is a multi-dimensional to almighty existence. If you want to break through, it is basically impossible to break through. Although there is a chance, this opportunity is undoubtedly looking for a grain of sand in the sea, and the hope is extremely slim.

"You're...still the same as ever."

Infinite sounds rang out.

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