The teacher of Master Bai Ye, what level of character is that?

According to her expectations, Bai Ye is estimated to be invincible, and all kinds of magic are dazzling, so as Bai Ye's teacher, it is estimated that it will be even more terrifying.

Bai Ye directly tore the space, took Wanda away from the temple, and went to Kama Taj.

Soon, Daniel was left alone in the temple. "Hey, my sense of existence is getting lower and lower, and the White Night Mage doesn't come to the temple anymore."

Daniel looked at the empty living room and felt very unhappy in his heart. When Bai Ye was there before, it was more lively.

Now after Bai Ye moved out, the place returned to the realm where he was alone before, and it was very uncomfortable.

at the same time.

In a deep space of Kama Taj.

Gu Yiru was sitting on the ground in the air with his eyes closed, as if he was comprehending something and at this moment, the space split open, and Bai Ye walked in slowly with the Scarlet Witch.

Gu Yi looked at the Scarlet Witch behind Bai Ye with a helpless expression on his face.

"What's the matter this time?"

Recently, Bai Ye has been looking for a lot of things, making Gu Yi a little helpless and a little surprised at the same time.

"Teacher, it's not really a big deal, but you found a good student for you. Her talent may surpass Tony."

"Oh so confident"

Hearing these words, Gu Yi became interested, knowing that Tony's talents are among the top three in the entire history of Kama Taj.

"Well, confident, because she has Chaos magic."

Chapter 155 Charm of Personality [1]

"Chaos magic.

Gu Yi's eyes flashed, and instantly fell on Wanda's body. As one of the three supreme powers, Gu Yi was very clear that it was a power comparable to the power of the phoenix.

The power of chaos in the peak period can modify the universe at will, basically achieving the true word of mouth, just like if Wanda in the peak period just said no mutants, and directly disappeared millions of mutants on the earth, or even disappeared. As Wanda said that the world does not need the five gods, the power of chaos can directly delete the five gods, which is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, the power of chaos is not as simple as imagined. It can modify reality, and this modification is permanent. As long as the person who possesses the power of chaos does not modify it, basically no other power can be moved and cannot change all of this. Moreover, the power of chaos can even affect other worlds. It is not as simple as a single world. It can arbitrarily affect the ecology of redundant universes. This force of the phoenix is ​​even more terrifying. The power of the phoenix is ​​very destructive, but it can only be used for .. a universe has an impact, but chaos magic is different, it can affect the multiverse and countless parallel universes, almost reaching the realm of the creator god.

"Your eyesight is really good."

Gu Yi sighed, she admired Bai Ye a little. During this period of time, she found several people with terrific aptitudes to come over. Tony's talent is definitely top-notch, although he doesn't know that he will be able to break through to the single universe in the future. Level, but the Heavenly Father level is a sure thing. As for Diana Gu Yi, she doesn't know very well, but she feels that Diana's talent will not be too low, and it is estimated that it is higher than Tony's. After all, she has a divinity. The future growth is much stronger than the rest.

What's more, Diana is a dimensional person, not a person in this world, so if the forces of different worlds are accommodated together, there may be some unimaginable qualitative changes.

As for Wanda the Scarlet Witch, Gu Yi is even more speechless. With Chaos Magic, that is, the power of Chaos, Wanda can't even imagine her future achievements, and even the five gods can't glimpse Wanda's future. Achievement.

After all, the three ancient powers, Chaos Magic is the most terrifying one.

"I understand what you mean, I accept her."

Gu Yi thought for a moment, his eyes fell on Wanda, very soft.

Bai Ye brought Wanda over, Gu Yi didn't have to think about it, knowing what Bai Ye wanted to do was nothing more than asking her to teach Wanda. Gu Yi did not think much about this matter and directly agreed, after all, the power of chaos is rare in the world , if you can teach Wanda, it will be a good thing for her.

After all, Kama Taj will need a successor in the future.

It is also a good thing for her to study the power of chaos at the same time, because maybe she can get some inspiration from Wanda's power of chaos, and it is not impossible to even break through the current limit.

