"Nice ability."

Bai Ye's eyes flickered, and the power of chaos was like a legend, terrifying to the extreme, an ability that was almost incomprehensible to ordinary people.

To be honest, if the Scarlet Witch did not grow up in the movie, Thanos would be nothing. If the Scarlet Witch grows up, it is estimated that the Scarlet Witch can even delete the tyrant of the Infinity Gloves directly, or indirectly delete the six Infinity. Gems, the ability is like the court of life, so that the six infinity gems lose their original mysterious power and turn into ordinary gems.

In the comics, it's.... Thanos thought he was invincible after he got the six Infinity Stones, so he went to challenge the Court of Life.

It's a pity that the pretense didn't work, the life court directly lost the ability of the infinite gems, and after Thanos himself lost the infinite gems, the realm drop was also killed in seconds.

"It's a pity for the next deduction."

Bai Ye played Chaos Magic for a while, and then continued to deduce it. Although Chaos Magic looks good now, it will be useless to deal with some powerful creatures.

After all, the power of chaos under his control is not high enough.

"The system is deduced to the level of a single universe."

Bai Ye didn't talk nonsense, and immediately started to act again.

The power of chaos needs time to comprehend or to understand the depth of this ability. It takes a certain amount of time. If you have Bai Ye's talent, it may take several years to comprehend the power of chaos to the level of a single universe. In the case of the multiverse, it may take a little more time, a few decades, in fact, this is very short, after all, decades in this world are nothing, maybe even a few minutes for ordinary people.

It's just that Bai Ye doesn't have so much free time now, after all, he doesn't know when the beholder will attack.

And for the sake of the system, as long as it takes a little data point, it can be deduced......, and he can also get these abilities, so it is better to directly deduce and pull it down.

"Ding, this game, 80 data points per second, whether to start a realm, the data points have doubled directly.

Eighty points in one second is actually not bad, but when he upgraded the power of time and space, it was higher than him, reaching 200 points per second.

However, he still has quite a lot of data points, after several deductions.

He still has nearly 80 million numbers and now it is 480 in a second, 800 in a minute, [-] in an hour, [-], nearly [-].

So the data points he has left now can fully deduce what it looks like for ten hours.


His current data points are still sufficient, and it is completely sufficient to deduce to the realm of a single universe.

Just the multiverse level is clearly not enough.

"To deduce to the multiverse level, there are really too many data points required. It is estimated that the next stage may take hundreds to start. It seems that we need to find a hell demon to do it."

Bai Ye said in his heart, although he has a lot of data points now, it is obviously not enough to support multiple realms. After all, the time to deduce this thing is uncertain, sometimes it takes a few minutes, sometimes it takes a few days. Time. It took him three days to deduce a space magic. Although the data points consumed are not many, it takes a long time. If you wait: deduce to the multiverse level, it will take a day to kill it. Well, let alone three days.

In fact, Bai Ye himself intends to deduce the power of time and space to the multiverse level, but the data points required are relatively terrifying, so he does not intend to do so, because he does not know whether he can collect enough data in a short time.

That's why I took a step back and wanted to bring the power of chaos to a multi-level realm. Although the power is not as powerful as the power of time and space, it can also cause a certain amount of damage to the beholder. After all, the beholder has just entered the omnipotent universe level, and the realm is not stable yet. , the ability of his whole body is added together, there is a [-]%% probability of killing the beholder.

Of course, if a creature has entered the almighty universe realm for a long time, he will definitely be sent to death in the past.

"Looking for that... Demon God is better."

Bai Ye began to think about looking for the devil to start the operation.

He stayed in Kama Taj for so many years, guarded outside the dimension, and encountered many demons. These... demons are all part of historical mythology, such as the fallen angel Lucifer, Or abyss demons or something, and these... Demon gods are not only from some Western mythology, but also some from Eastern mythology, but they are relatively rare. Over the years, Bai Ye has only encountered a few. That's it.

Most of them are still dominated by Western demons.

"The ability provided by the single universe level is not very pure, maybe there are not many data points for me, and I can't carry it in the hell dimension for too long, otherwise, it will be easy to be caught by those... Demon God Find."

"You must find a multi-level demon god, and you must kill him as soon as possible, so that you can quickly replenish."

His breath has been preserved by those... top magics, if he enters the hell dimension, those people will definitely not be able to sit still.

