"Finally multiverse level."

Feeling the power in the body, the corner of Bai Ye's mouth curved, and a slight arc appeared.

After the power of chaos reached the realm of the multiverse, in his eyes, it showed a different sense, as if it was another world, and the change had to be said to be very, very huge.

At this time, Bai Ye discovered that he had the ability to modify the laws of the world at will. He was like the ruler of this world, who was in charge of everything. Everything changed according to his will. As long as he wanted to change, it was even a living being The race can be modified at will, just like the human race, he can be modified into other races, and it is also possible to modify the other races into the human race.

Controlling this ability, Bai Ye seems to be the creator of the world, as if the highest authority in the computer program can modify everything, modify everything, and everything about time is changed by his mind.


Bai Ye opened his right hand slightly, and a large and small stone appeared in front of him. The stone was very ordinary, and the material was grey. ."

Following Bai Ye's remarks, the stone in the palm began to change, as if a magic power was poured in. It was so ordinary that it could not be used in ordinary stones, and facial features appeared, and at the same time, the mouth made a babbling sound.


The voice was very weak, like a baby's voice, without much wisdom, and could only subconsciously shout.

Although Bai Ye bestowed the stone soul, his mind was not high.

However, this is only the primary ability of the power of chaos, not the strongest ability he has obtained now, and giving the soul to all things is actually nothing, many people can do it.

Bai Ye stared at the stone man in the palm of his hand, and for a moment, a wave of consciousness poured down, and the stone man slowly changed.

A ray of light emanated from his body, suspended above the sky, and with the reflection of the rays of light, his body grew directly, from a fist-sized stone to a huge stone giant, and with the constant change of the body Big, the stone man's will gradually began to deepen, not as pure as before, but somewhat like a wise man who has experienced strong winds and waves, possessing the wisdom to see through everything.

Moreover, the aura of the stone giant swept away, and the terrifying aura directly swept all around, as if a supreme tyrant pressed the heavens.


The stone giant let out a roar, and the huge fist directly bombarded Bai Ye, as if to penetrate Bai Ye.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "It's kind of interesting, after becoming conscious, do you know that you are being controlled, so you want to get rid of all this?"

"Although consciousness is good, it is not as smart as imagined."

Looking at the stone giant in front of him, Bai Ye felt a little regretful. With a wave of his right hand, the stone giant dissipated directly in front of Bai Ye like smoke and dust. The moment it dissipated, the stone giant showed a smile.

Seeing the giant's smile, Bai Ye was not surprised, because it was given to him by himself to make the giant stone possess super-high intelligence. As for getting rid of him, this kind of thing is very common, because the more intelligent a person is, the more likely he is. I don't like being bound by people, if you don't add some restrictions.

"With a single thought, I can become a god in an instant. I may be a creator god now."

Bai Ye sighed, and after realizing the power of chaos, he understood the horror of this ability.

No wonder it is the strongest of the three ancient abilities.

Compared with the power of the phoenix, it may not be as famous, but the particularity of the ability, if there is a unique development, the ability will be extremely terrifying.

He just lacks the ability to create the universe now. If he has the ability to create the universe, Bai Ye is actually no different from the normal creation god. Creatures can be created, souls can be enlightened, and laws are created at will.

In addition, he bears the power of time and space, covered by the long river of time and space, no time is more stable than his dimension.

"My current combat power should be able to instantly kill the five gods, and make them unable to resurrect."

After the power of chaos has broken through to the multiverse realm, Bai Ye has a greater understanding of his own abilities, especially the power of time and space. In the past, he only used the power of time and space to establish a domain to isolate others, or use the power of time to cut off others. The will of his, but he did not really use the truly terrifying ability of the power of time and space.

After this breakthrough, Bai Ye awakened to the many uses of the power of time and space, such as time beheading, which can travel to the period when the enemy did not grow, and then did not kill directly, and because of his role as the master of space and time, for... The backlash effect of the long river of time and space is not great, to put it bluntly, he can modify history at will.

