Then the surrounding light gradually dimmed.

It didn't take long for this space to return to the pitch-black darkness, and no trace of light could be seen.

At this time, after Bai Ye finished talking, he went straight back to his house.

It's just that when he came back this time, there were a lot of people outside the house, and some sneaky people directly surrounded his entire house, as if they were waiting for someone to come back.

"These mice are really stubborn."

Bai Ye sighed, and it didn't take long for these guys to stare at him and put their attention on him.

Could it be lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... high-level, did not know his terror or say, Hydra has always felt that they are invincible, control S.H.I.E.L.D.


....most of the information, do you think that you are invincible in this world? At this time, a group of agents gathered outside, and these people are S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the mortal enemy of Hydra.

It is estimated that because of the previous war, it was lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.


The high level of .... may know the existence of Bai Ye, so pay attention to hit Bai Ye, but because there are too many magics set up in Bai Ye in this house, these people can't get in at all, no matter what method is used, it can't be done. , These people stayed outside, as if waiting for Bai Ye's appearance, or waiting for Diana's return.

"It really sucks."

Bai Ye snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with coldness, although the Hydra is not threatening, but like a mouse, it is somewhat annoying.

Without thinking too much, Bai Ye directly cast the Rubik's Cube and grabbed the people around the Hydra.

A shattering sound rang out, the entire space split open, and then five people in black clothes fell in front of Bai Ye....... Bai Ye was too lazy to Ignoring these people, I killed four of them myself, and then the mental power invaded the brain of the remaining one, and directly searched for this person's memory.

Although it can be seen through time ability, it is a bit of a waste of time, and direct invasion is faster.

After about ten minutes, Bai Ye read all of the person's memories, and then without hesitation, he directly crushed the person's throat bone.

Then the space was torn apart, and five people were thrown directly into it. In terms of the horror of space fluctuations, a few people were basically annihilated when they entered.

"Hydra's plan is also funny, but it's delicious for me too, Scarlet Witch, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Bai Ye whispered in his heart.

Scarlet Witch, one of Bai Ye's goals, her ability is also the key to Bai Ye's future dealing with beholders.

Chapter 147 Xeon Power, Chaos Magic [1]

Bai Ye didn't actually think that Hydra would target him, probably because Nick Fury was in S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... spread the news that you can't offend Bai Ye, and immediately made Hydra active.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Internal high-level people, many of them are Hydra people, but maybe Nick Fury didn't reveal too much. He doesn't know Bai Ye's real strength, but he just thinks that Bai Ye may have some strength, so he wants to control Bai Ye and make Bai Ye a one of their strengths.

I have to say, Hydra is a bit stupid to make this decision.

"I want to talk to the Scarlet Witch."

Bai Ye ripped apart the space directly and left the place.

According to the plot, the Scarlet Witch should be at Hydra's base, but at this time the plot has changed a bit. When Hydra was capturing the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, because of Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch ran away, and Didn't catch Scarlet Witch, just caught Quicksilver.

In order to save Kuaiyin, the Scarlet Witch has been searching for Kuaiyin's whereabouts, but she doesn't know where Kuaiyin is now.

at the same time.

In a mountain forest, a group of men in black were arresting a woman in a red trench coat. This woman looked in her early twenties, with long blond hair and a beautiful face. He escaped, his face was covered with smoke and dust, but he still couldn't hide his beautiful face.

Bang bang bang.

Accompanied by the violent gunshots, the woman in the red windbreaker froze, and a red energy group appeared in her hands, which shot out directly towards the far end, just like a low-level magic fireball technique, directly blasting in the distance.


With the roaring sound, an open space not far away was directly blown up, but the men in black were not blown up. These men in black are all elite agents of Hydra, all of them are extraordinary, and they are not comparable to ordinary people.

Although the woman in the red trench coat has some good abilities, these people are very fast and can be avoided very quickly. Coupled with the suppression of firearms, several people have been chasing after this woman, although this woman has Power is one of the best in this universe.

This woman is... the Scarlet Witch, who Bai Ye needs to find.

The power controlled by the Scarlet Witch is called Chaos Magic, and the Phoenix Force is known as one of the three most powerful abilities in the universe. In the movie, the furious Scarlet Witch almost killed Thanos directly.

If it wasn't for someone to stop it, maybe there wouldn't be a clip of Iron Man snapping his fingers.

"You can't escape, Wanda Django Maximoff"

"If you don't want to die, surrender immediately.

The agent of Hydra wore a peculiar pair of glasses. From the front, he said loudly that the glasses were a thermal instrument and could see the value of the creatures. The Scarlet Witch herself was a human, and the thermal value was terrifyingly high. In this environment, it can be quickly distinguished.

The Hydra agent greeted his companion next to him, and then pointed to the location of the Scarlet Witch.

The remaining Hydra agents nodded slowly, and then quietly touched the Scarlet Witch.

At this moment, the Scarlet Witch was squatting among a stone, panting violently. These people had been chasing her for a long time, probably for several hours. After a long escape, although the Scarlet Witch had good physical strength, it was somewhat overdrawn. .

