Bai Ye looked at the Scarlet Witch and smiled slightly.

"You seem to know me well"

The Scarlet Witch frowned, although Bai Ye had no evil in her body, she felt a little strange, because Bai Ye seemed to be very familiar with her, you must know that she didn't come into contact with many people, except for her own brother, there was no familiar person.

However, Bai Ye seemed to know a lot about her.

In this way, the Scarlet Witch is very familiar with you after all, but you are not familiar with others, it always feels strange.

"Familiar, can you understand it this way, I know you have a lot of things to ask, these... What do you want to ask next, I'll tell you, but now let's go save you first Brother Quicksilver."

With a wave of Bai Ye's right hand, a door of space suddenly appeared in front of the Scarlet Witch.

When she heard that she was going to save her brother, the Scarlet Witch was a little moved. She had been entangled with Hydra for so long, in order to save her brother. After all, the two had been dependent on each other for so many years.

She just followed a person she had just met, which made the Scarlet Witch hesitant. After all, she wasn't familiar with her, and she didn't even know her name.

However, the Scarlet Witch was still decisive. After thinking for a moment, she immediately looked at Bai Ye and said firmly, "Okay."

Then he followed Bai Ye into the gate of space.

Although it felt wrong at first, the Scarlet Witch felt that with Bai Ye's ability, she really wanted to do something to her. It seemed that she didn't have the slightest idea. After all, she had just seen Bai Ye's ability and looked at her eyes. But what's more, she could feel that Bai Ye did not have any malice towards her, only kindness, and even she could see the pity in Bai Ye's eyes, which she had never felt before, and touched her heart.

In this regard, under several circumstances, the Scarlet Witch felt that what Bai Ye said should be true, and she should be saving her brother, so the Scarlet Witch thought about it and followed Bai Ye decisively.

Passing through the space, Bai Ye and Scarlet Witch came to a hilltop.

"here is."

Although they are all under a mountain range, the environment has changed. It was night just now, but it was day here. Obviously, the two of them only looked like they had only walked a few steps, but they have penetrated at least... ...hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

"The headquarters of Hydra, your brother should be here."

Bai Ye pointed to a densely forested place ahead and explained.

It is not too simple to find the place where Quicksilver is, because he already knows the memory of the agent who passed through the Hydra before.

"Hydra Headquarters"

Hearing this sentence, the Scarlet Witch was taken aback. Could it be that the two of them forced their way into Hydra's headquarters, which was a bit too risky. After all, the Scarlet Witch still knew the name of Hydra.

That is a well-known terrorist organization, and it is estimated that it has existed in this world for more than 100 years.

"Will it be a little risky if the two of us go there?"

After hesitating for a while, the Scarlet Witch whispered.

Although she really wanted to save her brother, but only two people went there, it seemed a bit incompetent, although she knew that Bai Ye was powerful, but she had heard the name of the Hydra too many times, and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Bai Ye stroked the Scarlet Witch's hair and said with a smile, "Adventure, don't worry, a mere hydra can't help me."

If he couldn't deal with Hydra, wouldn't it make people laugh to death.

What's more, Hydra is actually just an ordinary terrorist organization, and it doesn't have much ability.

But I have to say that Scarlet Witch's hair has a good texture and is somewhat soft.

The Scarlet Witch had two blushes on her cheeks. Bai Ye's move just now made her a little shy because she was a little intimate. After all, the two had just met.

"By the way, what's your name, I don't seem to know your name yet."

"Bai Ye, a magician."

:, the evaluation vote, I have released the big move, flowers or something, cast a vote

Chapter 149 Winter Soldier [3]

Bai Ye and the Scarlet Witch didn't hide at all, and swaggered towards Hydra's base.

Originally, the Scarlet Witch thought it was better to sneak past, but she was stopped by Bai Ye, not to do anything, but Bai Ye felt that if she dealt with a small force like Hydra, she would have to sneak past, which would be a bit embarrassing.

That's right, in Bai Ye's eyes, Hydra is indeed a small organization. After all, Hydra really wants to say that it has any power at the top, but it doesn't actually have any.

If S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... people know that Bai Ye thinks so, and it is estimated that they will cry.

You must know that Hydra has always been a big worry for them. The two have been fighting for decades without a winner. Even the top level of Hydra became S.H.I.E.L.D.


...the head is up.

Basically, although the two have been fighting for a long time, in terms of agents, it is actually S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Weaker than that, there are many Hydras, if not for the existence of some top powers, it is estimated that S.H.I.E.L.D.


....will be renamed Hydra Second Team 22.

"Do magicians really exist in this world of magicians? How do I feel that you are a mutant?"

Walking on the road, the Scarlet Witch looked at Bai Ye and said as she walked, her state didn't seem to be forcing an evil organization, but rather like the two were walking and dating.

"Of course there are magicians, but few people know about them, and magicians also have their own missions, so ordinary people don't know it at all."

Bai Ye said with a smile, his right hand was slightly raised, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

Accompanied by a violent roar, an incomparably huge magic circle appeared in the sky, and the complex lines directly covered the sky, making people feel a mysterious feeling.

