"And he has now reached the multiverse level. Although it is not the power of time and space, it is not much different."

Eternal explained.

The characteristics of the white night, the three of them knew when they left, as for annihilation, swallowing stars, and the court of life, they have never gathered together, and they don't know anything about it.

In addition, they didn't care about Bai Ye's affairs, otherwise, according to their ability, they would have known all this, especially the Life Court.

"The power of time and space is what kind of power."

swallowing star asked "you can understand me and the evolution of the eternal power"

Infinite answered slowly.

"The evolution of the two of you, are you sure?"

Tun Xing was surprised.

Although time and space capabilities are rare, they are still well understood by many strong people, so what Infinite is talking about is definitely not ordinary time and space capabilities, but their level of ability. Otherwise, it is impossible to easily say that it is a fusion of their own power. .

These words basically confirm that Bai Ye's time and space power is not weaker than infinity and eternity. It may not be able to reach the strength, but the quality of the ability has completely caught up with "this is naturally confirmed."

Yong Yong said softly: "This person's name is Bai Ye. At first, he was only a mortal. Due to a chance, he became a disciple of a magician in the earth. After becoming a magician, Bai Ye's talent began to unfold. It took several years to reach the Heavenly Father level, and after several years, he broke through the limit of the Heavenly Father level and became a powerhouse in the realm of the single universe. After the breakthrough, he inadvertently created a kind of energy, and this is The power of time and space I mentioned earlier, this power is beyond me and infinity."

"In the beginning, when I found out, I thought that Bai Ye's achievements might have reached the current state, becoming one of the five gods, and I might also be called a god in the future, but I didn't think that this person's endowment was really great, and it took a few years. Within, it directly broke through to the realm of the multiverse."

Eternal introduced the information in general. If you take out this information, you will be shocked no matter what you see, because it is really gorgeous. The time of cultivation is not more than a year, but it has reached the level of multiverse from a mortal. This kind of speed So fast, even the well-informed life court can't help but be a little surprised.

"The strongest genius in the billions of years, this person may be able to step into that realm in the future."

The voice of annihilation, who had not spoken for a long time, sounded, obviously also shocked by the news of Bai Ye.

You must know that he is the youngest among the five gods, but his strength is the highest, but it took him a long time to reach the multiverse level, almost all in ten thousand years.

And Bai Ye is only ten years old.

Ten years is just a period of time in the blink of an eye, if mortals open and close their eyes.

"A rare genius indeed.

' The Life Court also replied, although the voice was still as cold and ruthless as before, but a few people could still hear a little subtlety, and they were obviously a little surprised.

But I have to be surprised, this kind of talent, anyone else may be surprised.

Seeing a few people immersed in sighs, Yong Yong pondered for a moment, and said, "This person's talent is indeed amazing, it is not impossible for him to step into that realm in the future, and I am equal to him being good friends. If this person reaches that realm in the future, he will ..it's not necessarily a good thing for my situation, and he's extremely disgusted with the ..hell dimension."

The Court of Life interrupted, "Eternal, straight to the point."

Apparently it sensed the words of eternal words.

Seeing this, Eternal is not too long-winded, and straight to the point, although I promised Bai Ye to intercept the demon gods in the hell plane, so that they cannot disturb the battle between Bai Ye and the beholder, but Eternal, Death and Infinity are not very in the hearts of the three. Confidence, after all, there are a lot of Almighty Universes in hell, and as for the multiverse, there are even more.

In this regard, Eternal wants to pull the rest of the people into the camp, and the best life court can also, although the life court is not invincible among the top demon gods in the hell dimension, but at least...... The strength is not much worse than the Almighty Universe.

"It is estimated that it will not be long before Bai Ye will fight a demon god. In order not to disturb the other demon gods, he asked me to help intercept the demon god in the hell plane."

Hearing these words, Tun Xing smiled, "These are all small things, just a mere devil."

Intercepting the Demon God is not about fighting the Demon God to the death, so Swallowing Star does not feel that it is too difficult. Besides, with the strength before Bai Ye, it is estimated that the Demon God to fight is only a single body, or a multiverse level, so Swallowing Star Not much to worry about.

"Eternal, Bai Ye's enemy is that... Demon God."

Swallowing the star is a bit silly, but annihilation is... very elf, and I suddenly feel that these words are inappropriate. After all, if it is just an ordinary multiverse level, it is fundamentally based on the eternal ability. There is no need to entrust them, and if it is eternal, it seems that the court of life will need to take action, which is even more abnormal.

"The beholder.


Eternal slowly spit out two words.

As soon as these words came out of the dimension, all were silent, as if they had fallen into a dead silence, and even the swallowing star was stunned without hearing a single sound.

Bai Ye's enemy turned out to be a beholder, a powerhouse at the omnipotent cosmos level.

: It's been like two shifts these days, and it will recover in a few days, don't worry, everyone.


Chapter 166 The gods enter, the detached [1]

"Are you kidding me for eternity."

The swallowing star's tone was silent, and the rays of light flickered, as if beams of light were agitated in this space, and the entire dimension of space began to shake.

Kill the beholder, that is the powerhouse of the omnipotent cosmos level.

Not to mention that the five 55s of them shot together, even the court of life could not guarantee a [-]% probability of killing the beholder, even if the beholder was just entering the almighty universe level.

But that is also the level of the omnipotent universe. When they reach this realm, they are no longer bound by any rules. They almost stand on the top of all life and have the ability to change everything, even if they restart the universe, or even create the universe. It's all possible for them.

