My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 104 I have to come for abuse

Hello everyone, welcome to the Hunan Province Road Cycling Competition broadcast live on the official media TV station. In this competition, top foreign bicycle manufacturers, such as Jike, Meihua and other companies, will challenge our country's Red Lightning series produced by Tianyu Xinghai Technology. Bicycles, the Red Lightning series bicycles are known as the fastest road bicycles in the world...

Can you speak? Can you speak? The foreigners looked at the subtitle translation and their noses became crooked. When did they come to challenge the little-known Tianyu Xinghai Technology.

Shouldn't it be said that they are here to expose the lies about Tianyu Xinghai Technology's fastest bicycle?

Foreigners watched the broadcast in their own country and cursed.

And the contestants from each group also appeared one after another!

The contestants from Jike wore classic red, blue and white competition uniforms with dozens of stars printed on them, showing the strong confidence of their country.

The contestants from the island country also wear classic white competition uniforms, just like wearing plaster flags, they are also very classic and show the characteristics of their country...

Finally, the contestant from Tianyu Xinghai, Jiao Guohui, dressed in Chinese red, took the place of Tianyu Xinghai. He was also pushing the red Lightning-2 version of the bicycle that Ma Tian had recently developed this month.

The most significant difference from the first version of the bicycle is that this bicycle directly abandons the chain and uses a shaft drive instead.

As soon as the shaft drive came out, the other contestants were stunned.

Because it is not that no one has tried shaft transmission, some mechanics and physicists have already analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of shaft transmission and chain transmission.

But why are all top cycling road races now driven by chain drives? It makes sense.

Although the mechanical efficiency of shaft drive is indeed higher than that of chain drive, the difference between the two is minimal when the two are mechanically optimized to the highest level.

For example, the chain type can reach 96%, and the axis movement can reach 96.1%.

This negligible difference in transmission efficiency is completely uneconomical compared to the disadvantages caused by the large weight of the shaft transmission.

Therefore, subsequent bicycle road races all used chain transmission.

Now, they saw the shaft drive again in the competition. These contestants were stunned for a moment, and then laughed contemptuously.

Tianyu Xinghai is really a rookie. He doesn't even understand the pros and cons of shaft transmission and chain transmission! Takehiro Kameda, a bicycle developer at Koda, also said when he saw it.

However, his boss Takuro Yamada frowned because he realized that Tianyu Xinghai put the shaft drive on the field and it must have been tested before the game.

That shows that they have the confidence to make the shaft drive stronger than the chain drive, otherwise they would not be able to compete so hastily.

The more Takuro Yamada thought about it, the more something was wrong. He asked the referee about the inspection results of the bicycle.

Mr. Yamada Takuro, we have unanimously checked that the Red Lightning-2 series of Tianyu Xinghai Technology is a completely mechanical structure without electronic products! the referee replied.

After hearing the referee's words, Yamada Takuro could only sigh helplessly.

He got up and went backstage, and asked one of his men to call their contestant Yuka Uemura over alone.

President Takuro Yamada, what's the matter? Yuka Uemura came to Yamada Takuro and asked.

Uemura-kun, I have something to ask of you!

President Takuro Yamada, please speak out!

I need you to use all means to interfere with the start of the Chinese players at the beginning of the game! Yamada Takuro finally said.

Yuka Uemura was stunned. After a while, he didn't believe it and confirmed again: President Takuro Yamada, I don't understand what you mean!

I am sacrificing you so that you can interfere with the Chinese players and prevent the Chinese players from winning the damn championship! Yamada Takuro looked at Yuka Uemura indifferently and said.

Why? Isn't the competition about fairness and justice? Uemura Yuka also retorted.

Baga, are you going to disobey my command? Yamada Takuro said angrily, and slapped Yuka Uemura in the face.

Yuka Uemura looked aggrieved and said with red eyes: Hi! I will follow your instructions!

Hey! Uemura-kun, I hope you can understand me. Seeing Uemura Yuka agree, Yamada Takuro also laughed and added: Uemura-kun, the company has a $125 million bet this time, I hope you can Put the company first!”

Don't worry, I won't treat you badly after everything is done!

Yuka Uemura returned to the waiting area as if nothing had happened. No one knew what he had just experienced.

There are still 15 minutes left before the official competition starts, and all participating athletes are also in place at the starting line.

