Lu followed his footsteps and looked back at he Zhijing. "At the beginning, you deliberately approached Shi ran in order to get Changhe international, and finally married her. Maybe you insisted on marrying Shi ran when you knew you had feelings for drunkenness. This is your choice. Am I right?"

He Zhijing didn't answer. What Lu Sui said was the truth. He had nothing to say.

"You said you wanted to marry Zui Zui, but if you can only choose between Changhe international and Zui Zui, I want to know what kind of choice you will make in the end." Lu Sui smiled and walked away.

Only he Zhijing stood in place, like petrified.

He understood what Lu Sui meant. Lu Sui did not intervene in Changhe international before. From now on, Lu Sui will enter Changhe international.

As long as Lu Sui intervenes in the affairs of Changhe international, it will be variable whether Changhe international will be surnamed he or Lu in the future.

If Lu Sui has a certain goal, he will do anything to achieve it. He will have a hard time in the future.

In the end, he was careless and forgot that Lu Sui looked gentle on the surface. In fact, he would retaliate for his vengeance. Later, Lu Sui would make mixed seeds for him all the time.

As he Zhijing expected, Lu Sui came to Changhe international at 10 a.m. that day. Mei said his name was to cooperate with Changhe international. Only he Zhijing knew that Lu Sui was secretly putting pressure on him.


Detective agency.

Shi Zui felt that sitting in the office was boring and simply went out to run the case.

At first everything went well until someone suddenly came out and shouted for help. She heard it clearly and jumped out of the car in a hurry. She saw two big men running after a child.

The children seemed to be in a panic and rushed to Shi Zui.

Seeing this, Shi Zui stepped forward and pulled the child behind her. She rushed to the two men and said, "what do you want to do in broad daylight?"

"Mind your own business and get out of the way!!" one of the strong men roared at Shi drunk.

The child hiding behind Shi Zui whispered, "they are human traffickers. They want to catch me to sell!"

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you with me." Shi Zui said, trying to call the police.

The two strong men seemed to see that the situation was unfavorable to them. They looked at each other, turned and ran away.

"Can you still be a human trafficker like this?" Shi Zui whispered silently.

She looked back at the little guy hiding behind her. As soon as she saw it, her heart beat faster.

The little guy's face was covered with dirt and ragged clothes. He looked very embarrassed. His eyes were as smart as black pearls.

She was staring at the children. Unexpectedly, the children suddenly jumped into her arms and shouted, "Mom..."

Shi Zui is not holding, nor is he holding. Why does the child suddenly recognize his mother? She looks kind. Does she look like a mother?

She was trying to push away the child in her arms, but she heard the little guy sobbing in a low voice, "Mom, will you be my mother? I'm a wild child no one wants. I feel like seeing my mother when I see my mother..."

Shi zuixiu thought the child was a self familiar. She didn't promise him, but he shouted "Mom" one by one. People who didn't know thought he was her own son who had been separated for many years.

Seeing more and more passers-by watching, Shi Zui was afraid that others would think he was a human trafficker and hurriedly pushed the children away.

Unexpectedly, the child jumped up again and held her thigh tightly. The naughty look was amazing.

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