A cold and stern voice sounded, and the wills around were silent.

It's really unlikely.

"There is no trace of battle in this space, and Lucifer's body is not there. What method was used to kill Lucifer?"

"It's probably not here, but somewhere in the multiverse.

"It's possible."

Everyone also understands that if it is in the dark dimension, it is basically impossible to kill Lucifer silently, even if it is an almighty cosmos-level creature.

After several investigations of wills, they did not stop there. Although Lucifer's death surprised them a little, it was only a small accident, because it was rare to see a multiverse-level demon god fall for so many years.

As for the dark dimension, there is no one to snatch it, because they are not short of this stuff, and it is not a good thing for them to bind too many universes.

at the same time.

Bai Ye returned to Earth, he did not return to his room, but came to a deep space in Kama Taj.

When he came to the space, Bai Ye immediately started to act. "The system will deduce the power of chaos to the level of the multiverse."

"Ding, 500 data points per second, is it enabled?"


Bai Ye is very decisive, without a trace of hesitation, there is actually nothing to hesitate, after all, this matter has been decided long ago.

As soon as the voice fell, the time deduction started.

Bai Ye also saw his own data points dropping, although he now has more than [-] million data points, the speed at which the data points are falling still makes him a little scared.

After all, it fell too fast, I was stunned for a moment, and thousands of data points were gone. According to the effect of his previous deduction, this kind of speed is not too good for the picture.

He vaguely remembered that he once deduced a magic trick for three days and three nights, but the data points only dropped by a few hundred points, and he was stunned by the white night.

"The power of chaos has reached the level of the multiverse, and it is estimated that it is almost the same to deal with the beholder."

Although his space-time power is not at the level of the multiverse, his power is not comparable to ordinary realms.

Not to mention anything else, he really needs to use the power of time and space. Even if he doesn't use the space and time domain, he can kill Lucifer, and he can still connect to Lucifer in the dark dimension, but he thinks it's too magical, not to mention that it is the base camp of the devil. , If you fight with Lucifer, it is estimated that it will not be too long before hell will be disturbed.

If it's just an ordinary Demon God, Bai Ye doesn't care very much, but if he disturbs the people of the multiverse level, Zetorak, then he will be very troublesome. After all, his current realm is only at the level of the single universe, and he needs to face it alone. For a multiverse level, he is not too vain, but it is very troublesome to face multiple multiverse or even almighty universe level creatures.

And now is not the time for him to reveal his strength. When he kills the beholder, he is almost fearless, even if the life court comes in person, he is not very afraid.

Although it is impossible to defeat Setorak, it is still possible to hold on for a while.

The waiting of the game is noisy.

But one thing is good, that is, once it is turned on, as long as Bai Ye doesn't say stagnation, it will not stagnate at the moment when the deduction is successful.

So many times, Bai Ye likes to look at things and wait for the moment when the deduction is successful, but during this period of time, the ability to deduce is not very sure in his heart, so he is waiting quietly.

Bai Ye is not very imaginary, because he feels that it is completely enough, and more than [-] million data points are not enough, so Bai Ye can't do anything about it.

Seemingly boring, Baiye's mental power entered the long river of time and space, and began to peep at time. "The ether particles have appeared, and the progress is very fast."

According to the plot, after Fulian 2 passed, it was... the plot of Thor II [-], and this plot was also a time period when the wireless gem was born.

And this gem is just a reality gem.

This gem is actually somewhat similar to the power of chaos.

At the same time, the reality gem is actually quite hanging, if it can absorb enough energy, it can sweep the entire universe.

This is also the reason why the dark elves want to get the ether particles, that is, the gem of reality, because as long as they devour the Nine Realms of God's Domain, they can return the universe to darkness.

Bai Ye took a rough look at the current time period.

The plot reaches the moment when Jane, the host of the Reality Gem, is brought back to the realm by Thor, and they are looking for a way to extract the ether particles from Jane's body.

But obviously they can't do anything, after all, they don't have much research on Infinity Stones.

Immediately after looking at it, Bai Ye was no longer interested, after all, he knew all these things.

And this thing, he also needs.

The infinity gems are complex, and it is also an important ability that Bai Ye needs to grow in the future. He must collect six infinity gems, and he has collected three now. If you add the real gems, that is four, then there are only four left. Power Gem and Soul Gem.

These gems, Bai Ye is not in a hurry, they will get them sooner or later.

Do not.

It should be said that someone will deliver it in person.

"Ding, the deduction was successful."

After about five hours, the deduction finally succeeded.

The familiar prompt sounded, and Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, he had guessed correctly. To deduce the power of chaos to the multiverse realm, the required data points were massive.

He looked at it and saw that there were more than nine million data points, and he almost consumed all his data points.

If it weren't for Lucifer providing a lot of data points, otherwise, Bai Ye would cry.

With the sound of the prompt, a familiar energy poured into Bai Ye's body.

At that moment, a whole new world unfolded in Bai Ye's eyes.

almost simultaneously.

A supreme will runs through the sky, spreads directly in the universe, and permeates the rules.

At that moment, the five gods and the court of life suddenly opened their eyes to the limit of human life, reaching the level of the multiverse.

: There are two updates today. My friend got married. I have to be busy these days. When it is over, I am resuming the update. Sorry, Ha Lu

Chapter 164 The gods gather, the invisible timeline [1]

At that moment, a huge breath ran through the sky, directly covering the dimension, like a god king, above the law, filled with supreme aura.

At that moment, the five gods who are the laws of the universe immediately noticed that the breath immediately gathered together, and almost at the same time, the Court of Life, the arbiter of the universe's judgment, also immediately woke up.