The online live broadcast comment area also became lively:

[Come on, come on, let foreigners see what China’s speed is! 】

[Believe me, Mr. Ma Tian, ​​and eat the foreigners alive for me! 】

[The winner must be from my island country (the winner must be from our island country)]

【がんばってください(Come on Uemura-kun)】

[Axiba, why are there no contestants from our kimchi country participating?]

Good morning, dear viewers, the game starts in 5 minutes, and I am your host Fu Feng.

From the live screen, we can see that the players are already in place, and the referee has already taken the starting gun and is in place! All the players have boarded their bikes! Let's look forward to the official start of the game!

Yuka Uemura looked at the figure of Jiao Guohui on his left, but he kept thinking about what Takuro Yamada said to him in his mind, which was about professional ethics on the one hand and the interests of the company on the other.

After thinking about Yamada Takuro's terrifying face, he decided to choose the company's interests.

Bang! The starting gun sounded, and Yuka Uemura rode his bike to the left without thinking.

But what shocked him was that the red figure shot out like an arrow with the sound of the starting gun, and he missed the target!

Holy shit! Fu Feng couldn't help but swore. He was a professional commentator. The performance of the island nation's players just now didn't escape his eyes at all. He was so serious that he directly slapped the table and said:

Have you noticed just now that the island player on Jiao Guohui's right was obviously suspected of hitting the left side at the start, but our player rode too fast and he missed the point! I never expected such a despicable move to happen in front of everyone!

Seeing that Yuka Uemura failed to complete the task, Yamada Takuro's face became terrifyingly gloomy, especially when the footage from the follow-up camera showed that Jiao Guohui's red lightning took the lead, directly opening up a distance of more than 100 meters from the second place.

It almost left the shooting range of the main camera.

Baga! Yamada Takuro couldn't help but cursed, it's all over, the president will let him commit seppuku.

The R\u0026D teams of Meihua, Jike and other companies also stared blankly at Jiao Guohui taking the lead on the screen, and couldn't believe their eyes.

[My hair, why can it start so quickly? 】

[Oh my god, what did I see? I saw him flash out like red lightning! 】

[What is the speed? Hasn’t the test camera given the speed yet? 】

[Here you go, it shows 87 kilometers/hour, and he’s still accelerating! 】

Selesh Bede, who was riding the bike, collapsed on his chair in despair. Ma Tian’s red lightning bike is really the best in the world. The 93 kilometers per hour in the video is real!

How can this be?

Foreign netizens also collectively silenced themselves and stared blankly at the red figure riding at the front, almost 500 meters ahead of the second place.

The camera shows a close-up, and you can’t even see the players behind.

[My dear, why is the gap so big? Are the bicycles in our country so rubbish? 】

[Axiba, so awesome~]

[I suggest Uemura-kun commit suicide by committing seppuku, or swim back and be eaten by a shark! 】

While foreign netizens were mourning, domestic netizens were dancing with joy.

【Niubi! So awesome! Tianyu Xinghai Technology’s bicycles are so awesome, I will definitely support Little Blue Bikes more in the future! 】

[It's crushed, it's crushed, you can't even see the exhaust! 】

[I’m laughing so hard. Is this the road cycling competition that foreign countries are proud of? It was crushed by any shared bike company in our country! 】

[I am new here, is this a live broadcast of riding a bicycle alone? 】

The commentator Fu Feng was so excited that he stood up and pounded the table. He was even more excited than when he was commentating on the World Cup and shouted: Did you see it? This is the speed of China. No matter what dirty tricks the opponent plays, they will not be able to stand up to their absolute strength. hit!

The total distance of this road race is 216 kilometers, which requires 12 round trips, each lap is 18 kilometers.

By the time Jiao Guohui finished the first lap, he was already leading the second place by a terrifying 5 kilometers.

In other words, Jiao Guohui's lap speed reached 108 km/h, while other players only had a lap speed of 72 km/h.

【Why? Why can't the bicycle faucet swing even when he's going so fast? 】

[Outrageous, I want to suspend the game and ask the referee to check the Chinese team’s bicycle! 】

The foreign technicians could not accept this gap and shouted to the referee for an explanation.

Of course, the referees rejected their unreasonable demands. They had already inspected the equipment before entering the competition and found that it was all mechanical equipment and there were no violations.

