Between words, Bai Ye's figure disappeared instantly.

next moment.

Bai Ye appeared in front of Lucifer, an energy condensed in his right hand, turned into a gray-white lightsaber, and fell directly on Lucifer's body.


Lucifer couldn't dodge in time, and his body was cut off in an instant.

However, his resilience was amazing, and his body quickly returned to normal.

I saw his body turn around to avoid Bai Ye's next attack, and then the light beam in his right hand burst out instantly, directly smashing the space, and bombarding Bai Ye at close range.


The light beam penetrated Bai Ye's body instantly, but it did not cause any more casualties than Bai Ye, as if a phantom passed through directly.

The next moment, Bai Ye grabbed Lucifer's head with his right hand and slammed it on the ground.

With a bang, the ground crumbled, and Lucifer's face was covered in blood.


Lucifer's body suddenly turned into a shadow, quickly escaped from the spot, and came directly to a hundred meters away.


Lucifer looked serious, staring at Bai and panting.

Losing the power of the dark dimension, Lucifer's strength has declined rapidly, far from the strength of the peak period. Facing Bai Ye, he was directly pressed and beaten, and there was no chance to fight back.

It's just that Lucifer really can't figure it out. Even if he doesn't have the strength of the multiverse level, he is still a very terrifying creature of the single universe level. He was beaten by Bai Ye.

You know, it didn't take long for Bai Ye to step into the single universe level.

What kind of monster is this! As a demon god, Lucifer was shocked by a human being for the first time. Bai Ye's strength and speed of progress were beyond his expectations, and Bai Ye was able to isolate the induction in the universe. These abilities are enough to make Lucifer feel scared because these abilities completely restrain the demon gods like them.

He lost his greatest support.

"If you only have this strength, you are Lucifer who will die."

Bai Ye's voice sounded, followed by ripples in the surrounding space, and the red chain instantly penetrated down, directly bounding towards Lucifer. Although Lucifer's ability is good, but in this space, Bai Ye dominates everything, not to mention This chain has a special ability.

Under the endless chains, Lucifer accidentally revealed a flaw, and was directly tied to the sky by the chains, like a cross, directly hung by the chains in the sky.

at the same time.

A gray sword light fell, directly piercing through Lucifer's heart, placing Lucifer above the sky.

Make Lucifer unable to move at all.

Even at this moment, Lucifer was only conscious, and the rest of his body seemed to be bound by a force, making him unable to command the flesh.

Meanwhile, a terrible thing happened to Lucifer.

His spiritual power was also unusable, and when he reached their realm, his soul could leave at will, and he would not be afraid of sunlight or anything.

But now, his spiritual power is indescribable, and his physical body cannot be used.

It was as if he had become a vegetative person, with only consciousness left in his body, and nothing else.

Even when he saw Bai Ye approaching, he couldn't speak, scold or beg for mercy.

Bai Ye came to Lucifer in an instant, looking at Lucifer with a calm face.

"I'm not sure what I said. How could I come here? It's a pity that you are too conceited."

In fact, he reminded Lucifer, but Lucifer didn't care. "Hell pig farm, I'll start with your pig.

Bai Ye smiled slightly, and inserted his right hand directly into Lucifer's chest, then pulled it out, and a black light bar instantly sputtered out, "The system has started to work."

Bai Ye thought silently in his heart.

The... light bar just now is... Lucifer's energy and the source of Lucifer's abilities.

With Bai Ye's call, a terrifying phagocytic force was generated in the sky above him, and it directly devoured Lucifer's energy madly.

Lucifer's eyes trembled, filled with fear, and he wanted to shout and beg for mercy, but it was a pity that Bai Ye couldn't give him this chance.

After all, in Bai Ye's heart, Lucifer is just a pig, one... It's just a product that helps him provide data points and energy. Although he is a very powerful demon, these are not the point.

This time is different from other times: different, other times: he absorbs only a small amount of energy, and gets not many data points.

And this time, he was madly absorbing Lucifer's energy, although it couldn't be much, but Bai Ye estimated that at least... There must be millions.

And this time Lucifer was captured by Bai Ye, and it was precisely the announcement of Bai Ye's plan, the plan of the pig farm in hell, and Lucifer was... the first person to experiment.

To be honest, this is a good achievement, and it can stay in history.


Chapter 162 Heaven Crying [1]

"I don't know how many... data points I'll get this time."

Looking at Lucifer hanging high in the sky, a gleam appeared in Bai Ye's eyes. Although Lucifer relies on the dark dimension to step into the realm of the multiverse, after all, he has ruled in one dimension for so many years, and the hidden energy should not be less talented. right.

"white night."