Don't talk about beholders, it is estimated that Setorac will be the first to rush out. As for Mephisto, it is estimated that he will not let go. These guys will definitely come over at the first time, so when he starts, he must be quick.

Although the power of time and space can block his breath, it does not last for a long time. If he stays for a long time, he will definitely be discovered by those people, so Bai Ye has to do it quickly, if he is only dealing with some Heavenly Father or a single cosmos level Yes, he's bound to be fast, but certainly not many data points, so his eyes are on the multiverse level.

The energy provided by the multiverse-level demons is bound to be no less.

"Just Lucifer."

After thinking for a long time, Bai Ye finally set his target on Lucifer, the king of fallen angels. His strength is similar to Dormammu, and his characteristics are also the same. His strength depends on his own universe. Once he is isolated from the energy of the universe, his strength will be reduced. It will plummet, so that he can achieve the effect of instant kill.

Back then, when he just stepped into the single universe level, Bai Ye beat Dormammu violently, although most of it was because Dormammu underestimated the enemy, but now that Bai Ye is stronger, it takes time to kill Dormammu of the same realm. It is bound to be shorter.


Chapter 158 Go to hell, hunt the devil [4]

"Ding, the deduction was successful."

This time the deduction was a bit slow, consuming more than two hours, and his data points also dropped rapidly.

"Data points: 23"

Now there are only more than [-] million data points left, and it is estimated that it is not enough to deduce to the realm of the multiverse.

"Forget it, write and try how many data points are needed to deduce multiple realms."

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, more than two million data points are actually not too small, but he is not very confident in his heart, otherwise, he can directly deduce "System, the power of chaos can be deduced to the multiverse realm."

As soon as the voice fell, the cold voice of the system sounded "Ding, this game has 500 data points per second, whether to start the game."

Hearing the system's voice, Bai Ye's mouth twitched. Although he knew that this deduction would cost a lot, he was still frightened by the data point specifications required in front of him.

Five hundred points per second, this is a bit terrifying. You must know that the single universe can only have eighty points per second, while the multiverse has five hundred points.

And according to [-] points, one hour needs [-] million points, and he only has [-] million here, it is obviously impossible to deduce to the multiverse level.

After all, I couldn't last even two hours.

According to his so many deductions, if he can deduce it in more than an hour, he is definitely lucky, and the rest usually takes two or three hours. As for the black one, it is estimated that it will take a day or two.

However, the time required for this kind of deduction is actually a certain probability, because the evolution formula of the ability is different. Generally, the more advanced the realm is, the evolutionary branch will be different. In the same way, from the beginning to the back, the number of ways to go must be farther and farther, and it is also more and more complicated.

And the result of Bai Ye's deduction is the one with the best demand... That is to say, he wants to deduce this ability to the same realm. There are many evolutionary paths of demand, basically thousands of them, starting from , And in this huge evolutionary road, only a few can reach the final goal, and the best one at the end is what Bai Ye needs.

Therefore, the deduced things are generally considered to be the best in Bai Ye, but this kind of best requires a long time.

Bai Ye estimated that if you want to deduce to the multiverse realm, it is estimated that it will take at least two or three hours. If it is long, it is estimated that it will take five or six hours. This is only for Bai Ye, but the real appearance needs to be done by himself. Give it a try.

But this is fine.

Before Bai Ye, I tried to deduce the power of time and space to the multiverse realm. One second requires 120 data points per second. What is this concept? Millions of data points are needed in one hour, so Bai Ye said before that, to put The power of time and space is deduced to the extreme, at least...... Prepare data that may be tens of millions. Otherwise, Bai Ye will directly try to evolve the power of time and space, and he does not need to be afraid of anything, the time and space of multiple realms The power is still extremely terrifying, it can be called invincible at the same stage, and it is also the unparalleled power in the world. It can be said to be the most terrifying ability in the current universe, but it is just that Bai Ye has not excavated all of it. If it reaches a very advanced state, at the same time Deduce the heart of the universe, and at that time, Bai Ye can even resist the transcendence.

As for the so-called first race beyond the Protoss, Bai Ye is not very afraid, because his ability is not weaker than that of the Transcendent Protoss, although the SuperGods can kill the court of life in seconds, but according to Bai Ye's plan, he has reached the realm of the Heart of the Universe, His ability is even stronger than beyond the Protoss.

"I planned to go hunting for a while, but now there is no way."

