My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 105 Xia Wei’s mobile phone comes to the world

As Su Xihua said, Ma Tian really had no interest in this competition for which he already knew the answer. He was paying attention to Xia Wei's mobile phone conference.

Xiawei's mobile phone has finally passed all certifications and is about to hold a press conference!

The slogan of Xia Wei's press conference is also quite interesting: Xia Wei redefines mobile phones again!

You must know that the slogan of Pingguo's first-generation mobile phone was Pingguo redefines mobile phones.

With such a strong tone, Xia Wei spent publicity money and became a hot search again.

Naturally, it aroused cynicism from a group of kidney machine followers in China.

[Hey, what a loud tone! Why have I never heard of Xia Wei’s mobile phone? 】

[It disgusts me to death. My friend uses a Xiawei mobile phone, and it’s not even worthy of carrying Pingguo’s shoes! 】

Ma Tian shook his head when he saw these comments. This is why he wanted to help Xia Wei. When Pingguo's 4 and 5 came out, they were so overwhelming that they dominated their contemporaries and gave birth to a group of idiot fans.

Especially some naive children will do anything to buy a Pingguo mobile phone.

Now the pressure is on Xia Wei.

Xia Wei shouted such a big slogan, and domestic mobile phone manufacturers also noticed it. Lei Jun, for example, looked at the news thoughtfully.

Is Yu Dazui bragging again this time? Or is there really something real?

Ever since Yu Dazui’s last failure with Ascnd P1, he has been following his example in advertising on Weibo. Sometimes he loses control of his words and shouts slogans louder and louder:

For example: It has been recently made popular by those blind followers. Let me say it without humility. We will launch a flagship phone that is much more powerful than iPhone 5 by the end of this year or early next year.

It has been forwarded more than 4,000 times by netizens and received more than 5,000 comments, which is how the title Yu Dazui came about.

Of course, some foreign mobile phone giants such as Pingguo and Shanxing have naturally noticed it, given the lessons learned from Yu Dazui’s bragging.

They didn't pay much attention to it and just sent someone to keep an eye on it.

Moreover, Pingguo and Shanxing had the confidence to ignore Xia Wei's challenge. Now Pingguo and Shanxing are the absolutely invincible mobile phone overlords in the world!

Xia Wei's mobile phone press conference is scheduled for 9 a.m., and it will also be broadcast live online.

In the past, not many people watched Xia Wei's mobile phone conference, but this time there were more people watching, because most of Ping Guo's fans came and came to the comment area to criticize Xia Wei, wanting to see how Xia Wei was slapped in the face.

[I woke up early today to see how Xia Wei redefined mobile phones! 】

[Xia Wei is not even worthy of carrying Pingguo's shoes! 】

A lot of media were invited to the scene, and the cameras were pointed in front. This time, Xia Wei was fully prepared, and he wanted to become an instant success.

Yu Dazui showed up at the press conference on time. He was once depressed by the failure of Xia Wei's first mobile phone, the Ascnd P1. Now he is full of energy and stands on the podium of the press conference again with a proud face.

“Dear distinguished guests and dear mobile technology enthusiasts, good morning!

Welcome to this highly anticipated mobile phone launch event! Today, we will witness together a new masterpiece that leads the trend of the times.

This mobile phone combines cutting-edge technology, excellent design and excellent performance to bring you an unparalleled experience. It is not only a communication tool, but also a symbol of lifestyle. We believe it will redefine your understanding of mobile phones and lead the future development direction...

Finally, I hope everyone can sit tight and get ready for this long-awaited launch. Let us witness the historical moment together and explore the possibilities of the future together!

Netizens were already scolding Yu Dazui as he rambled on. Finally, when Yu Dazui finished speaking, the big screen began to officially debut Xia Wei's latest T-series mobile phone.

The video began to show the appearance of the mobile phone in 360° without any blind spots. When netizens saw the full screen debut for the first time, their hands that were about to type and curse couldn't help but stop.

[Shit, why don’t I see the button? 】

[What kind of mobile phone is this? It looks so sci-fi! 】

[How cool, it’s all a screen! 】

Lei Jun in front of the computer was also stunned. He was shocked by this design. Full screen? Can users really get used to it?

The staff sent by Pingguo and Shanxing to keep an eye on him also put down their cups of coffee and quickly reported the matter to their supervisor.

After a while, Pingguo's vice president Fabian Keller received a notification from his subordinates and turned on his computer to watch Xia Wei's live broadcast on his mobile phone.

Lu Taiwen, Shanxing's mobile phone manager, also sat in front of the computer, looking at Xia Wei's latest T series full-screen mobile phone without blinking.

After showing the phone in the video, Yu Dazui started to smile and took the microphone and said: I believe everyone has seen the video. Regarding our T series mobile phones, the first question everyone has is: Why are there no buttons?

That's because we think the buttons are too redundant and ugly! We can completely replace the buttons with other functions. For example, the most common screen unlocking.

Our Xiawei T series uses the latest face recognition technology. As long as your face is in front of the phone, it can recognize your identity and unlock the phone in just 1 second!