In addition, he can completely erase the will of a creature directly from the long river of time and space.

There are countless creatures in the world, countless races, and the strong are like stars shining like stars, so many people can't remember at all, but even if there are many geniuses, there are not many people who can truly transcend the long river of time and space, at least... ......There are only a few people in this world.

Except... those people, the wills of the rest are all imprinted in the long river of time and space. These... wisps of will are like a country's ID card. It is the proof of survival in this piece of heaven and earth, but if the will of this imprint is lost, the living being will be erased directly, and there will be no return, becoming a true death. Bai Ye has now developed this ability, which can directly The will to erase the imprints of the living beings is lifted from the root..., so talking about infinite resurrection, in front of Bai Ye, is actually not much use. If he erases them, it will be a representative The five gods who follow the law will also die.

And it is the place where the power of time and space in the white night is truly terrifying, it controls time, and at the same time controls the life and death lines of all spirits.

"Eternity has come."

At the same time, Bai Ye felt a willpower coming.

And this will, Bai Ye is not unfamiliar, because it is one of the five gods that he is familiar with, eternal.


Chapter 168 Ancient One Breakthrough [3]

"white night."

The eternal voice is still the same as before, ethereal without any emotion, like a mechanical program.

But it's just the sound characteristics. If you really think that eternity is a program, then it's really stupid.

"whats the matter."

Although he roughly guessed the purpose of Eternal's visit this time, Bai Ye still planned to ask.

"Bai Ye, after discussions between our five gods and the Court of Life, we finally agreed that if you start a war with the beholder, we will help you resist the threat from hell, so if you really want to start a war, you can rest assured. There is no invincible hand behind it.”

Eternal said.

Hearing this, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows lightly. As expected, it was absolutely impossible for the five great gods to disagree. After all, the talent was there, and the power of time and space was also displayed in front of them. With the wisdom of these old guys , will understand the value that he brings to himself.

"Furthermore, if you feel that you are not strong enough to deal with beholders..., we can also help, at least...... the life court is actually not false when facing beholders."

Having obtained the value behind Bai Ye, basically none of them would simply resist the demon gods of hell. Instead, the best consequence in their hearts would be to help Bai Ye kill the beholder. In this case, their relationship will be stronger. Some.

After all, at the moment the enemy, if they can make up for the sword, or even become the main battle force, if Bai Ye really reaches the realm of detachment, will it be possible to forget them or even break them into a realm, or the law of detachment, not without possibility.

"I have accepted your kindness, but I don't need help right now."

Although he has the help of the five gods, it is definitely easier for him to deal with the beholder, but Bai Ye still intends to do it by himself, and according to his current strength, it is not too empty for Bai Ye to face the beholder. After all, the gap is really unimaginable. So big, on the contrary, Bai Ye's side is the advantage, while the beholder is the disadvantage. Although the realm of the two is in the opposite direction, the quality of the power is completely different.

"However, the battle situation is not very clear. If I am in trouble, I will notify you directly."

"That's the best.

Although Bai Ye thinks it's almost the same, I still have to say something polite, and it's not too bad to have more insurance. After all, the beholder is an almighty cosmos level, and maybe there are some special things hidden.

"it is good"

"If you're ready to do it, just recite the name I'm waiting for."

Leaving this sentence, Eternal left directly, quietly, and slowly left here.

"It's almost time to start.

Watching Eternity leave, Bai Ye's eyes flashed a cold light. According to his plan, the time before the beholder is about to die is almost the same, and it is estimated that it will not take long.

If the plan goes well, the creatures representing the eternal incompetence of the universe will be changed.

In the future, it may not be the so-called enemy.

Bai Ye didn't stay in the space and walked out directly.

Walking in the Karma Taj, I have to say that after so many years, the Karma Taj is still as simple as it used to be, and I can't tell that this is a magical holy place. There are no so-called gorgeous buildings, just very ordinary. The room was built after Gu Yi learned magic at the beginning. Everything is still hundreds of years old, but although the building is simple and unadorned, it has an atmosphere of honing the years, and it is full of vicissitudes.

