After tossing for a while, Shi Zui finally pushed away the sticky children. She straightened her color and said, "what's your name and where do you live? I'll take you home now."

The child just blinked and looked at her with silent tears. He then hugged her thigh and cried, "my name is little catfish. I have no home. I'm a wild child no one wants. My mother doesn't want me, so I have to sleep on the overpass. Wow..."

Later, the little catfish cried loudly. The sad little appearance was really sad for the listener and tears for the listener.

When passers-by saw this scene, they pointed at Shi Zui one after another, as if Shi Zui was a bad mother who abandoned her child.

Shi Zui blushed and shouted to the catfish, "little ancestor, can you stop crying? People who don't know think I abandoned you..."

The little catfish sucked his nose and choked silently. He gently pulled Shi's drunken trouser: "it's my mother who abandoned me. Mom, I'll be very obedient in the future. Mom, don't don't want me."

"But I'm not your mother -"

"You are my mother!" the little catfish's tears fell down like broken pearls, and looked at Shi Zui bitterly.

Shi zuixiu thought she was a person without compassion, but when she saw the child crying so sad, her nose was sour. But how can she recognize children on the street? That's strange.

At this time, passers-by couldn't see it anymore. An aunt said, "Miss, your child is so cute and lovely. Are you still going to abandon him? You will be punished by heaven..."

"You're damned!" the little catfish roared at his aunt like a ferocious little lion.

Aunt saw that the little catfish was so scary that she didn't dare to talk any more and hurried away. I wondered how there could be such an ignorant child. No wonder he would be abandoned by adults.

Shi zuixiu also saw the fierce anger of the little catfish. Her heart was cold, and she increasingly felt that the child was not a good kind. She was afraid that another passer-by would meddle, so she simply pulled the little catfish into the car: "well, I'll take you to the police station..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the little guy nestled in the corner and cried.

For a time, she didn't know what to do. What could she do? She wouldn't bring the little catfish back to the village in the city, would she? The origin of the little catfish is unknown. If Shi Shi played tricks behind her back and wanted to frame her with her children, wouldn't she have been tricked by Shi Shi?

Especially the little catfish called her mother as soon as she saw her, which made her have to be vigilant.

She thought that the little catfish was probably made of water and could cry all the time. He cried very wronged and silent. He hid in the corner and cried silently.

Rao Shishi was drunk and hard hearted. She couldn't stand the attack of small catfish's tears. Finally, she was soft hearted: "otherwise, you go to the hotel with me for a while, and I'll take you to change a set of clean clothes. Wait until tomorrow, I'll send you to the welfare home."

At first, the little catfish was very happy. When he heard Shi Zui's words, he suddenly cried: "I don't want to go to the welfare home, I don't want to be an orphan..."

His cry confused Shi Zui. She didn't know what to do. She had no experience with children before, and had never seen such a crying child.

In a hurry, she came forward to hold the catfish, but she didn't know how to start.

Just when she was at a loss, the little catfish suddenly took the initiative to jump into her arms: "Mom, it's very poor to go into the orphanage. Will mom be my mother?"


Little catfish rolls and sells cute: "beautiful sisters, vote!!"

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