As for other main menu, return and other functions, we also used others as replacements. For example, if you slide up from the bottom of the screen, you can switch out the program or return to the main menu!

Yu Dazui seemed to be suppressing a smile when explaining, but the netizens who watched did not pay attention at all. Instead, they were shocked to see the design and functions displayed by Xia Zhong on the screen for the latest mobile phone.

[Face recognition? What technology is this? Can faces be used to identify identities? 】

【What an awesome look! I have to say that Xia Wei really paid attention to his mobile phone this time. This mobile phone does look much better without buttons! 】

[I suddenly feel that the rich gold in my hand is no longer fragrant! 】

Lei Jun frowned completely when he saw this. The facial recognition and buttonless features were so irritating that Xia Wei's mobile phone might really be on the rise this time!

Similarly, people from Pingguo and Shanxing also looked at Xia Wei's new features on his phone with solemn expressions.

Fabian Keller called his secretary over, Go and call the mobile phone R\u0026D director Kagiso Giles!

Okay, President!

Yu Dazui's mouth didn't stop, and he continued to introduce: In addition to these two new functions, we once again bring an epoch-making technology, and that is the voice assistant!

Perhaps many people will compare our tone assistant with Siri from a certain manufacturer, but let me tell you, it is completely different.

Let me show it live now!

Classmate Xiaotian! Yu Dazui took out his T-series phone and shouted.

The mobile phone in his hand also lit up, and a special camera projected the image of the mobile phone in Yu Dazui's hand onto the big screen behind him.

Yes, I'm here! How can I help you? Xiaotian's activated tilde appeared in the middle of the screen, and a nice electronic female voice also sounded.

Help me open the Internet Yiyun Music and play a song.

Okay, Jay Chou's Fireworks Easily Cold has been played for you.

Then the phone in Yu Dazui’s hand really started playing music:

The sound of prosperity escapes into the empty door and disturbs the world.

The dream is cold, and a lifetime has passed, and there are many love debts.

It's raining heavily, and the vegetation is deep in my old hometown~

Classmate Xiaotian, the voice is too low. Please help me turn it up.

I heard that you are always alone~ (loudly)

Stop, this song is too sad. Classmate Xiaotian, can you change a song for me? Yu Dazui interrupted.

Okay, I've changed the song Listen to Mom ​​for you.

Kid, do you have a lot of questions?

Why, others are reading comics there, but I am learning to draw...

This time it was the turn of the audience and the netizens watching the live broadcast to be shocked and ask questions.

Yu Dazui showed more than that. He continued to show Xiaotian's new function-psychological dialogue and enlightenment.

Classmate Xiaotian, how do you give up someone you like very much?

As if thinking about this question, Xiaotian waited for several seconds before replying:

I'm very sorry to hear this question from you, sir. I can imagine that when you asked this question, you were also experiencing choices and pain in your heart. But feelings are too complicated, and everyone has their own experience, so I can't give you any advice. Your accurate answer.

But I suggest you calm down for a while and think carefully before making a decision. After all, some words once spoken can never be taken back. Some people may have missed it for the rest of their lives!

Ugh—— The audience at the scene completely exclaimed, and some even shouted: Is this the artificial intelligence in science fiction movies?

When Yu Dazui heard this, he shook his head and replied: It's not artificial intelligence. Xiaotian can only answer some of your psychological questions after reading a lot of tutorials and answers about psychological knowledge on the Internet.

This technology is a weak version of GPT trained by Ma Tian and Zheng Shijian based on machine learning, and it is only trained to answer psychological questions. It is not even the weakest GPT, let alone artificial intelligence.

But now it’s enough to shock people who see this feature.

Pingguo's Vice President Fabian Keller and R\u0026D Director Kagiso Giles looked at this picture together. Fabian Keller couldn't help but ask: What exactly is this function?

Kagiso Giles hesitated: President, I don't know what function this is! I don't even have a clue how to do it.

Kagiso Giles is telling the truth. He can still understand the previous functions such as switching songs, turning up, and turning down the volume, because they can be written in the code, but for normal conversations, the voice assistant must respond according to the question. Different answers.

And there are so many problems that it is impossible to write them into the code!

This is beyond his technical understanding!

Lei Jun's Xiaomi took a breath when he saw this. Is Xia Wei's skills so awesome? Why does it feel like his rice is low?

Online comments have also begun to change. Some people are already eager to buy this phone and want to know the price of this phone.

And Yu Dazui didn't show off, and directly told the answer, which happened to be exactly the same price as Pingguo's latest mobile phone, 5,288 yuan!

As soon as the price came out, the whole place was in an uproar, and various voices came out again.

Some say it's expensive, some say it's reasonable, and a few say it's cheap.

Fabian Keller's face was solemn. It was obvious that Xia Wei was coming to Pingguo's high-end mobile phone market. Xia Wei was coming with a lot of force.

When Ma Tian saw this, he also shut down the press conference. He had already done what he had to do.

Now that Xia Wei has attracted the first wave of firepower from the front, it's time for him to enter the next industry.

As for the next industry, he chose new energy vehicles!

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