And even if Bai Ye wants to kill the beholder, such an omnipotent cosmic realm powerhouse must at least reach the same realm. Speaking of which, how can the multiverse realm alone be the beholder? Even if the beholder is a first-time entrant, that... is also a creature of the omnipotent cosmos level. The gap between the two is like the difference between the universe and the universe.

"Seriously, of course."

Eternal voice is very calm, but also a little complicated.

When it heard Bai Ye's words, it was actually startled, and at that time, Bai Ye was only at the level of a single universe, and he already wanted to kill the beholder.

If this kind of thing spreads out, no matter who hears it, it is estimated that Bai Ye is crazy.

However, after knowing some secrets of Bai Ye, Yong Yong chose to believe it. Even though there was a big gap between Bai Ye and the beholder at the beginning, Yong Yong, as the spokesperson of the law of time, saw the possibility of Bai Ye's future success, so he would follow Infinity negotiated a wave with death.

But not long after they discussed, Bai Ye quickly broke through to the multiverse level, and Eternal believed it even more, because this progress was too fast, and the fast made Eternal doubt life.

When did it become so simple from a single universe to a multiverse?


Annihilation didn't say much, but said so.

Exactly why, Eternal would believe in Bai Ye's thoughts.

The gap between the two sides is clearly visible to the naked eye.

Although both of them are considered to be entering the current realm for the first time, the realm of the two is different by a big realm.

And this great realm is almost incomparable.

"Eternity do you know something, say what you think."

Tunxing asked.

"What kind of confidence has Bai Ye gave you? Eternal will tell you what you know."

The Court of Life was also interested, and he really couldn't figure out what moved Eternity.

I saw everyone saying this.

Eternal did not hide, and spoke his mind.

At this time, I saw a flash of light, and a river was suspended in front of everyone. The river was very wide, very long, and the length and width could not see the end, and it was just a phantom, but it exuded a kind of supreme. Breath, in this space, this long river is the supreme, capable of suppressing billions of souls in the world.

"The long river of time is eternal. You embody the phantom of the long river of time. You want to tell us what is it? Is it possible that the white night has a connection with the long river of time and space?"

Tunxing asked.

"You might as well feel the breath of the long river of time and space, and see if you can find the trace of Bai Ye."

Eternal didn't have much to say, just said Yoyo because he knew that as long as these few people sensed it, they would understand everything.

And infinity and death did not speak, these things they knew long ago.

Hearing the words of Eternity, Oblivion, Court of Life, and Star-Swallowing were puzzled, and then their spiritual power was covered in the long river of time and space. Although they could not transcend the long river of time and space, as part of the rules, for some applications of the long river of time, they still What can be done, such as sensing breath or something, as long as you don't make changes to the long river of time and space, all of this will be fine.

In an instant, three great wills are reflected in the long river of time and space.

Although the three wills are terrifying, in the boundless river of time and space, like a splash of water in the sea, nothing can be done.

Searching a person's breath is a very tedious task, and it takes a certain amount of time to complete the search.

After a long time, the breath of the three of them quietly withdrawn.

At the same time, the sound of annihilation sounded, and it came slowly, with a touch of shock resounding in the dimension.

"No wonder, no wonder you agreed to his conditions, beyond the long river of time and space, not to mention strength, this potential is indeed worth trying hard."

Beyond the long river of time and space, only three people in this universe can do it.

a transcendence,

Under all things, these people can almost be called the three strongest people in the entire multiverse. These three people are powerful and vast as the stars, making people unpredictable.... In fact, for the realm of three people, there are also people who set it up as a realm in private, and that is just a transcendence.

The meaning is very simple, it is just a living being that transcends everything.

"This time to intercept the hell demon god, add me, if necessary, I can also help Bai Ye kill the beholder.


After knowing Bai Ye's identity, Annihilation is also very decisive, not hesitate to offend this difficult fellow, but also help Bai Ye.

The reason for doing this is because he has seen Bai Ye's growth in the future. If Bai Ye can really match those three people, his long-cherished wish may be realized. If Bai Ye is killed by the beholder, there is no way. , Quan Dang made a mistake in investment, and it didn't have much impact on him, the big deal was to resurrect again.

Anyway... If you want to really wipe them out, the beholder is not qualified, unless or the three transcendence, it is possible.

"Add me one, just because I don't like beholders very much."

It didn't take long for Tun Xing to agree. The few people present were not fools, but very smart, so they immediately saw the value behind Bai Ye, so they did not hesitate to offend the beholder and help Bai Ye.

The agreement of Annihilation and Beholder is undoubtedly equivalent to saying that the five gods are all standing behind Bai Ye at this time.

And now, all that's left is the Court of Life.

Eternity, Infinite, Death Trio 3 nervously awaits the answer from the Court of Life.

In fact, the life court is the most important thing. After all, the top batch of the real hell demons is dispatched, even if the five of them join forces, they may not be able to stop them.

"This universe has been through countless lives for so long before such a life was born. We cannot allow it to be harmed by the hell plane."

The voice of the Life Court rang out, and the words appeared, and the Eternals slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The appearance of these words has already shown that the Life Court will not stand by and join the battle.

: I'm very sorry everyone, I've been very busy these past two days, almost every day I'm tired and half dead, I didn't have a chance to touch the computer, I'm really sorry, I'm back by the high-speed train now, I'm going to rush the manuscript, I see how much I can write in the early morning.. ., but it should look like at least five watch, there will be more updates later, to make up for the broken watch a few days ago, I'm very sorry, it's not intentional, it's really too busy,

Chapter 167 Enlighten all souls, like creating the world [2]

In the middle of a deep space, Bai Ye slowly opened his eyes, and the pupils were shining brightly.

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