What they don't know is that the shaft power converted by Ma Tian has increased the conversion efficiency to 99.9%. Compared with their chain power conversion efficiency of about 96%, it is completely crushing!

Moreover, the material used is a new material developed by Ma Tiansheng who reached Level 3 in Materials Science. Ma Tian temporarily named it hydrocarbon-nitrogen-2 synthetic fiber.

Compared with carbon fiber, hydrocarbon-nitrogen-2 synthetic fiber is more stable and lightweight.

More importantly, Ma Tian made full use of aerodynamics in the design of the shaft gear. If you use mathematical modeling, you can find:

When Jiao Guohui was riding a bicycle, when the air resistance passed downward through the axially driven structure machinery, the air circulated well into the special holes and generated an upward, left and right airflow.

Not only does the bicycle receive less ground friction during driving, but it also stabilizes the bike's head and controls the direction.

Coupled with the aerodynamic riding movements designed by Ma Tian for Jiao Guohui, Jiao Guohui's top speed can reach an astonishing 120 kilometers per hour, which is faster than ordinary motorcycles!

However, to be on the safe side, Ma Tian asked Jiao Guohui to slow down a little and win the championship with a lead of 20 kilometers/km.

The race was still going on, and when Jiao Guohui reached the third lap, he could already see the competitors in front of him.

In half an hour, it was a full lap!

When Jiao Guohui completed overtaking on the outer circle and continued to lead, foreign netizens could no longer sit still!

[Baga, what a shame and humiliation, what a shame and humiliation for the island country, I was overtaken! 】

[Those who didn’t know better thought we were in the lead, but it turned out that while they were on the third lap, we were still on the second lap! 】

Selehi Bede's face was livid. At this time, it was no longer a question of whether to lose money, but a question of dignity.

After calculations by their researchers, in the end, Ma Tian's red lightning bicycle was probably one-third ahead of them, which is more than 70 kilometers.

Fake, generous gifts and special blood!

In the future, the bicycle kilometer competition is also over. The cycling competitions such as the American Giro and the Giro d'Italia, which their country is proud of, are just a big joke.

The competition is still going on, and the players’ spirit of participating is worthy of recognition. They will not stop their movements until they reach the finish line.

Jiao Guohui had already led the second place for more than 5 laps in the last lap of riding. He also completely let himself go and gave full play to the performance of the Red Lightning-2 series developed by Ma Tian.

The speedometer reached an astonishing 118 kilometers per hour, which completely shocked the foreign bicycle developers.

Many of them held their heads with their hands, looking at this value in disbelief, and their eyes almost popped out.

The host Fu Feng also explained that he was tired, or that he was enjoying himself. This was so great that he was completely disappointed.

He hasn't had so much fun in a long time. This is completely the opposite of how he feels when explaining the national football team!

Now we just wait to welcome the champion.

Finally, Jiao Guohui appeared in the last kilometer, and he began to go all out. The fastest flat-road bicycle in the world reached a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

The second place still has more than 5 laps to go before it reaches the finish line.

The result is a foregone conclusion. Facing Selehi Bede and others is a $1 billion bet and the impact of this incident.

Yamada Takuro couldn't bear it anymore. When he saw Takehiro Kameda from his company coming back, he rushed forward and slapped him several times: Baga, didn't you say that no one can ride a bicycle to 90 kilometers per hour? How do you explain this 120 kilometers/hour!

Kameda Takehiro did not dare to fight back when he was slapped, so he kept his head down and continued to be slapped.

Selehi Bede wants to go to Ma Tian and ask why? Why can Ma Tian do this?

But after searching for a long time, I only found Su Xihua, who is now the R\u0026D director of Ma Tian Xiaolan Bicycle. It was Dr. Su who won the championship in the national bicycle design competition.

Where are you Ma Tian and Mr. Ma? Selehi Bede asked Su Xihua.

Su Xihua raised his head and glanced at Selehi Bede, who looked aggrieved, and replied lightly: Our boss Ma is not here!

Damn it, why didn't he come to such an important game? You know this is a game worth 1 billion US dollars, but Ma Tian didn't even come to take a look. Selehi Bede didn't understand.

I'm sorry, our boss doesn't watch games whose results we already know!

Su Xihua continued to speak in an understatement, which made Selesh Bede so angry that he covered his heart with his hands, You, you, you...

I feel unwell, my throat hurts, and my spine hurts. I probably won’t be able to finish the third chapter today~

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