"Wanda, go and call the teacher, it's my junior sister.

Bai Ye fondly stroked Wanda's hair and said lightly.

Although he really likes Wanda, there are too many things to do, and he doesn't have much time to accompany Wanda or teach Wanda, so he can only teach Gu Yi.

"Hello Mr. Gu Yi, my name is Wango Maximoff"

"Just call me Wanda."

Hearing that, Wanda was very obedient and gave Gu a salute, maybe she was a little nervous, so her face was cute and cute.

"Teacher, then I'll go first, and Wanda will be handed over to you."


Bai Ye nodded, and then the figure disappeared directly in front of the two of them.

"Teacher Gu Yi, I just heard that you have been discussing the power of chaos, is this power very powerful?" After Bai Ye left, Wanda couldn't help but asked Gu Yi.

"The power of chaos, one of the oldest forces in the universe, you say it's not terrible."

Gu Yi smiled.

"Then I can catch up with Bai Ye. I want to be his right-hand man in the future."

Learning magic, Wanda did not do it for herself, but to help Bai Ye, maybe it was a life-saving grace, which made Wanda have some strange feelings for Bai Ye, after all, in her life, no one has ever treated her So good, even her elder brother is more carefree, not as meticulous as Bai Ye.

Hearing Wanda's words, Gu's eyes showed a hint of surprise, chasing after Bai Ye, Wanda's dream is not small, but unfortunately these... It seems a little unrealistic, although the prosperous Da has the power of chaos, and there is no problem in chasing after reason, but for some reason, Gu Yi always feels that these things are not realistic.

"If you want to be Bai Ye's right-hand man, there should be no problem with your ability."

Speaking of which, Gu Yi paused for a moment, then said lightly, "But to catch up with Bai Ye, there may be little hope, but it's not hopeless, because your abilities, talents and potential are terrifying, if you practice diligently in the future, maybe There is a slight possibility."

I can only be a right-hand man, and I have little hope of catching up.

Hearing these words, Wanda took a deep breath and showed a smile, "It's okay if I can't catch up, but if I can become Bai Ye's right-hand man, these.... is enough."

Her expectations are actually not high: she just wants to help Bai Ye, not become a burden to Bai Ye, just like dealing with Hydra directly, she is actually watching the show all the way, and does not help Bai Ye.

"Another addicted woman,"

Gu Yi shook her head in her heart. Although she had just met Wanda, she could tell that Wanda had probably already fallen in love with Bai Ye. Even though they seemed to have not been together for a long time, Bai Ye's personality seemed to have influenced Wanda.

After all, the strength is strong, and the person is handsome, so I really can't find it with a lantern.

Although I know that Bai Ye already has Diana, but Gu Yi... has no feelings. She is an old antique. In her day, it was very normal for a man to have three wives and two concubines. .


Chapter 156 The terrifying power of chaos [2]

'System, deduce the power of chaos."

Back in his room, Bai Ye began to act. This time, the destruction of Hydra's base was partly because Hydra's agents were really annoying, so he killed them casually, but most of the reason was due to Wanda's chaos. magic.

Chaos magic is the top priority for Bai Ye to deal with beholders in the future, and it must be obtained.

"Ding, deduce the power of chaos, 20 data points per second, whether to start."


With Bai Ye's order, a ray of light rose, and the system began to get busy.

Chaos magic is also known as the power of chaos, although the names may look different, but they are all the same.

"I hope this time, the power of chaos can be deduced to the level of the multiverse."

Watching his data points continue to decline, Bai Ye said silently in his heart.

He now has millions of data points, but he doesn't have much in his heart. He doesn't know if he can deduce Chaos Magic to the multiverse level, but the power of time and space obviously cannot be deduced to the multiverse level. To deduce to that state, it is estimated that there may be more than [-] million data points, and it is not like the ordinary [-] million, it may be [-] million, or [-] million, after all, the European-style [-] million level.

Therefore, without a large number of data points, Bai Ye did not dare to act rashly.