Lucifer's eyes trembled. He didn't expect that in just a few years, the ants in his eyes had grown to such a terrifying realm that they could kill him, although he didn't know what ability Bai Ye used to isolate his dark dimension. But no matter what, this ability was enough to make Lucifer feel fearful and something even more frightening happened. Lucifer found that the energy in his body gradually dissipated, as if there was a black hole in front of him, madly absorbing his energy.

If it continues at this speed, it will not take long for it to be completely absorbed by itself.

He wants to break free now, but it seems unlikely.

Under the realm of time and space, everything is isolated, even if it is a rule, not to mention Lucifer himself.

Moreover, Lucifer has lost the sense of the dark dimension, and his own strength is not invincible. Under the multiple abilities of Bai Ye, there is no possibility of leaving at all. He is like a vegetable now, leaving only consciousness.

He watched helplessly as he was absorbed and then killed.

With the passage of time, a sense of powerlessness swept Lucifer's heart, and immediately made Lucifer a little regretful. Why did he go over to provoke Bai Ye in the first place? If he didn't pass by himself, Bai Ye probably wouldn't put his thoughts on him, and Bai Ye wouldn't know. of his existence.

It's a pity that no matter what Lucifer thinks in his heart, he can't get out of the dead end.

With the passage of time, Lucifer's eyes dimmed directly, and there was hardly a trace of luster, as if he was dead, hanging directly in the sky.

At this time, a sound of "ding, get 952" sounded in Bai Ye's ears.

The system's prompt sounded, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, and the good guy had nearly [-] million data points, which was beyond his expectations.

In his heart, it was enough that Lucifer could provide three or four hundred data points. After all, Ares' World Destruction Fire only provided him with hundreds of thousands of data points.

Of course, the strength of the two is not in the same level, and the age is no longer in the level. Lucifer's estimated living age is not measured in ten thousand, but in billion.

"With these data points, I should be able to deduce the power of chaos to the multiverse realm. At that time, I should have enough cards to deal with the beholder."

Bai Ye's fists clenched tightly, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

Beholders must be beheaded, even if others can't do it in the almighty universe realm, it doesn't mean no.

It is estimated that few people believe that the multiverse cuts the almighty universe.

Not enough...someone will believe later.

"This guy is probably close to death. If you forget it, I will be too lazy to raise you as a pig. Let's give you a ride."

Looking at Lucifer hanging above the sky, like a corpse, Bai Ye shook his head, then stretched out his right hand, directly strangling Lucifer's neck.


Along with the sound of the neck breaking, in the sky above Lucifer, a phantom image appeared, and in the middle of a river, a hand suddenly appeared, grabbed a big fish directly in the river, and then pinched it, the whole fish was gone. The big fish was directly crushed and disappeared around.

The hand of time and space, the use of time and space power of Bai Ye, can directly erase all things of a person through the long river of time and space. Once erased, the creature will disappear completely, and there is no way to restore it, unless Bai Ye shoots him Resurrection, otherwise, even if the transcendence comes, these things cannot be reversed.

Because the long river of time and space is superior to them, even if they are detached from the long river of time and space, it is only detachment and cannot change the will of the long river of time and space.

And the white night represents the will of the long river of time and space.


As the big fish above the river dissipated, the body of Lucifer in the space-time domain also gradually dissipated, just like a snowflake, falling on the ground and disappearing directly.

"It's time to go back!"

The data point was obtained, Lucifer was completely eliminated by him, and Bai Ye was relieved.

I have to say, this time the harvest was pretty good.

At least....... more than [-] million data points, somewhat beyond his expectations.

He himself is planning to get Lucifer, choose two goals to get it directly, gather [-] million data points, and deduce the power of chaos.

But now it's no longer needed, tens of millions of data points have been collected, and naturally there is no need to make a move.


Bai Ye tears the space directly, walks in the space, and slowly leaves the dark dimension.

The moment Bai Ye left.

The realm of time and space dissipates.

At the moment of disappearance in the realm of time and space.

Not long after, a violent roar erupted from the entire dark dimension, followed by a bloody torrential downpour, and the wind whistled, somewhat like a cry.

Crying, will collapse.

Before long, several great wills descended on the dark dimension.

"Lucifer is dead."

"It turned out to be: his own territory was killed, and there is no trace of battle, this is impossible, how did Lucifer die."

"I'm not sure, but if the sky is crying, it means that Lucifer is dead, or someone has erased the connection with the dark dimension, but this approach is harder than killing Lucifer."

"It should be dead. Lucifer has been bound to the will of the dark dimension for endless years. There is no special way to remove his will unless he gives up."

If you give up on your own, everyone understands that this is impossible.

After all, as a demon god, it is impossible to give up a dimension. After all, it is a symbol of strength. Once you remove your own will, it almost means that there is no way out, and the master of a dimension is not... that easy. owned.

Chapter 163 Aether Particles [2]

"Do you think it is possible to give up on your own? Obviously, Lucifer was assassinated, but how he was killed, then it is unknown."

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