
The space is like glass, directly leaving a crack, and then Bai Ye slowly emerges from the space crack.

Seeing the white night coming out, Lucifer showed a touch of shock, and then his face was full of ecstasy.

"Long time no see, Lucifer.

Bai Ye looked indifferent and greeted Lucifer with ease, as if he didn't know that this was Lucifer's base camp.

"Bai Ye, you dare to come to me, which surprised me."

Lucifer smiled slightly, supported his head with one hand, and looked at Bai Ye meaningfully.

Lucifer is naturally not unfamiliar with Bai Ye, after all, he has also been in contact with Bai Ye and speaking of it, when he first came into contact with him, Lucifer was quite surprised.

Because he saw the hell overlord Setorak with his own eyes, he was scolded by Bai Ye and his mental body exploded.

At that time, Lucifer had some admiration for Bai Ye. After all, there must be a lot of people who blasted Setorak, but to say that Setorak almost died of anger, Bai Ye was estimated to be the only one who existed at the same time under such circumstances. , Cetolak did not take revenge, which made Lucifer very puzzled. After all, Certorac's strength was there, and Bai Ye was only a powerhouse who had just stepped into the heavenly father level. As far as the powerhouse is concerned, it is not much different from ordinary people. If they break through to the level of the single universe, maybe they can still pay attention, but for the powerhouse of the Heavenly Father level, for the top demon gods like them, it is. .. just an ant.

"What's so unexpected, Quan when I'm bored, I want to find you guys... Let's talk to the devil."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, but his expression did not change, but he still had a smile on his face.

The accident was right, after all, he came to Lucifer this time not to chat, nor to talk about the past, but to kill.

"Hahaha, Master Bai Ye is really joking, why do you say these words, I must not believe it, tell me what your purpose is."

Lucifer stared at Bai Ye and said in a low voice.

If there is no reason, Lucifer doesn't believe that Bai Ye really came to chat.

"What purpose can I have? I just came to hell to have a look. They said that the dimension of hell is huge. As a person who wants to travel through the world, it is natural to come here and have a look."

"Oh, that's really strange, Master Bai Ye."

"Nothing strange, you'll get used to it later."

"Well, I can't get used to it."

Suddenly, Lucifer's face changed slightly, a huge momentum rose, the surrounding space was instantly frozen, and the temperature dropped by dozens of degrees, as if he was in an ice cellar.

"Originally, I was thinking of a way to enter the earth to kill you, but now it's alright, you've brought it to the door yourself, let's talk about Master Bai Ye, how do you want to die, I can give you a treat.

Lucifer has long disliked Bai Ye, and wanted to kill Bai Ye a long time ago, but because of the magic circle, he never found a chance.

But now that Bai Ye appeared in front of him, Lucifer almost laughed wildly in his heart, not thinking that Bai Ye was so arrogant that he would come to him to die in person.

"Lucifer, aren't you curious, why am I here?" Bai Ye smiled slightly.

Hearing this sentence, Lucifer's face shrank, looked at Bai Ye coldly, and said coldly, "You are too arrogant, Bai Ye, although your talent is indeed amazing, but the horizontal gap between the multiverse and the single universe is not what you can imagine. ."

"Are you arrogant? Lucifer, you are wrong. If there is no [-]% way, do you think I will come over in person?"

Bai Ye smiled mysteriously.


Chapter 160 This is impossible [2]

"It's enough for you to kill me in the night.

"Lucifer stood up abruptly, rushed directly in front of Bai Ye, grabbed his right hand to form claws, and grabbed it directly towards Bai Ye's head, as if he wanted to directly break Bai Ye's head.


Bai Ye was not in a hurry, one hand blocked Lucifer's attack, and then his right leg turned into a whip shadow, which instantly bombarded Lucifer's body.


With a dull look, Lucifer's face changed slightly. If he was struck by lightning, the whole person flew upside down. However, Lucifer's strength was still extremely terrifying. Although Bai Ye's kick was very explosive, he still couldn't help Lucifer much...

I saw Lucifer's body turned, and the whole person stagnated directly above the sky.


A black light flashed across Lucifer's eyes, and a black luster burst out from the outside of his body, instantly turning into a black shock wave that bombarded the white night away. It burst out with a fierce murderous aura, possessing terrifying power.

Bai Ye's face was still calm, and he stretched out his right hand and squeezed it slightly.

The space ahead shattered instantly, and Lucifer's attack vanished at the same time.

"No wonder you dare to say that you want to kill me, you do have some skills."

Seeing the scene just now, there was a seriousness in Lucifer's eyes. Although the attack just now was not that powerful, it could only be regarded as a slightly serious attack, but it was not something that people could resist.

"But you will regret it eventually, regret coming here to die."

Lucifer roared angrily, and a terrifying aura erupted from his whole body. This aura spread and instantly suppressed the entire dark dimension. Almost at the same instant, all the creatures on this plane felt a shock of their souls. Some couldn't bear it, and even knelt down.

At this time, I saw three teams of 33 black wings spread out behind Lucifer, and the black light lingered, making Lucifer look extremely terrifying.

It seems that the creator god who dominates everything has amazing power.

"I'm sorry you thought too much."