"what should I do now."

Scarlet Witch panted and frowned. The current situation is not optimistic for her. Her physical strength is not good now, and the people on the opposite side are well-trained and obviously have good physical strength. Plus they have physical strength. Advantages, if these people really touch, she is obviously not an opponent at all. After all, her ability has not been awakened for a long time, and she is not very skilled. It is a bit reluctant to deal with a few well-trained elite agents, and she has nothing to do now. physical strength.

"Wanda Django Maximoff, we know you are looking for your brother Quicksilver, as long as you follow us, you will be able to meet your brother."

The voice of the Hydra agent sounded at one time. In order to paralyze the Scarlet Witch, several people chose the paralysis tactics. After all, they all knew that the reason why the Scarlet Witch was against them was because of Quicksilver. If they could pass Quicksilver, they could paralyze them. Scarlet Witch for a period of time, then they will have the opportunity to take action and catch the Scarlet Witch in one fell swoop. After all, the distance between the Scarlet Witch and the Scarlet Witch is not far away, as long as it takes a few more minutes.

"elder brother!"

Hearing these words, the Scarlet Witch clenched her hands tightly, a trace of hatred appeared in her eyes, then took a deep breath and adjusted her mood, the Scarlet Witch was not stupid, she knew very well that Hydra wanted to mobilize her emotions and let her There are flaws, but she has played against the Hydra agent so many times, she is not the ordinary person before, and she has more experience.

The Scarlet Witch didn't answer in a muffled voice, she just kept sitting behind the stone and was recovering her strength. The Scarlet Witch roughly guessed that the reason she didn't leave was because she was also waiting.

Waiting for these agents to control one or two people with her own abilities in an instant, it is a bit reluctant to control all of them, but if she can control one or two, she has the ability to fight back.

Seeing that the Scarlet Witch hadn't replied yet, the Hydra's agent was not surprised, and proceeded towards the Scarlet Witch according to the plan as before.

Soon, the distance is shortening.

Three meters two meters one meter.

It didn't take long for several Hydra agents to surround the Scarlet Witch.


At this moment, an agent shouted angrily.

Suddenly, the rest of the agents took action and rushed towards the Scarlet Witch.


At that moment, a ray of light appeared in Scarlet Witch's eyes, and she instantly controlled an agent, but the number of agents was a bit large, there were five 55's. After she controlled two, the rest of the agents had already touched the Scarlet Witch. At the same time, three pistols were already on Scarlet Witch's body.

"Isn't it okay to just obey, and force us to use means."

An agent said coldly.

The Scarlet Witch looked stiff and did not dare to move her body.


At the same time, the sound of a glass shattered, followed by a ray of light blooming in front of everyone, and a figure slowly walked out: Brothers, the Scarlet Witch has come out, why don't you throw some flowers or something? Lu

Chapter 148 The person who has confirmed the eyes and wants to be privately appointed for life [2]


Seeing a figure walk out of the space, the complexion of Hydra's agent changed greatly, and his expression was suddenly full of vigilance. Several people held pistols directly in the direction of the figure, without hesitation, they shot quickly.

The appearance of this person, this figure, has exceeded their imagination, after all, they have never heard of such an ability to tear apart space casually.

Bang bang bang.

Accompanied by a dull roar, the bullet shot out quickly with a strong smell of gunpowder, heading directly towards the figure in front.

However, at this moment, it was as if time had frozen. The moment the bullet was fired, it was directly frozen in mid-air. Although it was in the dark, due to the light brought by the silhouette, everyone present instantly saw the stagnation in the air. Bullets in the air.

"This, this is impossible."

The agents of Hydra opened their mouths wide and their eyes solidified, as if they had seen something shocking.

Whoosh whoosh.

I saw that the figure waved a big hand, and the bullet jumped directly, heading back in the direction of the Hydra agent.


In an instant, everyone's bullets directly penetrated the Hydra agents present, and several agents lost their strength and lay on the ground.

The Scarlet Witch covered her mouth and looked at the figure in front of her, her eyes filled with horror that could not be concealed.

"Finally found you, Wanda."

After solving the agent of Hydra, Bai Ye's eyes moved and landed directly on the Scarlet Witch, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and said slowly.

"you know me"

Hearing this, the Scarlet Witch showed a hint of surprise and couldn't help asking.

Although the identity of the person in front of her is unknown, she doesn't know her at all, but judging from the scene just now, it seems that the person in front of him doesn't have any malice towards him, or that she doesn't feel the malice in Bai Ye, and can feel that there is only goodwill.

Obviously, the person in front of her seemed to be helping her.

The Scarlet Witch has a lot of abilities. In addition to... Chaos Magic, she also possesses some spiritual abilities. She can directly control others with her spirit. This ability was just given to Jiutou. The agent of the snake used it. In addition, she can feel the feelings of others, such as malice or goodwill.

With this ability, the Scarlet Witch, who didn't understand anything, was able to escape the multiple pursuits of Hydra.

"Of course I know you. Your full name is Wanda Django Maximoff. Your name is a bit long, so I prefer to call you Wanda."

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