Otherwise, if the power of time and space is directly deduced to the multiverse realm, he will not be so afraid of beholders, and even if he encounters the true body of Setorak, he may be able to deduce it for a while.

However, the level of the power of time and space is a bit high, and it is not something he can bear now.

The power of chaos and the power of the phoenix, although these powers are under the three major powers, but compared with the power of time and space, the data points required are still relatively small.

After all, the level of energy is different.

However, he does not intend to deduce the power of the phoenix to the multiverse realm, because he feels that even if he reaches that realm, it will not help him very much. Scary creatures.

The creatures who have reached that realm are actually no longer afraid of rules, laws and the like. According to this universe, the powerhouse of the omnipotent universe level is actually detached from this universe.

After all, the five gods who represent the rules are at the multiverse level, and the almighty universe level is above them. In fact, the creatures who have reached the almighty universe level have surpassed the rules in their power, even reaching the common creation god. No.... to say that creating the universe, the all-around universe-level creature can actually do it, but it needs some special things.

Therefore, in the face of the beholder, Bai Ye needs a lot of things, at least....... Even if the power of the phoenix reaches the multi-level, it is not very useful for the beholder, but the power of chaos does can affect.

Before you know it, an hour has passed, and the power of chaos is still there: the deduction is in progress.

"It seems that this time it's going to be a mixed show, it's not... a simple matter."

Bai Ye frowned, the speed of deducing the power of the phoenix was very fast at first, and the data points consumed were not too many, but this time the deduction of the power of chaos took a lot of time.

But he is not in a hurry. After all, he has enough data points to deduce it completely, but he just doesn't know if it can be deduced to the multiverse realm.

"It really doesn't work, let's go to the hell plane."

The corners of Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, the data points may not be enough, but he does...... The place where he has something to add is the plane of hell.

Although the hell plane is so called, it is actually a superimposed dimension of multiple universes. There are countless universes there, and it is estimated that there are at least hundreds of thousands of them. In this dimension, all the masters of the universe belong to the devil, so it is called the hell plane and the hell plane is not just an approximate location, it can be expanded. For example, the universe where Bai Ye is staying, if it is If a demon is occupied, it will become part of the hell plane.

In fact, to put it simply, as long as the universe is ruled by the demon gods of hell, it is a member of the hell dimension.

And after a long period of time, the Demon God's dominion has exceeded people's imagination, and his strength is also extremely terrifying. It is estimated that the legendary Transcendence God Race may be able to fight against people in the dimension of hell.

And there are many demon gods in the hell dimension, most of them are demons in mythology or some gods and the like. These... Demon gods may not like others very much, but for Bai Yelai Say, these... Demon Gods are all data points for walking, and they are all treasures that provide data points. Of course, if it is a Demon God stronger than him, naturally it cannot be a treasure.

"Ding, the deduction was successful."

After more than an hour, Bai Ye finally deduced the power of chaos.

At that moment, he instantly felt a mysterious force pouring into his mind.

This energy is different from before, without any feeling, but it can be felt.

And he found that his feeling of looking at the world has changed, if he used to look at mountains as mountains, and sea as seas.

But now he found that although the mountain is still a mountain, it can change these things, not through the destruction of force, nor through the power of space or time, to change the things in front of him.

But it is like opening the authority, as long as he does not want to see the things in front of him, the ability of the power of chaos will be exerted, and the things in front of him will immediately dissipate, as if they have never appeared, even in the long river of time and space. You can't find it. to his existence.

It seems to have been directly deleted by a mysterious force.

Bai Ye took out a ring directly, looked at the ring in front of him, pondered for a moment, and whispered, "Disappear from time."

At that moment, the ring in his hand dissipated instantly.

At the same time, Bai Ye's mental power instantly poured into the long river of time and space, and began to look for the trace of the ring. No matter what, there is a place to be born, but Bai Ye opened the long river of time and space and found that his previous ring could not find any source. As if deleted, no trace remains.

Chapter 157 Hell Demon God Lucifer [3]

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