"Venerable White Night."

"Venerable White Night."

Bai Ye walked over, and the magicians around him bowed their heads and greeted Bai Ye respectfully.

As a magician second only to the ancient one, Bai Ye's status in this place is not high, although he has not been in contact with a few people.

"Venerable White Night."

At this moment, a burly man with tattoos on his eyes appeared in front of Bai Ye. This man's expression was indifferent, not as nervous and frenetic as the people around him, and he was very calm.

Bai Ye glanced at this person and said meaningfully on his face, "Long time no see Casillas, but this will be the last time we meet."

As soon as these words came out, Casillas' pupils shrank, and the whole person was stunned. Bai Ye ignored it and left.

After a while, Casillas woke up, looked at the surrounding environment, and frowned, "What does Bai Ye mean, did you discover my plan?"

"Unlikely, I'm hiding that deep."

After strolling around Kama Taj, Bai Ye finally came to a space, this is the place where Gu Yi has been practicing all the time, and spent almost hundreds of years in this space.

"How did you come."

Seeing Bai Ye coming over, Gu Yi fell from the sky, his eyes fell on Bai Ye's body, and then he frowned and said, "Your breath has changed, it is possible that you have broken through the realm again."

Speaking of which, Gu Yidu didn't quite believe it, Bai Ye seemed to have just broken through the realm not long ago.

"The teacher is still amazing, I deliberately hid it, and you can still sense it.

Gu Yi rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You are still hiding your breath, do you believe it when you say it?" "By the way, what are you doing here, there is nothing to do, you kid won't come here."

"Teacher, I feel that you have misunderstood me."

"Of course there's no misunderstanding, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and tell me what's going on. Is it possible that I found someone with good talent?" Speaking of which, Gu Yi was a little troubled. The few people Bai Ye found were all The high-quality, talented group made her unable to decide who should be her successor. Although Doctor Strange was used as the successor in the past, the appearance of Tony, Diana and Wanda made Gu Yi a little uncertain. .

After all, the talents of several people are considered to be peerless geniuses.

"People are....no, but there is good news for you.

""What news is straight."

"Teacher, I can help you break through."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yi was stunned.

: Today is the third watch for now. I was thinking of the fifth watch, but the power on the high-speed train ran out, and I had a headache. I came back to work on it later. I am a little tired and take a break for a while, and I will continue to fight tomorrow.

Chapter 169 Breaking through the limit, the ancient one of the single universe realm

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Gu was stunned for a while. After all, to help her break through this kind of thing, I am afraid that even if eternity comes, she will not be able to do it.

Today's Gu Yi is already a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse. If she breaks through again, then she will soon reach a single-universe-level powerhouse.

Compared to now, it is already at another level of existence.

"What level have you reached now, or what kind of height have you reached?"

Gu Yi said in shock.

Bai Ye watched Gu Yi grow up step by step. Although the process was a bit terrifying to Gu Yi, but now that he said that he has been able to help him break through, how has he grown to hear Gu Yi's question? , Bai Ye smiled indifferently, he did not directly say that he has reached the level of the multiverse, and he can even be compared to the existence of gods.

Instead, he directly stretched out his right hand, and then filled the Kama Taj with the vast power, and even after the entire Himalayas was completely shrouded in an instant, he said slowly... "Teacher , Now I have reached the level of the multiverse, and even if I want, I can do things at a higher level."

As the saying goes, seeing is believing, after seeing and perceiving the power of Bai Ye's stalwart that can fill the galaxy, Gu Yi finally believed that he could improve his strength.

And the reason why I don't fully believe it is because after all, this kind of thing cannot be done even if it is changed to eternity.

The terrifying power even shows signs of distorting the void. If one is not careful, the entire earth, no, even the entire universe is likely to be affected by this.

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