At the same time, a powerful suction force was born above the sky, and everything below was directly attracted by the suction force. The sand and dust was directly inhaled by the high-altitude magic circle, and after absorbing many things above the high-altitude, it gradually turned into a sphere, and its shape gradually grew. It is estimated that it will not take long to cover the entire sky.

"It's amazing, is this magic?"

The Scarlet Witch opened her mouth slightly, and her face showed a hint of confusion. Although she also knew the abilities of many mutants, it was the first time she had seen a gesture like Bai Ye that directly changed the environment of a mountain.

"Of course it's just a kind of magic, but it's just a very ordinary kind of magic, you'll have a chance to see it later."

Bai Ye looked at the sphere in the sky and said lightly that this magic was actually created based on the animation he watched before.

He has a very atmospheric reputation in a certain world called Earth Blast Star.

This kind of ability is actually only possessed by the Samsara Eye of a certain world, but at the level of Bai Ye, once the principle of the ability is clearly analyzed, it can be created and used at will.

"Okay, the Hydra base has arrived."

Bai Ye stopped, and in the two of them, an incomparably huge base came out. Under the sunlight, the azure-white building looked a little shining, like starlight, shining, and the huge shape almost covered the entire mountain top, like , a head... a behemoth standing here, with a gigantic aura sweeping through it.


Bai Ye raised his right hand without speaking, the whole building exploded directly, and the surrounding land was directly separated, forming a walkway, as if to greet someone.

Seeing this, Bai Ye and Scarlet Witch walked in directly towards the aisle.

"Sir, something bad happened, someone broke in.

"At the same time, inside the Hydra base, an agent hurried in and said hurriedly to the person in charge of the base.

The person in charge of the Hydra base is a middle-aged man who looks about forty or fifty years old.

With a strong beard and a hat, the whole person looks a little serious, with a sense of non-anger and prestige all over his body. At first glance, he looks like... a person who has been sitting in a high position for many years.

Hearing someone breaking in, the middle-aged person in charge changed a lot, and said solemnly, "Who broke in, S.H.I.E.L.D.


... the person?"

"No sir, the people who broke in were Wanda Django Maximoff, who we have been trying to arrest, and... Bai Ye, who was just about to arrest, the two of them broke in directly, and their The abilities are a bit weird, ordinary bullets can't get into their bodies at all, a bit like the ability of Magneto.

As soon as these words came out, the person in charge's face changed drastically.

Magneto's prestige, he knows very well, that is a ruthless man, the ruthless man who once relied on the strength of one person to bury the entire army.

"Send the Winter Soldier to take action, and bring out Wanda Django Maximoff's brother Kuaiyin. The two of them came here today, and they must want to bring Kuaiyin back."

The person in charge looked at the agent in front of him and said in a deep voice.

Although the current situation looks very bad, he did not lose his mind on the spot, but rather methodically mobilized the forces that could be mobilized in front of him.

The Winter Soldier is his trump card and the strongest person in this base. Although I don't know if he can beat Bai Ye, he has to give it a try. After all, ordinary firearms are useless, so we can only use the Winter Soldier. , and to bring Kuaiyin over, that is to take Kuaiyin as a hostage.

After all, he still knew about the relationship between Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

This time the Scarlet Witch came, she must take Quicksilver away, otherwise, she might also come.

"Yes, sir."

Hearing this, the agent's eyes lit up, and he left in a hurry, letting the people below arrange all this.

On the other side, Bai Ye and Scarlet Witch directly crushed them. No matter what the agents inside do, whether they use weapons or poison, they can't help Bai Ye and Scarlet Witch.

It is as if the surroundings of the two are a taboo, and all the substances in the world are isolated.

This horizontal push didn't last long. After about ten minutes, the entire Hydra base was almost destroyed.

"We have arrived."

At this moment, Bai Ye stopped, looked ahead, showed a smile, and said indifferently.

In front of me, there was a man with a strong physique standing in front of him. He wore a mask, and his body exuded a cold aura, like a robot, with a kind of: chilling feeling.

And at the back, it is the people who temporarily survived the Hydra, there are not more than a dozen people, and one of them is... Scarlet Witch's brother, Quick Silver.

But now Quicksilver has been caught.


Chapter 150 Too weak [4]

"Brother!!" Seeing Kuaiyin among the crowd in the distance, the Scarlet Witch couldn't help calling out, Kuaiyin had been caught by Hydra for a long time for her, and it was estimated that it would take two or three years, now, during this period In time, the Scarlet Witch couldn't imagine how her brother was treated by Hydra.


Seeing his sister, the Scarlet Witch standing in front, Kuaiyin couldn't help it, his eyes were a little wet, and he seemed to want to cry.

Being in Hydra was indeed a nightmare for him, a day-to-day torture, nothing but...experiment after experiment, even Quicksilver didn't know he was How can he persist, he can survive in such an almost hellish place for so long, but it all seems worth it, after all, his sister came to rescue him, and it seems that he also brought a very powerful brother-in-law with him, and his strength is a bit terrifying. It actually made the people of Hydra tremble.

"Bai Ye, how did you find this place?"

The middle-aged person in charge turned black, looked at Bai Ye, and said in a deep voice.

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