The six paths represent the supreme beings of the universe, and they converge in an instant.

This is something that hasn't happened for many years. Only since the restart of this universe, there has never been a six-person 6 directly gathering together. Basically, the six-person 6 are separated from each other, or they are sleeping, or wandering, and they have not reunited at all. been together once.

"For hundreds of millions of years, someone has finally broken through the limits of life and reached the level of the multiverse."

A supreme, indifferent and without the slightest emotion, as if the voice of the robot resounded in the dimension, at the moment when the sound sounded, the heavens changed, the starry sky was bright, the Milky Way was upside down, and the starlight ran through the sky, directly lingering in the dimension. , forming a huge but hazy figure, it is an incomparably huge head, under the starlight can not see the whole, but you can see a pair of extremely indifferent eyes on the face, like the master of the universe, in charge of everything.

The Court of Life, the Supreme Being of the universe, can judge all beings in the universe, has extremely terrifying strength, represents the invincible six Infinity Stones, and he can easily make the Infinity Stones into gems without any power.

The strength is as vast as the sea, and it is not speculation by ordinary people.

Generally speaking, the court of life is sleeping, if there is no amazing thing, his consciousness will wake up, and he will only be immersed in the universe.

At this time, after Bai Ye was promoted to the multiverse level, he broke the limit of his life, and the storm caused by it instantly awakened the Supreme Being.

"I didn't expect that one day in this universe, there will be people who break through the limits of life and reach this realm."

At the same time, a cold and stern voice sounded, and a hazy breath condensed under the life court. This breath was not seen, but it could feel a terrifying phagocytosis, as if it could devour everything, devour the sky and devour the earth, terribly terrifying.

One of the five gods, swallowing stars.

"It's not surprising that someone breaks through the limit of life. Any creature has hope. It's just that this person who broke through is a bit strange. I can't see his time."

The voice of swallowing stars has a hint of doubt. The ability of time is not possessed by eternity alone. Basically, the five gods have the ability to see time. After all, the five people 5 represent the laws of the universe, and the ability is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, they are not omnipotent when they see time. Only people in the universe can see it. As for the outside of the universe, they cannot see through.

"It's normal that you can't see through. You have reached the level of the multiverse, which is the same realm. Time has long been covered by him, unless you use special abilities to come out."

At this moment, a subtle voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, swallowing Qi, a little weird, annihilated.

The strongest of the five gods.

Colleagues who sounded the sound of annihilation, death, eternity, and infinity also come one after another.

"I can't see through this person's time trajectory. Eternally, you can use the power of rules to check."

At the same time, the voice of the court of life sounded, and he was also very puzzled. If the swallowing star couldn't see it, it would be normal. After all, swallowing and Baiye are only in the same realm. Isn't it normal to not be able to see through? After all, there is not much more. .., if it is weaker, it is normal to swallow and see through.

But who is the life court, the master of the universe, he is almost omnipotent, the long river of time and space can jump at will, and he can see any time at will.

Not to mention the time of the white night, even if it is the eternal future, he can see it.

However, now he can't see the time of the white night. Generally speaking, no matter what life is, his time is a straight line. In this straight line, there is a head and a tail, which represents all the time and everything that this creature has passed through. They are all inside, and those who see time can see the time line of life, and then see all the time of life, whether it is the past, the present, or the future.

Only this time, the Life Court strangely discovered that the time line of Bai Ye is black, as if it is not in the long river of time, but beyond the long river of time.

But as a detached person, it is so easy, not to mention the multiverse level of Bai Ye, even if it is the omnipotent universe level, no one can be detached. The multiverse level is really powerful, but it is not invincible, and in the multiverse, the multiverse There should not be too many powerhouses at the level, even at the level of the almighty universe.

"It's weird that you can't even see it."

"It's really weird."

There are some doubts between swallowing stars and annihilation words. It is necessary to know that the ability of the life court represents omnipotence in this universe, which is almost equivalent to saying that this universe is the way of heaven.

However, the court of life, which represents the way of heaven, cannot see through Bai Ye, so he has to think deeply, at least...... It can be seen that there is a great secret behind Bai Ye.

"Eternal, try to see if you can see this person's path of time. With your ability, as long as he has survived in this universe, he will definitely leave traces in the long river of time, it is impossible that there will be no traces.

The swallowing star asked Eternal.

The court of life could not see it, which made several people puzzled, but they quickly thought of eternity.

Although the Tribunal of Life is omnipotent, when it comes to the study of time, none of the people present can compare to eternity. After all, one represents the rules of time, and the application of time can be called the first in the entire universe.

As soon as Tun Xing's words came out, the rest of the people were surging, and they fell on Eternal. Even the solemn eyes of the Life Court fell directly on Eternal. Obviously, he also wanted to know what happened and why. , the time of the white night is black.

Chapter 165 The terrifying evolutionary road, the shock of the gods [2]

"I can't see it either."

The eternal voice sounded slowly, it was the same ethereal spirit as before, no sound could be heard, and the wind was light and cloudless.

"This is strange. Normally, with your ability, even if you are not a creature in this universe, you can still see the time. What is going on with this person."

"Could it be that he has some special abilities?"

Normally, as long as they do not reach the level of the omnipotent universe, the creatures in the rest of the realm, no matter who they are, can see the timeline of the creatures, whether it is the present, the past, or the future, it is still possible, there is no exception.

"It's normal to not be able to see it. This person is born with the power of time and space, which was born from the fusion of the power of time and space, and is born with the influence of ordinary people in the path of time.

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