Bai Ye sneered, took a step forward, and the power of time and space in his body spread out instantly.

At that moment, the surroundings changed, and an illusory long river hung high in the sky. The long river looked no different from an ordinary small river, but the breath it radiated made countless people change color. It was the fusion of time and space. The power of being together, if you look carefully, there are countless small fish and shrimp in the long river, and each of these small fish has a history, like the life of a living being.

The long river of time and space records the beginning and end of all things in the world, everything starts from him, and everything ends here.

At the moment when the long river of time and space appeared, the surrounding space changed, a hazy breath spread out, countless clock gears covered all around, and a mysterious breath flowed.

"The realm of time and space."

One of White Night's most powerful abilities.

As soon as the realm of time and space unfolded, Bai Ye acted directly, came to Lucifer at a very fast speed, and punched Lucifer directly in the face. His fist easily landed on Lucifer's face, and one punch directly knocked Lucifer out.

Lucifer fell to the ground and touched the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were extremely angry, and at the same time, he was extremely puzzled. He actually reacted just now, but he couldn't move for some reason, so he could only watch his fist fall on him. face, and he couldn't do anything.

This is not imprisoned, but rather dull.

"The power of time."

Lucifer stared at Bai Ye and said coldly.

As one of the demon gods, Lucifer had countless abilities, so after thinking for a moment, he guessed what Bai Ye's abilities were, but he didn't expect that Bai Ye's abilities would actually work for him.

You know, he is one level higher than Bai Ye.

"It's good that Lucifer is very smart, but unfortunately it's useless if you know it."

Bai Ye smiled lightly, his right hand condensed into claws, directly replicating the move that Lucifer had just attacked him.


Bai Ye crushed Lucifer's throat directly, and at the same time crushed Lucifer's head.

With a bang, Lucifer's head exploded like a watermelon.

The red and white things drifted away, and the smell of blood permeated.

"Don't pretend, I know you're not dead."

The voice fell.

Lucifer, who had turned into a headless corpse, was back to normal again. If it weren't for the blood still entangled in his body, he would not have been able to see it. Lucifer was just shot in the head.

At this time, Lucifer's face was extremely ugly. Just now, Bai Ye was deliberately humiliating him, and he just wanted to blow Bai Ye's head, and at the same time wanted to bring him insults.

It's just that he didn't think about it, he didn't pinch Bai Ye's head, but Bai Ye gave it back to him.

"The Light of Destruction."

Lucifer was furious in his heart, clasped his hands together, and a black light burst out instantly, turning into an earth-shattering beam of light, and the beam's destructive power was astonishing, sweeping everything directly.

Bai Ye's face remained unchanged, he grabbed it with his right hand, directly pinched the Light of Destruction, and instantly crushed the Light of Destruction.

"If you only have this strength, then I'm so disappointed."

Hearing this sentence, Lucifer's face became even more gloomy.

Logically speaking, he is at the level of the multiverse, and Bai Ye is only at the level of the single universe. With his ability, he can easily crush Bai Ye, but for some reason, his power has not erupted, but was crushed by Bai Ye. In the past, this made Lucifer feel strange.

"You don't have to be too arrogant, wait: I'll tear your face to pieces."

Lucifer snorted coldly, and then a black pattern appeared in the sky.

He is ready to use the power of the dark dimension.

There are many kinds of power enhancements of the demon gods, and they are extremely fast. Some rely on the fear of living beings, and some are the overlords of one dimension. They can increase their strength by several levels through the power of the dimension.

Therefore, if they are far away from the dimension of their own domination, their strength will drop a lot.

Bai Ye didn't speak, just watched Lucifer's performance calmly.

He knew very well what Lucifer was doing now, but he must not be nervous.

Soon, Lucifer, who was originally sneering, was stunned, with a look of astonishment, and some couldn't believe it, "This is impossible!"

Chapter 161 The Hell Pig Farm Project Begins [3]

"Why, this is why."

Lucifer was stunned, and a storm surged in his heart.

He couldn't even sense the power of the dark dimension, and he couldn't sense it at all.

Although he is very strong, he really steps into the multiverse level, but also relies on the power of the dark dimension. Without the power of the dark dimension, he cannot achieve the multiverse level, but can only be regarded as the single universe level.

It's just that Lucifer really can't figure it out, why he can't sense the power of the dark dimension, you must know that even if he spans dozens of universes, he can feel the power of the dark dimension, but the blessings he gets will be less, but it has never been like today. In this way, the slightest bit of power cannot be sensed, as if he has been abandoned by the dark dimension, and is no longer the master of the dark dimension.

This made Lucifer very confused.

"What did you do?"

After a while, Lucifer seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Bai Ye with a fierce look on his face, the killing intent in his eyes almost materialized, if the killing intent could kill, perhaps Bai Ye would have been killed hundreds of times already.

In the countless years since he obtained the dark dimension, he has never lost the sense of the dark dimension, and this time he fought against Bai Ye, he actually lost the sense of the dark dimension.

Then it means that the reason for all this lies in Bai Ye's body.

"The Lucifer I said, if you are not sure, I may appear in front of you."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, and then a cold expression appeared on his face.

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