Bai Ye sighed, he wanted to go to the hell plane to kill some demon gods a long time ago, and then collect data points, but he has never had the time or a good opportunity.

But now, he must take this step, because he must deduce the power of chaos to the realm of the multiverse, otherwise, it will be very troublesome in the future, and he also feels that the battle between the beholders, it is estimated that it will not take much. It will be on for a long time.

......................... Bai Ye mobilized the power of time and space to cover him, the power of time and space comes from the river of time and space, as long as it covers the whole body, no matter what No one can detect Bai Ye's breath, because his breath is equivalent to condensing in the long river of time and space, and even if the existence of Setorak's level is present in person, they can't sense Bai Ye's breath, even if Bai Ye stands in their place. Although they have surpassed the rules in front of them, they have not surpassed the long river of time and space, but perhaps the transcenders can sense the white night, after all, they have surpassed the long river of time and space.

The power of time and space lingered, checked it again, and after confirming that it was safe and sound, Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his right hand toward the space, and a crack was directly torn open.

Almost at the same time, Bai Ye entered directly inside and disappeared in place.

"He's gone again, and I don't know what this kid is doing recently.

"Kama Taj's Gu Yi looked at the direction of Bai Ye's disappearance, and muttered to herself that as long as she wanted to kill the beholder, Bai Ye was gradually busy, and she often couldn't sense Bai Ye's breath.

And this time, I completely lost the sense of Bai Ye's breath. Obviously, I may have left the earth directly and went to another dimension. As for where Gu Yi went, I don't know. After all, Bai Ye traveled through time and space and went to other worlds to bring back Diana. .

at the same time.

In hell dimension, a dark dimension.

In front of this world, everything is red and black, the two are blended together, black and red clouds, black and red sky, everything in the world is black and red, which adds a bit of evil to this world, like a myth It's like hell in it.

At the same time, a crack suddenly appeared, followed by a figure in the sky.

: Ask for a wave of flowers, review votes or something, the big guys are a little short of [-] votes, vote for one, if it's enough for [-], I will explode

Chapter 159 What do you want to do?let you go to hell [1]

"Dark Dimension!"

Bai Ye stands high above the sky and glances down. There are many worlds in the hell dimension, and this world is... the dimension dominated by Lucifer, the king of fallen angels. Here Lucifer is like Dormammu. God is almost the same.

The surroundings here are all black and red, although it is not as gloomy as the world where Dormammu lives, but it adds a bit of evil. Although Dormammu looks a little dark, But it doesn't look very evil, but the atmosphere here is very strange, and none of them reveal an evil atmosphere.

"Let me see where Lucifer is."

Bai Ye's eyes were tightly closed, and his mental power swept out in an instant, and spread out in a mighty manner. This area is very huge. Even if Bai Ye's spiritual path is fully open, there is no way to see it all, but he does not want to scan it. This world is all, just want to find the breath of Lucifer.

As the master of this world, Lucifer's breath cannot be concealed.

"found it."

After a while, Bai Ye opened his eyes and revealed a smile. He found where Lucifer was, but Lucifer was not far from him, but not too close.

Because it is just above his head, but because of the overlapping space, although it looks very close, it is actually quite far.

But none of these things matter.

Clap la la.

The white night directly tears the space.

"An enemy is coming in."

at the same time.

Above the sky, in a deep space, an incomparably gorgeous palace is suspended in the sky, the palace exudes a dazzling light, like the light of the night, extremely dazzling.

Around the palace, there were a group of gods who looked like human figures but with black wings on patrol. Each of these creatures was extremely beautiful, and they exuded such a dull aura.

Fallen Angels.

In the depths of the palace, on a dark throne, a man wearing a white robe and long black hair sat in it.

At this moment, he opened his eyes slightly, and a strange light appeared, adding a bit of color to the darkness around him.

"An enemy has come in, just why this breath is a little familiar, as if I have seen it there."

Thoughts appeared in Lucifer's eyes. He just noticed that a spiritual force was sweeping away in the world he was in. The strength was not bad. The level of a single universe, even in the plane of hell, was extremely rare.

Strength Lucifer has nothing to worry about. After all, in this world, he is almost invincible, and he can burst out with extra cosmos-level strength. A mere single cosmos-level invader will not make him move, but just give way. What Xiefa felt hesitant about was that the breath was very familiar to him, as if he had seen it there, but he didn't know where it was.


At this moment, Lucifer's pupils shrank, looking at the space ahead.

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