Zhang Yun finished and quickly chased out.

Lin Zhao's face was dark.

But in a moment, he had reacted and hurried to catch up. He grabbed in front of Zhang Yun and pulled Lu Wan into his car.

The little catfish saw this scene in Lu Wan's car. He got out of the car, went to Zhang Yun's car, scratched his head and said, "brother, can you take me to my aunt's gallery?"

Seeing that Lin Zhao's sports car soon disappeared in the street, Zhang Yun had no choice but to send the little catfish back to Lu Wan's gallery.

On the other side, Lu Wan didn't think much after being pulled into the car by Lin Zhao. Her energy was poor and her mind was heavy. She fell asleep when she got on the bus. Seeing Lin Zhao not talking, she soon fell asleep.

"Lu Wan, what do you want to do?!" Lin Zhao made such an opening statement for a long time.

After waiting for Lu Wan's response for a long time, he turned his eyes and found that Lu Wan was actually asleep.

He slowed down, then simply stopped at the roadside and looked at Lu Wan's green and white face in a daze. Obviously, he and she are husband and wife, and they have had the closest thing, but now looking at her closely, I think she is very strange.

Up to now, he has not figured out whether he has never known Lu Wan or whether Lu Wan has never been the way he imagined. Even he is at a loss.

He looked at Lu Wan's face absently, unaware of the passage of time.

Lu Wan fell asleep until her cell phone rang. She touched her cell phone and heard Shi Zui's voice. She shook her head: "I'm..."

Where is she? After seeing that this is Lin Zhao's sports car and she is still in Lin Zhao's car, she replied as if nothing had happened: "I'm on my way back to the company."

No, she seems to have left the little catfish?

If you lose the catfish, will Shi Zui kill her?

"The little catfish called me and said you were taken away by Lin Zhao. Are you sure you're okay?" Shi Zui added: "the little catfish is in the gallery. Don't worry about someone who can abduct him."

Lu Wan lost her smile and looked up at Shanglin with deep eyes. She didn't look away. "I'm such an adult. What can I do for you? Don't worry about me. That's it. I'll hang up first."

She cut off the phone before she could get to the bottom of the matter.

When she saw the car parked on the side of the road, she frowned and said, "I'll get off here."

She was about to get off, but Lin Zhao locked the door: "go to the hospital first."

Her voice was hoarse and her face was not good. She slept soundly after getting on the bus. At a glance, she knew that she had a serious cold.

Lu Wan didn't have the strength to argue, so she didn't speak. Lin Zhao sent her to the hospital. She did not expect that passers-by would take their photos and send them to the Internet when they saw their husband and wife in the same frame.

For a time, there were rumors on the Internet. Some people said that Shi Shi's lover was not very good. Lin Zhao accompanied his wife at the critical moment and accompanied Lu Wan to see obstetrics and gynecology.

Lu Wanxian was sent to the internal medicine department by Lin Zhao and saw a doctor. The doctor didn't dare to prescribe medicine for Lu Wan, but asked her to drink more water, rest more and worry less.

Seeing that the doctor couldn't clear Lu Wan's cold, Lin Zhao was a little angry, but he didn't know why he was angry. Then he took Lu Wan to obstetrics and gynecology.

"Haven't you seen the labor examination before?" the doctor didn't dare to look at Lu Wan and Lin Zhao.

Neither of them answered and had nothing to say.

The doctor didn't ask any more. After helping Lu Wan finish the examination, he asked her to have a birth examination every two weeks.

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