My technology affects the whole world

Chapter 106 Solid-state batteries and car building

New energy vehicles are definitely the trend of the future, but as a manufacturing field, there are definitely many technical difficulties.

Ma Tian was collecting information in the laboratory with solemn eyes.

When it comes to new energy vehicles, you may be most familiar with pure electric vehicles, but there are more than just this type of new energy vehicles. There are also gasoline-electric hybrids, solid-state fuel cells such as hydrogen and methane, and other types.

Ma Tian was also thinking about which one to study first.

After much thought, Ma Tian decided to make the transition from gasoline-electric hybrids because he was afraid that pure electricity would be too advanced and people would not be able to accept it. Another problem was that it was too late to build charging piles.

As for solid-state fuel hydrogen cells and so on, Ma Tian's knowledge told him that this is the direction of technological breakthroughs in the future. This type of car should not be popularized now because the transportation and storage costs are too high. It will be difficult to popularize them unless these two problems are solved.

Having decided to develop a gasoline-electric hybrid first, Ma Tian immediately took action and prepared to break through the battery aspect first.

Conventional batteries are mainly divided into ternary lithium batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries, nickel metal hydride batteries, etc., each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

But Ma Tian will definitely not consider them. He will develop new batteries by himself to solve problems such as battery life and fast charging.

The research direction chosen by Ma Tian is solid-state batteries. The so-called solid-state batteries refer to lithium-ion batteries using solid electrolytes.

Different from the lithium-ion batteries and lithium-ion polymer batteries commonly used today, solid-state batteries are batteries that use solid electrodes and solid electrolytes. The biggest difference from the current mainstream traditional lithium-ion batteries lies in the electrolyte.

Solid-state batteries use solid electrolytes to replace the electrolytes and separators of traditional lithium-ion batteries.

Compared with liquid batteries, they have the advantages of faster charging, significantly higher energy density, higher safety, no fear of power loss at low temperatures, longer cycle life, and reduced need for thermal management.

Of course, such a good thing is naturally very difficult to develop.

The first difficulty in the development of solid-state batteries is the interface contact between the electrode and the electrolyte, which changes from the original solid-liquid contact to a solid-solid contact.

During the cycle, due to dendrite problems, it is easy to cause stress accumulation and electrochemical performance degradation. In severe cases, it may even lead to the appearance of cracks. Once cracks appear, the battery capacity will rapidly decay, and the cycle life will naturally be poor!

In addition, solid-state batteries also require electrode materials to have good stability and film-forming properties.

The final difficulty is packaging. Most lithium-ion batteries currently on the market use hot melt adhesive packaging technology. This technology has high uncertainty and cannot be used directly on solid-state batteries.

Once the battery is inefficient or recycled due to the failure of the packaging structure, the performance of the battery will be affected.

Understanding this knowledge, Ma Tian also began a new round of retreat in the laboratory. As a circular warrior who has reached Level 3 in electronics, materials science, physics, etc.

Ma Tian said that he is the second best researcher in the world, and no one should dare to say that he is the first in front of him.

The only thing missing is some inspiration! After all, this involves materials science, and materials science is sometimes called lottery science. If you win, you will be a big prize, if you don't, you will be thanked for your patronage.

But Ma Tian is rich, and he can smoke more than a hundred million times.

After working in the laboratory for a month, Ma Tian finally smoked a very good material, LiSiS! Composed of lithium metal as the anode, silicon nanotubes and a proprietary sulfur crystal solid electrolyte.

In the experimental environment, its energy density exceeds 5 times that of ternary lithium batteries, and it is very stable!

A week later, Ma Tian came out of the country with his own solid-state battery and named it Tianming Battery.

Compared with liquid batteries, it not only has the advantages of high safety, long cycle life, and wide temperature range, but its energy density has also reached an astonishing 500Wh/Kg. It has a battery life of more than 1,400 kilometers on a single charge, and supports fast charging. Fully charged in half an hour!

The battery is solved, now it’s time to build the first prototype car.

Ma Tian went directly to the Little Blue Car R\u0026D department and called Su Xihua and others for a meeting for the first time.

Recently, under the leadership of Su Xihua, a Ph.D. in engineering and mechanics, the Little Blue Car R\u0026D department has built a variety of bicycles.

There are weight-bearing bicycles specially used for exercise, tandem bicycles that can be ridden by two people but are only promoted in campuses and suburbs for safety reasons, and light bicycles for going to school and work.

Even the appearance and style have changed drastically. For example, in campus, in order to fit the aesthetics of girls, the handlebars have cute big eyes.

Anyway, now Tianyu Xinghai is the only one that dominates shared bicycles, and there is no need for an independent style, so it’s okay to try this.

Once launched, it was praised by everyone!

When Su Xihua heard Secretary Ma Tian's call for a meeting, he put down the wrench in his hand and brought several key engineers to the conference room. Ma Tian was already sitting in the main seat.

Mr. Ma! everyone greeted and sat down in order.

Ma Tian first looked around at the people and said directly: During this period, will you hand over your work and follow me to build cars?

Building a car? Mr. Ma, are you talking about a car? Su Xihua took the lead and asked.

Ma Tian nodded: Yes, it's a car!

Hearing Ma Tian's affirmative answer, Su Xihua also became excited. As a Ph.D. in engineering and mechanics, he had long been bored with building bicycles during this period because the challenge was too low.

He was originally planning to leave his job after designing the last batch of bicycles in a while. Unexpectedly, there was such good news today, and he quickly asked: Okay, Mr. Ma!

Go down and prepare. I should have a week to prepare for you, because there are still some equipment that have not been transported on the road! After Ma Tian said this, he waved his hand to end the meeting.

A week later, all the instruments and equipment were in place, and Su Xihua and others began to follow Ma Tian to build the first prototype car.

Su Xihua and others also began to witness Ma Tian's scientific research ability for the first time, especially Su Xihua who almost knelt down.

I saw Ma Tian casually dismantling the fuel vehicle, and then introduced them one by one to the principles of each electronic device, such as the engine, ignition system, throttle controller, etc., and picked them up at his fingertips.

Ma Tian did this on purpose. He wanted to teach Su Xihua and others about automobile machinery just like he brought Zheng Shi to see them.

Not to mention teaching them to be top automotive engineers, they must at least know how to control cars.

Su Xihua looked at the knowledgeable Ma Tian and sighed in his heart that there is no empty scholar under the reputation. Ma Tian's scientific research ability is definitely the most terrifying person he has ever seen in his academic career. His practical ability and solid knowledge are too terrifying!

In the days that followed, Su Xihua and others became students, wearing shirts with front pockets and carrying a ballpoint pen and a notebook to take notes.

Ma Tian also taught students in accordance with their aptitude. While talking, he also let them dismantle cars to consolidate their knowledge.

After almost two weeks of teaching, Ma Tiancai led them to start building and assembling the car body using their own equipment and machinery.

First of all, it must be modeling and designing the body.

There are too many things to consider when producing a car, such as cost, safety, aerodynamics, etc., are all issues that need to be considered.

Only then did Su Xihua and others realize that what they were building was not an ordinary fuel vehicle, but a new energy vehicle that was a hybrid of gasoline and electricity.

After the design is completed, there are four steps to build the car: punching, welding, painting, and assembly.

Tu was ignored by Ma Tian. The prototype car shouldn't be so flashy, it just needs to be able to run with a kick of the accelerator.

A month later, Ma Tiancai led them to build the first automatic new energy vehicle without doors.

Mr. Ma, let me test the car first. Your body is so precious, how can you be the first to test the car? When Su Xihua heard that Ma Tian was going to be the first to test the car, he quickly stopped him. He was worried about the risk.

Get out of the way, let me do it! Ma Tian refused.

Mr. Ma, for your precious body, we should take the risk of being the first to test drive! Su Xihua insisted.

Do you suspect there is something wrong with the car we built or do you have doubts about my technology? Ma Tian frowned and asked. This is an automatic transmission car and it has been tested in suspension operation. What risks can there be? He is quite confident in his scientific research level.

Besides, he was just walking around the park a few times. There were no cars on such a wide road. How could something happen to him?

Su Xihua didn't dare to stop him when he heard this, but he sat in the passenger seat, and several colleagues who also built the car also sat in the back row.

Obviously there is a coexistence or death mentality.

Ma Tian shook his head and chuckled: Sit tight!

Then he stepped on the accelerator and the car started and drove towards the factory road outside.


After seeing how easily the car accelerated and turned, several employees in the back row cheered happily.

The first sample car is almost ready!

All that's left is to install the necessary doors, seats, airbags, etc. and test the entire vehicle.

This also shows how difficult it is to make physical objects. Unlike the Internet, you can just set up a server and build a website. There are many things to consider when making physical objects, and the amount of testing required is excessive.

Ma Tian called Ji Leiming and Li Runqi over to start preparing to build a production workshop and recruit people.

The two of them took it for granted when they saw the prototype car that Ma Tian had developed. They were already used to Ma Tian's exaggerated research and development capabilities.

When he heard Ma Tian's request to build a production workshop, he nodded and took note.

Ji Leiming went down to make preparations, and Li Runqi watched Ma Tian report on the company's situation during this period.

“Brother Ma, the company is running steadily, there is nothing particularly big.

Oh, by the way, there is one thing that you may need to pay attention to. During the period when you were in seclusion and building a car, Lei Junkai from Dami came to see you several times, but I rejected you all with the excuse that you were busy!

However, before Lei Jun leaves, let me tell you that you can tell him when you are free and he will come to visit you!

Lei Jun? Ma Tian pondered, guessing Lei Jun's intention. The last time he saw Lei Jun was at the Little Blue Car National Championship for dinner and discussing the financing of Little Blue Car.

He came to me to ask about Xia Wei's facial recognition and voice assistant on his phone, right?

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